Angels of the Universe by Kristina Karen - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


Amelia slowly took off her bra and pulled down her panties and then sat on the bed. He walked closer to her and she took off his underwear as well. Amelia smiled at him devilishly and then threw herself back, curling her index finger over and over, telling him to get closer to her. He was overwhelmed. Mark would comply with his marital obligations every single day as soon as he got home, even if it was just for ten minutes, but he knew she wanted more today. He admired her large, round breasts, her flat abdomen, and her beautiful legs. Finally, she got tired of waiting for him to make a move and she pulled him down, eating at his mouth like a wild animal. Their bodies were so close that her breath became his breath. She spread her legs apart and allowed him to glide in and out of her, deeper and deeper every time. She closed her eyes, arched back, and threw her arms back. He rocked her wildly, but she was used to it. Actually, she loved rough sex. She loved him. This was the man that she wanted to be with for the rest of her life, although he wasn’t human.

Hours later, Mark was in the shower, and Amelia was in the family room, watching TV, wearing a white t-shirt and navy-blue jeans, with white slippers, drinking a cup of coffee. The maid, Victoria, walked up to her and handed her the phone. Amelia took her phone call. “Hello.”

“Sweetie!” said Amanda. “How are you doing?”

“I’m doing great, Mom! How are you doing?”

“I’m not so great, honey. I just got a letter today from some company, saying that I owe them $28,000.”

Amelia gasped. “Oh…”

“I’ve never seen the name of this company before. It’s a credit-card company, and I supposedly owe them $28,000. Can you believe that? The letter says that if I don’t pay them, they’re going to sue me.”

“Is this the first letter you’ve received from this company?”

“Yes, it is the first letter. I receive phone calls early in the morning and late at night, but I always ignore them because I don’t owe any money. I don’t have any credit cards, Amelia! You know that!”

“Someone got a credit card in your name and wasted $28,000 on God knows what.”

“I don’t know what to do! I need help! My credit is ruined. Someone obviously has my social-security number, and I’m afraid that if you guys help me pay off this account, the person is going to get another credit card in my name and waste… I don’t know, fifty, $100,000…”

“That’s not going to happen,” said Amelia, walking around the family room now, walking forth, then turning around, and walking forth again. “We’re going to contact the police and file a claim.”

“It’s going to be very hard to prove that someone stole my identity.”

“Don’t worry, Mom. We’re going to help you, ok? I’m going to talk to Mark.” Amelia hung up.

Mark’s daily routine changed from that day forward. Three days passed since that phone call and Mark was dead set on helping his mother in law with this colossal conundrum. The police took identity theft very seriously these days, and it took them less than three weeks to find the identity thief. It was a twenty-eight-year-old woman who apparently had never had anything expensive in life. She had very bad credit because she would get services like phone service, power, and her bills were huge. Instead of paying them, she would move to another city. Now, she was a cashier at a department store, and she would just make money to pay her bills, buy food, and buy clothes for work. She had to get a used car from someone on the street because she couldn’t afford to get a car at a dealership, new or used, obviously because she didn’t have credit. Now, she got a credit card in Amanda Galloway’s name and she’d spent $28,000 in clothes, electronics and furniture.

The greedy woman was locked up and the credit card had been paid off, but Amanda didn’t feel safe. She knew that this woman would use her credit again when she got out of jail, so Mark and his attorneys did everything in their power to get Amanda a new social-security number, though she retained her name. Amanda learned not to purchase anything at the store with her debit card. From now on, her purchases at local stores would be paid with cash. To help her and Gerald, Mark started giving them $20,000 a month for their expenses. That was chump change to him. That money was enough for them to pay their bills and their mortgage. They would only live off that amount of money until Gerald’s company was afloat once again. Gerald’s company went bankrupt because the dude that used to manage his money for him took all the money little by little and then fled the country. What Gerald didn’t know was that Mark and Matt were working toward getting his company back on its feet. Mark gave Gerald and Amanda the first $28,000 for them to pay their bills and their mortgage, and she and Gerald placed the money that they had left on their savings account. Mark and Matt joined forces and gave Gerald $20,000,000 so that he could rehire his former employees and pay them what he owed them. In less than five days, all of Gerald and Amanda’s financial problems were solved. Mark, Matt, Gerald and Amanda signed an agreement saying that Gerald didn’t have to pay them back, that the money was a gift for him, just like Mark had done to Scott Harrison. Mark and Matt had people who would go to the poorest communities and give out thousands and thousands of dollars for food, brand-new clothes, and toys for children, every two weeks. The Manning twins knew that they literally needed all the money in the world to feed hungry people worldwide, but at least they were helping out people in their community. They also gave money to organizations that defended the rights of women, $50,000,000 total, once in a year. They weren’t worried about running out of money because the more money they gave away, the more money they would get. Manning Foods and Restaurants were making billions of dollars a month. All of the aliens that had enterprises and corporations were going through the best time in their lifetime. Billions of people adored aliens worldwide. The worldwide economy was great in most of the countries of the world.

Weeks after Daniel promised Arthur, his human double, that he would buy him a house he and Arthur were together, signing the documents of the final purchase of the house. Even though Daniel was buying the house with his money, the house would be under Arthur’s name. The house was a gift from Daniel and his loving wife Madison, and it was a really-beautiful house. Daniel wanted to buy Arthur a luxurious house, but Arthur wanted a one-story five bedroom house because he knew that he and his wife wouldn’t have any more children. The house was beautiful. It had two living rooms, an incredibly-spacious kitchen, two dining rooms, a large living room, and a family room. It had a two-car garage, in which Arthur and Darla could park their cars. The three kids: Scarlet, Jill and Alma were really happy. They were in the closing of the house, and Daniel literally paid for everything.

Daniel Sherman went even farther when it came to Arthur and his family. He even paid the trucks that took Arthur’s furniture, clothing, and books, from his rented house to his new house. The house was only three years old, and the owner had remodeled it totally, changing the original cabinets and flooring and painting the walls once again, just to sell it more quickly. In less than seventy-two hours, the Reed family was situated in their new house. They had transferred all their services, phone, television, power, water… to the new house. The Reeds didn’t know how to repay Daniel for all of the things that he’d done for them. Arthur retained his job as the manager of a music store. He was able to pay his bills and buy clothes and food for him and his family. Meeting his double was the best thing that happened to Arthur. Nevertheless, Arthur didn’t know if Daniel was doing all this for him solely because they looked exactly alike, or for another reason. Arthur didn’t want to question Daniel’s motives because Arthur didn’t want to offend Daniel in any way after everything that Daniel did for him.

Daniel was in his lab tonight, working on understanding what happened when human DNA fused with alien DNA. He was studying a dead specimen, a hybrid. Another alien had killed the hybrid savagely, by really tearing him apart on the inside. This hybrid and the alien were fighting for the love of a woman. Daniel understood, while he was working with the specimen’s blood, that creating a human-alien hybrid was not such a good idea. Hybrids were very fragile. They couldn’t fight with a pure alien because they’d end up losing. Also, since hybrids had human DNA in them, they couldn’t mate with so-called defective humans, humans that had any kind of disease or condition like cancer, diabetes, or cerebral palsy, for example, because their offspring would also turn up defective and that was devastating for them. For that reason, if a hybrid started a sexual act with a defective human, and they noticed with their sixth and seven senses that this male or female was not perfectly healthy, the hybrid would kill that poor human being. Every time that a hybrid male would impregnate a human female, the human female would die in a horrible way because the offspring would literally tear his or her mother’s body apart, just like the mothers of Seth’s children. Fortunately for Daniel, for us, and for the other angels, there were only two human-alien hybrids in the world. The hybrid that Daniel had in his lab right now was the female. The male was somewhere out there impregnating and killing women. Still, none of his offspring had survived. Something would happen to the child and the child would die right after killing his or her mother. Something strange was making this happen, but they didn’t know what it was. No one knew what was going on, and the hybrid male was frustrated. All of his children would die. He was wondering why. He didn’t know that there was a defect in him: the defect of simply being half human. Yep, that was a gigantic flaw. Only pure aliens could survive, conceive, and live a good life. They were becoming more and more powerful by the minute and harder to kill. The body that Daniel was dealing with was totally broken and torn. He could make this woman’s body regenerate and bring her back to life, but he didn’t want to do that. Daniel knew that this would be the biggest and most fatal mistake in his career as a geneticist. Only Daniel and Monti knew how to heal this body and revive it, and they would never do that.

