An Abduction Revelation by - HTML preview

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I would bet some of you are having some serious doubts about my sanity. You’re probably wondering if I am hallucinating, have lost my marbles, smoking weed, or  have a fertile imagination that went wild? If it were imagination, where did it come from? Were my imaginations blocked memories buried within my subconscious?

Who is to say? Certainly not those of you who refuse to make the necessary sacrifice to find out who you might really be. Hopefully, I have offered some food for thought for some. But who among you is hungry? Those of you who may have tried my advice, only to find you were left hungry and horny, will be the biggest doubters.

My intention all along was not to convince you one way or the other. It was to give you a story that would entertain, mystify, startle, and hopefully tickle your intuition.

As Albert Einstein wrote:

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed and he is a stranger unto himself.

Will there be a sequel? I reckon that depends on Tom. Will he want to divulge how he is saving the human race? I suppose we will just have to wait and see if the Comeback Kid is up for another comeback. Live long and prosperous my human and clone friends.  LOL


NOTE: My original memoir, The Comeback Kid: The Memoirs of Thomas L. Hay, and this book are available on my website:  or, or, or Smashwords:

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