A Trekkie's Unofficial Book Summaries by Geoff Canham - HTML preview

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Errand of Fury, Book 3 of 3, Sacrifices of War

Kevin Ryan


The Enterprise is sent to Chandra IV, where the Klingons have taken over the planet and are manufacturing weapons there. With the help of the indigenous and fairly ingenious population, they are able to drive the Klingons out. The Klingons then start to move their fleet to begin their assault on the Federation, with Organia being the starting point. The Enterprise heads there to warn the Organians (having a brief encounter with a renegade Klingon ship and destroying it en-route). The Organians seem strangely unconcerned, and Kirk and Spock get trapped on the planet when the Klingon fleet arrives and the Enterprise has to depart to join the Federation fleet. The Organians reluctantly intervene to stop the war, and enforce a truce on the two sides. [Timeline: Stardate 3198.4]


Mere Anarchy

Various authors


Things Fall Apart (Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore):

Not long after Kirk becomes captain of the Enterprise, and Dr. Piper, Gary Mitchell, and Mr. Kelso are still aboard as crew members, they receive an urgent call to assist the Payav and their planet, Mestiko. The Payav, who are at the early stage of warp drive development, had been under observation by a Federation team led by Dr. Nathan Apohatsu. The Federation team and the Payav scientists independently observe that a rogue pulsar is approaching their system and the radiation from it will cause devastating effects, erasing all life from the planet. The Federation observers become known to the planet's rulers and scientists and they offer Federation help, hence the call to the Enterprise. The Payav authorities try to keep the news secret from the general public, but word leaks out and panic starts. The team aboard the Enterprise, headed by Professor Lindsey Cameron, try to use modified sensor probes to shield the pulsar's radiation from the planet, but it is only partially successful. Although about 75% of the radiation is blocked, the remaining radiation causes a lot of disruption and without further intervention would ultimately destroy all life. But at least there are survivors, and with further Federation help, it looks as though the planet will survive. But the public at large blame the Federation for the devastation (they had not known of other races before this). The two main Payav groups trying to reorganize are the surviving members of the Larendan Convocation (a planetary ruling organization) led now by Raya (who had been a provincial representative before the pulsar passed by), and a religious group known as the mar-Atyya. [Timeline: 2265]


The Center Cannot Hold (Mike W. Barr):

Two years after the Pulse struck, the Enterprise (now with Dr. McCoy aboard) returns to Mestiko with Dr. Marat Lon to deploy satellites to start clearing up the polluted atmosphere (the planet's inhabitants are living in sealed cities). The Klingons are also in contact with the planet, and Kor makes a dramatic entry at the reception for the Enterprise crew. The satellites are deployed successfully, but one crashed on an orphanage and a couple of hundred deaths result, for which the Federation is initially blamed. An investigation determines that the satellite had been reprogrammed by some craft, and when the others are checked, another is found to have been interfered with. Sulu, Chekov, Kyle, and Sinclair get captured when trying to find the other craft's base, and they discover that Councilor Traal was behind the sabotage of the first satellite, working in conjunction with the Klingons, and Colonel maTara (captain of the Jo'Payav, the planet's original warp-capable ship) had supplied him with details of the Payev warp technology to obtain safe passage off the planet. In the end, both Traal and maTara are declared heroes after they sacrifice themselves and their ships when Kor tries to get them to send more satellites crashing to further implicate the Federation. The Enterprise is able to rescue Sulu and the others, drive off Kor's ship, the I.K.S. Klothos, and successfully complete the satellite deployment. Never-the-less, Councilor Raya elMora intends to continue dealing with both the Federation and the Klingons. [Timeline: 2267, Stardate 3290.9]


Shadows of the Indignant (Dave Galanter):

Admiral Kirk notices some inconsistencies with the trading records related to Mestiko, and sets off, accompanied somewhat reluctantly by McCoy, on an undercover mission to investigate what he suspects is Klingon involvement. Ultimately, Kirk’s suspicions are confirmed when his leads end up at Alur orJada, who had at one time been a public benefactor, but was now feathering his own nest by trading Klingon weapons to dissidents on Mestiko. All of the contacts Kirk makes along the way, including Alur, end up dead, presumably killed by the Klingons to cover their tracks. Kirk also discovers that Raya had been involved with Alur (before she found out about his Klingon ties) and had been reluctantly covering up for him to protect her own reputation. When she comes clean about what had happened, it tends to increase public resentment towards non-Mestiko natives. By this time, Dr. Lon’s satellites are having a noticeable effect on the atmosphere, which is breathable in some areas of the planet, at least for periods of time. [Timeline: 2271]


