Air Rescue by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


A little while later, Airship 3 zoomed 30 feet over the traffic heading north on U.S. 1.

Airship 3 flew into Cudjoe Key where people spotted the flying airship and thought it was a remote controlled airplane.

Airship 3 flew over U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Airship 3 flew into Summerland Key where people spotted the flying airship and thought it was a remote controlled airplane.

Airship 3 flew over U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Airship 3 flew into Ramrod Key where people spotted the flying airship and thought it was a remote controlled airplane.

Airship 3 flew over U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Airship 3 flew into Little Torch Key where people spotted the flying airship and thought it was a remote controlled airplane.

Airship 3 flew over U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Airship 3 flew into Big Pine Key where people spotted the flying airship and thought it was a remote controlled airplane.

Airship 3 flew over U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road then over a small island.

Airship 3 flew into Bahia Honda Key where people spotted the flying airship and thought it was a remote controlled airplane.

Airship 3 flew over a long journey U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Airship 3 flew into Marathon where people spotted the flying airship and thought it was a remote controlled airplane.

Inside Airship 3, Hazel and Melvin looked lost while they flew into Marathon.

“I think we headed in the wrong direction,” Melvin said while he looked at Marathon.

“I’m thinking you’re right while Hazel looked around Marathon.

Down along U.S. 1 in Marathon, people saw Airship 3 while it flew 30 feet up in the air.

Inside Airship 3, Hazel and Melvin looked around Marathon.

“I don't have a clue where we're at.  These building look the same as the ones in Key West.  Plus there's a school of hundreds of those vehicle creatures.

They both stared out the windows.

Then Hazel's eyes lit up.  “Look!  There's a huge creature with the Key West name on it,” she excitedly called out to Melvin and pointed.

“Hitch a ride time!” Melvin replied while he saw a “Key West Tours,” bus while he headed down south on U.S. 1.

Hazel banked the airship and made a 180-degree turn and headed after the tour bus.

The Key West tour bus drove down U.S. 1 while Airship 3 hovered over the roof.  The landing struts extended out from the belly of the airship and slowly descended and landed on the top of the bus.

Inside Airship 3, Hazel flipped some switches and the rear engine whined down.

They looked out the canopy and saw the Atlantic and Gulf on both sides of U.S. 1.

“There's home,” she said while she pointed at the Gulf to her right.

“I know, but it wouldn’t be home without Stephanie, so we still need to rescue my love,” he replied while he looked determined.

Hazel looked away at the Atlantic and yearned to have Melvin all to herself.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus made the long journey down U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove through Bahia Honda Key.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road then drove over a small island.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S. 1 and went through Big Pine Key.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S. 1 and went through Little Torch Key.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S. 1 and went through Ramrod Key.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S. 1 and went through Summerland Key.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S. 1 and went through Cudjoe Key.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S. 1 and went through Sugarloaf Key.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S. 1 and went through Coppitt Key.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S. 1 and went through the Naval Air Station of Key West.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S.1 where there was water on both sides of the road.

Hazel and Melvin watched while the tour bus drove down U.S. 1 and went through Stock Island.

After the bus drove out of Stock Island, Melvin’s eyes lit up when he saw an “Entering Key West” sign along the side of the road.  “We’re back in Key West!” he cried out.

“Let’s wait to see where this creature takes us,” Hazel replied.

Hazel and Melvin waited and watched where the tour bus was going to take them.

The tour bus turned right and headed down North Roosevelt Blvd.

They continued to wait and watched while the tour bus drove down North Roosevelt Blvd.

A little while later, the tour bus drove down Truman Avenue. 

Hazel and Melvin continued to watch from inside Airship 3.

“I’m totally lost,” Melvin said while he looked out at Key West from the top of that tour bus while he continued down Truman Avenue. 

“I know what you mean,” Hazel replied.

Then a little while later, the tour bus turned right down Duval Street.

From inside Airship 3, Melvin’s eyes lit up when he saw the street signs.

“We’re back on Duval Street,” he cried out to Hazel.

