Angels of the Universe by Kristina Karen - HTML preview

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Chapter 24


The woman went into Kate’s office without knocking and scared the living daylight out of Kate. “Dr. Leighmann, something’s wrong.”

“What’s wrong with you, Melissa? Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something here? New aliens are coming in. Now, get out!”

“I’m sorry, Dr. Leighmann, but there are like ten bombs ticking inside this building, at different locations as we speak.”

“Did you say bombs? What are you talking about? Are you crazy?”

“You can’t let those aliens come in until the bombs are deactivated. I’m serious, Dr. Leighmann, you’ve got to do something right now. You and your team only have a few minutes to take action, or we will all die!”

With the help of other aliens, Kate and her team located the bombs in a matter of minutes, something that they never thought it was possible for them to do, and they deactivated most of the bombs using liquid nitrogen, even when most of them were only seconds from exploding. However, there was one bomb that they couldn’t get to in time. By the time they located it, it had already exploded. Several members of the TOTS staff died a horrible death, and several angels, including one hundred of Selena and Seth’s children. This was a sad day. Angels learned the hard way that there were still a few deranged humans out there. Only Selena knew who had committed this horrible crime, but she had no proof against Dirk. Therefore, there was only one way to make him pay as it would be extremely difficult to gather proof against him. She had to kill him.

Selena was extremely angry and saddened, angrier than she’d been in her whole life. She left a note to Seth saying goodbye, that she had to go out, and that she’d see him in a few days. A few hours later, she was at Dirk’s house. Unfortunately for Dirk, he was alone right now, and he wasn’t expecting Selena. He thought that Selena would stay away from him and not mess with him ever again after what he’d just done to her. Selena got out of her car and walked to Dirk’s front door. She had no weapons of any kind. Her body was the weapon that she was going to use to tear Dirk into a thousand pieces. She rang Dirk’s bell. Dirk was so heartless that he was very happy about what he’d just done. He was celebrating, drinking the finest wine. He thought he had defeated his most powerful enemies. He was wrong, dead wrong.

Selena rang Dirk’s bell.

That’s strange. I’m not expecting anyone. He got up from his couch with the glass of wine in his hand, walked to the door and opened it. He gasped when he saw Selena. “Ms. Cambridge, it’s you! I am so glad to see you again. This means you got my message.” He was smiling.

“Yes. I got your message. I surely did.” She went in without being invited in, and Dirk closed the door behind her. She had no idea that precisely at this moment, Daniel and Monti were gathering the pieces of Selena’s dead babies to bring them back to life. Fortunately, they could not only do that with humans, but Daniel had just learned to do that with angels, and so had Monti. In a few hours, these sweet, innocent children would be alive and happy again, as well as Tears of the Sun’s dead staff members, whom Kate was mourning right now. Kate really loved them and she’d lost them in a terrible way. She couldn’t even begin to imagine the pain that their families were going through. Daniel knew that the only way to mend a mother’s broken heart was to give her children back to her, and that was exactly what he was getting ready to do. “I came to bring you a message of my own,” she continued.

“Did you? What message is that?”

Selena morphed and used the dozens of tentacles that emanated from her gorgeous but deadly alien body and pierced Dirk’s entire body with them, covering the floors, the walls and the roof of Dirk’s house with his blood. Just like she’d promised him days before, when she told him that she’d decided to turn on him, it only took her a few seconds to put an end to his life. This was one evil human that no angel or human would even consider bringing back to life. He’d literally gone straight to hell, unlike all the other innocent humans that were revived in these last couple days, whose souls hadn’t gone anywhere because they were destined to stay here on earth and have a second chance. Among those humans were the women that had died giving birth to Seth Sherman’s first children. Selena proceeded to go to Dirk’s laundry room, take off her clothes and her underwear, added the perfect amount of laundry detergent to the washer, turned on the machine and started washing her clothes. Then, she went to Dirk’s hallway bathroom to take a long shower and remove Dirk’s nasty, contaminating blood from her body. A few hours later, when Selena’s clothes were washed and dried, she removed them from the dryer and still in the laundry room; she put them on once again. Finally, she got out of Dirk’s house like nothing had happened and left him there, literally dismembered and torn apart. He was unrecognizable by now. A few minutes after, she left in her car. Dirk’s neighbors didn’t know what had just happened because although his death was extremely painful, he couldn’t scream. Dirk had another visitor almost an hour after his death. Dirk’s brother, Damon rang the bell several times and right away, he noticed that something was wrong with his brother. Dirk’s garage was open and his car was there, so obviously, Dirk was home. Damon didn’t hear the water running in Dirk’s shower. In his desperation, the first thing that occurred to Damon was to call 911.