The Darkness Drops (Christopher L. Bennett):

The mar-Atyya spiritual movement is against the off-world vegetation that Dr. Lon and his fellow scientists are introducing to help clear the atmosphere, and they claim that the use of only native species will speed the process. They get the support of a political group led by Councilor Asal Janto, who used to be a friend of Raya elMora, and they stage a successful revolution just as the Enterprise arrives to help with the planetary clean-up. Raya and her supporters are exiled from Mestiko, and the Kazarites, who had been helping with making the planet’s surface habitable again, give Raya’s group part of their own planet to live on. Raya is annoyed with Kirk for not interfering with the rebellion and for arranging for her to become an outcast in a desolate region (the Jarol Desert). Years later she realizes that the struggle to improve their lot (helped by the Kazarites) had prepared them for when, years later, the population of Mestiko had grown dis-enamored with the mar-Atyya policies that were only setting the planet back, and were ready for new elections that would lead to the return of Raya. During that period, Dr. Lon had gone underground on Mestiko, changed his name to Dr. Cart etDeja, and helped thwart some of the worst excesses of the mar-Atyya regime. At one point (Stardate 7969.2, year 2279), Admiral Kirk had led a mission to retrieve Lon from Mestiko, so he could help with the aftermath of the Verzhik disaster, but Lon had refused to leave, although he had provided information that proved useful to the Verzhik. [Timeline: year 2274 (Stardate 7508.6) – year 2283]


The Blood-Dimmed Tide (Howard Weinstein):

Theena elMadej had been saved as a child by Raya when the Pulse hit, and she now headed up the orbital research center called the Discover Center. Then she is apparently kidnapped when the center is attacked, and nineteen others, including three members of her specific team, are killed (one, Hovda, survives because she wasn’t where she was supposed to have been when the attack occurred) and the prototype weapon they were working on was taken. The weapon was designed to knock out a warp drive, but was untested and it was suspected that it could harm subspace. The attack had actually been executed by the Torye, who planned a coup on Mestiko to thwart any revival of theological dominance on the planet, and Theena had teamed up with them. However, she soon starts to regret her involvement after the deaths of her co-workers in the raid, and the arrogance shown by the Torye’s leader, Vykul Marto. The Torye had been planning to sell the weapon to a group of Klingons. Instead, they capture a prototype Klingon battle base that Vykul plans to use to take over the government of Mestiko. Meanwhile, Raya has called in Kirk and has joined him aboard the Enterprise as they try to track down the people who attacked the research center. After getting involved with the fractured Klingon military, and with the help of Scotty’s improvised defenses against the weapons, plus the help of Theena and of Kang and his ship, K’tanco, the Torye are defeated. They and the prototype Klingon battle base vanish into an unstable subspace rift that the overloaded weapon opens. [Timeline: year 2291]


It’s Hour Come Round (Margaret Wander Bonanno):

Kirk had been instrumental in calling a Summit to discuss Mestiko’s future and its possible application for Federation membership, but Kirk had apparently died aboard the Enterprise-B immediately before the Summit. The Klingons are naturally also interested in the outcome of the conference, and everyone is surprised when Chancellor Azetbur is part of the Klingon delegation, but she is mainly interested in meeting Raya, who, like her, had been thrust into a position of power by events outside her control. The Payav go through their usual heated discussions, and while that is going on, McCoy (who had arrived aboard the Excelsior with Spock and Uhura) uncovers the fact that the youth of one tribe are dying early because of water contaminated by a biological weapon that a neighboring tribe had been developing before the Pulse hit. While the discussions continue, Raya pilots her craft around the planet, viewing the way the planet is recovering and considering the possibilities for the future. [Timeline: year 2293]


Crucible: McCoy – Provenance of Shadows

David R George III


In one universe, McCoy is not rescued from the past after jumping through the Guardian of Forever after receiving an accidental overdose, and he saves Edith Keeler from dying in the accident with the truck. He tries placing ads in the Personal column of newspapers, hoping they will get recorded in a database somewhere and allow Kirk and Spock to locate him through time, but after a couple of years he gets talked into getting on with his life, and he leaves the mission and heads off for Atlanta. After an incident with a couple of vagrants he gets injured in Hayden, and is befriended by Phil and Lynn Dickinson. He builds a life there, becoming the local doctor. Keeler’s American Pacifist Movement stops the US from entering war against the Axis powers until they already dominate most of the world. Phil volunteers to fight, and dies while helping to free Ireland from Nazi domination. A relationship blossoms between McCoy and Lynn, but at first he refuses to get serious with the romance until after Lynn nearly dies when an atomic bomb is dropped on Atlanta. Lynn refuses to accept McCoy’s proposal until he faces up to the lingering guilt he has harbored about the death of his parents. McCoy is killed on the first anniversary of their marriage by a wounded Nazi airman that he is trying to save.


