Angelic Millennium by Alessandra Parodi - HTML preview

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Out of the dust she begun to see two paws and a tiger’s face come into shape. Ash was on top of her the next second, pinning her to the floor. Above them, Tiger Carter landed on the other side of the bubble. If Nico had been standing, her face would have been tiger claw soup. The bubble had grown to give the tiger space to land. Ryan hopped off Carter with ease.

“You know, the first time I pictured a guy being on top of me, I never thought I’d be on a boat, and that he’d be saving me from a flying tiger,” groaned Nico before pushing a laughing Ash from on top of her. Ryan smiled at Selena before pulling Nico into a tight hug.

“Don’t you ever look that angry again, okay?” Nico could easily tell that Ryan was trying to be angry at Nico but instead only smiled at her.

“Okay,” promised Nico, putting her forehead against her best friend’s. Ryan took a quick look at the gash on Nico’s forearm and healed it, running her thumb over the wound. Ash’s attention turned to all the Warlin soldiers desperately trying to break the barrier, in order to destroy the people within

“There’s got to be at least two hundred more Warlin soldiers,” muttered Ash, running a hand through his hair. Nico sighed before turning to Ryan.

“Can’t you like teleport us or something?” she asked quickly. Ryan snorted.

“I’ve got power but not that much power,” Ryan spoke before she sighed. “The only thing that can save us now is to grab a train out of France-.”

“That’s not possible,” snapped Ash quickly, shutting Ryan up. Selena’s eyes averted downward.

“Why?” questioned Carter.

“Once Selena – I mean – once Selena and Ryan take one step into France they’re dead… actually we’re all dead. France is ruled completely by the

Warlins. Recently taken over control too, only cause Andrea decided that France was pretty with the tower and history,” Ash didn’t stop pacing as he spoke. Nico followed him with attentive eyes. Selena sighed causally, as if she lived every day in a life or death situation.

“She can do that?” asked Nico, her head spinning from following Ash with only her gaze. An entire country taken over because the ruler thought the Eiffel Tower was pretty. Nico couldn’t believe it.

“Do you want to try and stop her? Didn’t think so…” Ash suddenly stopped pacing and looked at something far away. Nico turned and followed his gaze. The color left her face faster than Ash’s realization.

“No.” she spoke sharply. Selena followed their gaze. “Are you insane?!” she added quickly her voice rising to a yell. Carter and Ryan turned to look, following the gaze of the couple. The five friends were looking at the lifeboats; a few tiny boats that could survive in water a good day or possibly two. Nico gave them a few hours.

“We’ll never make it!” Ryan threw her hands in the air as she spoke, turning around, and jumping as she came face to face with an angry looking Warlin.

“We’ve been out here for days,” battled Carter, staring directly at Ash, his eyes pleading. Ash smirked.

“We have her.” He pointed to Nico. At first all the faces held confusion however one by one their faces started to click with realization of what would happen, except for Nico’s. Selena’s clicked first.

“She’ll change the current,” she whispered softly.

 “I’ll do what now?!” yelled Nico pressing her eyebrows together. She looked at everyone as though they had officially lost all their senses in the battle. “Have you all gone insane?! I can barely move a bucket full of water let alone the Atlantic ocean!” Ash rolled his eyes, ignoring her statement. He grabbed her arm softly and began to pull her toward the lifeboats. Ryan raised her hands and moved the bubble that surrounded them as they moved. They were a bowling ball, the Warlin soldiers the pins. Nico would have enjoyed this if she weren’t thinking about changing the currents of an entire ocean to save four lives.

Too soon for Nico’s liking the last Warlin soldier was out of their way. The three girls were positioned perfectly on the lifeboat. As soon as the Warlin soldiers noticed what they were doing they tried to get on the boat, but couldn’t, because of the bubble shield that Ryan was still holding. Warlins slid off, landing directly into the water. Ash and Carter lowered the ropes, placing the lifeboat in the water. Then they sat, and the four faces that she was supposed to save turned to her. Four lives in her hand. It was all down to her and all she wanted to do was cry.

“It’s simple,” tried to encourage Ash, softly running his hands up and down her arms. She glared at him deeply, daggers emanating from her eyes.