“911, what’s your emergency?” the operator said.

“I’m at my brother’s right now. I’ve rung the bell several times and he won’t open up. I know he’s here because his garage door is open and his car is parked in there, and he never goes for walks in the afternoon or at night. He always goes for walks in the early morning, usually before sunrise.”

“So, your brother’s there, but he’s not opening the door for you.”

“That’s right.” Damon was crying. Every minute that went by, he feared the worst for his only brother.

“Couldn’t he be taking a shower or something?”

“No, he’s not taking a shower.” Damon looked through the living room window and noticed everything was covered in blood. “Oh, my God, there’s blood all over the living room! Oh, my God,” he was sobbing now, “someone killed my brother! Oh, my God…”

“Say what?” said the operator, horrified. “Ok, why don’t you try to calm down and give me the address to your brother’s house? I know this is horrible, but I need you to try to stay strong for me, ok?”

Damon dictated Dirk’s home address to the operator. Within minutes, the ambulance, the police, and the firefighters were at Dirk’s house, and when they heard the fire alarm of the truck arriving and the ambulance siren, Dirk’s neighbors became alarmed and horrified. They finally knew that something unspeakable had happened to him, and although none of them got along with him in the past, they certainly would’ve never wished anything evil upon him. Granted, he was mean and nasty, but they knew that he didn’t deserve to die. Nevertheless, Dirk wasn’t just mean. He was evil to the core. Fridda Boatman’s rejection had turned him into a totally-different person. He was no longer kind and warmhearted. The police broke into Dirk’s house and Damon, the police officers and the paramedics went in. No one could believe their eyes. Some police officers even felt sick to their stomachs and they had to go outside to throw up. This was one of the most gruesome murder scenes that they’d had to deal with. There was very little that Damon could tell them because he didn’t know anything about what had happened to his brother. He had no notion of just how many enemies his brother had made and how powerful and deadly they were.

Damon couldn’t stop crying. “I know that lately he wasn’t getting along with his neighbors, but I don’t think any of them would be capable of doing something this atrocious. I don’t think they’d even wish anything bad upon my brother.” When Damon least expected it, all of Dirk’s neighbors went into Dirk’s house to see what was happening. They were shocked, and some of them were even traumatized. They had never seen something like this before. Everyone started to cry. They felt very sorry for Dirk. To them, no human being deserved such a horrible death, not even the nasty and grouchy Dirk.

“You know if your brother had any other enemies, you know some people that hated him, instead of just disliking him? You know, people who hated him intensely, do you have any idea?”

“I never knew of anyone who hated him with a passion. He never told me anything about that. We’d always been close, but within the last couple of months, he started keeping secrets from me. He hardly told me anything. All our conversations would be like ‘How are you doing?’ or ‘What’s up?’ You know I would give him details of my life like we’d always done, but he wouldn’t do the same for me.”

“Whoever did this to him abhorred and despised him with everything that he or she had,” commented Officer Reynolds. “I mean this is just horrible! There are no words to describe this!” He didn’t dare to take another look at the mangled body.

“My poor brother, I know he suffered a whole lot,” said Damon. He couldn’t help crying in Reynolds’ arms.

“I know this is easy for me to say, Mr. Fisher, but you’ve got to have resignation,” said Reynolds. “We are going to investigate this gruesome murder and I personally promise not to rest until I find the…living thing that did this, because no human in this world has the strength or the power to do something like this.”

“You think it was an alien?” Damon was awestruck.

“I’m one hundred percent sure that it was. What we’ve got to know is who did this and why. I honestly doubt that an alien would do this to a human or another alien for no reason.”

“I don’t care what reasons that alien had. My brother didn’t deserve this. No human being does, no matter what he or she has done.”

“I totally agree,” Reynolds said, but that was because he didn’t know that Dirk was behind the brutal attack against TOTS.

The paramedics picked up what was left of Dirk’s body and put it in a black bag, thus none of Dirk’s extremities were whole. He’d been literally torn into a thousand pieces. Then, they took the body out of the house. Later on, in the morgue, in the examination room, the cause of death was more than obvious, but they still had to examine the body to see if they were traces of the killer’s DNA, and surely enough, there were, all over what was left of the body. Now they just had to find out who was a match so that the police could question this person to know his or her reasons to commit this horrible crime.

