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Won’t you come on in? Miracles, I guess, still happen now and then. Step into my heart. —Eddie Arnold

Hey, the Kid is back... But then you really didn’t know that I was gone, did you? Not yet anyway. Wait till you hear what I have to say upon discovering the revelation that sparked this revised edition to my memoirs.

To refresh your memory, following my retirement, I wrote and published  my memoirs, The Comeback Kid: The Memoirs of Thomas L. Hay. The project was an invigorating whirlwind of self-enlightenment and an intense emotional trip. It left me wondering who that old fart is that stares back from the mirror. 

After publishing my memoirs, it occurred to me that I might have some intriguing and mysterious phenomena buried within my subconscious.  I began once again to contemplate what had actually happened that night in my youth when I lost control of the car on the deserted country road outside Clinton, Missouri. Was it a freak accident, or according to the evidence, was I abducted by aliens?

Did aliens actually abduct my first wife Claudia and me? She has claimed that this happened not once, but twice: once as we were on our way to the courthouse to get married, and the second time while we were on our belated honeymoon. At the time, however, neither of us were aware that it had happened.

The abductions were revealed to her after we separated and divorced. She had to divorce me because her spirit persuaded her to become a vegetarian, fast and abstain from sexual activity. This eventually melted the memory blocks implanted by the aliens, unveiled her subconscious, and exposed traumatic and terrifying past experiences.

However, at the time she first told me about this, I didn’t believe her. Would you? I just assumed she had a fertile imagination. I was more interested to recover from the heartbreaking divorce she enforced upon me.

But, after publishing my memoirs, I got to thinking, “What if Claudia was right? What if what she was saying was true?” Curiosity got the best of this old tomcat. The thought tormented me to no end. I felt that I needed to investigate the possibility that I might have hidden memories buried in my subconscious.

Since age has diminished my sex drive and I could stand to lose a few pounds, I decided to give it a shot. If Claudia was right and I had implanted memory blocks, the way that I could melt them, she said, would be to follow in her footsteps and adopt her ascetic lifestyle.

OH-MY-GOD! You’re not going to believe this. She was right! Never in a million years could I have imagined what lay hidden in my subconscious. The memory block melt was agonizing, but fruitful. However, she was only partially right. Naively, she had seen only the tip of an iceberg. I discovered a revelation that exposed the Antarctic.

The revelation was glaringly productive, uncovering peculiar, bizarre dreams that occurred in my sleep. Dreams that turned out to be memories of two people who were alike, but existed in separate entities, yet had similar life events.

 When looking into a mirror, I could recognize the person who stared back, but I didn’t know him. Now you are probably wondering how this could be? At the time, I had no idea.

This dilemma created an identity crisis, disorientation, and some peculiar interpretations.  Parallel worlds were tangled in the same dimension. Reality and imagination intermingled, mystifying and tormenting my existence. Which was real? Maybe both, but then again, maybe neither. To say the least, it was a confusing and complicated relationship.

It became obvious that I had to rewrite my memoirs. These whole new realm of events unearthed  hidden revelations and created a completely new life history. Life events that the Kid never knew existed.

If you have read my original memoir, then bear with me. In this revised story, I have repeated some events, to refresh your memory. These new events, plus the new developments, stand alone in its own story. I have added some colorful insights you might find intriguing.

So, how in the world do I share these hidden memories without coming across as an alien abductee prankster?  I have concluded that there really is no other way than to just go ahead and spill the beans. You may wonder, is my story reality or fiction? Or maybe a dream? A hallucination, or the product of a fertile imagination gone wild?  If it was imagination, where did it come from. Could they have been memories implanted in my subconscious? 

It is not my intention to convince you one way or the other. However, you might want to keep in mind the words of Albert Einstein:

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed and he is a stranger unto himself.

Life is but a series of events, much like an assorted box of chocolates, and we never know what might come next. I have used songs to introduce and portray my life events. Often when we hear a song, it reminds us of a person, a place, or a time in our lives. The songs and event descriptions are listed in an Appendix.

Anyway, here’s my story and, yes, I’m sticking to it. But be warned. What I am about to reveal may cause a disturbance in your comfort zone. You are about to board a roller coaster ride that will change your life forever. You might want to check that your seat belt is fasten. Your world as you know it is about to get turned upside down and inside out.

Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be. The future might not be what it’s cracked up to be and not ours to see—or is it?

Who are the Abductors? Where do they come from? Where are they hiding? Do they even exist?

The Comeback Kid returns with a stunning revelation that will shock and torment your reality.