A Warrior's Revenge by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty

A King’s Pleasure

I walked a little behind the others, as the bar-Trinity came to rest within the hangar of the larger ship. Ellanara waited very impatiently for the hangar bay to be safe atmospherically, which caused me to smile at her anxiousness. For me this moment could go on for forever. I was in no hurry to see it end, but I was also eager to start what came next.

The doors opened and Zevin walked in and enfolded Ellanara in a big hug.

“I knew you could do it sister!” Zevin said before he whisked Ellanara off to somewhere, even as scores of people descended upon the crew of the bar-Trinity.

I smiled and nodded and made my way through the packed throng of humanity beginning to be in need of some alone time. I heard the coordinates for the moon where my people were waiting broadcasted over the ship’s com system and inwardly I relaxed. The Vallians weren’t going to leave us behind this time.

I walked alone to a portal on the ship’s side and watched the other great ships come into formation in readiness to travel to the destination where my people waited to be picked up. My father had been right to do what he had done so long ago.

The graceful and strong form of an exceptional woman stepped up to the portal beside me. She was beautiful, even as she was apparently very old, if the snow white tresses of her hair gave an accurate description of her age. While old I could tell the heart of a warrioress still beat strong within her.

She smiled up at me charmingly, which revealed a mouth full of glistening sharp teeth, “Tell me what is your name warrior?”

I smiled in return already liking the exotic featured woman, “Salanicus.”

“Tell me who you are Salanicus?”

Now that was a question. Who was I?

“I was a King once, but now I think I’m just a survivor.”

Her smile only deepened, “My name is Raya’nasa. I was a Queen once, but like you I’m just a survivor now.”

“Your people are not Vallians?” I asked inquisitively.

“No, they were of Berniam, but the lines have blurred. It is hard to say as to what we are now in terms of ancestry, but what is important is that while we are of several people’s we are still all of one race. We are after all, human, are we not?”

“Yes!” I said smiling.

“Now come along big warrior. I may not be a Queen any longer, but you are most definitely are still a King.” She said, as she took my hand to lead me away from the portal to the bridge where the others were.


The older man named Zevin, who was somehow Ellanara’s brother spoke up, “You will always be my Queen my love.” He said directing his words with affection to the woman by my side.

Ellanara came forward and hugged the older woman fiercely, who returned the hug with equal measure.

I turned from the two of them to the serious face of Zevin, who spoke to me, “Salanicus, it is an honor to finally meet you just as it is my honor to serve you. This fleet is at your command and awaits your orders.”

I glanced at Ellanara stunned and then back to Zevin, “I am but the lesser of the peoples gathered here. I should be in charge of nothing.”

Zevin shook his head, “Not so! None of these people would be here if not for the wisdom of your father and the sacrifice of your people. Your people are now part of our people and where you go we will go also. Leadership is yours by both right and merit. What are your orders sire?”

Zevin and those gathered behind him knelt down to one knee looking up at me earnestly in expectation of what I was to say. Ellanara slipped over to my side and gave me a look of, “What are you waiting for?”

“I think it’s time that we all found our new home.” I said addressing all those present within the room.

“A home we can all share. A home that we can all be proud of. A place where we can learn from our past differences and turn them into our core strengths, as one people. One people under the one and only Sovereign God of all the universes combined.”

They seemed to like all of what I had said, if one could judge by the uproar of applause, but they had no idea how far I had come character wise as a person to say and mean what I had just said to a crowd of people largely made up of Vallian extraction. I had been wrong in my former judgments of these people and I gladly admitted to it now in favor of the future that was now becoming a reality. Ellanara’s hand slipped into mine and together we bowed to the people, our people.


We picked up my people without further incident from the moon that they had all congregated upon. All of my people could have fit into the empty berths of the bar-Kregridor, but to my surprise they asked to be spread out among the entire fleet. It would seem that they too had learned the value of forgiveness and had chosen to live in the future more than that of the past.

The bridge of the bar-Kregridor was truly massive and filled with people, but in a way it seemed like I and Ellanara stood alone within it. I met her eyes and saw the love there that she had for me and I knew that I reflected that same love back to her. In unison we grabbed the handles of the relic and it began to initialize, something that hadn’t been done in several thousand years.

I configured the settings and the relic began to pulse brightly, which lit up the engraved markings that were all over its outer surface. A ray of light speared out of the device through the front of the ship and traced out into space.

Abby looked up stunned, “It’s already there!”

Ellanara glanced at her screen, “The destination route is already logged into the ship’s navigation too!”

She turned curious eyes to me, “How did you say your ancestors got this device?”

I smiled broadly, “That’s a story better left for another time.”

I turned to Zevin, “Signal the other ships to take positions behind us and bring the bar-Kregridor onto course at full velocity.”

Zevin nodded and started the process that would take our people to their new home. The blue sparking haze of our color particle gate opened up ahead of us and we slid into it followed by the other four ships.

I glanced at the navigation display. It was a long journey we had ahead of us. It would take us almost 9 months at top speed to reach the Haven Worlds. That seemed like a long time for some reason. I had lived for so many years, what was another nine months? The last several weeks of my life seemed like they’d had more content of substance shoved into them than the one hundred years previously.

I had to admit to a fear that had become a new reality for me. I was going to be packed away in a ship for nine months with people, a lot of people. It seemed like everyone wanted to talk to me about anything and everything.

“Don’t worry dear. I’ll make sure you have plenty of alone time. Alone that is except for me. I should be able to keep you occupied don’t you think?”

I smiled, as the thoughts of my lovely wife invaded the solitude of my mind. I turned and saw her over by her series of screens seemingly paying me no attention at all and I was on the verge of believing I had imagined her presence in my mind, when she gave me a quick wink before turning back to her work.

She was too sure of herself by half!

What she needed was to be shook up a little. She thought she had me all figured out and well maybe she did, but not everything. I softly left my spot by the portal and came up behind her without being seen by her. I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder to the tune of her surprised squeal. Surprise achieved, with maximum shake up well in hand, I thought to myself, as I headed out of the control room in full view of everyone.

“Salanicus what are you doing? This is embarrassing!” She said slamming one fist hard into my back.

“Tell me about it!” I said, as I reached up one hand and smacked her hard on the bottom in retaliation for hitting me on the back.

“As to your first question, I thought you could start distracting me sooner rather than later.”

“You could’ve asked!” Ellanara grumbled out, as laughing people made way for my approach down the hall. They were happy. Heck I was happy!

“That wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun now would it?” I said jovially giving her a lighter pat to the bottom than I had before.

“I’ll make you pay for this!” She said, but I could detect the smile in her voice.

“No doubt you will, but that will have to occur at a later date. I’m too busy being distracted right now.” I said with a smile of my own, as I kicked the door of our room shut behind me.