“If it’s so simple, you do it,” Nico snapped quickly not being able to help herself. She disliked having so much pressure on herself. She had barely gotten used to the fighting. She had acted on impulse during the entire fight. Though those had been the instructions by Ash. It was to save her own skin. She didn’t want to die. Who wanted to die? Darrin didn’t want to die. If he hadn’t approached her, he’d probably be in the lifeboat making comments about Nico being slow, or the Warlins approaching. She couldn’t do this. “I can’t do this,” she said, voicing her thoughts. Selena groaned loudly. More Warlin soldiers were throwing themselves overboard towards the lifeboat. Some hit the shield and slid off, some landed in their own lifeboats.

“Nico look. I know what it feels like to have the pressure of the world on your shoulders but you need to pull through, you’ve got no choice. I know it doesn’t seem like the best speech in the world but it’s the only one I’ve got because I’m honestly scared for my life right now.” The bravest girl she had ever met was scared for her life. Nico couldn’t believe that. But, the look of terror that had taken over Selena’s face was obvious. Nico nodded, Selena was counting on her. She couldn’t let that crappy speech go to waste.

Nico tried to think back to her life, growing up in the orphanage, the love of water she always had. It wasn’t easy, especially with all the noise that everyone was making.

“Come on, Nico,” encouraged Carter. She closed her eyes to try and picture being at home, relaxing. She inched her hand out.

The boat moved forward, not at a speed that they needed, not even close to that. It moved them only a foot or two away from the ship.

“I can’t conjure enough emotion.” Nico looked down at her hands. She’d failed. She only half noticed from the corner of her eyes Ash and Selena exchanged a quick look.

Ash moved to capture his hands between Nico’s face, their lips locking securely. Nico felt the color rise to her cheeks. He’d never kissed her like this before. This was the sort of kiss that she would jump around her room for, screaming and yelling about its perfection. The kiss she wouldn’t tell her father. The kiss that would make all her friends jealous. It was too much for Nico to handle. She could feel every single muscle in her body wanting more, every cell tingling. This was bliss. She didn’t care that there were other people around her, watching her.

Nico felt someone grab her wrists and yank them forward. Her entire body was thrown down by the force of the currents. She held onto the lifeboat for dear life.

“Is everyone still here?” Nico yelled not lifting her head.

“Yup!” yelled Ryan, whose voice sounded as though it came from Nico’s feet. Nico looked forward at Ash, their eyes connecting. He smiled at her.

“Am I a good kisser or what?” he joked lightly. Nico rolled her eyes, she would have playfully pushed him if her life hadn’t been in potential threat.

When Nico did lift her head a few seconds later, the cargo ship was nowhere in sight. She grinned in happiness. She was proud of herself, she’d done something right. She didn’t usually do things right. She placed her head softly against the wood of the boat.

“How long till we get to the states?” asked Selena. Her voice booming from the other side of Nico. Ash made a small face as he did the math.

“About two hours, maybe less,” he said, shrugging his shoulders softly. The grip of his fingers on the lifeboat loosened slightly.

“Some kiss,” commented Selena nudging Nico playfully. Nico felt the color rise to her cheeks once more.

“What can I say? He brings the emotion out of me.” Nico shrugged, turning her head to look at Ash and smiling at him. He smirked back at her.


“I feel like we’re out of the conversation,” complained Ryan, crossing an arm over her chest. The other one was holding the lifeboat in order to keep her from flying away. Carter sighed, his arm falling asleep.

“Does it really matter, we’re probably gonna be home in a few hours….” Carter paused. “We can make do for a few hours.” He tried to find a comfortable position on the boat. It wasn’t an easy task. He had changed positions at least seven times.

“You’re right.” Ryan smiled. “I actually have a question for you,” she said tilting her head to the side. Carter stomach sank, that little tilt from Ryan was never a good thing. This meant she was going to be an actual girl and go girly on him.

“What’s up, sweetie?” he asked her softly.

“What did you and Selena talk about? You guys seemed weirded out after you came back from your walk,” commented Ryan, tilting her head even further.

Carter took the next two seconds to decide whether the complete truth or half-truth would be best as his answer. He loved his beautiful redhead more than anything in the entire world but, on the other hand, he didn’t want her to worry that Selena could be getting in the way by Gabitha’s words. After all, Selena had assured him that it was all a trick. Right? So half-truth it was.

“We talked about our relationship and I asked her about the deal with soulmates.” Carter shrugged his shoulders. Ryan didn’t look pleased with the answer.