It didn’t take the police very long to figure out who the killer was. Selena Cambridge not only took a DNA test to confirm to the police that she was Dirk’s murderer, but she voluntarily went to the police station for questioning about Dirk’s murder. They needed to find out why, what would drive her to do something that was beyond words. Selena didn’t hesitate to tell Officer Reynolds everything that happened between her and Dirk, from the moment that they met to their vendetta against the Sherman family, to the bombing of the TOTS building and the gruesome murder of her innocent children and other innocent angels and human beings. Officer Reynolds could feel Selena’s pain because one of his children, his eldest, Solomon, had been murdered, and the killer hadn’t been brought to justice, although it happened five years before. The police closed the case because the investigation came at a dead end. However, Officer Reynolds was a man of the law who had made a commitment to protect and serve citizens in this county, and he couldn’t condone her behavior.

When the questioning was almost done and Selena was about to be locked up, Officer Reynolds said, “I think I should let you know that all those innocent people who died in the attack against Tears of the Sun are once again alive and well, all of them, including your little babies.”

“You’re serious.”

“Yes, I’m serious, fortunately. It was wrong of you to take justice into your own hands. Believe me I felt like killing the heartless son of a bitch that killed my Solomon, but I can’t. I made a commitment to the people of this county as a police officer, and I intend to keep it, until the end.”

“Oh, now I feel horrible,” said Selena. “My babies are alive, they were given a second chance, something that your son never got, and his killer hasn’t even been brought to justice.”

“That’s because life isn’t fair. We have to deal with it. You did what you did in defense of the victims of the bombing, and you should get credit for that, but you also have to be punished. You murdered a man savagely, and you’ve got to pay for it.”

Selena was aware of the fact that she had a lifespan of over 2,000 years, but she wanted to fight for her freedom, so she did something that she never thought that she would do. Yes, she did it again, to someone else. She didn’t think about it beforehand, it just came to her, like a lightning bolt. “What if I make sure you get your son back? I can’t do it myself, but I can make it happen.”

“Ms. Cambridge…” he couldn’t believe his ears. She was willing to give him his son back just so she didn’t have to spend ninety-nine of her 2,000 years of life in jail.

“I want to exhaust all the means necessary to not get any jail time, and if you help me with that, if you make sure that the D. A. doesn’t press charges, I’ll make sure you get your son back.”

He looked her in the eyes, astonished. He wanted nothing more than to get his beloved Solomon back, but he thought that was impossible. Before meeting Selena Cambridge, he’d forgotten that aliens were here and that they were playing God with our lives and that many of them were capable and allowed to bring any human or angel back to life if they wanted to. In a matter of minutes, Selena had one of the best attorneys in town defending her, and it was free of charge for her. That attorney, Esq. Miles got Selena exactly what she wanted, for the district attorney not to file charges against Selena Cambridge, being that she did this in defense of the innocent victims of the bombing of Tears of the Sun, like killing a serial rapist and avenging his or her victims. Angels learned a big lesson for this, all of them, all over the world and the universe… not to take justice in their own hands and to use their extraordinary strength and power for everything except hurting or killing humans, who were a lot weaker and defenseless than they were. As hard as it was, if a human disrespected or hurt them in any way, they would let their bodies heal themselves automatically and just walk away. After all, nothing that a human did would kill an angel, except of course blowing him or her into a thousand pieces, like Dirk did, and no human intended to do that now, ever. There were still some humans that didn’t quite like the idea of having almost one billion angels here on earth, but they would never do anything against them. Angels were here for a reason. They had a mission that no human being knew anything about, and as soon as they complied with that mission, they would get out of here and go populate other planets in the universe, as they could really live in any planet, unlike us. We needed a special Earth-like planet which was somewhere far away in the universe, and if something were to happen to our planet despite all of the improvements that these angels had made to it in the past couple of years, angels were ready to get out of here… but if they knew for sure that our planet was in danger, they wouldn’t leave here without us. No human would be left behind. Then, we would be transported to another planet that was every bit as habitable and perfect for us as this one. We just didn’t know that yet. We didn’t know what angels were capable of for us.

Selena Cambridge’s case had been in the local, national and international newscasts and newspapers in the last couple days. It was one of the most sensational cases in history. Andrew was closing his newspaper right this minute, in his room, sitting on his bed. So, that’s how the Selena Cambridge case ends, huh? His laptop sat right beside him. At that moment, he picked it up, opened it up, turned it on, let it start up, and went straight to his Internet explorer. He read all of his new email messages and then went to a few entertaining websites, spending a total of ninety minutes on the Internet. Then, he turned off the computer. He would’ve emailed Brie, but it was better to hear her voice. He dialed her number from his phone.

