A FULL LIFE by Michel Poulin - HTML preview

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Woodley Park District

Some 250 meters away from the scene of Karen Tandy’s murder, Nancy was having her first cup of coffee of the morning in the kitchen of her band’s mansion when she heard the distinct noise of a large caliber rifle being fired once. She instantly froze and activated all her senses, both the Human ones and the Celestial ones. Just minutes ago, she had been listening to the latest news on the radio, which were talking nearly exclusively about the terrorist attack on the Laredo border station. She also knew that many high-level federal executives lived in the upper-scale neighborhood of Woodley Park, thus connected the dots quickly: this was no accidental discharge of a firearm, not with the kind of caliber of rifle she had just heard. Putting down her cup of coffee, she then rushed out through the rear portico of her mansion, which faced southwest towards the nearby Normanstone Park, less than 300 meters away. She was still wearing nothing but her panties but she didn’t care about that or gave it any thought, only preoccupied with finding out what was happening. Deciding than inquiring around on foot would be a waste of precious time, she used her power of telekinesis and flew off in


the cold October air, heading towards the general direction of the shot she had heard.

As she was overflying Normanstone Terrace Northwest, she saw a big black SUV that was driving at full speed towards the corner with 30th Street Northwest. Instantly suspicious about it, she telepathically scanned its occupants to see if they were the ones who had fired a rifle. What she mentally saw made her clench her jaws in anger.

Instead of pursuing the black SUV, Nancy instead increased her speed in order to get quickly to the wooden area of Normanstone Park adjacent to Normanstone Terrace Northwest and started looking for vehicles parked near or among the trees of the park.

She quickly enough spotted a gray sedan parked among the first lines of trees and started flying down towards it. At about the same time, she saw a man wearing dark clothes and apparently carrying a rifle run to that car and throw his rifle inside on the back seat before jumping in the front passenger seat. The driver of the car must have had left his engine running, as he drove off as soon as the armed man closed his door.

‘’Oh no, you won’t!’ said Nancy to herself before using her power of teleportation to jump to a point of the road in front of that gray car. Her apparition out of nowhere startled and confused for a moment the driver, who exclaimed in Spanish.

‘’What the fuck? Where is this chick coming from?’

His accomplice, equally startled, however reacted quickly.


A kind of small but bright blue ball then appeared in the right palm of the nearly naked girl standing in the middle of the road. Before the two assassins could wonder what that ball could be, it flew at them in a flash, hitting directly the front of the vehicle and then exploding in a searing ball of blue energy which vaporized the whole engine compartment and parts of the cab. The two men died instantly, incinerated by the ball of energy. What was left of the car then careened down the road in a shower of sparks before coming to a stop a mere ten meters in front of Nancy. The latter stared for a moment at the blackened remains of the car, then started to calmly walk towards it. Just at that time, the DEA’s SUV approached at speed, having just turned onto Normanstone Drive Northwest. The rookie agent driving the SUV looked with disbelief at the nearly naked girl now walking calmly towards what was left of a gray car.

‘’Who the Hell is that? What just happened here?’

‘’Let’s worry about that later, Jenny. Stop the car near that wreck but keep a few yards away from it, in case that its fuel tank ignites. We will then both go out and investigate this.’


To her credit, the rookie agent again acted as told, screeching to a halt on the side of the road some eight meters from both the wreck and the girl. Jenny and Robert then jumped out and pointed her pistols at the girl.


Robert Murray then had to pause as he stared in disbelief at the naked, beautiful blonde girl: both of her eyes were intense dots of light. Both DEA agents then heard a woman’s voice inside their heads, despite the lips of the girl staying closed.

‘’Do not fear me, as I have only good intentions. I just stopped and killed the two men who assassinated Administrator Tandy. If you make it quick, you will still have the time to retrieve the rifle they used before the gas tank ignites. Better yet, let me get it for you.’

