Adaptation - Part 1 by Jeremy Tyrrell - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

We don't need to think about hunting for food,

which means we can think while eating it.”

- Wisdom of the Vigils

The mess hall was buzzing with conversation, some personal, some superfluous. Master Theodore sat opposite Brother Tung and Master Pietro. He dabbed his mouth to remove a morsel of stew.

A fine meal today,” he said, putting his spoon down and taking a swig of water.

Brother Tung rubbed his bald head, as he always did after a meal, and nodded, “I agree wholly. Now, if you will, please ask me what you need to know.”

Ah, of course. Thank you, Brother Tung. I understand that you have compiled a history on ex-Vigils. Those that left the order or were sanitized?”

Yes I have, Master Theodore, alongside Sister Karras. It has taken the better part of four years to study each of the cases.”

Could you tell me, do we have a complete history on all of the subjects you studied?”

Brother Tung rubbed his head again and thought. The two Masters did not interrupt.

Well,” he said, “I do remember that several had holes, missing portions. They were sent to be sanitized, but never arrived.”

Never arrived?”

Missing records. For example, the Sanitation order was given, the member was shipped but no log of their arrival can be found at the other end. And if memory serves me right, others were considered fit by assessment and returned.”

And so, Brother, there are potentially ex-Vigils out there, for which we cannot account?”

Indeed. Many were tracked down, but the whereabouts and movements of others remains a mystery. Sister Karras is in the process of compiling a dossier on them.”

Good, good. Now, I do not expect you to remember off the top of your head, and I will ask you to look into it further, but, if I may, do you remember anything about voodoo,” asked Master Theodore, “Or anything related to it, such as black magic, bloodletting, ritualistic behavior, that sort of thing?”

Well, let me think,” mused Brother Tung.

After a bit more head rubbing he shrugged and said, “That does not ring any bells straight up. Voodoo, you say? Like the dolls and zombies and all that?”

What did you say?” asked Master Pietro.

That it does not ring any bells...”

No, no. The other bit about dolls and zombies.”

Oh. Well, it is just from my childhood stories. I learned about how a practitioner would use an edifice of a person, include a personal item with it and invoke harm by hurting the edifice,” said Brother Tung, “It was called a Voodoo Doll.”

And the bit about the zombies?”

Ah, that is a little fuzzy. I think, and this is only from memory, that zombies can be conjured up, enacting the wishes of the conjurer. Similar notion, I think, to a golem, only that the golem is made of clay, whereas the zombie is actually a person,” said Brother Tung, “Why?”

Master Pietro clapped his head, turned to Master Theodore, and announced, “It is a taunt. The perpetrator wishes to tease us. Brother Hol...”

He looked at an expectant Brother Tung. The cat was well and truly out of the bag now, so he continued, “Brother Holland was looking upward, to the sky. If I remember correctly, 'Look at the stars. Innumerable as they are, we shall paint them all in red in tribute to our master. We shall bring forth an army, neither alive nor dead, and teach man the value of his blood'.”

The words of Isaac... So, Brother Holland was turned into a zombie?”

Not exactly. But look at how he was positioned, void of blood. His skin was sunken and haggard, his mouth was pulled back and his eyes bulged out of their sockets. If he did not look like a zombie from the stories, I do not know what does. You see, teach man the value of his blood.”

It appears to fit,” acknowledged Brother Tung.

Hmm. Let me make another suggestion, based on what you said. 'Neither alive nor dead', perhaps it is referring to Assisted Compliance Surgery?” suggested Master Pietro.

Yes, I can see how that works. But the surgery is still governed by the will of Houston, which is regulated by the Board, by laws and by popular opinion. It is granted on a case by case basis and can only be performed by specialist surgeons. Even then the public knows nothing about it,” countered Master Theodore, “If the message is alluding to it, it could imply that there is a fast way to mass administer it to the public, some way to...”

Wait, wait, wait. Master Theodore if you will humor me. If I recall, Isaac's end game was the reduction of cities to a chaos and that it would be administered by some kind of mass administered signal. Interrupting the brain's processing.”

Master Theodore's jaw hung half open. He slapped his own forehead, “The Hyde Pattern! Master Jacob would know more, but you are correct! Our top minds analyzed samples of the signal, deemed it as having little more than a mild hallucinogenic effect in most subjects. We thought the whole thing was too unpredictable to have any chance of success.”

But what if it was not? What if it had more merit than was granted?”

In that case, if it has been made potent, we are in greater peril than I can imagine. Who is behind this, who is developing it, how far they have progressed, how it is distributed, we must find answers to these before they can deploy it.”

Brother Tung interrupted, “I am sorry but do I need to be hearing any of this?”

Master Pietro waved his hand in annoyance, “What? No. Perhaps. For now. But stay a while, Brother, and please do not interrupt. I have lost my train of thought. Where were we?”

The signal. Who, what and how?” asked Master Theodore, then answering himself, “That we cannot know until we talk to Master Jacob. That, and we must revisit any information we have regarding the Hyde Pattern, anything at all!”

I would think that our efforts should be spent on locating and observing any scientists, biological or EMF engineers qualified for such an endeavor,” suggested Master Pietro, “Such development cannot go unnoticed, we just need to look in the right place.”

Master Theodore nodded in agreement, “Yes, that is a wiser policy. Our network is broad enough. I will compile a list of observation requirements and contact our brethren elsewhere.”

The pair resumed pondering while Brother Tung bowed his head and waited, nibbling discretely at a biscuit. A short while later, Sister Lovelace came scuttling up, asking for audience.

Of course, Sister, sit down with us,” said Master Theodore.