“Soulmates? Why did you want to know about soulmates?” she questioned. Her tone wasn’t angry, simply curious. Carter liked that best about Ryan, she didn’t get mad about stupid things. He smiled at her, his heart jumping.

“Because I think you’re mine,” he whispered, kissing her lightly on the lips. Ryan looked at the others to see if they had seen. She was never a big fan of PDA and Carter was okay with that any other day. That little peck he couldn’t hold inside.

“That was cute,” she whispered, her cheeks becoming the color of her hair. Carter grinned. He considered himself the luckiest guy in the world. It didn’t matter what anyone else said, he was in love with Ryan and nothing would change that. Nothing.

Two hours of looking into Ash’s eyes wasn’t exactly what Nico thought it would be like. If there was ever a point when the lifeboat would slow down, Ash would touch her waist, or place a strand of hair behind her ear. Little things that made Nico feel giddy on the inside, anything to make her filled with emotion.

“Great,” groaned Selena sarcastically as she looked behind the lifeboat. Nico turned to look. They had been so excited about going back to the States that they hadn’t noticed the current bring a lifeboat with five or six Warlin soldiers. Ash cursed under his breath.

“That’s not good,” said Nico, turning a ghostly pale. She inched her hands forward moving the lifeboat even faster. Fear worked just as great as passion. She tried to swallow her nerves away.

“There’s land!” yelled Ryan from the foot of the lifeboat. Nico turned her head again and watched as a patch of sand grew bigger and bigger. She thanked the angels that it was deserted. As the others prepared themselves for the crash against the sand, Nico tried something new. She slowed the currents as the waves crashed onto shore.

Ash was the first to step out of the lifeboat onto the sand, helping Nico out, then Selena, and finally Ryan. Carter was the last one out. Nico looked at the Warlin soldiers, the way she had stopped the current the Warlin soldiers were stranded around fifty feet away from the shore. That didn’t stop them though. They were all quickly expanding their wings, ready to chase them. Ash grabbed her arm and started to pull her towards a forest right behind the beach. Nico couldn’t help but turn around, as the beach became a blur of blue and peach.

The five kids stumbled upon a parking lot behind the thick trees. Nico tried to contain her breathing, looking back as Ash continued to pull her. His hand never left hers. Ash began to look for someone who was walking towards their car. He found a man around forty.

“Come on,” he said, pulling Nico. He let go of her hand only to pull out his sword. Nico could only guess what he was going to do and shook her head disapprovingly. As the man opened his car door and turned on his car to air it out Ash pressed his sword to the man’s neck. “I need your car.” The man raised his hands in defense before quickly running away. Nico ran around the back of the car towards the passenger seat. She spotted a clear problem with the car Ash had chosen.

“Ash! I don’t think we should use this car!” she yelled from the back as Selena, Ryan and Carter piled into the back seat. Ash groaned loudly.

“GET IN THE CAR,” he yelled, not really caring.

“Ash, really, I don’t think we should use this car,” she spoke calmly pointing to the clear problem on the car. It was stamped clearly on the back. Ash rolled his eyes and got in the car. Nico huffed and got in the car. If he didn’t want to pay attention to the obvious problem then screw him. Nico eyebrows were both raised as Ash backed out of the parking lot and got onto the main highway. Ash began to press the gas pedal like a mad man but it took a while before the car actually lunged forward at a minimum speed. Nico tried not to laugh. After all, her life was now in jeopardy because her boyfriend was a dumbass. “It’s a Hybrid,” she said turning her head to look at him. Selena was the first to break out in a fit of giggles.

“A what?!” yelled Ash angrily, clearly the car wasn’t going as fast as he wanted it go. An electric car could never amount to the energy of a gasoline car. Nico had been taught to drive in an electric car.

“A car that runs on electricity not on gasoline.” Ash’s face turned a bright red of embarrasment as Nico’s body moved from laughing when she spoke.

“Are you laughing at me?!” he demanded, turning his head to look at her. Nico shook her head quickly, holding a fit of giggles in. It was hard not to laugh; she had clearly warned him about the car and he had chosen not to listen.

“No, of course not! Why would I laugh at you, sweetheart?” she spoke; clearly holding back laughter.