In another universe, McCoy has been rescued and proceeds with his life aboard the Enterprise which includes an incident when the Guardian of Forever is apparently destroyed by a Klingon warship deliberately crashing into it. McCoy is troubled by occasional dreams that seem more like memories of a life he knows he hasn’t lived. He also discovers a strange discrepancy in the readings for the “Dr. M’Benga algorithm” in the crew’s records from medical examinations, and eventually discovers they are in some way related to time travel. After the incident with V’Ger, McCoy joins up with Kirk and Spock again for an extended mission to investigate the Aquarius Formation. During that mission, he and Spock bring his line of research to a conclusion with the discovery of the chronometric particles (quantas of time). Following this line of research after he leaves Starfleet, he forms a research team and finds that Tonia Barrows (now a scientist with a PhD in subatomic physics) is part of it. They renew their short-lived romance from the early days of the Enterprise’s mission, and appear to be an ideal couple, but McCoy breaks off the romance when Barrows proposes marriage. Kirk gets an opportunity to take the Enterprise out for three months and gets most of the old team back again, and this leads to the reencounter with Khan Noonien Singh, with the resulting ‘death’ and ‘reanimation’ of Spock, and the trip back in time to collect a couple of whales. That leads on to McCoy and Spock discovering the fundamental particle of time, and the two of them winning the Zee-Magnees Prize. After Kirk’s apparent death during the inaugural flight of the Enterprise-B, McCoy starts getting dreams of his own death, and believes they are related in some way to the original incident with the Guardian of Forever. After discussions with Spock and with a bit of help from Uhura, he gains access to the tricorder readings Spock had taken of the current timeline and the altered timeline caused by his trip through the Guardian. He traces records of his life with Lynn (who looked remarkably like Natira), and his death at the hands of the Nazi airman, and the knowledge of what had kept him from developing or maintaining close associations with women came flooding back to him. After this he tracks Barrows down to apologize to her, and they end up happily married until McCoy dies peacefully at the age of 141.


Crucible: Spock – The Fire and the Rose

David R. George III


After leaving the Enterprise for the second time, Spock gets talked into joining the Bureau of Interplanetary Affairs as a Federation ambassador, and he works with, and develops a relationship with Ambassador Alexandra Tremontaine. Soon after this, Dr. McCoy brings Spock word of Jim Kirk’s death on the Enterprise-B and Spock finds that this news affects him more than he likes. He resigns from the Bureau of Interplanetary Affairs, leaves Alexandra, and returns to Vulcan and applies again for the Kolinahr, but is turned down because it is believed he is trying to use Kolinahr to escape from his emotions. He then lives with his parents on Vulcan for almost a year, and then applies for the Kolinahr again, although both Amanda and Sarek recommend against it. This time he is accepted into the Kolinahr, and as part of his training he has to face up to his past, especially those times that have emotionally troubled him. One of those times was when they traveled back in time to rescue McCoy, and Spock ended up troubled that he didn’t do more to stop Kirk getting romantically involved with Edith Keeler, who he knew had to die. Another troubling time was when he returned to Vulcan’s past to save himself as a boy, which he felt may have been selfish, and things happened a little bit differently than he remembered from his childhood, so he is not sure he restored the exact timeline. A third time-traveling incident troubling him was when they went back to get the whales to placate V’Ger, especially since he was the one who suggested the time-travel. This time he completes the Kolinahr training and frees himself from emotions. He then gets a position at the Vulcan Academy of Sciences, and achieves some notable successes with his research. Years later, when Amanda dies in a shuttlecraft accident while returning from an exhibition of her art on Earth, he starts to miss his emotions when he finds he is unable to grieve the loss of his mother. This is also the first time he realizes that his father never went through the Kolinahr. He then researches whether there is any way to reverse the Kolinahr process and uncovers the ancient procedure called lot-san-kol, and to implement this he requests Dr. McCoy’s help. The procedure involves a series of mindmelds in which they share periods of intense emotion until Spock’s emotions are reactivated. From these melds, McCoy learns that Spock still loves Alexandra, and he visits her to inform her of this. Consequently, Spock and Alexandra end up marrying and adopting a human baby girl that they name T’Amanda.


