A Million Bodies by Erica Pensini - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


Distaste more than fear is what I feel when I hear the voice, and I turn around, spitefully, to identify its source.

There’s a man standing a couple of meters away from us, not tall but corpulent and opulent. His traits are distorted with anger.

“Something I am forbidden to learn?” I repeat, “How so?”

“You’ve always been a rebel, haven’t you?” he replies.

I observe him closely, trying to recall when we’ve met, but to no avail.

“Always? Since when have you known me?” I ask.

“Since always, although your dismal mind cannot grasp the concept. You see why you cannot learn-”, he starts and stops abruptly as I return to the book, ignoring his words.

In the year 1850 Iris Sigurdsson departed for a perilous expedition to find the key to the restoration of her father’s authority, and of her family’s longevity. Many enemies

“Enough!” the man shouts without moving, and the book snaps close.

Now I am frightened, but not enough to surrender. I sense the man’s vulnerable side lurking under his thick flesh, his magic tricks.

“Many enemies, says the book. From your attitude I gather you are one of them,” I challenge him.

He looks at me aggressively, his eyes bulging as if he could grab me with his mere gaze. Perhaps he can, but I know – for reasons I cannot explain – that he won’t.

I stare at him for a dilated instant, and I am about to give up trying to define identity when a forgotten image flashes back to my mind.

“Uncle Ludwig…” I remember.