“You drive, then!” he yelled pulling over to the side of the road quickly. Nico’s face fell. She didn’t like to drive, especially like this, when people’s lives depended on her. Why did they always like to put other lives in her hands? The three lives in the back remained quiet as Nico and Ash switched car positions as quickly as they possibly could. Unlike Ash, Nico knew how to press down on the Hybrid. They didn’t go killer speed but a lot faster than how they were going with Ash. Ash muttered a line of curse words to show his support. Selena patted him on the back, as she was seated behind him after the switch.

“It’s okay, just admit it, girls are better drivers than boys,” she spoke smiling. Ash shot her a dagger glare. Nico couldn’t help but laugh at Selena’s comment, as she looked into her rearview mirror. Almost immediately Nico spotted three classic bad guy black SUVs, placed perfectly behind them and ready to attack.

“Company.” Nico’s voice remained dangerously calm. Ryan instantly turned around and moved one of her hands blowing a tire. The car kept coming at them as if nothing had happened.

“They’re angel cars they won’t stop for a simple flat tire,” spoke Ash running a hand across his face. Nico didn’t like the sound of his voice.

“This is why I wished we evolved to guns,” snapped Selena, crossing her arms angrily. Ash rolled his eyes at her comment.

“So they could shoot us?!” panicked Carter, the color leaving the face that was pressed against the window. Nico was suddenly glad that Ryan was in-between them as Selena looked ready to jump Carter.

“No, wiseass, so we can shoot them.” She rolled her eyes and sighed angrily. Nico tried not to think about guns when she saw something she wished she never had. This wasn’t like the movies where in a high-speed chase she would get the fastest car with no traffic and endless gasoline. Of course not, because this was her life, and in her life there would be complete stop traffic right in front of her. It didn’t help her when the empty light of electricity flashed. Nico felt her stomach sink. This would be the end of her life, she knew it.

"Ash!" yelled Nico, trying to not shake violently; it wasn’t a very easy task though. If the Hybrid were at a standstill, the angels would come out of their cars and they would be dead. They must have been twice as many as the five of them. She didn’t want to think about that. Ash looked from the traffic in front of them to the roof of the car. Nico could already tell he was coming up with a plan in those few seconds.

"Selena!" Ash punched the passenger window a second before Selena kicked her own. Selena grabbed the handle above her window for balance and waited for the next command. Nico realized they were going to jump out of the car, her stomach flipped again. She began to slow down due to the traffic; she wasn’t into this plan at all.

"Ash! No!" yelled Nico worried for their safety. Ash had clearly ignored her shouting. As they neared a dangerous halt, Ash shouted a ‘now’ and feet first both angels were out the window, Selena using the handle for an extra push. Their feet kicked off a white truck beside them and they landed with a vibrant thump on top of the Hybrid. Ash inserted his sword very carefully and very softly to not kill anyone in the car. Through the holes he made, Selena and himself placed their hands and lifted the Hybrid off the ground. "People will see us!" shouted Nico, letting go of the steering wheel and unbuckling herself. Neither were needed anymore.

"Ryan?!" shouted back Ash. His voice didn’t give away that he was in pain, simply in action. Nico heard the steady pounding of their wings and felt more at ease. Ryan closed her eyes and moved her hands in circle. Nico watched her from the driver’s seat.

“Done,” she yelled back, as though she had done something as easy as lifting a pencil.

“Why can’t we drive to Colorado?” asked Carter leaning against the Hybrid as Ash paced back and forth, completely worried. Nico rolled her eyes at Ash. Sometimes the pacing was adorable, other times, like in this moment, it was getting on her nerves. Ryan could notice that much. They were parked in the middle of an empty parking lot, each in their own little zone of relaxing. Ryan was on top of the car. Nico had opened a car door and was seated promptly inside. Selena was leaning on the car, while Carter and Ash were standing a few feet away from it.

“We can’t drive to Colorado, that trip would take two, three days, we need to get there now,” battled Selena, crossing her arms. “Though I don’t need to be there.” She smiled at her own thought.

“Sel,” threatened Ash, raising a finger in her direction, Selena raised her hands in defense. “You have business to handle. How bout the fact that you didn’t die in the explosion of your house? Don’t you want your money? Or other things?” asked Ash, raising an eyebrow. Selena’s eyes widen with realization.

“Oh! We need to get there now,” she agreed, nodding her head quickly. “Like right now,” she pressed.

