Air Rescue by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Cooter drove his Cadiallc down the street of Connie’s development and Billy had Airship 3 in sight 20 feet above the street.

Airship 3 turned left and headed south on U.S.1., and water slowly dripped out of the model glue and tape fix of Billy’s.

Cooter's car with the convertible top down turned and headed south on U.S. 1.

Billy stood up and grabbed onto the top of the windshield while Cooter drove down U.S. 1.

Cooter got his Cadiallc right under the airship.

“Drive Billy,” he ordered.

Cooter stood up and Billy scooted over and took command of the wheel like a professional.

Cooter reached over in the backseat and grabbed the long pole and net.

Cooter stood up and swung the net at the airship.

Billy swerved the Cadiallc all over the lane while he adjusted the seat and Cooter almost fell out of the car while he missed the airship with the net.  Oncoming traffic swerved and screeched on their brakes and missed Cooter’s Cadiallc by inches.

Inside Airship 3, Melvin worked the controls while everybody watched.

“Outer air is so huge!” Carlos said while he had a fin around Stephanie.

“It’s kind of spooky yet intriguing,” Hazel replied while she looked out and saw the Atlantic on one side of the road and the Gulf of Mexico on the other side of U.S. 1.

Melvin looked at the fuel gauge on the console and saw it was three-quarters empty.  Then he saw a 20 passenger “Key West” tour bus five car lengths ahead of the airship.

“There's one of those Key West vehicles.  We should let it take us the rest of the way since we’re running low on fuel,” he told everybody.

“Good thinking,” Hazel replied while Melvin made a slow descent toward the roof of the tour bus.

“Why can’t we just head to the water?” Carlos curiously asked.

“Because we don’t know where Aquaticville is located from this area of Air Alien land.  We could venture off in the wrong direction and get lost,” Hazel replied while Melvin flew the airship closer to the roof of the tour bus.

While the airship descended to the roof of the tour bus, nobody notice that the water level in the cockpit above their heads started to get lower.

Back in Cooter’s Cadiallc, he noticed the airship descending down to the roof of the tour bus.

“It’s heading to the top of that bus!” he told Billy.

Billy saw an opening and he whipped the Cadiallc into the northbound lane.  He raced the Cadiallc down the northbound lane then quickly whipped the car back onto the southbound lane behind the bus.

The car behind Cooter’s Cadiallc screeched on its brakes to avoid smacking into the rear of the Cadiallc.

Cooter swung the pole and net at the airship and missed it, then lost his balance and fell backwards and landed in the back seat.

Cooter quickly got upright and saw the airship while it hovered then landed on the roof of the tour bus.

Cooter dropped the pole and net in the backseat and jumped back over to the front passenger seat.

“I’m driving,” he told Billy.

He stepped over Billy who scooted over.

Cooter squeezed behind the steering wheel and quickly readjusted the seat.

He waited for an opening and then he quickly whipped the Cadiallc into the northbound lane of U.S. 1 and raced alongside the tour bus.  Cooter's car got even with the bus drivers' window.  “Pull over!” Cooter yelled at the bus driver.

The bus driver looked at Cooter and rolled down his window.  “What?” the bus driver asked.

“Pull over.  It's an emergency!” Cooter yelled back.

“Are you nuts?  I have a schedule to meet!” the bus driver replied and rolled up his window.

Cooter's eyes lit up with an idea when he saw an opportunity.  He accelerated his Cadiallc and whipped it in front of the tour bus and then Cooter slammed on his brakes.

The tour bus driver’s eyes widened when he saw the taillights of the Cadiallc and he slammed on his brakes.  The passengers inside the bus slammed forward in their seats.

In Airship 3, everybody looked stunned when the craft suddenly slid forward across the roof of the bus and suddenly took a nose dive to the backseat of the Cadiallc.

“This doesn't look good,” Melvin cried out while the airship dove at the backseat.

“Ahhhh!” Stephanie screamed out in a high pitch tone when she saw them ready to hit the backseat.

The airship slammed into the backseat then it bounced off and turned upside down and slammed to the rear floorboard.

Billy looked over the front seat and saw the airship in the rear floorboard.  “My airship!” he yelled out in joy and jumped over into the backseat.

“We got it!” Billy cried out from the backseat.

Cooter immediately flipped a switch on the dashboard and the convertible top raised up.

Billy climbed back over to the passenger seat with the airship in his hand.