I will not, thank you both, but I will tell you of the latest correspondence from our Master Penelope,” she replied.

Speak, then.”

She says that Houston's newest is about to be scheduled for Assisted Compliance. Master Penelope says that after the incident at McMinnville, the top brass will have no other option but to concede to Commander Ali-Baba's request. It is a matter of days.”

Hmm, thank you Sister. I cannot imagine such a report would go without a suggestion on her part?” asked Master Pietro.

Only that she strongly suggests an extraction to pour even more cold water on the Project. She believes that she can persuade him to leave. She says she will abide with whatever decision is made,” said Sister Lovelace.

She bowed and left them.

Master Theodore scratched his head, “Houston's newest? It makes sense, I guess. They have invested much. They cannot risk to lose him, not their star attraction, and certainly not before they have demonstrated his full potential. Whether or not he would be an asset or a liability, that can be debated.”

If liability he be, it would be but a trifling matter to dispose of him. As an asset, however, he could be powerful indeed.”

Do you think he could be persuaded to join us?”

Master Pietro nodded, “If not, then at least we could keep him out of the reaches of Houston. Hmm. Master Penelope wants an extraction. We cannot insert a team...”

No, not without revealing ourselves. We would risk much and gain little. He must choose to leave, and quickly, and if Master Penelope believes she has his ear, I am convinced that she is the person for the job.”

And then?” asked Master Pietro, “Aid him discretely as he wanders in the wastes? Or perhaps we take in the outsider?”

Master Theodore closed his eyes and pondered. Master Pietro sat by, waiting for his decision.

If we do nothing, we will lose this opportunity. She informed us that he has a balanced mind and a generous soul. The more I think about it, the more I believe that we could use a man of his talents.”

I agree. With the murder and the assault on the Sanitation Facility, we need someone like him on side. Preferably more,” said Master Pietro, “But too many would be like herding cats.”

Like cats, indeed,” said Master Theodore.

Would any follow?”

That would be up to Master Penelope. If they did, it would be an even greater blow to the Project. But one at a time is good fishing.”

Hmm. True. But Houston may then retaliate in force, hunting them down. If we provide sanctuary, that could lead them to us. If we do not, the opportunity is lost.”

Master Theodore sighed deeply. Sanctuary within the bosom Vigils was a privilege not granted lightly. Anonymity was one of their strongest defenses.

Houston has kept them as secrets. Letting him wander the world unguided would be tantamount to setting a lion among lambs. Lures of power and greed would corrupt them.”

Master Pietro nodded, “It grieves me greatly just to think. The balance would be thrown. Whichever Entity snaps him up would bend him to their will, as Houston has. Convinced of the strengths of Project Adaptation, they would begin, in earnest, their own campaign, putting us back at square one.”

Or worse, since we would be battling this abomination on two fronts. Or more.”

Then the race would begin, and the victor would swallow the lesser. They could strike without fear, destroying governments with impunity. There would be no opposing force to right them. An entire army could be crippled by an unstoppable strike team infiltrating and destroying the command,” said Master Pietro, pushing his fingers together.

Then again, he is but one man,” said Master Theodore.

One man, for now, but there will be others, others like him, others more advanced.”

Master Theodore rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “Unless Houston's Adaptation project is halted.”

And so we have come full circle. In order to halt the Project, we must use this opportunity to steal their prize. This matter is settled, except for the original question of what to do.”

Master Theodore nodded his head, “Of course. Thank you. On the one hand, we risk so much in losing him. On the other, if we let him into our custody, we risk exposing ourselves to Houston and to the world.”

Must I remind you of our fallen brethren? We are already exposed!” warned Master Pietro, “We have a blade leveled against us and we are debating what kind of arm wields it!”

That we are, Master Pietro, that we are.”

Master Theodore and Master Pietro both fell silent. It was worrying, the predicament they were in. Inaction was not an option, that was clear, but what to do, what to do?

We must send a transport. If Master Penelope can convince him to leave, then there is no need for any violence. I feel it in my bones that something big is coming. Providing him sanctuary will put us at risk, so we should house him safely until we decide what is to be done.”

Master Pietro agreed, “Capital. So if I may ask, Brother Tung, have you seen Sister Hanifé today?”

Brother Tung looked thoughtful, “Yes. Yes, she was speaking with Brother Pompelmo in the gardens regarding his return from his campaign in Moscow.”

Could you send for her? We must talk at once to Master Jacob about the other matter. She can find us there,” said Master Theodore.

Brother Tung rubbed his head and stood up, “Certainly, Masters. But, since all this is very compelling, may I ask a question? You spoke before of the assault on the remote facility, and only this morning I overheard that Sister Alim of the armory said that the inventory count shows that a camouflage suit is unaccounted for,” said Brother Tung, “Is there something we should know?”

Master Theodore sighed, “I suppose. I was hoping against hope that my learned Master Pietro would be proven wrong, but it is sadly not the case. If you could, please inform everyone at all Chapters that Brother Marcus is to be considered a traitor. If anyone comes in contact, or has any idea of his location, we are to be informed immediately. Yes, to answer your next question, he is suspected of killing Brother Holland along with orchestrating the assault and breakout of Acolyte Ryan at the Sanitation facility.”

Brother Tung's eyebrows furrowed before he bowed and left to issue the message. Master Pietro watched him go before turning to Master Theodore.

Are you sure that was wise, letting everyone know our suspicions before they are concrete?” he asked.

Our hand was forced. Besides, the rumors are growing too strong. Too many questions are being asked,” Master Theodore rubbed his temples, “Plus I am too old and too tired to hold up a facade. We need all of our minds to work together, and if some of those have already been corrupted, so be it.”