Monti arrived at Daniel’s lab. Somehow Monti knew that Daniel needed his help. Monti destroyed the body completely in a very strange but cruel way. One by one, Daniel and Monti would put the body parts in the blender and liquefied it completely. Then, the men safely discarded the blood by processing it and turning it into water, pure water, and then they drained it. It was a process that took them almost twenty-four hours to complete. Finally, the men went back to their normal working lives and acted like nothing had ever happened.

Sick and tired of not being able to reproduce successfully, the human-alien male hybrid, Julian, walked into Daniel’s office that day, without an appointment or prior announcement. Daniel’s guards tried to stop him, but in the blink of an eye, he killed one of them and the other one became so horrified that he ran away. Obviously, these poor men weren’t dealing with a human because no human being could kill someone else so easily, and they weren’t deal with a pure alien because a pure alien would never kill a human being for no reason, unless he or she had some serious mental and emotional problems. When Daniel saw Julian entering his office without permission, he immediately knew what had happened to his guard. He ordered another alien nearby to take the dead body to his lab, although he didn’t know him, and the alien obeyed. Daniel gave his address to that mysterious alien and the alien instantly knew how to get to his mansion and do Daniel that favor. Daniel gasped when he saw Julian and got up from his chair. He had no idea that he would see the other human-alien hybrid so soon.

Hello,” said Daniel. “What brings you here?”

“I can’t reproduce successfully and that’s your fault!”

“How is that my fault?”

Both men were quiet at their places, just there, talking to one another. No gestures. No nothing. “I know you have everything to do with this.”

“I am not responsible for your imperfections,” Daniel replied, looking directly into Julian’s eyes.

Julian sat down in front of Daniel, like he was a patient. “You can help me reproduce. You have to correct your mistake.”

“Mistakes can’t be corrected, Julian. Get out of my office. I don’t want to waste my time with you. You killed one of my guards. I should tear your body into a thousand pieces right now.”

“If you do that, you’ll be killed.”

“Not uh. You’re wrong. If I kill a human being, I’ll get locked up and killed. That’s because humans are weaker than we are. It’s like a man beating up a woman. It’s not right. That’s why a few of my dear friends have been killed at TOTS, like Wesley Darnell.”

“You have to help me.”

“If you want me to help you,” said Daniel as he handed Julian his card, “contact me by email or on my cell phone so we can meet somewhere and talk all you want. I have an appointment and my patient is held up in another room. She can’t wait, unlike you. Get out!”

“Ok,” said Julian, standing up, “ok. You have to understand that I am desperate. All of my offspring have died. I won’t make your patient wait for you any longer,” Julian walked to the door and opened it to get out. “I know I don’t deserve to have children because I’m evil, but…”

“I never said that. We will meet again wherever you choose, and I will help you. Now, get out,” said Daniel, smiling.

Finally, Julian got out of Daniel’s office.

Tanya, one of Daniel’s assistants, went into the waiting room and called on Fridda, Daniel’s new patient. “Mrs. Boatman, you can come see Dr. Sherman now.” Tanya was smiling sweetly.