The blond girl then pointed one arm towards the remains of the car. Murray, who was still frozen with disbelief, saw something come out of the back of the car and then float towards him. He quickly enough recognized the object as being a bolt-action, large caliber rifle equipped with a scope. As he was grabbing the rifle once it came close to him, he then heard the girl speak to him, this time in a normal way.

‘’No need to point your weapons at me, officers. I am on your side.’

‘’Who...who are you?’ asked Jenny, her voice shaky.

‘’My name is Nancy Dows, also known as ‘The White Angel’. I live nearby and heard the rifle shot, then decided to come and investigate. Please lower your gun, miss.’

Jenny hesitantly lowered her pistol but kept it in her hands while slowly approaching the young naked woman. By now, the eyes of the blonde had become normal, showing blue eyes.

‘’The White Angel?’

‘’Yes! The people of New York called me that after I used my powers of healing to cure the sick and the wounded in the city a few years ago. I am half-Human and half-Celestial. I am also the leader of the female band ‘The D.C. Five’. You certainly must have heard about it, miss.’

‘’Uh, yes. I recognize you now, Miss Dows. Why did you go out like this, nearly naked?’

‘’I was having my first coffee of the morning when I heard that rifle shot and decided that speed was of the essence. If my nudity embarrasses you, I can go back to my house and dress quickly, to then come back here.’


Undecided about that, Jenny looked at Robert, who nodded his head and spoke to Nancy.

‘’You may go dress, miss. What is your home address?’

‘’26 Woodland Drive Northwest.’ answered Nancy before looking at the cars and trucks who were now stopped some distance from the destroyed car. ‘’I believe that we should free this road in order to let these people continue on their way. Hopefully, some police patrol cars will soon show up, so that you could be free to search the remains of that car.’

‘’I already called for backup, miss. The police should be here shortly.’

‘’Then, I better go, before I get arrested for public indecency.’ replied a smiling Nancy. She then stunned Robert and Jenny by suddenly disappearing into thin air.

Jenny passed a shaking hand on her sweating forehead after seeing that.

‘’Dear God! This young woman is just incredible.’

‘’That’s because she is, Jenny. I now remember the stories about her. She IS

an authentic angel, with lots of supernatural powers. Alright, let’s direct the traffic around that car wreck. I will call this in at the same time.’

Less than eight minutes later, as eight freshly-arrived Washington Police Department officers were now directing traffic around the burned-up car wreck, Nancy reappeared close to one of the policemen, startling him and making him draw his pistol and pointing it at her. However, that pistol then acted as if it had a life of its own, rising and pointing up towards the sky despite the two-handed grip on it used by the policeman. Nancy then gave that cop a dubious look.

‘’Careful where you point your gun, Officer. I am part of the good guys.’

Seeing this, Robert Murray hurriedly spoke up, addressing the police officers who were now drawing their guns out.


Murray then walked to Nancy, who now wore an informal outfit of jeans, T-shirt, windbreaker coat and running shoes.

‘’Thank you for coming back, Miss Dows. As you can see, we now have control of the scene here. We are now waiting for a forensic team to arrive and pick up these two dead men from the remains of their car. Once it will be here, we will return to Administrator Tandy’s house, where two of our agents are now watching over her body.’

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‘’Could I accompany you then, mister? I would like to present my respects to her.’

‘’You may, miss. Again, thank you for your intervention in stopping her assassins from fleeing.’

‘’It was the least I could do, mister. However, I am afraid that she won’t be the last innocent victim of the Los Zetas in this war.’

‘’A war?’ said Jenny Manning, making Nancy nod once to her.

‘’Yes, a war. The Los Zetas sent an ultimatum to the United States yesterday and President Bush rightfully rejected it. Now, the Los Zetas will feel free to use maximum violence against us in order to intimidate and deter us. The question now is: will the United States respond in full to this challenge or will it only pussyfoot around?’

08:52 (Central Time, Mexico)

United States Consulate General,