Sci-fi Fantasy Books
Masters of the Vortex
More particularly, safety devices which, while protecting against one agent of destruction, attract magnet-like another and worse. Such as the armored cable within the walls of a wooden house. It protects the electrical conductors within it against accidental external shorts; but, inadequately...
My Sweetheart’s the Man in the Moon
Not everyone will think of the firstmoon-flight as the first gloriousstep on the road to space. Therewill always, for instance, be thefast-buck boys like Lubrano....
Problem in Solid
Martin Hammer should have been prepared for anything. As the world's foremost producer of motion pictures, he should have taken any situation from earthquake to fatherhood without a qualm or a turned eyebrow. But Hammer had not seen everything—yet.
The Power and the Glory
Word of this power-source on the peak in Alaska had sounded fantastic even back in the States but it seemed to fascinate Slade, who could afford to indulge his whims. And he could afford to trust Miller—to a certain extent. Miller was in Slade’s hands and knew it.
Deny the Slake
Those couplets held (unless they lied)The reason why a world had died!
The Martian Shore
Shaan made the longestcrawl in history—to avoidcrawling before tyrants!
Hunt the Hog of Joe
The hog was deadly dangerous and virtuallyinvulnerable—but Planet Maggie's weirdlaws were what made the hunt really tough!
The Gregory Circle
Murfree was a physicist, not a doctor of medicine and his salary at the Bureau was four thousand two hundred dollars a year with an appropriate Civil Service rating. He added the several odd events together, and they were convincing. But the answer was apparently impossible.
Victorious Failure
With good reason, Professor H. Klauson hesitated; his wife's arms were holding him with a strangely insistent urgency and fear. He tried to disengage himself, but not with much enthusiasm. Although he had not admitted it to anyone but the Presidium's psycho-medic staff, he was afraid, too...
Donkeys to Bald Pate
The mule was left alone on the deserted corner, except for the recumbent, blimp-like figure of the senator. The animal took its feet down from the platform, moved around it to look at the prone politician. As the animal's investigating nose snuffed at the senator's face, he came to life with a...