Fridda got up and walked with Tanya to Daniel’s office. Tanya opened the door and Fridda went in. Daniel received Fridda with a smile and Tanya left. “How are you doing, Mrs. Boatman?” The question was stupid and he knew it, but he had to let her know somehow that unlike most people in Fridda’s life, he did care what she was going through. He could see all her stress and desperation in her eyes and in her body language.

Fridda sat down in front of Daniel, right where Julian was sitting before, and said, crying, “Doctor, I don’t know where to start. I couldn’t go to another psychiatrist because someone recommended you to me and… I’ve taken all kinds of medications against my disorder and none of them have worked. The B. U. as many people call it, it helps me sleep, but that’s it.”

Daniel was typing all that Fridda was saying on his computer, on her electronic file. “I have just the medicine for you,” he said as he wrote up a prescription for one of the medicines that he’d invented, that the person would take for a short amount of time, and then the person would be healed. Daniel didn’t know however, that these medicines were also enhancing patients’ DNA somehow, making it possible for them to never have any mental illness ever again. No, for the first time ever, Daniel didn’t know, but soon one of his patients would come in and give him the surprise of his life. He tore the prescription off his pad and gave it to her. “This is called ‘Potency’ 100 mg. Take it twice a day, when you get up in the morning, and when you go to sleep. You will feel so much better, and if you don’t, you can go ahead and sue me.” Daniel smiled when he said that last sentence.

Fridda laughed hysterically and got up. “Thank you so much, doctor. Believe me, my husband and my little girl will be so grateful to you.”

“I’m just doing my job,” replied Daniel, still smiling. He was glad that he didn’t have to know any details of Fridda’s private life to understand how she was feeling and what she was enduring.

Fridda walked to the door, opened the door, said, “I’ll see you next month, doctor,” and then walked out the door and closed it behind her. I’m glad I didn’t have to tell him that some psycho is stalking me. She went to Reina to get a little card with the date and time of her next appointment on it and walked out of the building, went to the parking lot, walked to her car, opened it with her keyless-entry remote, opened the door, got in, closed the door, and buckled her seatbelt. She didn’t know that a man was sitting on the backseat. He was six feet and six inches tall, over 200 pounds, and very muscular. When she saw him through the rearview mirror and screamed. Fortunately for the man nobody heard her because all the windows were up.

“Calm down, Mrs. Boatman,” said the man. “I’m your bodyguard. Mr. Boatman hired me because you’ve been frightened and upset for the last three weeks and he noticed that someone was following you around. Your husband’s paying big bucks for your protection. He gave me a copy of the car key and I got in, just in case that psycho was planning to force himself in the car and kidnap you. Don’t worry. You’ll be ok. My comrade is on his way here.”

Fridda started the car, shifted to reverse and pulled out of the parking lot.

“Wait,” said Warren, “I said my comrade is on his way here. We have to wait for him here. I know you’re very nervous, but…”

She parked her car on the same parking lot once again. “I’m sorry.” She started crying again. “I’m not thinking straight…” She put her head down and started to cry bitterly.

He respected her so much that he didn’t dare to touch her, even to comfort her. “You’re going to take your medicine shortly and you’re never going to see that scum again. We’re here for you, Mrs. Boatman.”

Warren’s comrade, Wesley arrived in his car. Yes, Monti had brought Wesley back to life and he was alive once again in the eyes of the law, and now he was a professional bodyguard. Just like Daniel and Seth, Wesley had been given a second chance after killing a human being; which was the only unpardonable sin besides rape in the eyes of the government, when it came to aliens. However, no one had any idea that Wesley had many more people and savagely raped many more women. They only knew about one of his crimes, but he wouldn’t be able to keep his horrible secret for much longer. As soon as Warren saw Wesley’s car, he gave Fridda the signal for her to leave Dr. Sherman’s clinic. Warren was Wesley’s fraternal twin brother. Fridda and Wesley’s car finally abandoned the clinic and took the road.

