A Warrior's Revenge by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten

Light in the Sky

The bar-Trinity sped out over the waves toward the southwest, as those within recovered from the short fight.

Kana cleaned and stitched the split over Loric’s eye. She fretted over the other abrasions and bruises all the while casting dirty looks over at the one called Rolanis, who looked miserable for his part in the cause of them. Loric heard exclamations from the front viewing area and got up against Kana’s protests. He walked up to Ellanara’s side and looked out through the windows at the barren wasteland that had once been known as Assoria. A land of old hurts and division bound together by the strength of two righteous kingdoms. That was all gone now and all that was left was a barren wasteland where nothing could grow.

Loric shook his head bitterly at the sight of the devastation of a once proud land. His father had taken him here many times to speak to the wise one. Loric had known that it was all gone, but seeing it made it all the worse.

Loric glanced over at Ellanara, as the bar-Trinity came to a hovering stop over the mountains. “Why have we stopped?” He asked questioningly, but she ignored him as she typed something on a pad in front of her.

Loric reading over her shoulder saw the message for that was what it appeared to be before she sent it. ‘I am leaving with the kindred of my father’s house and that of our people that remain. I will send for you when I find a haven, where we will be safe and able to flourish once again in the stars.’

Loric looked at Ellanara, as the message disappeared from off the screen, “Who are you sending messages to here?” He asked stunned.

There was a slight ping of noise and he glanced down to see a return message, ‘Well done Ellanara! We will be ready. Godspeed and His will be done!’


Loric’s gaze rose from the message to meet Ellanara’s intense blue luminescent ones, “Lanoria?” He whispered in question.

She smiled back radiantly, “Yes.”

He shook his head and smiled too, “Now I don’t feel as bad about our chances of survival. How many survived?”

Ellanara smiled enigmatically and simply said, “Enough.”

She would say no more on the matter and so Loric ambled back over to the concerned face of Kana. Kana started to say something admonishing about him leaving, while she was fixing him up, but he preempted her by swinging her up into his arms to her surprise. He started down the hall towards the back of the ship, as her face flushed completely dark in embarrassment.

One of the Hunters called Satago asked with a big grin on his face, “What do we do now Sir?”

“Do?” Laughed Loric on his way out of the room. “Do whatever you feel like doing. I certainly know what I’m going to be doing.”

“Loric!” Kana screeched out in humiliation, but Loric just laughed and continued on down the hall in search of a room.

There was an awkward silence in the room that they’d left behind them. The silence was so acute that Ellanara’s whispered mutter was picked up by several pairs of ears, “Just like my father. Some things don’t change apparently.” Her words may have been sarcastic in the sounding of them, but her lips were tilted up in a smile, as she worked over her screens to prepare the ship for its first journey into space.


The circular rings around the outer apex of the two v-wings began to spin in one direction as parts of the main fuselage began to spin in the opposite direction. The spinning increased and green rays of light began to peel out of the spinning turbines of the wings, even as a golden light began to spray out from the fuselage. The two light trails intermixed into a weave of colored light that was stunningly beautiful against the black backdrop of the night sky.

The light trailed out from around and behind the bar-Trinity, as the ship sped increasingly faster up and outward into the dark space beyond the night. The atmosphere ahead of the ship crackled with an iridescent blue mist that the bar-Trinity flew into and then it was abruptly gone. Light Atomic Reciprocal Particle travel, LARP travel. It was Ellanara’s upgrade to the old vector-based water and gas vortex gate travel of her father’s era.

There was no need for particle beam assemblies or beacon arrays. The bar-Trinity could go anywhere it wanted to; it just had to know a destination, which was the problem. Little was known about where to go in space to find habitable worlds. The only knowledge that remained from the time before was the destination of where the ancestors had fled from and out of the lack of anywhere else to go other than Earth, that ancient series of worlds was where Ellanara was now headed for.




Assoria’s survivors.

The night sky was still and dark, as the last tendrils of colored air had disappeared into nothingness. The old man let the tablet with its glowing screen fall down by his side in one hand, as he let his other hand fall onto the young boy’s shoulder who stood beside him.

“Come, let us go back down. It is not good to breathe the air out here for long.”

But the boy resisted, “Will we leave soon?”

“In time we will, I’m not sure that it will be soon though, but I hope so. Come Josavo.”

The boy took the old man’s hand and together they walked back into the pitch darkness of the cave. The way before them was lit from the glow of their eyes and hair and they had no trouble finding their way in the dark of Lanoria.

“What if they do not find a place for us?” The boy asked worried.

“We shall just have to have faith that they will Josavo. If anyone can find us a safe place it will be my sister Ellanara.” The old man said, as he and the boy disappeared into the dark recesses of the cave.