Air Rescue by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


It was the next morning down in the Gulf of Mexico.

On a ledge of another reef outside Aquaticville was built a new sling shot launcher for the new Airships 2, and 3.  NASA called the launcher the “Sling Shot Launcher Pad” and numerous plants hid it from view of any Air Aliens that might venture to the reef. 

A stingray swam into view with a small one room building tied to its back with seaweed.  The building had radio antennas on the roof with a small satellite dish.

The stingray swam back and forth by the ledge of the reef.

On the sling shot pad was Airship 2, which looked like a larger version of the trainer Airship 1 and was also painted blue.

While it was poised at the sling shot launcher, there was Methane pipe and a water pipe connected to the one side of Airship 2.

At the surface of the waters in the Gulf of Mexico, a dolphin stuck his head out into the air.  The dolphin looked around and was satisfied that the area was clear.

The dolphin dove back into the water.

Inside the building that was on the back of the stingray, Melvin sat nervously in the room in his airsuit and held onto his glass bubble helmet with his fins.

He looked green around his gills about flying this mission.

Hazel sat by his side and noticed Melvin was nervous.  “What's wrong Melvin?”

“I can't do it!” he replied.

“Can't do what?”

“I cannot perform this mission!” he said and looked scared to death.

Hazel felt sorry for him and lovingly stroked his head.  “Everything will be fine, as long as you remember all my training,” she told him.

“Okay Melvin, the airship's ready and our dolphin scout reports no Air Aliens are in sight.  Go get'em tiger!” Rodney said from the loud speaker in the room.

Melvin's eyes crossed, he fainted and floated to the floor.

Hazel rushed over to his aid and shook him.

Melvin woke up, his eyes suddenly widen and he covered his mouth with a fin.

He quickly swam over to the bathroom at the back of the room.

Hazel heard Melvin while he vomited in the bathroom.

He swam out of the bathroom and shook in fear.  “I really can't do this Hazel.  I really can’t!” he told Hazel.

Hazel swam over to Melvin worried.  “Sure you can Melvin.  After all, you’re a hero,” she said with love in her eyes.

Melvin looked ashamed.  “I'm no hero. I didn't rescue my parents from the deadly grips of Air Aliens.  I just warned them they were approaching while I hid behind a rock,” he confessed.

Hazel got upset.  “What?  You lied about that?”

Melvin hung his head down in shame.  “Yes and I feel so terrible,” he replied while his eyes welled up.

Hazel felt sorry for him.  “Don't worry my darling, I'll take care of everything,” Hazel said.

“Please keep this a secret!”

Hazel nodded in agreement and Melvin gave her a quick kiss.  “Thank you Hazel, you're so special,” he said.

Hazel had love in her eyes while she looked at Melvin.

A little while later, the stingray with the small building floated near the ledge by the sling shot pad.

The door of the building on back of the stingray opened and the Melvin in the airsuit with the bubble helmet, which was polarized to protect against the bright sun, walked out.

Melvin in the airsuit swam off the stingray and swam over the Methane pipe and water pipe that were connected to Airship 2.  But after the refueling operation was completed, the technician fish disconnected the pipe from the airship.

Melvin swam over to Airship 2 and went inside the door located by the wing. 

The stingray swam away from the launcher pad.

Over on a nearby ledge, Barbie Waters was ready with her microphone.  Her camera fish had a WET TV camera pointed at the sling shot pad.

Barbie swam over and got in front of the camera with the sling shot launcher in the background.

“Hello, Barbie Waters reporting for this historic airship mission with Air Captain Melvin,” she talked into her microphone.

Nearby Barbie, an old bottlenose dolphin named Dottie watched the broadcast.

Down in the main park of Aquaticville, there was a huge TV screen in the center of the park.  All of the fish in town were crowded in the park and watched Barbie on the huge TV screen.   Amongst the crowd was Stephanie with Rocky and June and they all looked so proud of Melvin.

“That’s my boy going on that historic mission,” Rocky bragged to all the nearby fish.

“We’re proud of Melvin,” a fish near Rocky stated.

Rocky had a huge proud smile on his face while he watched the TV.

June and Stephanie looked a little worried with him going on this dangerous mission into outer air.

“We've heard that the launch has been cleared, as no Air Aliens are in sight.  It'll be a few minutes before Melvin ventures into the dangerous world of Air Aliens. Melvin’s a true hero!” Barbie Waters told the audience from the TV screen.

On the TV screen, the camera zoomed in on the sling shot launcher.

“Go Melvin!” numerous fish chanted at the screen.

Inside the control room, the engineer fish started the remote sequence of filling up Airship 2 with water from the Gulf.

Inside the Airship 2 cockpit, Melvin floated by the rear wall in his airsuit.

After a few minutes the cockpit of Airship 2 was full of water.

Down in the park in Aquaticville, everybody watched the TV screen.

“We just heard that the cockpit of Airship two was filled with water and is now drained.  Melvin will now rely on the water in his airsuit to survive the hostile environment of outer air,” Barbie Waters told the audience.

In the NASA Control Room, numerous nerdy fish monitored the computer consoles.

Rodney nervously swam around the consoles.  “I hope Hazel's airsuit design works,” he said.

“Rodney, we've got the final clear for launch,” one nerdy fish with thick glasses called out.

Rodney swam over to a microphone.  “We'll be launching soon Melvin,” he said into the microphone.

Melvin didn’t respond from the speakers.

“Melvin, did you hear me?” Rodney asked a little concerned.

Melvin didn’t respond from the speakers

“A okay,” a different male voice responded from the speakers.

Rodney looked a little worried with the sound of that voice.  “Are you okay Melvin?”

“Ah yes, I got seaweed stuck in my throat,” the voice responded from the speakers then followed with a cough.

Rodney looked a little suspicious then shrugged it off. “Okay, countdown commencing,” Rodney said into the microphone.

Down in the park in Aquaticville, everybody stared at the TV screen, which showed Airship 2 posed in the sling shot pad.

At the launcher pad, Technician fish disconnected the Methane and waters lines from Airship 2 and it was now configured for launch.

At the park in Aquaticville, all the fish stared intensely at the TV screen.

 “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one,” all the fish counted in unison while they stared at the screen.

From the TV screen, everybody saw while two technician fish that wore hardhats and coveralls, swam up to the rear of the sling shot pad and pulled hard on a lever.

The tight rubber band released its tension and shot Airship 2 up into the water at a 45-degree angle.

Everybody in the park cheered while they watched Airship 2 zoom up toward the surface of the water on the TV screen.

Four dolphins poked their heads out of the water and looked around the area.  They all had cameras strapped to the top of their heads for live coverage of this historic moment in Aquaticville history.

Down in park in Aquaticville, all eyes were glued to the screen while the camera view switched to the cameras on top of the dolphins heads.

“Wow, outer air sure is very bright,” one male fish said.

“It looks so scary,” a female fish added.

“Melvin sure is brave for flying in outer air,” another male fish said.

All the fish in the crowd nodded in agreement.

The suddenly, Airship 2 zoomed up out of the water and went up in the air like a missile.

“Wow!” numerous fish all called out in unison.

They watched on the TV while the engine on the back of Airship 2 fired and a yellow flame shot out.  Then Airship 2 flew straight and level.

Then the fish in the park watched on the TV screen while Airship 2 made numerous left and right turns. 

Then they watched while Airship 2 made right and left ascending turns.

Then they watched while Airship 2 made right and left descending turns.

Then they watched in awe while Airship 2 made a loop in the air.

“Melvin, Melvin, Melvin,” all the fish chanted while they watched Airship 2 perform a couple of lazy 8s in the air.

Then everybody watched on the TV screen while Airship 2 dived back into the water with a splash.

The whole park erupted in a loud cheer and Rocky and June were so proud of their son.

Stephanie had a huge grin and her head was filled with dreams of being famous in this vast water world.

All the fish quickly swam away from the park and headed to the cave entrance.

Back at the sling shot launcher pad, Airship 2 leveled out just above the ledge.  Then four small doors opened up on the bottom of the airship and four short legs lowered and locked in a vertical position.

Airship 2 slowly settled down on the ledge.

The door of Airship 2 opened and Melvin in the airsuit stepped out.

The stingray with the small building swam over to the ledge. 

Melvin jumped off the ledge and landed on the back of the Stingray. 

He then walked to the building and went inside.

The stingray swam away and headed back to Aquaticville.

Inside the building, Melvin removed his helmet, but it wasn’t Melvin inside the airsuit; it was Hazel.  She performed the historic mission instead of Melvin.

Melvin swam out of the bathroom where he vomited again while he watched Hazel perform this mission from the TV in the room.

“I owe you big time!” he told her while he unzipped her airsuit.

“A life long commitment would be nice!” she replied with love in her eyes.

Then cheers were heard outside the building while the stingray swam closer to the cave to Aquaticville.