Inside Airship 3, Melvin, Hazel, Stephanie, and Carlos were tossed around by Billy’s handling of their craft.

“What now?  We are in the grips of an Air Alien,” Stephanie cried out in a panic.

“Don’t worry my darling, I’ll protect your from those mean Air Aliens,” Carlos replied and punched the water like he was beating up an Air Alien.

“Don’t worry my darling,” Melvin silently mocked Carlos.

Hazel saw him and discreetly punched Melvin in his fin, as she sensed he still wanted Stephanie.

Melvin looked at Hazel and saw she was a little mad.  “I’m sorry,” he quietly whispered to her.

Then the airship went vertical while Billy handed the airship over to Cooter.

Inside the Cadiallc, Cooter looked elated at the sight of the airship in his hand.  “I'm going to make tons of moola with this golden egg!” he cried out in joy while he turned the airship on every axis to check it out.

The tour bus driver blew his horn at Cooter’s Cadiallc for slamming on the brakes and for going slow while the convertible top rose up and locked in place to the front windshield.

Cooter sped up the Cadiallc and headed south on U.S. 1.

Cooter looked at the canopy of the airship then he looked surprised.  “I don’t believe it, there’s live fish inside this spaceship,” he cried out.

Cooter continued to stare at the airship with a greedy laugh.

Inside Airship 3, everybody looked dazed from being thrown around the cockpit.

Then they saw Cooter’s eye balls while he stared at the inside of the cockpit.

“Ahhhh!” Stephanie screamed out scared to death at the sight of Cooter’s brown eyes.

Carlos wrapped his fins around Stephanie to protect her from Cooter.

Melvin quickly wrapped his fins around Hazel to protect her from Cooter.

“As soon as those eyeballs leave, we're busting out of here. I don't know how, but we going to find a way,” Melvin said with a determined look in his eyes.

Cooter placed Airship 3 on the dashboard to keep an eye on it.

Billy reached and grabbed the airship.

“Keep your hands off it!” Cooter called out while he smacked Billy’s hand.

“I want to play with my airship!” Billy cried out.

“It’s my airship until I get my production line started.  Then you can have this one,” Cooter replied while he repositioned the airship where the nose was angled toward his door window.

Billy pouted in the passenger seat.

Cooter felt a little sorry for Billy so he removed his wallet and opened it up.  He removed a $20 bill and handed it to Billy.  “Here buddy, I should at least pay you for your spaceship,” he said.

Billy’s eyes lit up, as he’s never had a $20 bill in his entire life.  He snatched the cash out of Cooter’s hand and shoved the bill into his front pocket.  “Okay.”

Cooter had dollar signs in his eyes while he glanced at the airship on his dashboard while he drove down U.S. 1.

Cooter removed his cell phone off the clip on his belt.  He opened it up and went through his contacts and made a call.

“Hey Howard.  I’m Cooter and a friend of Buster.  I want to talk some business tomorrow and I’m going to sent you some pictures on a toy idea I want to place into a production line,” Cooter said into his cell phone while he eyed the airship on his dashboard.

Inside Airship 3, Melvin saw the window at Cooter’s door. 

“There’s an opening into outer air,” he told everybody.

Hazel looked and smiled.  “Let’s go for it,” she said then she started flipping switches and turning knobs to get configured for flight.

Cooter still had his cell phone to his ear and glanced at the road and the airship.

“I’ll be happy to accommodate any friend of Buster’s,” Howard replied from the cell phone.

Then there was the small sound of the rear engine of Airship 3 while it started.

Cooter looked a little baffled while he started at the airship for the source of that sound and had the cell phone to his ear.  “I’m glad because this toy idea will sell like hot cakes,” Cooter replied while he curiously stared at the airship.

Then a flame shot out of the rear engine of the airship and it zoomed away and left a burnt mark on dashboard.

Cooter was in shock when the airship zoomed past his face and he dropped his cell phone and it fell to the floor.  “What the?” he yelled out.

“Cooter?  Are you still there?” Howard called out from the cell phone while it was on the floorboard.

Airship 3 smacked into the window glass and it ricocheted off and flew into the back seat.

Cooter swerved all over the road while he craned his neck to find the airship.

Cars blew their horns while Cooter drove his Cadiallc into oncoming traffic.

“Get that spaceship!” he yelled at Billy.

Billy turned around and looked in the backseat the second the airship zoomed inches over the top of his head.