Crucible: Kirk – The Star to Every Wandering

David R George III


Kirk is on Veridian Three dying, after having helped Picard defeat Soran, and then Kirk notices the energy ribbon of the Nexus swing round and engulf him and he finds himself back in the Nexus. The difference now is that he is observing himself as he replays sections of his life and tries to bring those events to a better conclusion. Then he meeting Guinan (or the part of her that had got caught up in the Nexus) and he learns that because he had been at two points in space and time, entering the Nexus when the Enterprise-B was hit by the energy ribbon and leaving it to help Picard, the space and time between those points had collapsed. That had resulted in the destruction of the saucer of the Enterprise that had crashed on Veridian Three, the population of 230 million on Veridian IV that he and Picard had been trying to save, and multiple billions of other life forms. Realizing that he needs to restore the timeline, and knowing that if he was in a region where time had any effect that he would quickly die of his wounds, he convinces the version of himself that had remained in the Nexus to leave and correct what he had caused. To do that, he leaves the Nexus back before the Sun was born and visits the Guardian of Forever. There, he warns the Guardian (assuming it needed warning) of when the Klingon ship would try to destroy it. Then Kirk gets the Guardian to transport him to the time just before the Enterprise-B is launched in 2293, and he arranges to rescue the Kirk from that era (let’s call him Kirk-B) from getting sucked into the Nexus. Then he convinces Kirk-B to take a shuttlecraft and use the Guardian to go forward in time and assist Picard at Veridian Three in 2371. Arriving at the Guardian’s world, Kirk-B finds the Guardian still missing after the Gr’oth had crashed on it, but after a few days’ wait, the Guardian reappears and Kirk moves forward in time (now neither having entered or left the Nexus) and helps Picard prevent Soran from interfering with the Nexus, but dies as a result. That restores the timeline and prevents the collapse of a large section of time and space. Meanwhile, the Kirk that had left the Nexus returns to the Guardian before the Sun was born and expects to live out his remaining days there, but then starts to wonder if there might be some way to go back to Edith Keeler in 1930 and save her from the traffic accident without affecting the timeline.


Vanguard - Harbinger

David Mack


The Enterprise is returning from its encounter with the galactic barrier and gets the offer of a refit at Vanguard base (Starbase 47), which Kirk hadn’t expected to be in operation yet. The fact that it was, indicated to him that something special was going on in the region, although the official reason given was that the station was supporting colonization in the Taurus Reach, which is between Klingon and Tholian space. Soon after the Enterprise arrives at the station, the starship Bombay is lost with all hands while delivering supplies to Ravanar IV and the colony at Ravanar IV is also no longer responding. The Enterprise is the only ship immediately available to go and investigate the loss, and they are accompanied by Xiong who admits that the base at Ravanar was actually an S.C.E. team investigating the discovery of a strange artifact and a very complex DNA molecule (named the Taurus Meta-Genome). They also discover that the ship and the colony had been destroyed by the Tholians, although the Bombay had apparently destroyed four of the six attacking Tholian ships before succumbing. While they are there, the artifact gets destroyed by a Tholian booby trap, which also kills an Enterprise crewman. Scotty discovers that the meta-genome appears to be some form of bio-engineered data storage system. A bit of intrigue develops when the story of the Tholian attack is leaked to a reporter, Tim Pennington, but enough of the story turns out to be provably wrong to get the main points discredited and the reporter fired. Pennington gets an offer to team up with Mr. Quinn, whose bungled attempt to steal a sensor screen from Ravanar IV for Mr. Ganz, an Orion, had led to the Tholians knowing of the base’s existence. Meanwhile, another starship, the Endeavour, discovers another artifact and another sample of the meta-genome, and the destruction of the original artifact brings the Shedai Wanderer to investigate. [Timeline: Stardate 1321.6, year 2265, between the events depicted in the TV episodes “Where No Man Has Gone Before” and “The Corbomite Maneuver”]


