A Warrior's Journey by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen


The General leaned over the chart table in his private bunker looking at the plan before him.

An aid came in to report, “Sir the action at the warehouse seems to have been wrapped up with most Committee forces dead or surrounded. No sign of the whereabouts of the strangers, but a navy patrol boat went missing from the general vicinity of the warehouse shortly before sunset.”

“That’s it! There trying to get back to their spacecraft!” Boomed the General.

“Call up the Navy and Air Force I want every available asset we have in search for that patrol boat. And I wanted it done 10 minutes ago. Go! Get to it man! This could be our last best chance to turn what’s left of this country around!”

The aide rushed out of the room to do the General’s bidding.

The General tried to quell the excitement rippling through him at the prospect of capturing the alien ship, but it was hard. Opportunities like this didn’t happen every day and that fool think tank of a Committee had almost squandered the entire operation.

He was done with the Committee, or he should say dark humouredly, that the Committee was done for good. His secretary interrupted his thoughts as she handed a cup of coffee to him. He hadn’t noticed her come in.

“Oh thank you Tanya!” Said the General absentmindedly.

The secretary responded, “You’re welcome Sir. Reports are coming in throughout the Confederation. Half of all committee members are presumed dead, while the other half are in custody.”

“Good! Give the order to kill the ones in custody too. We don’t need any loose strings left to cause us problems later.”

“Understood Sir.”

The secretary left the room leaving the General alone. The General took a sip of the coffee, as he stared at the map in front of him. He was really doing mankind a favor by getting rid of the half psychotic crackpots that the Committee was made up of.

His throat burned and then suddenly air to breathe was hard to come by. The General fell to the floor as he tried to make it to a phone to call for help.

He couldn’t breathe!

The door opened and a man walked in to the room and then over to the General convulsing on the floor.

Committee member Tomlinson smiled good naturedly down at the General, who looked back up at him in horror, as he struggled to get a breadth. His face was turning purple for lack of air.

“Couldn’t have done this without you General. Just between you and me I found it as hard to work with the rest of the Committee as you did. They were how do you say it? Somewhat more conservative than I am. I think the country will benefit from the leadership of just one man, don’t you?”

Tomlinson laughed at the General’s lack of response, “Sorry there wasn’t more room at the top General.”

The General’s weak fingers fumbled at his gun holster.

“A soldier to the end I see. Let me help you.” Tomlinson said leaning down and snatching the pistol out of its holster.

He then proceeded to empty the entire clip into the General. The gun empty he tossed it away and went to the intercom and pushed a button.

Tanya’s voice came through the speaker, “Yes Sir?”

“Can you see about getting me a fresh cup of coffee in here?”

“Right away Sir!”

“Oh and Tanya have housekeeping come by and clean up this mess before the coffee stain sets in?”

“Yes Sir, I’ll put that work order in now.”