Another Side of Destiny by Harper Peace - HTML preview

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Other Tales from the Lands

"All stories are wishes. All wishes, stories."

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"My Joy Charm" – the Prologue to "Charm Counter Charm"

Alia wants to fashion her joy charm, but something has returned to the city, something not seen for many years, and Alia's joy is not what it wants.

A short novel of charms and wishes, swords and desires, from the Lands of the Sweet Waters. This novel contains some adult themes.

(Follow these links for Pinterest pages about Alia: Alia; Alia as a page)

"Charm Counter Charm"

A young woman rides towards the Inner Gift. She possesses something the unwise call destiny, though the wise name it not. God and her intended await her, and those who would foretell her path in the movements of the stars and the suppleness of cooling flesh.

And so the old drama of the Lands reawakens; its players: acolyte and anointed, father and brother, page and squire; its weapons: bronze and mail, deceit and friendship, and the song of charm and counter charm.

A novel from the Lands of the Sweet Waters. This novel contains some adult themes.


"Clay for Ellen"

Anas waits alone on the street of glamours. He hopes to catch a face. But what if a face catches him?

A short story of charms and glamours, from the Lands of the Sweet Waters.

(Follow this link for a Pinterest page about Ellen.)

"Another Side of Destiny"

Emily has a secret she dare not tell her husband, one she won't even confide to the shades of her parents. For Emily desires a gift more precious than charms, and more valuable than silver. But to make it hers, Emily must challenge fate.

A short story of fate and choices, from the Lands of the Sweet Waters.


Though the tales can be read independently, "Another Side of Destiny" takes place about eighteen years before the events of the other tales. The events of My Joy Charm take place at the same time as those of the early chapters of Charm Counter Charm, and can be read as the prologue to that book.


To learn more about the tales from the Lands of the Sweet Waters please go to:
