A Trekkie's Unofficial Book Summaries by Geoff Canham - HTML preview

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Seekers, Book 3 of 4, Long Shot

David Mack


The Sagittarius goes to investigate the source of some mysterious sensor reading from the Cavino system and find a planet, Cavino IV or Anura to the natives, in turmoil. An experiment at harnessing dark energy as a source of renewable energy has gone awry, and the laws of probability have been thrown out of balance, sometimes for good but also for bad, and the disruption is increasing. The planetary leader, Tribune Tiras Saranda, requests help, and the Sagittarius team (led by Captain Clark Terrell) works with Dr. Pren Kavalas (who had headed up the dark matter experiment). The experiment had been based on information from a crashed alien spacecraft, and the data had seemingly been booby-trapped. Word gets out in the population about the Federation team, and they are suspected of being the cause of the problems. After a series of increasingly desperate attempts to shut the generator down by linking up their own ship and its computer with the generator, they finally succeed in causing a self-destruct. They escape just in time and the probability distortions are stopped in time to prevent a coronal mass ejection occurring from the system’s star, which would have destroyed the planet. Federation help is sent to assist the devastated planet. [Timeline: late 2269, about 5 months after ‘Turnabout Intruder’]