Air Rescue by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


It was the next morning and Cooter drove down to Key West with Billy.

Cooter entered the store with Billy, who immediately ran excited over to Stephanie's old aquarium.

Cooter walked over to Sara who fed some fish at another aquarium and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Show me this toy,” he asked Sara.

They walked over to Billy, who looked excited while he sees the airship inside the aquarium with Hazel up against it alone and asleep.

“I never ordered these toys, but you’re right, I can see the marketing potential as some type of fish air rescue kit, he said then looked at Hazel.  “Is that the toy fish?” he asked.

“Yea, but it was in that spacesuit laying by the spaceship,” she replied and looked a little confused.  “I don’t know how it got out of the suit.”

“Maybe the fish fell out when you dumped it into the aquarium?” he replied.

“Maybe,” Sara responded but wasn’t totally buying that reason.

Cooter rushed back over to the counter and grabbed the dip net.

He rushed back over to the aquarium and removed the plastic top. 

He stuck the dip net inside the aquarium.

Inside Stephanie’s old aquarium, Hazel was still sound asleep when the dip net scooped her and the airsuit up.

Hazel woke up in a bit of a daze then her eyes widened in fear when she realized she was in a net.

“Melvin!” she cried out while the net was being lifted up to the top of the aquarium.

In the store, Cooter dumped Hazel and the airsuit into his hand.   The remaining water poured out of the airsuit and dripped to the floor between Cooter’s fingers.

In Cooter’s hand, Hazel looked scared to death while Cooter’s huge face got closer and looked her over.

She gasped for some water and knew she would probably die soon.  “I love you Melvin,” she quietly said while she gasped for some water.

Cooter looked Hazel over in his hand and then looked at her airsuit.  “What a cool toy!”

Billy jumped up and down to get Hazel out of Cooter's hand.  “I want to play with it!  Let me play with it!” he cried out.

“No!  You'll have to wait until I get this cloned,” Cooter replied then walked away to the backroom.

Billy looked pissed and he stomped his feet in his typical temper tantrum.

He kicked out his legs and accidently knocked over a small aquarium on a stand.

It crashed to the floor and exotic fish slid all over the place.  They flopped around on the floor and gasped for air.  “Help me!  I need water!” some of the fish cried out in unison.

Sara raced out from behind the counter over to the spill.  She quickly scooped up the fish and dumped them into a nearby aquarium.

Cooter came out of the backroom with a small bowl with Hazel and the airsuit inside.  He walked over and looked mad at Billy who pouted over by the counter.

“Go and sit in the backroom!” he yelled at Billy while he placed the bowl on the counter.

Billy looked upset while he moped into the backroom.

Sara walked over with a mop and started mopping up the mess while Cooter cautiously picked up pieces of broken glass.

Inside Stephanie’s old aquarium, Timmy, Kathy and Mitch raced over to the airship.

“Melvin, come out quick,” they yelled at the door to the air chamber.

Melvin came out a little groggy from being asleep.  “What?”

Those Air Aliens took Hazel,” Kathy told him.

Melvin raced out of the airship and raced over to the glass.  He strained to see but couldn’t see Sara or Cooter.

“That small Air Alien knocked over a smaller water world,” Timmy said.

“I hope everybody survived,” Mitch added concerned about their fellow fish.

Then they saw Cooter while he walked toward their aquarium.

Melvin sensed something was wrong while he looked at Cooter approaching and looked back at his airship.

He quickly swam over to the airship and went inside the air chamber.

Then a bigger dip net entered the aquarium and Timmy, Mitch, and Kathy scattered.

The air chamber door closed the second the dip net scooped up the airship.

Inside Airship 3, Melvin sat scared in his seat while he saw the netting all around the canopy bubble.  All he could think about was if Hazel was alive.

Melvin was scared while he watched Cooter carry the airship over to the counter. 

The netting around the airship moved away and he felt the craft being placed down on a hard surface with a little thud.

He figured this was his chance to fly around and try to find Hazel.  He quickly configured the airship to be fired but it was suddenly lifted upward.

The nose of the airship pointed downward and he saw Hazel in a small bowl with her airsuit on the counter.

“Hazel!” he called out and looked relieved as she appeared to be alive.

Then he saw Cooter’s other hand pickup the bowl and he knew this Air Alien also had his airship in his grips.

