A Trekkie’s Unofficial Book Summaries Volume Three by Geoff Canham - HTML preview

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Voyage to Adventure (ST-OS Which-Way book)

Michael J. Dodge


This is a Which Way book that lets you decide at the bottom of each page which choice to make, and you are then told which page to continue from. This could be seen as an example of how the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics works – or not. Multiple universes get complicated. I’ll give three examples of what happens as I make different choices. With this book, you start of as an ensign newly assigned to the Enterprise and have to choose what assignment you want.


You choose to work in Engineering and a crewman assigns you to clean up the place with a sweeper. Something skitters across the floor and you follow it and find a loose wall panel. Removing the panel, you see a tunnel and decide to investigate. You find your way by the light on the sweeper and come to a small room where you see a collection of parts on the floor and a robotic mouse. You swing the sweeper at it, but the sweeper hits the wall and the light goes out, leaving you in total blackness apart from the glowing red eyes of the robot. Not knowing which way to turn and surrounded by high-voltage cables, you hope someone will rescue you.


You choose to work on the bridge and are assigned to assist Uhura who is investigating a signal that seems to just be beeps and chirps. As you listen to it, you hear words that says the message is from the Takoi, and they need help because they are dying. The Enterprise heads to that planet, but the only lifesigns are deep below the planet’s surface. You are included in the away team because you were able to hear the message. You get separated from the other away team members but end up in the same chamber where the Takoi and the away team are. The Takoi have a disease that is killing them and they need help curing it. McCoy says he would need more information about them to be able to assist, and their female ruler takes off her decorative collar and says it can give you the needed information, because you are attuned to their messages. You agree to use it and are quickly able to give McCoy the information he needed. Unfortunately, there was an unexpected side effect that made your body disappear and you end up in a place of song, along with the spirits of the ancient Takoi.


You choose to work in the Science Laboratory and meet Spock who is studying the effect in this region where time doubles back on itself. When part of Spock’s equipment explodes, you attempt to rescue him and find the two of you are in a different science lab, which turns out to be the one on the Enterprise 40 years earlier. Security guards burst in, declaring an intruder alert and stun Spock. You escape, find yourself a uniform from that era and make your way back to the science lab. There you find two Spocks, the one from this era and the one from yours, and your Spock says you must hurry while the time window is still open. The two of you find yourselves back in the science lab of your day, with Kirk there saying he had been looking for you. Spock says the two of you had been doing an experiment but had been on the Enterprise the whole time.


Phaser Fight (ST-OS Which-Way book)

Barbara Siegel and Scott Siegel


This is another Which Way book, and again I’ll take three trips through it. With this book you are an ensign newly assigned to the Enterprise and you meet Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Then you are asked who you like to be assigned to first.


You choose Kirk and arrive at the bridge just as the Enterprise encounters a belt of unusual meteors that get through the shields and rock the ship. When Chekov is thrown to the floor and is knocked out, so you are assigned to navigation. The Enterprise escapes from the meteor belt and then it is announced that there is a planet where none was recorded before. Kirk orders the Enterprise to go there to investigate but the path you select takes the ship through the edge of Klingon space and the Enterprise is intercepted by a fleet of Klingon ships. You get shields up in time to protect against the Klingon weapons, then plot an escape route past a black hole. However, the power needed for the shields is slowing the ship down, so you drop them, but the Klingons choose that moment to fire again, and the Enterprise is destroyed.


You choose Spock and he sets out to show you around the ship when, suddenly, the ship is rocked by an explosion. Spock checks his tricorder and believes that an invisible ship is alongside, and he suggests someone should beam across and try talking to them. Nobody else can be reached, and you convince Spock that the logical person to try is yourself. However, when you try beaming, you find yourself on what you think is the bridge of another Enterprise. You tell them to stop firing on the Enterprise and Kirk think’s you’ve snapped and has you taken to McCoy. Before McCoy can sedate you, you escape and hurry back to the transporter room and find Spock being attacked by glass-like creatures. You try firing your phaser at one of them but miss, setting off the fire alarm. The creatures shatter, and while Spock had discovered that their structure reflects back any energy source directed at them, sound turns out to be their weak point. When that is explained to Kirk, he praises you instead of having you certified.