“My mom is going to be so worried,” mumbled Ryan softly, her head sinking into her hands. Ryan hadn’t thought about her mom this entire time, she had only thought about her own safety. Sure, her safety had been important but still, her mom must have been so worried that she hadn’t seen her daughter in a while. Three weeks she hadn’t seen her mother, three whole weeks. Ryan couldn’t wait another day.

“Flying is out of the question, too many miles,” said Ash, running a hand over his mouth. Nico sighed.

“Plus you’d have to carry me and Ryan all the way,” added Carter, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Yeah, that’s another problem,” responded Ash. Ryan watched them feed off each other and couldn’t help but smile.

“Unless,” thought Carter, his eyes widening slightly in thought, Ash turned to look at him raising an eyebrow.

“Unless what?” he asked, his voice full of curiosity. Ash edged himself closer to Carter. Carter smiled at his own plan.

“Unless the angels aren’t the ones doing the flying.” Carter pointed a finger at Ash almost as if he expected Ash to pick up where he was leaving off. Ash’s eyes narrowed softly seconds before his face changed with shock.

“Of course! Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?” he asked himself before slapping Carter’s checks happily. Ryan’s expression held nothing but confusion. When she looked over to the girls she saw them with the exact same expression.

“Yo! Are ya done with your bro moment? Care to explain?” asked Selena raising an eyebrow, Nico smiled at Selena.

“What if we were on a plane?” said Ash, crossing his arms and smiling. Selena made a face and raised an eyebrow. Ryan thought about Ash’s words for a moment then shook her head, a clear fault in the plan.

“None of us have our IDs, we can’t do that,” said Ryan from the top of the car, her feet dangling over an edge, her belly pressed against the roof.

“You didn’t listen correctly, love, he said on not in,” smiled Carter walking to stand under Ryan. She placed her hands around his neck. She wasn’t very comfortable with this idea but it seemed as though it would be the only one.

“It’s too dangerous,” Nico piped in. “Being on top of a plane? Are you serious?” Ash nodded slightly, smiling.

“Oh, come on, darling, you’ve already done a lot of crazy stuff! Might as well do one more.” He moved his eyebrows up and down to try and convince her. Nico only huffed out a breath.

“Fine,” she said crossing her arms.

“And I know the perfect way of finding out which plane is the one to Colorado.” Ryan smirked as she spoke an idea forming in the back of her mind.


Sneaking into the airport would have been a lot harder if she hadn’t been invisible. It wasn’t as if she was invisible woman either. This was much more complicated. There was a bubble around her. She had to get past airport security; once past them, she could pop the bubble in the bathroom and find the fastest flight out of New York to Colorado without stops.

Ryan crossed next to the metal detectors making sure she didn’t set off any alarms. She held her breathe just in case. She was glad when she was in the terminal. It was a beautiful terminal but Ryan didn’t have time to admire it before she walked into the nearest bathroom. She closed a stall and walked out without the shield. She didn’t even bother to look at a mirror; there was no time to loose. She felt different now, with all this power she felt powerful, yet powerless.

Ryan walked out of the restroom in search of a big screen holding all the departures. Upon a lot of walking she finally found one. She ran her fingers down it until she read the words she needed. With her luck, a plane was leaving for Colorado in ten minutes; however it had already boarded most of its passengers. Ryan ran towards the gate. She needed to make that plane. As she neared the gate and got into a big crowd she went invisible, climbing on the walkway to the plane with ease. Where she knew there would be was a door to the grounds. She quickly opened the door and closed it in record time. She climbed to the top of the walkway and as she was about to climb onto the plane the walk began to move backward. The plane was departing.

Ryan jumped with as much force as she could.

There was nothing to hold onto when she landed on top of the plane, it was truly only pure luck that she landed as safely as she did. She crawled all the way to the tail, a trip much longer than she remembered when she would walk it. While she crawled she sent a message to a wide-awake Nico to come and find her, describing the tail and the end of the gate. Ryan had already forgotten the gate number.

The plane began to move towards the runway. Ryan shut her eyes; she was powerful enough to sent messages to people who were awake but not powerful enough to do this without the help of her friends. After everything that she had survived, could she die now? By falling off in the middle of the air? Would that really be her ending?

“Ry!” Nico yelled and before Ryan could do anything else she extended the invisibility bubble that was still placed around herself. Ash placed his back against the tail, his wings extended, and made a small face of discomfort but other than that said nothing.