Thirty minutes later, Fridda arrived at the pharmacy that was closest to her home with her prescription in her hand. Warren got out of the backseat and Wesley parked his car right beside Fridda’s and got out of the car. Warren, Wesley and Fridda went into the pharmacy together and Fridda took her prescription to the pharmacy technician, Madison. Fridda knew that Madison was Dr. Sherman’s wife. She and her family had seen Daniel and Madison on TV conducting interviews. Daniel was still a psychiatrist and a geneticist, and Madison was still a pharmacy technician, but now, because of what Daniel was doing for many human beings, he and his loving wife were celebrities. They’d been offered a deal to have their own TV show together, but they turned it down, for now. “Hello, Mrs. Sherman!” said Fridda, smiling. “How are you doing? I just saw Dr. Sherman,” she handed the prescription to Madison, “and he gave me this prescription.”

Madison read the prescription thoroughly. “Mrs. Fridda Boatman, the president of Cimarron Diagnostics and Research! Wow, you’re taking a strong medicine here. The dosage might seem small, 100 mg, but believe me this medicine packs a big punch. While you’re taking this medicine, you can’t drive, you have to be careful while operating machinery, and you can’t do strenuous work.”

“So my bodyguard Warren is going to drive me everywhere while I’m taking this medicine, huh?” said Fridda and laughed nervously.

“That’s my job,” said Warren, “to make sure that you’re safe, Mrs. Boatman.”

“Wait time is fifteen minutes,” said Madison. “If you want to shop for items, I will call when it’s ready.” Madison left and went to work on Fridda’s medicine.

Fridda didn’t want to sit there wait and do nothing for the next fifteen minutes, so she and her bodyguards explored the store. Fridda would go back to work this afternoon. She’d taken the morning off for her appointment, and she’d be back to work as soon as she would take the first dosage of her medication. Fridda went to the men’s personal care aisle, and the Darnell twins bought deodorant, body sprays, and liquid soaps. They put everything in their own basket, one basket for the two of them. Then, they followed Fridda to the women’s personal-care aisle and she picked up a basket from nearby and bought the same products for her, as well as a hair-removal product, some make up, and some nail polish. They also bought a bottle of water so that Fridda could take her medicine right away. The sooner she would take it, the better it would be for her. The next thing they knew, the fifteen minutes passed quickly, and Madison called Fridda up on the intercom. The pharmacy was big, so Fridda and the Darnell twins had to walk quite a lot to get to the pharmacy counter and pick up Fridda’s medicine. Fridda took the medicine in her hands and as she walked away slowly, she said, “Thank you, Mrs. Sherman.”

“Get well soon, Mrs. Boatman,” said Madison, smiling. I know you will. There’s no question about that.

Fridda and Warren got into Fridda’s car simultaneously, this time, Warren took the driver’s seat and Fridda took the backseat. Fridda buckled her seatbelt, took the bottle of water in her hand, opened the lid, put it in between her knees and then opened the medicine bag, took her medicine bottle out, opened the lid, took a pill in her hand, and then she took the bottle of water in her other hand, put the pill in her mouth, and took several sips of water. When she took the bottle of water out of her mouth and placed the cap back on her medicine bottle, which now had fifty-nine pills in it, and placed her medicine back in the bag. When she looked at her bottle of water, she realized the water was gone. I was incredibly thirsty and I didn’t even know it! She put the cap back on the bottle of water and just dropped it on the car floor. She’d properly dispose of it later, in a bag, when the recycler truck would pass by her house. As Warren drove Fridda home to get a change of clothes and go back to work, she attentively looked at all the beautiful houses and beautiful buildings of all the businesses like banks, doctor clinics and small convenient stores that she passed by.

Finally, in less than ten minutes, Fridda arrived home. Her loving husband, Justin Boatman had left for work in the early morning, and he’d left her a delicious lunch on the dining room table. Wesley went straight to the phone in the kitchen and dialed Justin’s work number.

Minutes later, Justin picked up the phone at his office. He was a successful business man. His company was a computer company, and although it was new, it was one of the most-popular computer companies in America. Fridda helped him build that company with the tremendous money that she was making in Cimarron ever since she started working there. “This is Justin Boatman. How may I help you?”