You choose McCoy who then finds that some kind of epidemic has started. You realize that everyone has started aging rapidly. McCoy whips up a serum that he hopes will be a cure and goes to test it on himself, but you grab it and swallow it yourself. It doesn’t cure you, but it does let you hear a voice saying that the disease must be destroyed along with everyone carrying it, and you have a vision of a giant hand reaching out to crush the Enterprise. You convince Kirk to raise shields which stops the hand when it arrives. The hand belongs to the last surviving member of an extremely long-lived race in another galaxy that grow to extreme size as they age. Even with accelerated aging the creature has been battling the disease for thirty-one million years, and you convince it to give you another 30 minutes. McCoy comes up with another serum just in time, you test it, and it works. The Enterprise crew are restored to their normal age and a batch of the serum is beamed into the alien creature, healing him.


Worlds in Collision (ST-OS)

Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens


The two books ‘Memory Prime’ and ‘Prime Directive’ reissued together under a new title in order to get fans buying a book they’ve already read.


The Higher Frontier (ST-OS)

Christopher L. Bennett


Some humans (calling themselves New Humans) had started to show advanced telepathic abilities since the events with V’Ger, including some members of the Enterprise crew. Then the Aenar, a telepathic group of Andorians who lived in an isolated town, Aenar Compound, in the frozen north of Andoria are attacked and everyone there killed. The only surviving Aenar are the few who had become integrated into general Andorian society and some who had been away from the compound when the attack had occurred. The Enterprise, together with the Medusan named Kollos and Doctor Miranda Jones, is sent to help investigate the attack and establish how the attackers had transported through the shields. There they meet Thelin th’Valrass, who they had encountered at the Guardian of Forever, or at least a Thelin from a different timeline. It is discovered that there were only about five attackers (who become known as Naazh, ‘demons’ in Andorian). To protect the surviving Aenar, they are brought aboard the Enterprise. However, the Naazh even manage to get through the Enterprise’s advanced shields. The Aenar had been housed on the recreation deck and Kollos and the New Human crewmembers join them to try to face off the Naazh but then an explosion occurs, venting the rec deck to space, and it is believed that everyone in there was vaporized and their atoms lost to space. A Vulcan crewperson, T’Nalae, who had serious reservations about telepathic humans and Andorians because they have no special brain structure to enable it like the paracortex in Vulcans, is among those lost, and she had appeared to be trying to help the Aenar. The Enterprise’s second 5-year mission ended seven months later, and Kirk became an Admiral again with Spock becoming captain of the Enterprise and attached to the Academy. About three months later, Naazh attacks start against groups of New Humans, and the Medusans offer the New Humans sanctuary. The Enterprise (with Admiral Kirk and Captain Spock), along with the Reliant (with Chekov as Second Officer), the Asimov (with Scotty and Uhura) and a few other ships go to collect the New Humans from the various planets they are on and take them to Medusan space. Among them is Doctor Jones. The Naazh were planning an attack on the New Humans aboard the Enterprise, but Captain Spock was on the lookout and recognized T’Nalae when she boarded the Enterprise along with New Human refugees brought by the U.S.S. Palmares (which also had Doctor Christine Chapel aboard). The explosion aboard the Enterprise had been staged by Kollos in order to rescue the Aenar and the New Human crew-people, and the Naazh had escaped by their own means. The Naazh were people from this universe (including humans, at least one Andorian, one Romulan, and others who felt strongly against the Aenar and New Humans) and had been fitted out as almost invincible fighters by ‘The Lords’ from another dimension. The Spectres were spectral beings of the same type as the Lords, but who had disagreed with them and fled to our universe. They had hidden themselves inside the Aenar and some humans, and although they were latent, they gave some telepathic abilities to their ‘hosts’. Now they were awakening and able to give their hosts more power. T’Nalae is forcibly separated from her Lord, but her Vulcan abilities allows her to maintain a tenuous link to it, so when the Medusans take them to the planet Ceto, hidden in a pocket universe, T’Nalae is able to inform the Lords where it is. One group of Naazh attack the Aenar and New Humans on the planet (with Kirk among them) while others set up orbital weapons, planning to destroy all life on the planet. Spock talks T’Nalae into allowing a mindmeld and is able to show her how the Lords have been using the Naazh and plan to destroy them too when they have dealt with the Spectres and their hosts. Not all the Naazh accept what has been going on, even when their Lords leave them and deprive them of their protection, but the attack on Ceto is thwarted. About half the New Humans decide to separate from their Spectres, but the rest opt to stay with the Aenar on Ceto. While the Lords have received a serious defeat, it is felt best if the whole event is kept secret and hushed-up. Kirk’s old second officer, Gary Mitchell had had a Spectre and the sudden awakening brough about by the shock of the galactic barrier had driven Mitchell and his Spectre mad, so Kirk comes to realize that Gary hadn’t been responsible for his actions. [Timeline: During the years 2278-2279, several years after the events in ‘Star Trek: The Motion Picture’ and several years before the events in ‘Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan’]