“I see we are,” Hazel replied and showed little enthusiasm while she flipped some switches and started the rear engine.

Airship 3 rose off the top of the tour bus and the landing struts retracted back into the belly of the airship.

Airship 3 zoomed off down Duval Street.

From inside Airship 3, Hazel and Melvin looked at the street signs.

“Look for Eaton Street,” she told Melvin while looked out the canopy to her right.

Melvin looked out the canopy to his left.

Then a little while later, Melvin’s eyes widened.  “There’s Southard the street of cave where Stephanie is located,” Melvin cried out and pointed to his left.

Airship 3 flew into a loop and then made a sharp bank to the right and zoomed down Southard Street.

Meanwhile, down in the Gulf of Mexico, June entered her kitchen and swam over to a cabinet.   She looked around to make sure Rocky wasn’t going enter the room.   She felt the coast was clear so she opened up a cabinet.  She removed some clamshells off the shelf then reached in the back of the cabinet.

She removed a picture of Melvin and glanced at it while her eyes welled up.  She kissed the picture then quickly shoved the picture back in the rear of the cabinet. She placed the clamshells back on the shelf then closed the cabinet door.

She swam out of the kitchen.

From another doorway of the kitchen, Rocky poked his head inside and curiously looked at that cabinet.

Back in Key West, Airship 3 flew down Southard Street and turned into the parking lot of Cooter’s store.

The airship flew to the rear of the store and flew to the van parked in the back.

Airship 3 hovered over the top of Cooter’s van and the landing struts extended. 

Airship 3 slowly descended and landed on top of the van.  The rear engine soon whined down after Hazel shut it off.

Inside Airship 3, Hazel and Melvin relaxed while they watched the rear door of the store for an opening.

“I take it that you don’t care for Stephanie very much,” Melvin asked her.

Hazel looked at the rear door of Cooter’s store.  “What’s not to like?  She gets all the boys.  She gets all the attention,” Hazel replied in a sarcastic tone.

Melvin felt a little sorry for Hazel.  He looked over at her then removed her glasses.  “You know something, you're really beautiful without your glasses,” he said while she looked at him.

Hazel gave Melvin a warm smile.  “That’s so sweet, but I'm blind without them.”

“Too bad,” he replied while he moved closer to her and placed her glasses back.

She unknowingly puckered up her lips ready to kiss Melvin.

Melvin saw her puckered lips and shied away.

She realized she puckered her lips and got a little embarrassed.

Melvin thought about Stephanie for a few seconds then started to have his doubts.  “Maybe Stephanie's beauty got to my better judgment, as all she wanted was to marry a hero.  And I heard that and took advantage of it,” Melvin said.

“Everybody talks about Stephanie and how beautiful she is and nobody cares how smart I am,” Hazel said and looked saddened.

“Well I care and you also left out that you’re brave,” he told her.

Hazel smiled over his comment, it warmed her heart and she wanted to lean over and kiss him in the worst way.

“You were always there for me.  Making sure I passed my training.  And look what I did.  I took the credit for your heroic actions on being the first to fly out into outer air.  I don't know why, but,” he said then he looked at her and quickly leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.  “Thank you,” he added.

Hazel touched her lips for a brief second. 

“It's because I, I ah,” she hesitated on telling him the truth.  Then she decided to be honest and tell him her true feeling.  “I,” she said.

Melvin's eyes widened when he saw Sara’s 1965 Mustang drive up to the back door and stopped.

“One of the Air Aliens is back,” he said interrupting Hazel.

Hazel felt a little relieved while she thought it might have been a mistake to tell him his true feelings.

Melvin and Hazel watched while Sara got out of the Mustang and unlocked the back door.

She propped the back door opened and went to the trunk of the Mustang.  She removed a box of fish food supplies from the trunk and walked it inside the store.

 “The cave is open.  We can now go rescue Stephanie,” he said interrupting Hazel.

Hazel hesitated for a few seconds then she flipped switches and the rear engine fired up.

Airship 3 lifted off the roof of the van and the landing struts retracted back into the belly of the airship.