Melvin watched while Cooter walked through the backroom and headed out the back door.

Then he saw Billy ran over to Cooter’s Cadillac convertible that had the top up. 

Outside Cooter’s store, Billy got in the passenger seat of Cooter’s car.  

Cooter placed the airship and the small bowl on the rear floorboard behind his seat.

He got behind the wheel and started up the Cadillac.

Inside Airship 3, Melvin saw the small bowl but couldn’t see Hazel and he got worried sick.

Inside the small bowl, Hazel was scared to death while she gasped for air.

Then inside Airship 3, Melvin felt the airship vibrate a little while Cooter drove his Cadillac away from his store.

During the drive back to Cooter’s house, Melvin kept an eye on the small bowl in hopes of seeing Hazel.  He was worried sick that she wasn’t alive.

Then 10 minutes later, Cooter’s Cadillac hit a pothole in U.S. 1 and the small bowl tipped over to the floorboard.

From Airship 3, Melvin saw Hazel on the floorboard carpet gasping for water.

“Hazel!” he cried out in a panic and he jumped out of his seat.

He swam back and forth in a panic.  “She won’t last long in the outer air,” he said while he paced back and forth.  “I’ve got to do something,” he said then he eyed the airsuits on the wall.  He looked back at the canopy then looked back at the airsuits.

He rushed over to console and flipped the “Air Chamber” switch to “Manual” and then he rushed over the airsuits.

On the Cadillac’s floorboard Hazel gasped for water and was scared on dying.

Then the air chamber door of Airship 3 opened and Melvin stood in the doorway in one of the airsuits.  His eyes were as big as saucers when he saw outer air.

He slowly stepped out of the air chamber and onto the carpet of the floorboard.

Hazel gasped for water and started feeling week.

Then all of a sudden, she felt something grab one of her mechanical legs and she got scared.  Then she felt relieved when she saw Melvin dragging her to the airship.

“Melvin!” she called out in a hoarse voice.

Melvin dragged Hazel to the airship.

Then the Cadillac made a sharp turn to the right and Melvin took a tumble to the floorboard.

Melvin slowly got back upright and grabbed Hazel’s tail fin. 

He dragged her to the air chamber door and she started to look like she was fading fast.

Inside Airship 3, Melvin dragged Hazel into the air chamber then he hit the “Close Door” button on a small panel on the wall near the door. 

The air chamber door closed.

Melvin quickly hit the “Water Fill” button on the panel and looked concerned while Hazel gasped for water on the air chamber floor.

Then water started pouring out of the openings near the floor.

“Hang in there Hazel” he said while he stroked her head.

Then water slowly filled up the air chamber and Hazel was able to suck in some and she looked relieved.

The water continued to fill up the air chamber and Hazel started looking more alive.

The air chamber was full of water and Melvin hit the “Stop Water Fill” button.

He quickly helped Hazel off the floor.

He pressed “Open Cockpit Door” button on the panel and the door that led into the cockpit opened.

Melvin assisted Hazel into the cockpit and closed the air chamber door.

Hazel sucked in more water through her gills and she started to come back to life. 

After a few minutes of sucking in some water, she started swimming around and was so happy to be back in the airship again.

Then she swam over to Melvin and gave him a huge hug.  “You rescued me!” she cried out and hugged his harder.

Melvin was proud of himself while he wrapped his fins around Hazel.

“I couldn’t let you die out in outer air,” he said.

“You’re my hero!” she said then separated from Melvin and gave him a kiss on his lips. 

This is nice.  He thought to himself while he accepted her kiss.

While Cooter drove his Cadillac down U.S. 1, the classic Elvis’ Treat Me Nice song played on the radio.

Cooter sang out in a horrible key to the Elvis song while he tapped his fingers on his steering wheel.

Billy sat in the passenger seat and pouted that he couldn’t play with the airship.

Cooter continued to sing along with the song and was thinking he was going to be rich with his new toy idea.

Then 10 minutes later, the Elvis song was over and Cooter pulled his Cadiallc into Connie’s driveway.

He turned off the car and stepped out.

Billy got out of the car and ran to the front door where he pouted.

Cooter reached down at the rear floorboard and grabbed the airship.  Then he looked at the floorboard and saw the bowl tipped over.  He lifted up the bowl and saw the airsuit but Hazel was missing.  He looked around the floorboard and couldn’t see Hazel.  He got in his knees and searched under the front seat and couldn’t find Hazel. 

He stood up and scratched his head.  “Where did that space fish go?” while he said while he picked up the airsuit off the carpet.

He looked baffled while he closed his door and walked to the house with the airship and airsuit in his hand.

Cooter unlocked the front door and Billy still pouted about not being able to play with the airship.

Billy stomped off to his bedroom while Cooter walked the airship into the den.

Cooter placed the airship and airsuit on top of the desk of the den and sat down.  He opened up a drawer and removed a pad of paper.  He immediately started sketching out Hazel from his memory.

In Airship 3, Hazel and Melvin huddled by the back wall to stay of view of Cooter while he sketched at the desk.

Later that day in the den, Cooter was finished with his sketch of Hazel and it was obvious he wasn’t talented in the area of drawing.

Billy poked his head around the doorway of the den to see if the airship was accessible.  It was by Cooter on the top of the desk and he looked upset then went back to his bedroom.

Cooter removed his cell phone from his belt and punched in a phone number.  “Hey Buster, it’s Cooter.  Listen, what’s the name of your buddy that owns that plastic injection molding company?” he asked into his cell phone.

“Howard up in Melbourne?” Buster replied from Cooter’s cell phone.

“Yeah him, what’s his number, I have this idea for a toy and I want him to make me prototype,” Cooter replied.

“My number is five five five, eighteen oh four,” Buster responded from the cell phone.

“Thanks,” Cooter said while he wrote down the phone number just above his sketch of Hazel.

He ended the call and immediately saved Howard’s cell number as a contact in his cell phone.  He placed his cell phone on the desk. 

He looked at the door of the den and saw Billy who poked his head inside to see if the airship was accessible.

“You still can’t play with the spaceship.  I need it for my new business idea,” Cooter told Billy.

Billy pouted and left the doorway and moped back to his bedroom.

Cooter looked at his airsuit sketch and come up with some other ideas for his toy.

He jotted down that the airship was a rescue ship.

He jotted down that the spacesuit was used for fish to come out of the airship and rescue fish from aquariums.

He jotted down that the rescue ship toy kit would have six plastic fish, an airship, a spacesuit, a small square aquarium and green lanyards that look like seaweed.  He jotted down that the toy would sell for $19.95.

He leaned back and got a greedy grin thinking this toy idea would make him filthy rich.

Cooter looked around the den for a place to keep the airship out of Billy’s disastrous hands.  His eyes lit up when he saw the bookcase.  He got up and grabbed the airship.

He walked over to the bookcase and placed Airship 3 on an opened spot of the top shelf.

He looked satisfied that Billy wouldn’t be able to reach up there.

Cooter walked and sat down in the lazy boy chair.  He grabbed the remote off the small table next to the chair and turned on the TV.  He flipped through the channels and his eyes lit up when he saw the Elvis G.I. Blues movie.  He kicked back in the lazy boy chair and watched one of his favorite Elvis movies.

Inside Airship 3, Hazel and Melvin cuddled against the back wall and kissed.

They stopped and they both were breathless.

“Wow!  I felt the airship moving while we kissed,” Melvin said.

“Me too and it was wonderful,” Hazel replied with love in her eyes.

“It must have been the kissing,” he added with a loving smile.

Hazel nodded in agreement.  “What do we do now?  We don’t know where Stephanie is located to rescue her,” she asked him and wanted to go home alone with Melvin.

“I don’t know.  “Let’s see where we are now,” he said then swam over to the console.

Hazel swam over to the console.

They both looked out the canopy and saw the den with Cooter in the lazy boy chair and also saw two other aquariums.

“It looks like we're in another cave area.  I see the Air Alien and also see two other water worlds,” he told Hazel.

“There are?” she said and wasn’t that excited.

“We should check them out for Stephanie,” he said while he stared at the two aquariums.

Hazel gave Melvin a warm loving smile.  “Maybe we should, you know, wait a little bit until the Air Alien leaves this cave,” she said and puckered up her lips a little and lovingly rubbed up against his body.

Melvin looked at Cooter while he watched the TV and then looked back at the two aquariums.  “You’re right.  The Air Alien will stop any rescue efforts.   We can wait,” he said then grabbed Hazel’s fin and swam her to the airsuits.

They embraced each other and engaged in a kiss.