Agents of Influence (ST-OS)

Dayton Ward


The U.S.S. Endeavour, with Captain Atish Khatami, is sent to rendezvous with three Starfleet agents (Morgan Binnix, Phillip Watson, and David Horst) who have been working undercover on Qo’noS for three years and are escaping after they realize their cover has been blown. Their Klingon names had been Liska, Kvaal and Toraq. The rendezvous takes place in the dense Ivratis asteroid field, but the Endeavour is intercepted by a Klingon D7 battle cruiser, and then both ships mysteriously lose power. The Klingon ship’s momentum causes it to crash catastrophically into an asteroid. The drive section of the Endeavour has to be jettisoned because the antimatter containment systems are failing, and the primary hull/saucer section lands in a canyon on an asteroid, where it is concealed. They do get a short message sent out, hinting at the recovery the three agents, and (in case the message in intercepted) talks of the warp core being about to explode, but also drops hints about survivors. Admiral Nogura, who was the handler for the three agents, calls in the Enterprise for a rescue mission, and Nogura joins the crew for the mission. Kirk, Sulu and Uhura are sent off in a converted personnel transport craft, the Dreamline, that can travel more easily in the denser sections of the asteroid field, while Spock is left in charge of the Enterprise. The Dreamline encounters some Orion pirates, and it soon becomes apparent that the Orion Syndicate are working with a research team from the Klingons’ Imperial Intelligence to perfect a field that disables technology. This is a more advanced version of the technology that the Enterprise had previously come across at an encounter with Captain Koloth’s ship, the Devisor, and is being conducted in the non-aligned Ivratis field to give the Klingons plausible deniability in the event of discovery. Kirk discovers the Endeavour, but then it becomes increasingly clear that there is a saboteur aboard the Endeavour and suspicion initially focuses on one or more of the agents. An attack by the Orions nearly proves successful after two sabotaged phaser cannons explode and Kirk hesitates at a vital moment allowing the Orions to disable one of the Endeavour’s impulse engines that was providing the remains of the ship with power. However, the Orion attack is otherwise thwarted, but the saboteur manages to send out a message to the Klingons, saying where the Endeavour was located. The saboteur (Mi’zhan, who was masquerading as Lieutenant Ivan Tomkins, having joined the crew after the events at Vanguard Station) also kills Lieutenant Commander Yataro (Endeavour’s chief engineer) and Agent Horst and then disables the other impulse engine when Captain Khatami also hesitates at a vital moment. Tomkins is then taken captive, but the Endeavour is left with no shields as Commander Karamaq (who was in charge of security for the Klingons’ research base) stages an attack on the Endeavour. Happily, Master Chief Rideout, assisted by Binnix and Watson, find a way around the damage and gets the shields up at the last possible moment. The Enterprise had located the research base and allowed the researchers (led by Le’tal) to quickly evacuate the base before destroying it, and then the Enterprise turns up at the Endeavour’s location in time to thwart any follow-up attack by Karamaq. The crew of the Endeavour, along with the surviving two agents, are evacuated aboard the Enterprise, and a team of Starfleet engineers will be sent to see if the saucer section of the Endeavour is repairable and recoverable. [Timeline: early 2270, circa Stardate 6045.8, during the final year of the Enterprise’s five-year mission under Captain Kirk]


A Contest of Principles (ST-OS)

