A Million Bodies by Erica Pensini - HTML preview

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Chapter 49


I keep my eyes on the pulsating dot, my hope revived. Perhaps I am not alone. Gushes of wind from outer space start to blow, and I suddenly realize that I am almost naked, barely covered by some battered remnants of clothing loosely hanging on me. I am tempted to ball up to try and warm my skinny body, but I stand there, tense towards the pulsing light.

I wonder if it will ever approach me and detect my presence, and right when I am asking myself the question it flashes with renewed intensity, grows bigger and splits into two racing dots.

“Wow!” I exclaim, smiling for the first time after a time too long to remember.

The dots become bigger, and now I am undeniably sure it is coming my way. It gets closer and closer, and at last I can clearly distinguish two spaceships. One is mine! I know it’s mine, I can recognize it!

I raise my arms, exhilarated, and scream “Hello!” with uncontainable happiness. I am still jumping in the air, unable to contain my enthusiasm, when an arm elongates from the ship, reaching towards me.

I hop on the platform, praying that I’ll find Arthur on my spaceship. I close my eyes and begin whispering his name, as if the intensity of my thoughts could cause him to incarnate before me.

My eyes are still closed when the arm stops moving, and I hear a mechanic click. I open them and a door opens, letting me in the protected atmosphere of the ship. The winds subside and a suffused light envelops me, soothing and warm.

And I see Arthur.

“Iris!” he greets me, as I rush toward him, hugging him tighter than I ever have, unable to speak.

“Hey, calm down. You’ve made it at last!” he smiles, gripping my shoulder as he observes me.

Of course I’ve made it! What do you think?” I laugh, as the past struggles appear suddenly irrelevant.

“I was sure you’d make it, don’t get so defensive,” he tells me, and I laugh again.

“I’m not defensive, I just want to know who’s in the other spaceship out there,” I reply, playing chill.

“Ah, I was just wondering why you hadn’t asked yet,” Arthur winks.

“So?” I insist.

“So,” he echoes, taking me by the hand and bringing me to the control room.

“Are you ready?” he asks, while pressing a button.