Brie was in the dining room eating a small fruit salad as a nighttime snack. She would always have the healthiest snacks and she seldom ate unhealthy foods, only having fast food every five months. She didn’t just do this to look great, but also to stay healthy because her little sister was diabetic and she didn’t want to suffer the same fate by her own doing, eating all the wrong foods, all the time. She rarely had sweets, as her favorite sweets were fruits. Brie would take her cordless phone everywhere she would go. She saw Andrew’s name and home phone number on the caller ID. They would spend all day together at school, but it she enjoyed talking to him a lot, and he could call her any time he wanted to. “Hello.” She had a smile on her face.

“Hello, my love. How are you doing?”

“I’m sitting here eating a fruit salad and thinking about you.”

“What do you know? I was thinking of you while surfing the web. Not even that takes my mind off you.”

She laughed. “You’re adorable.”

“So are you. Listen I was wondering if we could go out Friday night, you know, have a double date with Lydia and Neil. As you know, today is Wednesday. What do you say?”

“A double date with Lydia and Neil would be fun! You think they make a good couple?”

“It goes beyond that. I think they are meant to be together, just like you and I.”

“Wow…” said Brie. “I hope you’re right because Neil is head over heels for Lydia. He hasn’t told her, though. Don’t tell her. Give him the chance to tell her when he gets the courage.”

“Yes, you’re right.”

“So, we’re going to invite Neil and Lydia on a double date tomorrow at school, in the morning, you know, while we hang out and everything. I think they’ll like that. They’ll like spending time with us. Seth still has some things to work out with Selena, so he won’t be able to accompany us on Friday night. Maybe we can go on a triple date next weekend, you and I, Neil and Lydia, and Seth and Selena.”

“That would be a blast. I hope Seth and Selena patch things up. I care about them a lot, and I want them to be happy.”

“I do, too.”

“All right, muffin, I just wanted to know if you’d like to go out with me, Neil and Lydia on Friday night.”

“I’d love to! It’s done! I love you, Andy.”

She was the only one to call him Andy. All of his loved ones would always call him Andrew or Drew. He felt his heart melt inside his chest when she called him Andy. “I love you, too, honey.” He hung up.

To demonstrate their gratitude toward the Tears organization, the angels spent hours reconstructing the horribly-damaged TOTS facility and they retrieved money out of their own pockets to reinstate all the special equipment that had been lost. Kate and her superiors wanted to pay them for their hard work, but the angels declined, alleging that this was the least they could do for the wonderful humans that have cared for them for so long and given them so much love. Kate thought that the superiors of the Tears agencies would have to pay millions of dollars to have their facility rebuilt and that they would have to buy their lost special equipment once again and then pay to have it properly installed. To their disbelief, the angels did all of that for free, and they didn’t mind literally spending millions of dollars just to help them in their time of need. All of the important activities that had been interrupted the day of the bombing were resumed at this very moment. The new angels that needed to be cared for arrived facing no conundrums whatsoever. There was one angel whose face was familiar…more than familiar, unforgettable. The angels that had been here before and were returning right now, each for their own reasons, they couldn’t believe that Wesley had returned. They thought that he was free from all his past troubles and that he was living a normal, happy life. They couldn’t be more wrong.

All the angels were coming back here for entirely different reasons from Wesley. Some of them had genetic defects that had to be taken care of right away, and they hadn’t been noticed on previous medical examinations, and others needed to have some operations done to enhance the quality of their lives. Others had serious health problems that their weak human genes, weak compared to angel genes, had caused, and they also needed operations. Wesley was here because he still had serious behavioral issues. He had anger management problems and he couldn’t control his sexual impulses, resulting in random encounters with complete strangers, on the brighter side, all female. He was killing humans for no reason. Sometimes he would kill a human for giving him a dirty look. His reasons for hurting those that were innocent and weaker than he was, they were never justified. He would viciously attack all of his victims, leaving them either seriously and irreversibly damaged or dead. He would become angry over the most seemingly insignificant things. It was a shame. His old friends loved him and they were amazed to know what was happening to him. This was horrible news to them. They expected anything but this.

The police would hold Wesley in a cell overnight, but they eventually discovered that they couldn’t keep him in jail because he had serious mental problems. Three different psychiatrists had confirmed that his mind was warped, even Dr. Sherman, and it was because of Dr. Sherman that instead of locking him up for several years for his horrible crimes, or placing him in an institution for the criminally insane, where he would be tied down and sedated twenty-four hours a day, the authorities decided to give Wesley a second chance and they sent Wesley back to TOTS for rehabilitation. However, it would take more than counseling and group activities to help Wesley become a sociable living thing, capable of interacting with other people, human and non human, in a successful and civilized manner, like most people. Monti and Daniel knew that genetic enhancement was not only necessary, but vital if they wanted Wesley to turn his life around and never walk the wrong path again.

