Angels of the Universe by Kristina Karen - HTML preview

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Chapter 29


Precisely at that moment, Todd went to the living room and let his head down for a moment to take a look at the documents on the table, the documents that would change the lives of everyone in his family forever. Todd and Vivian took a few minutes of their time to read these documents from the very first word to the very last. Now all they had to do was sign. They missed their son and loved him so much that they didn’t hesitate to do so. Daniel and Attorney Bass were thrilled. Daniel loved to do this.

“Would you like something to drink, gentlemen?” said Todd.

“I would like some water,” said Attorney Bass. “Thank you.”

“I want some water, too, please,” said Daniel.

Minutes later, Daniel and Attorney Bass were drinking their glasses of water and finally it was time for them to go. They had to get this done as soon as possible. While Daniel and Attorney Bass made the arrangements to exhume Ty’s body, what Sabrina and David thought was the best day of their lives finally arrived. They had no idea what Kevin had in store for them. The bride was wearing one of the most beautiful dresses, but she chose a beige-colored wedding dress. She wasn’t wearing a veil either, but her dress was absolutely luxurious. It had pearls all over and even diamonds. It had no sleeves but it was covering up her body really well. The only parts visible were her neck, her upper chest and of course, her arms. The dress was so long that she had two guys behind her holding it to make sure that it wouldn’t get dirty. David was waiting for her as his heart gave 1,000 beats per minute. He had never been so anxious or excited. Kevin was hiding in some bushes in the parking lot waiting for everyone to enter the church just so that nobody could see him. Minutes later, everyone was in church and the ceremony started. At first, it was like a silent movie. Everything was going very well. Hours later, David and Sabrina said their vows.

The moment that everyone feared arrived when the priest said, “If there is anyone who opposes this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

No one expected a woman to show up and crash the wedding because although many women in town were in love with David, they solely admired his incredible and supernatural inner and outer beauty and they would never do anything to hurt him. Every woman that knew David wanted him to be immensely happy. However, the guests were afraid that Kevin would show up and try to stop Sabrina and David from getting married, and they were right in feeling that way. David and Sabrina were so excited and focused on one another that they ignored the possibility that an uninvited guest, Kevin Nixon, could show up today.

Kevin appeared to be right on cue as he ran into the church, gun in hand. He knew that if he shot David, he wouldn’t kill him. He didn’t want to kill him because he had nothing against him. If David knew who Sabrina really was and the way she’d broken other men’s hearts, he wouldn’t be marrying her today. He wouldn’t even want anything to do with her. Nonetheless, the reason why David adored Sabrina so much was precisely because he knew her heart and he could see through her. He knew that she’d made mistakes in the past and that she had never really been in love with anyone else…until Kevin came into her world, and then him. Of all the men that she’d had in her life, Kevin and David were the only ones that she’d really loved, with all her heart and everything she had. In a flash, everyone in church got up and started screaming. David came back into the real world and snapped out of his daydreams and turned around. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Sabrina had done so much for him. She’d been by his side all this time, supporting him, and this was how he repaid her?

Kevin screamed, gun in hand and eyes full of hate and rancor, “I’d rather see you dead than married to this man, Sabrina! I just can’t believe that you would do this to me! I love you!”

That’s bull!” yelled David. “You don’t love her! You’re just obsessed with her, sickly obsessed! If you really loved her, you wouldn’t be pointing a gun at her right now! You’re out of your mind!”

“You shut up, shut up, shut up! This is between me and Sabrina! You’re not in this equation! You are just her innocent victim, emphasis added on innocent because that’s what you are in more ways than one! As an alien that you are, you know everything about her, but you choose to ignore it! You choose to ignore the truth!” Kevin was crying like he never had in his life. “You are so in love. You are taking what I love the most in this world, David, and I won’t let you do that! Since I can’t kill you, I’m going to kill her! I don’t have what I need to kill you, but boy am I going to break your heart!”

Everyone was absolutely horrified and incredibly, they didn’t dare to try to stop Kevin because they knew for sure that they would get shot. Since Kevin was well aware of what was coming next, without giving anyone a chance to do anything, he simply shot Sabrina right in the heart, and Sabrina fell on the ground, in David’s arms. There was someone however that was willing to help Sabrina and David, someone that knew what to do to stop all this madness. Although this person was too late to keep this horrible tragedy from happening, she could save Sabrina’s life. This person was Christina. She had certainly been invited to the wedding because she and David knew each other since they were children. Christina rushed to Sabrina’s side while a few of the guests placed Kevin’s arms on his back and tied him down until the police would come, while Kate was calling them. Without hesitation, and when no one knew how she could possibly do something like this, Christina made an incision on Sabrina’s chest with her own fingers, with her own nails, got right to her heart and pulled the bullet out. When Christina’s fingers, drenched with sweat because of the stress and desperation, had direct contact with Sabrina’s heart, Sabrina’s would was instantly closed and incredibly, her heart was healthy again. Everyone gasped when they saw the bullet in Christina’s fingers. They knew that only an angel could do something like that.

