Welcome to the introduction to the Alice Zombie Series. This series is a short work series of ebooks based upon the novel Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. While not simply a rewrite, the overall tone of the book attempts to adhere to the spirit in which the original work was published. The Alice Zombie Series is planned to encompass three ebooks which will then be compiled into one final ebook.
This particular series details the journey of a young, but not quite so young, Alice as she encounters a myriad of strange occurrences counter to her upbringing which challenge her ideologies. Whereas this would normally take place during a marvelous trip into fantasy land, this particular journey includes voracious zombies.
Lewis Carroll originally penned and delivered as a gift a predecessor of what would become the iconic Alice under a different title, namely, Alice’s Adventures Underground. On the timeline of Alice events, this ebook occurs prior to the revised version which was distributed to the public. Since the content for Lewis Carroll’s work is similar, great liberty was taken with this series of short works in order to differentiate between Alice underground and Alice in Wonderland.
*Parental Note*
While this ebook is based off of the Alice genre, it is not intended for adolescent readers. This ebook does not contain nudity or profanity. It does; however, relate the exploits of a teenage Alice and as such may contain discussions of mature subject matter.
After Preface
Last but not least, the author would like to express his extreme gratitude to the Gumpery Commission, the pitiless peer reviews, hate mail, and the many furry animals that inspired this ebook.
After After Preface
The characters, incidents, and names in this ebook are all fictitious excluding those names that are real names for people; however, the characters that bear those names are not named after those individuals that are named thusly. This is to say that even though a character may have a real person’s name the character is still a work of fiction whereby making the character and the charter’s name fictitious, even though the name is real. Regardless, these names bear no resemblance to any persons living, dead, undead, altered by military genetic experiments, or any other mad sciencery.
Any resemblance to any person in history or the future of history is entirely coincidental and should anything of this social nature manifest, the author reserves the right to be hailed as a clairvoyant and paid large sums of the then most fiscally lucrative monetary exchange and worshipped as a prophet.
Hitherto and finally, here is presented another ebook completely different from the rest of the ebooks out there which are most likely a far cry from the lunacy that unfolds in daily life to which you are most likely reading this ebook to escape and have subsequently fallen into my trap. Of lunacy….