A Diamond in My Pocket by Lorena Angell - HTML preview

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A Diamond in My Heart

Chapter 1 - Freedom



I used to scoff at magical powers and abilities, used to have this amazing focused direction in life and didn’t allow my time to be wasted on silly conspiracy theories or gossip. I certainly didn’t believe in the existence of any superpowers or unnatural abilities—until I became the first person on earth to display all the known powers and abilities.

A few months ago, I learned first-hand that cosmic energy rays exist and have always existed, and that nearly everyone on the planet has been affected by them in one way or another.

My mother, Dr. Charlotte Courtnae, and I belong to a rare bloodline of purity that exempts us from the effects of those cosmic energy rays. Something about our DNA protected us while we were in the womb, and we were never “altered.” We are unchanged, unaffected. Unlike me, she doesn’t know she’s an Unaltered.

Living on a planet where I’m a member of this minority isn’t so bad, really. Those with powers and abilities who think they can rule the world have no control over me. My mind cannot be read by the Readers. My future remains unseen by the Seers. Healers cannot manipulate my body, and I’m untraceable to a Hunter, for I have no scent. Runners would technically have the advantage over me if I were a regular Unaltered like my mother. But I’m not regular. I’m not ordinary.

I’m an Unaltered Diamond Bearer.

I carry a piece of the Sanguine Diamond within my heart, which gives me every known power and ability plus a couple bonus powers. Maetha, my mentor and the person responsible for the jewel in my heart, hasn’t admitted anything, but I suspect she bears a diamond shard in her heart as well. I plan on asking more questions when she comes to visit.

Five months have passed since I returned from the Runner’s Compound in Montana. It feels like an eternity ago. I finished up my junior year in high school and welcomed the summer months as a time I could develop my powers. I’ve had to be more careful when using my abilities. When I healed my neighbor’s broken hip right after I returned, I didn’t think he would tell my parents—or the whole neighborhood, for that matter. My parents, being the doctors that they are, suspected dementia rather than believe I might have the ability to heal using my mind. Lesson learned. Now I only try to use my healing power when I’m in large crowds.

The last couple of weeks, I’ve been helping at my mother’s counseling clinic while her regular receptionist, Evelyn, is on vacation. Today I’m supposed to take a couple files over to the Behavioral Health Center two blocks away. I could easily walk, but I figure I’ll hit the Coffee Shack on the way back as an excuse to drive my new cherry-red Mini Cooper.

My parents bought me the car when I came home from Clara Winter’s “Olympic” training camp. They were told I’d been in an automobile accident that resulted in injuries which had disqualified me for this go around of competition. I think they assumed I’d be bummed about being sent home and thought the Cooper would cheer me up . . . and they were right. I know I’m fortunate to be the only child of two doctors and that most kids my age would be lucky to get a rusted-out, dented, twenty-year-old car, so I try not to brag. Needless to say, any opportunity to get behind the wheel excites me to no end.

I take the files to be delivered and leave the building. I climb into my vanilla-scented car and start the engine. After making sure the mirrors are in the correct position, I carefully back the car out of the parking spot. Turning back around to put the car in drive, I see a man leaning against the building I’d just exited.

Strange. I hadn’t noticed him before.

He stands around six-feet tall, with well-trimmed black hair, and I guess his age to be mid-forties. He has a square jaw line, straight nose, and his eyes are hidden behind black sunglasses. His long, black trench coat is open in front, revealing a lanky frame dressed in a T-shirt and faded blue jeans. Square-toed motorcycle boots peek out below the hemline of his jeans, hinting at the possibility he owns a Harley. His trench coat reminds me of what cowboys wear in the old Western movies my father loves to watch.

This man doesn’t fit the profile of the normal patrons of the clinic. I decide to use my Hunter ability to smell the air around me, searching for his scent. Perhaps I’ll be able to determine if he has a cosmic power. The smell of his leather duster, jeans and tee-shirt fills my nose. However, this man has no personal scent, which raises alarms.

My attention is pulled away by an approaching car. I move my car out of the way and look back for the scent-less man, but he’s gone. I drive away to deliver the files, realizing I haven’t met anyone other than Maetha and my mother who doesn’t have a scent.

When I arrive at the Coffee Shack after delivering the files, I see him again. This time he’s leaning up against a pick-up truck with his thumbs hooked in the front pockets of his jeans. My first thought is he must be a Runner, but the fact he doesn’t have a scent cancels that out. This man is clearly an Unaltered. I’ll be waiting for a few minutes until the two cars in front of me have their orders filled, so I decide to exercise my ability to probe his mind—one more opportunity to practice the powers of the diamond on unsuspecting subjects. I reach out with my mind to penetrate his thoughts, but find it hard to feel any kind of mind or thought process. Then, without warning I’m hit with a mental force so strong the wind is knocked out of my lungs. My fingers death-grip the steering wheel while I try to regain my breath.