Minutes later, the police, the ambulance and the firefighters were at the church. Kate had explained to the operator the procedure that Christina had performed to save Sabrina’s life, but the authorities had to make sure that Sabrina was ok and out of the woods, out of danger. Meanwhile, the police arrested Kevin for attempted murder and took him away. Within a few hours, the DA had irrefutable proof that Kevin had planned this all along and that his intention was to kill Sabrina, so Kevin was facing up to fifty years in prison, without a chance for parole, if he was convicted. Sabrina’s family visited her at the hospital. They didn’t know that Sabrina and David never gave up and that just a few minutes before, Father Gilmore had married them. He didn’t give up on them either. Sabrina’s immediate family members: her mother, her father, her sisters, her nephews and nieces entered the room. Sabrina was the only child in the Hyatt family that didn’t have children yet. The children hugged their aunt. They adored her and they were afraid that they would lose her. It wouldn’t have been the same without her.

“How are you feeling, sweetie?” asked Sabrina’s mother, Samantha.

“I’m feeling fortunate, Mom. I was giving my last few breaths when all of a sudden Christina saved my life. David was right. She’s a wonderful woman. I owe her everything, and I don’t know how to repay her. You know if she came to see me? Is she here? I just want to tell her how grateful I am.”

Yes, she’s here waiting to see you. You know that Kevin could be convicted of attempted murder anyway, right?” said Sabrina’s older sister, Bridget.

Yes, and I’d never thought I’d say this, but I hope he rots in jail for what he did to me. I cared about him so much and I still loved him as a friend. I offered my unconditional friendship to him! How could he do this to me?”

He’s a son of a bitch,” said Samantha, “and he’s very unstable, too. He’s a dangerous man.”

I just hope he never hurts anyone again. You’re right, Mom, he is a son of a bitch.”

All of Sabrina’s nephews and nieces were eight years and older, so they already knew many bad words. They just never said them, even at home because they didn’t want to get in trouble. Sabrina was the youngest child in the family.

Christina walked into Sabrina’s room with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. She walked closer to Sabrina and gave her a big hug. “How are you doing?”

I’m doing great, thanks to you.”

I heard that you and David got married here in the hospital,” said Christina.

What?” Bridget said. No one in Sabrina’s family knew this. They looked at each other, stunned.

Yes, that’s right. It looks like Kevin couldn’t stop you from getting married after all. Congratulations!” Christina and Sabrina shared a big hug.

Thank you,” said Sabrina.

You got married here in the hospital?” said Irene, Sabrina’s sister. “That’s great!”

How is Lyle doing?” Sabrina asked Christina.

Lyle’s doing great. He’s coming to visit you later on. He’s working,” said Christina.

How are your children?”

They’re great. They’re still living in Tears of the Universe. We won’t be able to take them home with us until they turn twelve or thirteen. They’re all the same age, so we’re going to have to purchase an entire building because they are in the thousands, and, well, it’s pretty overwhelming. ‘Tears of the Universe’ was originally going to release them when they turned eighteen, but the rules and regulations have changed. They knew it was better for the children to spend at least a few years with their parents because by the time they’re eighteen, they’ll have the wings to fly away from us in every sense of the word,” Christina explained.

Lots of things have changed in your family,” commented Samantha. “Ever since you saved my daughter’s life, I’ve heard many things about you. I heard that your brothers and sisters were killed, even the youngest ones, and your cousins, too. The only cousin that survived was Heath.”

Saddened, Christina said, “Yes, that’s right.” She sighed. “But at least I have new brothers and sisters now, and new cousins. My stepmother, Amelia, and my Aunt Maya, they each gave birth to twins, so that means I have two brothers and two cousins.”

Your cousins are girls, right?”

“No, they’re boys, too. They say they’re going to wait a while before getting pregnant again, and my dad and my uncle agree.”

They talked for a couple hours and then left Sabrina alone to get some rest. She would’ve been discharged today but doctors needed to keep her in for observation, to make sure everything was ok.

Meanwhile, Ty was in Daniel’s lab, unconscious. His body was perfectly healthy now. There were no bruises now, no broken bones…he was whole. He was even more handsome now than he’d ever been in his past life. His eyes were lighter in color. Still, Ty retained his humanity because his genes hadn’t been enhanced. Daniel had been careful not to do that. Ty was now a better human being in every sense of the word. He was having dreams he couldn’t wake up from, though. Fresh in his mind was his unfair abuse against Victoria and all the women that he had been with before her. The remorse that he felt was grabbing him and it wouldn’t let him go, but that was only because the healing process wasn’t complete, as not only his body would heal, but also his mind. That’s why he couldn’t wake up, because by the time he did, he would have to be completely healthy. Otherwise, Daniel and his men wouldn’t be satisfied with their work on him. He needed a healthy mind, free from remorse so he could get on with his life and be happy.

Victoria did something that she thought that she would never do, as soon as she found out that they removed Ty from his grave. She went to the Sherman mansion to visit Ty. She wanted to know how he was doing. She held no resentment against him because somehow, her heart had changed. She was as forgiving as she used to be when she was a child. It was like Ty had never hurt her because her mind was completely healthy. After all, she shared two years of her life with this man, and she couldn’t forget about him this easily. Although she was no longer in love with him, she still cared about him and she was hoping that they could be friends. No one knew what Ty was going to do as soon as he got out of Daniel’s mansion. He would do something that would shock everyone that knew him, but he would also be shocked when he saw Victoria by his side, and that would motivate him even more to do what he wanted to do. Daniel and Seth took Victoria to Daniel’s lab to see Ty.

He’s still unconscious,” warned Seth, “and he will be until tomorrow morning because he needs to be completely cured, so you won’t be able to talk to him just yet because he won’t hear you. You can stay here by his side if you want to, though.”

I want to. I care about him a lot. He was the love of my life. I can’t just go on and live my life like I never knew him. That’s impossible. He was a part of my life,” she said.

You see that couch?” said Daniel. “That’s where one of my men sleeps while he’s watching my patient, and he’s able to see what’s going on with my patient even while he’s sleeping, so if something goes wrong, which so far hasn’t happened, thank God…well, the person that’s guarding my patient at the moment will wake up and do whatever it is he has to do to help my patient.”

I don’t think I’ll be able to do that,” Victoria said, smiling, “because I’m not like your men, if you know what I mean.”

Yes, we know what you mean,” said Seth, “but you’ll be able to see what’s going on with Ty, even asleep, trust us on this.”

Oh, I know how it’s going to be. I understand where you’re coming from.”

That’s right it’s exactly what you’re imagining. Now we’re going to go to sleep because we need rest, too,” said Daniel.

When Daniel and Seth were getting out of the lab, Victoria stopped them. “Wait.”

They turned around and looked at her. “Yes,” said Daniel.

I’m just curious. Do you ever have nightmares?”

Us personally?” asked Seth.


No, we don’t,” Daniel said.

No alien does?”

Yes, actually, some of them do,” said Seth. “It all depends on what they’ve been through in the past and whether they feel threatened, you know when they feel something bad is going to happen to them. Aliens do have preoccupations, too, just like humans do, because we have feelings just like you do. Our personalities are very human sometimes. We’ll see you in the morning, Victoria.” They left together.

Victoria wasn’t planning to spend the night here when she came over because she thought that she would be able to talk to Ty at least for a little while, but since that couldn’t be, she decided to spend the night and watch him, just like Daniel explained, all while she was getting her good night’s sleep, something that she hadn’t had in several months. She lied down on the couch and fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

Seth went to his bedroom to get ready to go to sleep. Selena was waiting for him, in bed, in her pajamas, while she read her email. “How is that man doing?” Selena didn’t know Ty. She didn’t even know his name because Daniel and Seth hadn’t told her anything about him. They didn’t want her to worry about anything.

He’s doing well so far. He’s on the way to a successful recovery.”

His ex loves him, doesn’t she? She came to see him after all that he’s done to her.”

Victoria Wilkinson has a good heart. However, she only loves him as a friend.”

If my boyfriend treated me like that, I wouldn’t give a damn about him, ever.”

That’s because it’s difficult for you to forgive.”

You can say that again.”

“I’m going to take a quick shower and then I’m going to get to bed.” He went into the bathroom and a few minutes later, Selena heard the shower running. Selena was about to read her next email, and when she opened it, it surprised her. It addressed the problem that she was having point blank. It had a picture of Jesus Christ on it and it was a reminder to its recipients that they had to forgive those who have done them wrong. Otherwise they wouldn’t receive forgiveness from the Lord for their transgressions. When she read that, she thought, Man, that doesn’t apply to me. Why did Lorena send me this? God created them. He didn’t create us, did he? I’m an alien. This only applies to humans. They’re the ones who should worry about forgiving or not forgiving each other. I don’t care. She shut down Windows and then closed her laptop and set it on the nightstand. Then, she lied down on the bed once again and placed her head on the pillow, but for some reason she couldn’t get that image of Jesus off her mind. A few minutes later, Seth came out of the bathroom wearing his pajamas. She was facing opposite him, crying. He knew something was wrong. He lied down beside her and started caressing her hair.