Before giving Wesley any medical treatment, Dr. Leighmann and other members of her staff observed Wesley’s behavior all day and all night for the next two days to see how well he would get along with his fellow angels. They were hoping that Wesley would get along great with his old friends, but that wasn’t the case. Wesley even got to the extremes of seriously injuring an angel who needed an operation to correct a serious and life-threatening health problem. He had cut his abdominal area open and destroyed his intestines. Lazarus was screaming and rolling on the floor, violently, in excruciating pain. Three male nurses rushed Lazarus to the OR for emergency operation because unlike ninety-seven percent of angels, Lazarus’ injuries couldn’t heal on their own, and that was another anomaly that the TOTS medical team had to take care of so that Lazarus could have more peace of mind, at least when it came to his body. Wesley was dragged to the dark room. From now on, he could have no food, no water, and he would be devoid of all social activities. He wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone, only to himself, like he did almost twenty four hours a day. Yes, Wes’ mind was a lot worse than people thought, and every day, it would only degenerate more, unless TOTS doctors did something to stop it. It was now that they were discovering that Wesley was a lot less than healthy from the day that he was born.

Kate knew that Wesley wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone, but she was very angry at him and she had to talk to him, hopefully get him to wake up and smell the coffee. Probably a good scolding would put him in his place and get him to snap back to reality and see things the way they should be, do the right thing for once in his life. Kate unlocked the door to Wesley’s room from the outside and went in without a warning, scaring Wesley. Wesley wasn’t expecting anyone to visit him, much less Dr. Leighmann. “What the hell is wrong with you?” she screamed. Although she was loud, what she said could not get outside these walls and disrupt others because there was a lot of iron between them. Angels had built a much stronger TOTS facility, and they’d done the same thing with all the Tears buildings. Now, destructing any of these buildings would be very difficult to do. Only Mother Nature could achieve that, and she would have to be uncontrollably angry. That meant that no bomb, no matter how potent, could destroy a Tears building. “Why did you do that to Lazarus? For God’s sake, he’s sick! He’s in a very delicate condition!”

“Dr. Leighmann…”

Kate didn’t let Wes speak. “Before you attacked him, he was in such a fragile health condition that he needed an operation just to help keep him alive for all the procedures that have to be done to take care of all his health problems. Now, you’ve made things 1,000 times worse for him. He could be dying on the operating table as we speak, or maybe he’s already dead! God, he didn’t do anything to you! He was only talking to you, trying to bring back the good old times between the two of you.”

“He just became annoying after a while.”

“So you decreed to literally rip his intestines and his guts out.”

He didn’t respond. He knew he had nothing to say about this one.

“Do you not care about hurting others? Do you not care about killing others? Are you really a sociopath?”

“You’re not a psychiatrist, at least not that I know of, so don’t try to be one.”

Now Wesley had really kicked Kate right in the liver, exceeding her limit. She grabbed his neck with all her might and started choking him, not caring what this might cause. “Now you listen to me.” She wouldn’t let go of him. She wanted to really hurt him. “You know what throws me through the roof? It’s a smartass. My daughter Christine made a similar remark to me once, and she never did it again because I slapped the crap out of her, and if I won’t take that from my own daughter, whom I carried for nine months, gave birth to, and raised, I won’t take it from you. Oh, God help me…you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. You don’t know what I’m capable of when I’m pushed way too far.”

He replied, not being able to breathe, “I am finding out right this minute,” but the words just couldn’t come out of him, so Kate had to read his lips to understand what he wanted to say.

“Oh, is that so? Well, that’s great. I’m glad you are finally starting to get me, to get Dr. Leighmann. I may be human, Wes, but everyone who has ever messed with me has regretted it.”

Wes was literally turning blue by now. If she didn’t let him go within the next two minutes, he wouldn’t die, but he would suffer irreversible brain damage due to the lack of oxygen, and that would affect his motor skills, his speech, and leave him handicapped for the rest of his life. If Kate were doing this to a human being, that poor person would’ve already dropped dead.

“Would you like me to let go?”

It was impossible for him to breathe now. He let her read his mind to let her know how he was feeling because he couldn’t speak. I need you to. I need you to let go right now. This is torture!

Kate let go of his neck. Wesley started coughing, trying to catch his breath once again. It took him