Billy didn’t notice that the flame singed the top of his head.

Inside Airship 3, Melvin looked panicked while he flew the craft toward the front windshield.

“It looks hard like that other opening,” Hazel replied when she saw numerous smashed bugs on the outside of the glass.

Melvin sharply banked the airship and headed back to the rear window.

Billy lunged after the airship and landed head first into the rear floorboard.

Airship 3 flew at the plastic rear window and headed toward a crack.

On U.S. 1, Cooter’s Cadiallc swerved all over the road while Billy and Cooter tried to nab the airship.

Then the outline of the airship was visible in the plastic window of the convertible top.

Inside Airship 3, the plastic of the rear window was all around the canopy. 

“Give it full power!” Hazel called out to Melvin.

Melvin rammed the throttle to full power and the engine whined at its loudest noise level.

They all watched while the plastic started to stretch.

Inside the Cadiallc, Cooter turned around and saw the airship in the rear plastic window. 

“Grab it!” he yelled at Billy.

Billy jumped up from the rear floorboard but the flame of the airship’s rear engine was hot and he quickly ducked down for protection.

From inside Airship 3, they all watched and kept their fins crossed while the plastic continued to stretch and was getting thinner.

“Break, break, break, break,” the all sang out in unison.

They watched the plastic get thinner and thinner and listened while the rear engine worked harder and harder.

Then they were all thrown back to the rear wall when the plastic ripped and the airship broke free.

“Hooray!” they all cried in unison while the airship zoomed into outer air.

“Ahhhh!” Stephanie screamed out in horror when she saw the airship heading straight at the windshield of the tour bus.

Melvin and Hazel scrambled in the water and raced back to their seats.

Inside the tour bus, the driver’s eyes widened in panic when he saw the small airship zooming straight at his windshield.   He slammed on his brakes and the tires of the bus screeched and sent the passengers forward in their seats.

He watched in relief while Airship 3 zoomed upward and missed his tour bus by two inches.

It zoomed over the top of the tour bus and headed north.

Inside Airship 3, Stephanie and Carlos cheered on the excellent escape mission performed by Melvin and Hazel.

Hazel leaned over and gave Melvin a kiss, which Stephanie noticed and she cracked a smile.  “It’s about time, Hazel.”

Hazel looked back at Stephanie and had a girlish grin happy that she might finally have a boyfriend.

“Ahhhh!” Stephanie screamed out while she pointed at the front of the canopy.

The rest of them looked where she pointed and sat that they were about to slam into the windscreen of a semi-truck.

Melvin quickly pulled up on the controls and the airship zoomed straight up into outer air and all they saw was blue sky and white puffy clouds.

Airship 3 performed a loop above the traffic on U.S. 1.

He flew out of the loop and headed back to the roof of the tour bus. 

Airship 3 hovered above the roof of the tour bus and then the landing gear extended from the belly of the craft.

From his Cadiallc, Billy peeked out the passenger door window and searched the sky for the airship.

“It’s landing back on the roof of the bus, Uncle Cooter,” Billy cried out while he pointed at the bus.

“Maybe we can still get it!” Cooter called out with a sound of determination in his voice.

Then he looked ahead and saw a white Ford Crown Victoria with four old ladies with fluffy blue hair inside. Alma drove with Gertie in the passenger seat.  Polly, and Zoe sat in the back seat.  They drove that Ford down U.S. 1 at 35 miles per hour and were having a blast.

Cooter slammed on his brakes when he saw he was going to smack into the rear of the Ford.

Cooter’s Cadiallc missed the backend of the Ford by inches.

The traffic behind Cooter’s car all slammed on their brakes.

Then the traffic behind Cooter started to pass the slow moving Ford in the northbound lane.

Cooter kept his eye on the tour bus while he drove behind the slow Ford.

Then the tour bus saw an opening in the traffic passing the slow moving Ford and it whipped into the northbound lane.

Cooter watched while the tour bus passed his Cadiallc in the northbound lane.

He started to whip his car into the northbound lane but the semi-truck blew its horn.

Cooter quickly whipped his car back into his lane and looked relieved for not being flattened by that semi-truck.

Cooter watched while the tour bus moved back into the southbound lane and moved farther down the road.

He looked in his side view mirror and saw a long line of cars in the northbound lane all heading to pass the slow moving Ford.

He pounded his steering wheel in frustration that the airship was getting farther and farther out of his reach.