Vanguard - Summon the Thunder

Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore


Captain Zhao of the Endeavour is killed, along with most of the research team on Erilon, when the ancient technology being studied becomes active, and a mysterious humanoid appears and attacks them. Khatami is left in command of the Endeavour, and is able to recover some personnel, even though under attack from a newly revived planetary defense system. It is determined that the metagenome is linked to the attacking creature. The creature is actually a Sentinel controlled by the Shedai Wanderer. The Wanderer uses similar Sentinels to attack the Klingons on Palgrenax, who are also investigating some of this ancient technology, but she finds that the Klingon disruptor cannons are effective against the Sentinels, and the only way she can defeat the Klingons is by initiating the destruction of the planet. When the Endeavour (assisted by the Starfleet Corp of Engineers ship, Lovell) returns to investigate what had happened at Erilon, the dampening field technology (used to disrupt the linking signals between the alien technology centers) has an adverse effect on the Wanderer, who apparently manages to escape into the ‘Conduit’, but the Sentinel she had been inhabiting dies and is recovered by Starfleet. The body is found to not only contain the metagenome, but to have similarities to Tholian physiology. A cloaked Romulan ship, the Bloodied Talon, had been sent into the Taurus Reach to investigate what was interesting the Federation, Klingons and Tholians, but it is seriously damaged when the planet Palgrenax is destroyed, and it is believed to have self-destructed to avoid detection. As a result of the focus the Federation seems to be expending in this region, the Romulans decide now would be a good time to test the Federation defenses along the neutral zone. Quinn (along with Pennington, the wrongly disgraced journalist) gets called on by T'Prynn to recover data from a Klingon probe monitoring the Jinoteur system. That data indicates that the previously uncharted system has been highly modified by some advanced civilization. T'Prynn has her lover and double-agent, Sandesjo, pass the information about the system to her Klingon contact. Ambassador Jetanien tries to get the Klingons and Tholians to work together, but it looks as though war is going to break out between the two of them. [Timeline: 2265]


Vanguard - Reap the Whirlwind

David Mack


The Wanderer wakes up the other Shedai and gathers them together, notifying them that Telinaruul (which includes humans and Klingons) have been tampering with the ‘conduits’. They also capture the Tholian crew of the Lanz’t Tholis (the Shedai know the Tholians as Kollotuul, and were apparently responsible for the Tholians becoming sentient in the distant past). The captured Tholians are used by the Shedai as activators for the conduits, a task that causes excessive pain and distress to the Tholians. Meanwhile, Commander Reyes’s ex-wife, Jeanne, takes up the post of president of the New Boulder colony on Gamma Tauri IV, the colony having seceded from the Federation, but which is protected by Starfleet because, unknown to the colonists, the Federation has discovered artifacts related to the megagenome on the planet. Also, the Sagittarius, with Xiong aboard, is sent to study the Jinoteur system, which has been identified as largely artificially created and (unknown to the Federation) is where the Shedai have gathered. The Klingon ship, Zin’za, is sent to stop the Sagittarius, but is delayed for a while due to sabotage arranged by T’Prynn and Reyes through the Orion named Ganz. The Sagittarius suffers damage soon after arrival at the Jinoteur system, losing its antimatter pod and crash landing on the planet, and T’Prynn arranges for a new antimatter pod to be brought to them by Quinn and Pennington aboard the Rocinante. The Shedai decide to make an example of Gamma Tauri IV (which they know as Avainenoran, one of their main planets), although one of their number, the Apostate, leads a group opposed to the plans of the main group of Shedai (led by the Maker and the much younger Wanderer). Reyes tries to get the colonists on Gamma Tauri IV to evacuate but Jeanne refuses, and the colonists, along with a group of Klingon so-called colonists and some of the Starfleet personnel are annihilated by the Shedai before Reyes orders the starship Lovell (which receives assistance from the Klingon vessel Hov-Qaw’wI’) to ‘glass’ the planet. That attack temporarily weakens the Shedai, and the Apostate is able to help the Federation crew escape the planet, and at the behest of Ensign Theriault releases the Tholians back to their ship, but not before allowing the other Shedai to escape to distant parts of the galaxy. The Sagittarius and Rocinante get trapped by the Klingon ship, Zin’za, but the Tholians destroy the Zin’za and then head back to their own space, their surviving leader, Nezrene, having heard Theriault and Pennington plead for them. The Apostate then has the whole Jinoteur system disappear from regular space-time. T’Prynn had used her lover, the Klingon agent Sandesjo, to provide the Klingons with disinformation that helped save the Sagittarius, but Sandesjo is then killed as they try to smuggle her off the station, leading to T’Prynn having a breakdown and her medical history being revealed. When Xiong returns to Vanguard he finds that he has been replaced as head of the research team by Dr. Carol Marcus, which ultimately leads to the Genesis Project, and Reyes is not surprise to find himself replaced and arrested after allowing Pennington to publish what he knew of events in the Jinoteur system. [Timeline: year 2266, six weeks after the events in “Summon the Thunder” and before the events in “The Corbomite Maneuver”]