A smooth, deep voice enters my head. How is it a young girl like you is able to read minds?

My lungs burn with the need for air as my mind swims around the realization this man is projecting his thoughts into my mind. Maetha told me this type of projection power died out over the years and the power only exists inside the complete Sanguine Diamond. The vision I had on the stone altar led me to believe there is more than one diamond. I only have a piece of the diamond now, and cannot communicate telepathically anymore. So, I put my thoughts at the front of my mind, figuring if he has this power he must have other powers too—he must possess a diamond.

Did Maetha send you? I ask with my mind.

Maetha? So she’s behind this?

Bingo! He knows about Maetha.

Behind what? I question. My lungs finally relax and I am able to inflate them properly.

He readjusts his stance and takes off his sunglasses, revealing heavy eyebrows hovering above squinted eyes. I wonder why he removed his shades. Is he trying to get a better look at me? He must be reading my mind because he puts them back on.

Who died for you? he asks, assuming I’ll know what he means.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

The car behind me honks to alert me to pull forward one spot. I do so.

Maetha still operates with the same deception, I see. You should take my advice, little girl. Get as far away from her as you can.

Why should I listen to you?

Because I know her better than just about anyone else!

His statement makes my hair stand on end. What’s your name? I ask.

I don’t go by one. Names are mere labels that inhibit progression. I prefer to be recognized by what I offer. Today I offer freedom. You may think of me as your freedom.

Ooh-kaaay. I am officially freaked out! Oh, I won’t be thinking of you at all, bucko!”

The car in front of me pulls forward and I follow—only I don’t stop at the window. I press the gas pedal to the floor, leaving tread marks on the pavement.

My heart races and my eyes check the rear-view mirror repeatedly as I speed through traffic on my way back to the office. My compact Mini slices through tight spots with the ease of a bobsled. The further I travel away from the creepy man, the more my clenched jaw begins to relax . . . until I arrive back at the office, where I discover “Mr. Freedom” leaning against the building in the same spot as before. I should have realized his diamond would afford him the running ability, but I’m still surprised to see him.

Calli, when you decide to utilize my help, all you’ll have to do is ask. His lips part in an almost evil smile, revealing perfectly straight white teeth. Then he turns and walks away.


*  *  *


A couple of days have passed since I saw him, and I can’t help but frequently look over my shoulder. I still experience the same panic when I think about the man I’ve come to refer to as “Freedom.” His whole demeanor left me feeling uneasy. It’s just fine with me if I never meet him again.

I wonder how he found me. Did he seek me out, or was he passing through and detected a difference in me compared to other people? I also ponder what he said.

More than anything, I wonder how many other Unaltereds have diamonds in their hearts.

Maetha said she’d come and train me to visualize auras, like my roommate, Beth, from the Runner’s compound. But I haven’t heard from her yet. Now that I understand all unaltered humans have identifiable auras, whether or not they have a diamond, I’m excited to learn how to spot other people like me. I certainly don’t want to go around smelling everyone, trying to find those without a scent. Being able to view auras would make things so much easier.


*  *  *


An important date is fast approaching: the day Chris Harding resigns as a spy.

I would love to go to see him . . . to get my “Chris fix.” I could watch him from a distance and he wouldn’t need to know I was present. But what if he saw me? What would that do to him? He’d be reminded of the pain we suffered because of Maetha. Not only would he be tortured further, it would also be painful for me. I was several years older in the vision than I am now.

I know I will see him again, but I also know now is not that time. He, on the other hand, doesn’t—and shouldn’t—know I have powers. From his perspective, the whole chain of events was manipulated, just as he and I were. Not to mention the fact that in his vision I was a Healer, not the ordinary human he now believes I am.

If I were present at his resignation, he would come to the conclusion I have Seer or Reader abilities, which I would need in order to know his plans. I discard the idea of showing up to see him, but the longing to do so doesn’t leave me.


*  *  *


Book two in The Unaltered Series, A Diamond in My Heart is available on Smashwords and other websites where ebooks are sold.


Other books in The Unaltered series by Lorena Angell:

A Diamond in My Heart, book 2, The Unaltered

The Diamond of Freedom, book 3, The Unaltered

The Diamond Bearers’ Destiny, book 4, The Unaltered

The Diamond Bearer’s Secret, book 5, The Unaltered

The Diamond Bearers’ Rising, book 6, The Unaltered

The Diamond Bearer’s Ring, book 7, The Unaltered



Connect with Lorena Angell at:


Twitter: @LorenaAngell1

Facebook: The Unaltered Diamond Series

Instagram: the.unaltered.series


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