Melvin listened to the cheers and he ignored Hazel’s request.

“Melvin!  Melvin!  Melvin!” the crowed chanted outside the building.

He smiled at Hazel and gave her a kiss on the lips.  “You're the best!”

Hazel watched with love in her eyes while Melvin swam over to the door.

Melvin opened the door and stepped outside the building.

He stepped on the back of the stingray and saw the whole town of Aquaticville nearby.

“Melvin!  Melvin!  Melvin!” the entire town chanted the second they saw Melvin.

Rocky, June and Stephanie swam over to Melvin. Stephanie quickly planted a kiss on Melvin’s lips.  “You're my brave hero.”

Stephanie moved away from Melvin, then eyes widened in surprise when he saw his parents.

“Melvin my boy!” Rocky yelled out then quickly shook Melvin’s fin.

June hugged her son.

“Mom, dad, I didn't know you were coming?” Melvin said a little surprised and embarrassed.

“We wanted to surprise you son,” Rocky said with a proud smile.

“I'm so happy you're finally getting married,” June said and placed a fin around Stephanie.

Rocky lifted Melvin up in the air and strutted around.

“My son the hero!” he called out to everybody.

“Melvin!  Melvin!  Melvin!” all the fish chanted while Rocky paraded Melvin around.

Hazel poked her head out the door and watched the show.  “You're my brave hero,” she said mocking Stephanie then she stuck her fin in her mouth and indicated she wanted to barf.

Later that day, there was a parade down the main street of Aquaticville called Aquatic Boulevard where Melvin was the center of attention.

A heroic song played by the Aquaticville band from conch shells.

Fish lined up on both sides of the street while some fish poked their heads out of the building windows.

Confetti rained down on Melvin, Stephanie, Rocky and June while they rode on the back of a turtle while he swam down Aquatic Boulevard.

Rocky looked so proud of Melvin while everybody cheered.

From the crowd along one side of the street, Hazel looked depressed while she watched the turtle swim by her.

That night, the Aquaticville Banquet room was filled with all the fish.

At the front was a table with Rodney, Rocky, June, Stephanie and Melvin. Above them floated a "Melvin – First Fish In Outer Air” banner.

They talk amongst themselves while a waiter brought them plates of plant food.

Hazel sat a nearby table pissed with all the attention Melvin received.

That night on a ledge at the top of the Aquaticville cave, Stephanie, Rodney and Melvin were at a beautiful home that provided a grand view of the town down below.

“I wanted to give your wedding present early,” Rodney said then handed Melvin a key to the house.

Stephanie hugged Melvin and looked so happy.

Rodney handed Melvin a key to the home.

Melvin started to have an inkling of guilt feelings.

The next day, Melvin was with Stephanie, Ricky, June and Rocky at the Aquaticville Museum.

There were inside the newly opened “Melvin Room” where they just placed his airsuit and Airship 2 was on display. 

A ribbon was across the doorway to the room where Rodney stood next to Rocky, June, Melvin, Stephanie and June.

A crowd of fish watched while Melvin held up a crab at the ribbon.

 The crab snipped the ribbon and the crowd cheered.

Hazel was in the crowd and she was pissed with Melvin acting like the hero.

Later that day, Hazel was in her home and swam to her lazy boy chair with a plate of plants.  She sat in a lazy boy chair, picked up a remote and turned on the TV.  She started to munch on her plant dinner while she changed the channel.

On the TV, she saw Melvin on the neighboring Coralville’s “Talk Of The Water World” show.

She saw Stephanie and Melvin with Skippy the host.

“What was it like being out in outer air?” Skippy asked Melvin.

Melvin hesitated for a few seconds.  “It was an eerie quiet.  The sky was bright and I could see for miles and miles,” Melvin replied.

“And did you see any Air Aliens?” Skippy asked.

“None were sighted during my venture,” Melvin answered.

“What’s next for our outer air hero?” Skippy asked.

“We’re getting married and then after he flies some more missions in outer air, we’ll tour around the various towns in the great water world giving speeches on being a hero,” Stephanie jumped in and answered the question.

“Hero my tail fin,” Hazel yelled while she threw her plate of plants at the TV.

While the plants slid down the TV screen she swam out of the room furious with Melvin.

She swam to her bedroom where a diploma from Aquatic College for a degree in Outer Air Engineering hung on her wall.

She swam over to her bed and got under the covers and fumed.

“I hate Melvin!” she bellowed out in anger while she closed her eyes and went to sleep.