“Mr. Boatman, this is Wesley Darnell. I just wanted to let you know that my brother and I are with your wife.”

“That’s great. Don’t let her out of your sight.”

“We won’t, Mr. Boatman,” said Wesley. “Have a good day.” He hung up.

Thirty minutes later, Fridda and her bodyguards arrived at Cimarron Diagnostics and Research. Fridda went in and her bodyguards went in with her. The workday was starting for Fridda. For the first time in a long time, Fridda felt incredibly relaxed. She took in all phone calls, assigned her secretary new tasks, and several hours later, it was time to go home. Fridda went to the elevator to go to the first floor of the building, and when the elevator doors opened, went into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the first floor. When the elevator reached the first floor, Fridda got out of the elevator and Warren and Wesley were standing right there in front of her. Fridda and her bodyguards went to her car together. Then, Fridda got into the driver’s seat and Wesley got on the passenger’s seat while Warren got into the driver’s seat. Wesley had left his car at Fridda’s house. While Fridda and her bodyguards pulled out of the Cimarron parking lot, Fridda’s twisted admirer was leaving a note under her door. He left. Fortunately for Fridda, Julian was watching him from a distance.

“What the hell are you doing?”

The bizarre man looked at Julian, stunned. “Who the hell are you?” he fired back, giving him the dirtiest look.

“What are you doing at the Boatman home?”

“That’s none of your business,” said the man and walked away.

Julian grabbed the strange man’s arm, so strong that the pain made the man angry. “Listen to me very carefully, ok? I don’t want to see you around the Boatman family ever again.”

“I told you, bozo. What I do is none of your business!” said the man, terrified. This man who was grabbing his arm was not normal.

Julian just punched the man’s face in and the man fell on the floor. “Damned psycho, let me tell you something, dude! If I see you around the Boatman family again, anyone in the Boatman family, I’m going to kill you like a dog, you got me, man?”

The stalker’s nose and upper lip were broken and he was bleeding a great deal. “Away with you, man…”

Julian kicked him in the side, making him scream. “Did I make myself clear?” Julian screamed.

A passerby looked their way, but with one frightening dirty look from Julian, while Julian’s eyes temporarily morphed into alien eyes, the passerby just ran off, forgetting about the whole thing.

Julian walked away from his new victim while the man watched him. Despite walking, Julian was going incredibly quickly, so quickly that he disappeared from the entire neighborhood in less than five minutes.

While Fridda and his bodyguards arrived home, Julian arrived at Daniel’s mansion. Albeit no one was expecting him, he was received like a king. Daniel walked him to his living room after he passed the mansion’s gate, and Daniel’s maids served him a piece of key-lime pie and flavored coffee. The coffee had a very powerful somniferous in it. In less than five minutes Julian fell into a deep sleep. Daniel carried him to his lab like carrying a baby, and lay his body down on a platform. There, Daniel performed a procedure that he thought would be impossible. He ended Julian’s life and then he altered Julian’s genes until there was no human DNA in the man. Now, Julian was pure alien, and Daniel achieved that by injecting several specimens from different supermen. Now, like all of our friends the aliens, Julian only looked human because he was here on earth. If he were in space, he’d be an entirely-different creature created from many different specimens. He had the tentacles of lunar aliens and the physical appearance of Martian and Venus aliens. Martian aliens looked just like octopi but they were a lot bigger and their tentacles were a lot longer. Aliens from Venus were similar, but they did have faces, peculiar faces. Julian now had a face in outer space.

Julian was reborn. He was a different being. The only thing that made him human now was the fact that he felt emotions intensely and that he cared about other people. The way he felt now was totally different. He knew that it was wrong to hurt or kill anyone that was weaker than he was. Still in Daniel’s lab, he took a minute to reflect on everything he’d been through all his life. The human part of him that he had before was still there, not physically or anatomically, but