Vanguard - Open Secrets

Dayton Ward


The Klingons are becoming more aggressive, and take over the planet Lerais II, forcing the evacuation of a Federation colony. While they say they had a prior claim to the planet, they really wanted it because they knew of Shedai relics there, which Captain Komoraq and his scientist wife, Lorka, wanted to study. Meanwhile, a Tholian (Nezrene) had defected to the Vanguard station (Starbase 47) and was working with Xiong to unravel the Shedai technology, and the two of them head up a team that returns to Erilon and achieves a measure of success. Then the planet comes under attack by Klingons who kidnap Xiong. The Klingons had also captured a Tholian (Tasthene) and Xiong and Tasthene are put to work trying to revive the Shedai installation on Mirdonyae V, being somewhat successful, especially when Xiong is given a mysterious crystal that Komoraq has recovered. That crystal energizes the installation sufficiently to emit a signal on which Xiong piggybacks his own signal, resulting in a rescue mission being mounted by the Endeavour but also attracting the attention of the Shedai Wanderer. Tasthene dies in the escape attempt but Xiong is rescued just before the Wanderer causes the planet to self-destruct. Xiong had taken the crystal with him when he was rescued, and he, Dr. Carol Marcus and Nezrene set about studying it. T’Prynn had only recovered from her coma after being taken to Vulcan and treated by Sobon using an ancient technique called Dashaya-Ni’Var. She quietly slipped away one night, knowing that the alternate was to be arrested by Starfleet and face a court-martial. Commander Reyes had been through his court-martial and was being transported to Earth, but then the ship he was on was attacked by pirates and destroyed. However, Reyes is taken captive aboard a Klingon vessel, the Zin’za, captained by Kutal, which then attacks the Vanguard station (now headed by Admiral Nogura) as one of the first steps of the Klingon war. Then the Organians intervene and stop hostilities. [Timeline: 2266 through to year 2267]


Vanguard - Precipice

David Mack


Ming Xiong and Carol Marcus are making good headway in their study of the mysterious Mironyea Artifact (despite accidently blowing up eleven planets with it), and discover that there is a trapped Shedai in the middle of the twelve-sided crystal. Then Joshua Kane stages a daring attack on the Vault and steals the Mironyea Artifact for the Klingons, who want to use it to control the Shedai Conduit that they have discovered on the planet Golmira. By coincidence, Cervantes Quinn and Bridy Mac [McLellan] (who are both working with Starfleet Intelligence) happen to be on a mission at Golmira when the Klingons take over the planet, and they are able to report the event to Vanguard. To add to the coincidence, T’Prynn, assisted by Tim Pennington, has been tracking the Orion syndicate operatives, trying to find something that will help mitigate her crimes, and discover their involvement in the theft of the Mironyea Artifact. They end up on Golmira trying to recover the artifact, just as Quinn is leading the natives (the Denn) in an attack on the Klingons who have the object. It looks as if their combined efforts will achieve success, but then the Shedai Wanderer arrives, intent on recovering the object and its enclosed fellow Shedai. Happily, a Starfleet contingent also arrives and uses a technique developed by Xiong to drive off the Wanderer, and they are able to return the artifact to Vanguard. Diego Reyes and the Tholian named Ezthene had been captured by Gorkon who wanted to get Chancellor Sturka to negotiate with the Federation and the Tholians, but when that idea falls flat, he lets the two go. They arrive back at Vanguard aboard Ganz’s Orion vessel, the Omari-Ekon, on which Reyes stays as he is immune there from arrest by the Federation. They also bring another artifact similar to the original one, but this one is empty. When the Wanderer attacks Vanguard, intent on recovering the Mironyea Artifact, Xiong is able to trap the Wanderer in the new artifact. T’Prynn gets reduced in rank and put on probation, but she is allowed back on Vanguard. Ambassador Jetanian finally manages to get a meeting with Lugok (the Klingon ambassador) and the Romulan Senator D’tran. [Timeline: January – December 2267, ending soon after the events in the TV epis