“Use them, I can handle the force of the plane don’t worry,” yelled Ash as the plane prepared itself for takeoff. Ryan and Carter sat on one side of Ash’s wings while Selena and Nico sat on the other. Selena and Nico were holding hands in plain fright, while Ryan was almost on top of Carter before the plane took off.

“I’m going to kill whoever’s idea this was!” yelled Selena from the far corner, Ryan couldn’t help but nod, agreeing with the frightened angel.

“It was him!” yelled Ash and Carter simultaneously, both pointing at each other with guilty looks on their faces. Nico and Ryan swallowed down their fear, preparing themselves for takeoff.

“I’ve never even been in a plane before!” yelled Nico, clutching both Selena’s and Ash’s hand like the end was near.

“There’s a first time for everything!” Ash smiled at her, clearly trying to comfort her.

“You won’t say?!” She glared at him.

The plane shot off the runway at immense speed.

Nico held her head, stumbling as though she were drunk. “Can we never fly on a plane again?” she asked before dropping on the familiar grass of Rodway Park. She would had kissed the dirt if she wasn’t completely repulsed by it. Ryan fell only a second later beside her.

“Can you believe it’s been a month since we came here, recently graduated, not a care in the world?” asked Ryan sighing. Carter dropped beside

Ryan. Nico couldn’t feel her arms as they moved to be her pillow.

“Can you believe we almost travelled across an entire ocean just to save you?” he said softly. Selena stared at the three friends on the floor, popping her hip out. She rolled her eyes.

“I can’t believe how lazy you guys are being, jesh,” she said crossing her arms. Ash smiled, placing an arm around Selena.

“Gee, Selena, remember the first night that you had to run away from the Warlins?” he asked raising an eyebrow. Selena’s eyes widen a length so huge Nico was sure they were the size of Europe, if not bigger.

“No,” she huffed angrily escaping from touch. She averted his eyes. He smiled and hugged her from behind; Selena rolled her eyes once more.

“Come on Sel, don’t be like that. We have a lot of things to do. First, we have to get your money. Then get you new IDs since they were burned in the fire… hmm I wonder what I’m forgetting?” Nico looked up at Ash. He winked at her. He was clearly faking as though he didn’t know.

“Can… I … go shopping?” asked Selena, her voice cautious. Ash smiled brightly.

“Of course! Let’s go show them you didn’t die.” Ash turned to the rest of the group. “Selena and I have to do this, for her sake and all. We could meet back here tonight? In two hours? After everyone has sorted their things out?” Ryan and Carter nodded, Nico pressed her lips together. Ash placed his arm around Selena again before both their wings expanded. They disappeared into the air.

It wasn’t as though anyone would have missed Nico at the orphanage. She had no one to see, no things to sort out. They were probably planning to kick her out when she turned eighteen anyway. Ryan stood up softly.

“I need to go see my mom. What – what did you tell her?” she looked to both Carter and Nico, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh! I told your mom that Carter took you on a surprise vacation to Europe, spur of the moment, not one clue when you’d be back,” piped up Nico smiling. Ryan turned to Carter smiling at him.

“You are so romantic.” He laughed at her comment.

“I know.” He kissed her softly on the lips.

“Oh wow!” yelled Nico, throwing a hand over her eyes. “I thought you hated PDA,” she added, peaking through her fingers to see if they had stopped kissing, all in the name of a good joke. Ryan laughed.

“When I realized that every kiss might be the last, I stopped caring who looked.” Ryan shrugged at her words. “I’m off to see my mother.” Nico stood too.

“I better go talk to the orphanage. Though, technically but I still want all my clothes,” she said, running a hand through her hair. Carter also stood, at a much slower pace.

“Yeah and I need to go make sure my place wasn’t broken into, oh the perks of living on my own!” Both girls shoved him. “Ouch, that hurt!” he said rubbing his chest. Ryan and Nico walked towards the town, arms linked, while Carter walked the opposite direction towards his small house located in the forest of Rodway Park.


Nico expected to be less afraid of the darkness after everything she had been through. In reality, she was only more afraid of it. The recent events proved that someone could be out there to hurt her. Hiding, waiting. In any case, she hated the darkness, it gave her a disadvantage. She would rather fight in the light than in the dark any day. She walked rather quickly to where she could make out the figures of Ash and Selena. Until Nico got really close she couldn’t see what they were doing.

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