Greg Cox


Vok is a planet about to hold its first free election after years of military rule, and it has invited the Federation to oversee the election. Ozalor is a planet in another system that has a long-standing dispute with the Federation, and the people of both Vok and Ozalor claim the planet Braco in a third system as their ancestral home, and both think they should have dominion over it, and Braco shows visible signs of the war fought over it in the past. The Enterprise is sent to Vok, taking Commissioner Imogen Dare to team up with her assistant, Steve Tanaka, who has been working with the planetary authorities to prepare for the election. The candidates are General Gogg, representing a continuation of the previous regime, and Doctor Ceff who represents more progressive ideas. An attack happens at a Ceff rally, and Dare is seriously injured. It appears that Gogg is behind the attack, but Kirk uncovers the fact that Ceff’s brother, Div, had organized it in an effort to discredit Gogg. Ceff drops out of the race but nominates her assistant, Prup, as her replacement, who Gogg dismisses as a ‘puppet’. Dr. McCoy gets an emergency call from the planet Braco, because of a supposed outbreak of Rigelian fever. When he, along with Nurse Christine Chapel and Lieutenant Peter Levine, arrive there they are ambushed, Chapel and Levine are left stunned, and McCoy is kidnapped by Count Rayob and taken to Ozalor to treat Avomora, the heiress to the throne, who has been suffering debilitating attacks. Avomora had been having her symptoms relieved by healer Lossu Vumri, but Avomora does not like her and sees Vumri as wielding too much influence over her father, Salokonos, Yovode of Ozalor. McCoy believes he has discovered the root of her problem, but his solution seems to only make matters worse, and that only enhances Vumri’s reputation in the court (Avomora’s condition is being kept from the people of Ozalor). Spock goes to Braco to try and locate McCoy, but the local police force, the Tranquility Bureau led by Chief Inspector Wibb, blame the United Bracon Front, or UBF, (without any evidence) and won’t let Spock investigate himself. Spock contacts a journalist, D’Ran Colc, who gets him a meeting with someone associated with the UBF, but that just leads to Spock and Chapel becoming captives of the UBF. When the UBF’s headquarters comes under attack from the Tranquility Bureau, Spock is able to help the UBF leader, Hynn V’sta, and some of her top assistants to escape, and he, Chapel, and a couple of other Starfleet personnel who had tried to stage a rescue, are allowed to go. Spock gets a tip from the UBF that Ozalor may have been involved in McCoy’s kidnapping, so he and Chapel head there. Salokonos tries to keep them confined, but Avomora, along with her friend Jemo, bring them to McCoy. McCoy insists on trying to cure Avomora before he leaves, and he suspects that Vumri has established some psychic link to Avomora. Spock carries out a mindmeld with Avomora to check that out and finds it is true. It takes the combined mental efforts of Spock and Avomora to expel Vumri from Avomora’s mind, but she recovers in time to intervene and stop an attack on her quarters by her father and his forces, who are intent on recapturing the Starfleet members. Vumri is expelled from Salokonos’s court in disgrace. Back on Vok, the election day has arrived, and attacks (mostly from Gogg’s side) are still occurring but are brought under control by Kirk and his men. Unfortunately, Tanaka’s girlfriend is Sergeant Myp, a top police officer, and she is being held hostage by some of Gogg supporters who demand that Tanaka destroys the orbital computer system, VP-One, that will tabulate and validate the votes. Despite Kirk’s effort to stop him, VP-One is destroyed. The Enterprise is called in to use its computer to take over the task, and it only succeeds with Tanaka’s assistance after he has seen the error of his ways to some extent. Prup wins the election, and despite his supporters’ complaints, Gogg concedes because he trusts Kirk after he had cleared him of the attack on Ceff. While on Braco, Spock had encountered a green-blooded creature called a trivet, and that leads him to believe that the inhabitants of all three planets are colonists from another unknown system, maybe related to the inhabitants of Gamma Trianguli VI. If that is established, it should render obsolete most of the enmity between the inhabitants of the three planets. Dare recommends to Admiral James Komack that the Enterprise crew be given a second five-year mission, because they work so well together. [Timeline: circa Stardate 6787.2, during the final year of the Enterprise’s five-year mission]


Warped (TNG parody)

Mike McMahan


[Note: I was wondering if this highly humorous book belonged in with the Fan Fiction or whether I should combine it with the Star Wreck series under a possible heading of Parodies. In the end, I decided to leave it under the normal TNG heading, because it is an official Simon & Schuster publication and has appeared for a time in the Wikipedia list of TNG novels.]


Author’s Note: A pile of VHS tapes was found in a cardboard box with recordings of a proposed 8th TNG series that the cast and crew had put together to try and ensure the series got cancelled and give them some free time. When Paramount saw the shows, they refused to air them, but put the cast to work on the next Star Trek movie instead.