Hey, Selena, what’s the matter?”

She took a few seconds to wipe her tears away and then she turned around, sniffling. “What are you talking about?”

“Come on, I’m no fool. I know you. I know something’s wrong. Something’s eating you. Come on tell me what it is, please. We’re going to get married soon. You can trust me.”

It’s just an email I got, no big deal.”

Is this really about an email you received? What did that email…” he started visualizing everything that had just happened. “Oh, right…”

I know that God created humans, but I was wondering if He created us also and if He’s also going to judge us one day for what we’ve done. I know I made a couple mistakes just like everyone else, but my inability to forgive others worries me. What if I’m sinning every time I refuse someone else’s offense against me?”

Well, we didn’t come out of nowhere, now did we?”

I suppose not.”

I mean something created us, and it has to be God. Who else could it be? He created all living things all over the universe. Nothing else could have. No one else could’ve done that. I don’t know that for sure, either, none of us know that for sure, but that’s what I believe. That’s at least the only logical explanation I could come up with, and even if it wasn’t so, which I’m almost certain it is, we live here on earth and we have to do all the things that human beings have to do. We have to live by the rules, just like they do. The fact that we’re of a different species doesn’t exclude us from that. We are a thousand times more intelligent than the most intelligent human beings. We should know better than that and be even more aware of what’s right and what’s wrong,” Seth explained.

“Yes, you’re right, but what do I do with this grave problem I have, this rancor that’s building up inside me?”

“Why don’t we go to sleep? Perhaps when we wake up tomorrow morning everything will be much better. We also have to have hope, you know? We have to have faith that everything’s going to be all right and we’ll make it, we will survive, and we will be able to overcome all the obstacles that come our way.” Seth held Selena and a few minutes later, they fell asleep. At that moment, a mysterious specimen entered Selena’s body through the veins of the back of her hand. It was not known who had sent it here, at least not now, but by the time this were discovered, it wouldn’t even matter.

That night, as late as it was, eleven fifteen, Clay was talking to William. He just wanted to know if William’s mental condition had improved with the medication that he was taking, asking him the simplest questions. “So what’s today’s date, William?”

“It is September 4th.”

What day of the week is it?”

It is Thursday.”

What time is it?”

It is 11:16 PM.”

Who am I?”

You’re Dr. Clayton Kress.”

“That’s very good. Who are your parents?” Dr. Kress was writing everything down.

My parents are Violet and Shawn Wilkinson.”

Clay concluded that so far William was aware of his surroundings. He noticed that William was getting better and better every day, and that soon he would be able to pull through. Only three more weeks on his medication and William would be good to go and he could go on with his life, like nothing had ever happened. “This is very good, William. You’re making progress.”

Thank you, doctor. You have no idea how good that makes me feel.”

Clay got up from his chair. “All right, so I’ll see you on Monday. I have to keep monitoring your progress.”

It will be nice to see you again.”

Thank you.” He opened the door. “Goodbye, William.” He got out of the room and closed the door behind him.

It was late, so none of the patients in the mental hospital were allowed visitors at this time. Professor Rosenberg knew this, but he was pulling into the parking lot of the hospital because he wanted to know how William was doing, but it wasn’t enough for him for someone else to inform him. He had to see him with his own eyes, talk to him, look him in the eyes and know what he was thinking. He got out of the car and walked to the entrance. He had a gift for William in his hand, wrapped like it was his birthday or any other special occasion. Professor Rosenberg walked straight to the information desk and placed his gift on the desk. “Hello,” he said. “I am Professor Bryce Rosenberg and I am here to see William Wilkinson.”

“Professor Rosenberg, you ought to know that at this hour, patients aren’t allowed to have visitors. Visiting hours are nine A. M. to seven PM. As you know this is a medium wing facility.”

Well, I think he ought to be transferred to a minimum-wing facility because he’s not going to hurt anyone and he’s not going to try to escape either because he’s getting better and he knows that as soon as he recovers, he’s getting out and going back home. He’s going to go back to school, too, of course.”

Professor Rosenberg…”

I know Dr. Kress visited him and he’s still awake.”

Visitation is still not allowed at this time.”

Fortunately, Rosenberg didn’t have to bribe her or threaten her to make her change her mind, and he was well aware of this. That relieved him. He knew that all it would take was a little humility and a few sweet, kind words. Angels never needed to bribe blackmail or threaten anyone to get what they wanted from them. They didn’t have to force anyone to get them to do what they wanted them to do either. It had been several years since an alien had killed a human being for saying no, a