Episode 08-001 Crushers Not Included: A Borg starship factory is discovered, and when Deanna Troi sees that the Borg are now building ice-cream-cone shaped ships, she realizes that a sugar-coma induced dream she had must be true, and that meant Wesley and the Traveler were being held captive by the Borg. Picard leads the mission to rescue them, but the Traveler has to sacrifice himself to enable Picard and Wesley to escape. Wesley decides to stay aboard the Enterprise but is peeved at only getting a rank as Honorary Cadet. While Picard is rescuing Wesley, Riker is left in charge of the ship, but he has to fight LuxComfort Ultra Blouse which runs wild after the power is diverted to the shields. Riker finally gets the blouse locked in a closet, but it is plotting revenge. [Timeline: Stardate 47995.8]


Episode 08-002 Lecture Circuits: While the Enterprise is being upgraded, Data goes to give a lecture at Starfleet Academy but faces anti-android protests. His elderly friend, Dr. Christopher Westlake, suggests that Data leaves the campus, but instead he organizes a symposium on non-carbon life, inviting some other notable silicon rights activists. During his introductory remarks, Data discovers and disarms a bomb that Dr. Westlake had planted. Westlake had become envious of the way androids don’t age. Data throws a party to celebrate, and the party becomes a legend at the Academy. During that time, Picard and Riker had been on a camping trip on Runyan 8 when they are attacked by a bear. Riker throws Picard into a tree for his safety, but then Riker finds himself on the losing side of the fight with the bear. The tree tells Picard that all lifeforms on the planet are connected into a single intelligence. When the tree discovers that Picard and Riker aren’t similarly connected, the bear walks away from the fight, but the tree banishes Picard and Riker because the planet doesn’t want to be contaminated by their free will. [Timeline: Stardate 47999.5]


Episode 08-003 Suggested Donation of Danger: Picard takes the Enterprise to the planet Brodo-5, the Museum Planet, where the docents capture Riker to exhibit him in the Hall of Amazing Men. Picard, Geordi and Data stage a rescue attempt, but Riker had already organized a breakout, along with the other human exhibits. Riker and the others have to rescue Picard and his team. Onboard the Enterprise, Worf is demonstrating his fearlessness by eating peanut butter despite having an allergy. Dr. Crusher saves his life by grafting peanut DNA to his cellular index, and Worf celebrates with a feast of shrimp, unaware that he has other allergies too. [Timeline: Stardate 48015.1]


Episode 08-004 Hair of the Synthadog: Dr. Crusher and Deanna Troi have been at a medical conference on Jessica 8 when it is attacked by Broheim pirates. Crusher challenges the pirate leader, Girtroy, to a drinking game, and Troi is amazed at how much alcohol Crusher is able to consume. Beverley tells her that she had injected herself with an anti-intoxicant, which Troi thinks amounts to cheating, but she keeps quiet about it. Girtroy finally collapses from the drink, Crusher and Troi recover their communicators and call for assistance from the Enterprise. Back on the ship, they end up in Ten Forward arguing over Federation ethics. While Crusher had been indulging in the drinking contest, Geordi had been trying to clear Mzzk ants out of the engine room, but the queen ant had been gnawing on the dilithium crystal and grew to enormous size. It starts laying eggs on exposed electronics, shorting out the shields. A Romulan ship arrives, planning to take over the Enterprise, but Picard beams the Mzzt ant queen and her eggs onto the Romulan ship (the Tribble Maneuver) and leaves the Romulans to deal with it. [Timeline: Stardate 48017.3]


Episode 08-005 I Only Have Mitochondria for You: The crew of the Enterprise are falling sick of a virus that Dr. Crusher cannot cure, and then the ship comes under attack by a germophile, and Riker tries claiming they just have an allergy. Crusher finds a way to talk with the sentient virus and it invites her out. They have dinner together in Ten Forward with the virus dining on a nutrient-rich agar while safely contained in a medical biohazard container. Then they retire to Crusher’s quarters, and during the conversation Crusher tells it that she has weakness for short replication cycles and asks it if it has any weaknesses. The virus says it is weak against heat, and Crusher immediately gets her assistants to brew a heated antiviral to treat the crew. Picard had found a crewman passed out with a baby beside her, and after calling for help for the crewman he takes the baby in a turbolift heading for sickbay. But he ends up stuck in the lift for three hours with the baby screaming and barfing over him. [Timeline: Stardate 48022.3]


Episode 08-006 Transport Madness: Worf discovers that crewmen have been “buffering”. This involves using a program that transports them a short distance and gives them a high from microscopic inconsistencies in brain chemistry. However, it can also lead to then being partially merged with a bulkhead, although safety protocols keep their atoms in flux until they can be removed. When word gets around that Worf is trying to track down the program, there is an increase in people doing it, trying to get a last ‘fix’. Worf tracks it back to the transporter specialist, Roiland, and gets him to delete the code. Data had noticed that his cat, Spot, hadn’t been eating, and Wesley offers to help with a strain of DNA he had been playing with. Unfortunately, it was a strain of tribble DNA and the Enterprise gets overrun with kittens. They finally manage to round up the cats and remove the tribble DNA, and Data and Wesley are left with the job of finding homes for all the cats. [Timeline: Stardate 48035.3]


Episode 08-007 Quantum Dolphins: The Enterprise is suddenly knocked out of warp by something, and when they check the nacelle’s hydrogen intake vent, they find a badly injured glowing dolphin. The dolphin dies and its body and Picard vanish from the Enterprise. Picard finds himself on trial before other quantum dolphins for the murder of the one that died. The trial is preordained to find Picard guilty, and he is sentenced to be mushed into chum and become dolphin food. Wesley saves Picard at the last moment, using his residual Traveler abilities. When the Enterprise hit the dolphin, it caused a quantum event that sucked a trickster named Pho onto the ship, and he is masquerading as a lost boy when Guinan comes across him. Guinan sees him for what he is but agrees to take part in a game he challenges her to. When Pho starts cheating like mad, Guinan takes him by the hand and dissipates him as sparkles of light into the ether. [Timeline: Stardate 48115.7]


Episode 08-008 Rikerworld: The Enterprise comes across the doughnut-shaped planet Rastogen-12 which has strange time effect that occasionally push it millennia into the future. Picard allows Wesley to send a probe to the surface of this barren planet but, just after the probe lands, the planet suddenly ages by a million years and now the planet is full of life. Picard leads an away team, suitably equipped with temporal safety headbands to the planet, and they find every lifeform there is based on Riker’s DNA. Apparently, a single cell of Riker’s skin had got onto the probe somehow, and everything on the planet had evolved from it. Picard ends a war between bearded and non-bearded Riker natives by introducing both sides to jazz. When they are back on the ship, Troi’s dreams are invaded by millions of Rikers, and Crusher finds that Troi’s hair is covered in miniscule Rikers working out, which get flushed out with medical-grade shampoo. Just before the Enterprise leaves, the planet jumps ahead another million years and is found to be as barren as it had been when they arrived. [Timeline: Stardate 48118.5]


Episode 08-009 The Final Sale Frontier: A political strategist from Villia, named EnyonK, comes aboard to get some negotiating tips from Picard. He brings along his daughter, WhitnE, who is only interested in going shopping. Wesley is given the task of entertaining her, and he shows her the holodeck, and they end up making out. Next day, she goes to Wesley’s lab while he’s not there and causes an explosion in Wesley’s nanobot machine and she gets turned into a nanobot. Wesley tells Riker that he can restore her, but her nanobot multiplies and creates a shopping mall. Riker suggests that they try to outshop her, and he and Wesley buy up almost everything in the shops, then Wesley thinks of returning everything. That is too much for WhitnE and she reverts to human form, just before Picard and EnyonK return looking for her. Riker had talked Picard into showing EntonK his fencing skill, while they had been trying to restore WhitnE, but Picard had inadvertently stabbed EnyonK’s in the eye. EnyonK forgives him when WhitnE tells him what a great time she’d had. Miles O’Brien was paying a visit to the Enterprise and invites Data and Geordi to have a game of Poker, but after the game was over, O’Brien couldn’t get Data to take the broad hint and leave. O’Brien was there to recover a bag of stuff he had stolen from Picard’s room while he had been a crewman, and finally has to recover the bag in front of Data. [Timeline: Stardate 48121.2]


Episode 08-010 Deadly Cadence: The Klingon poet Gla’ar is visiting the Enterprise and Worf is assigned to give him a tour of the ship although each of them despises the other. Gla’ar claims to be a blood-drinking follower of the ancient ways and sees Worf as a traitor for serving the Federation. The next day, Gla’ar is found dead among the remains of a shattered glass table in his room. A Klingon investigation team finds a poem, seemingly scribbled by the dying Gla’ar, that implicates Worf in the murder, and Worf is summarily sentenced to death. Picard tries to find something that will exonerate Worf, and then finds that Gla’ar had written a play previously that mirrored this situation. A search is carried out and Gla’ar is found alive and in hiding, eating a cake, and not a blood cake that tradition required. Gla’ar is taken back to Qo’noS to face his crime wi