Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

Dr. McCarty summoned the chief commanders at an

emergency meeting. Only four days had passed since

it was approved the mission to send a scout ship to

Taurus III. As always commander Pot asked me to

accompany him to the meeting. All being there

already, the scientist began to explain the reasons for

the meeting.

- As of 32 hours ago, the exploration ship for Taurus

III returned. The mission was a success, indeed as our

suspicions told us, the planet visited has developed a

kind of atmosphere compatible with the planet earth.

The solids deposits collected also show chemical

components similar to ours and fluid samples tell us

that there are exactly the same, having a hydrogen

atom, but it is possible under chemical treatment to

purify and make clean water. The atomic teleportation

was also a success, the animal species on the ship

came back healthy, but with a genetic alteration, not

harmful to life. We have created a vaccine to counter

this mutation. We have been working steady for hours

in our laboratories, but we are ready in the second

phase of this mission, now we need to send a man

into Taurus III. If all goes as calculated, this man

alone would make the round trip, sending a signal of

approval and then these three ships would mark a

course safe and direct. Otherwise, he could return.

Everyone in that room were silent for a few minutes,

until commander Pot asked one of the main flight


-Would we have enough fuel reserves, oxygen and

water for the trip?


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

- We think so. - Replied the engineer - after breaking

the ice brought back by the eight ships, we have

supplied our reserve tanks. If we stay here expecting

another destination before they have exhausted these

reserves would last about 124 months, if the mission

is approved and all goes well, we will make the trip

with 75 percent of that fuel.

- How much time is needed to make vaccines for

everyone? This time the commander was directing his

question to back to Dr. McCarty.

- We have been producing this vaccine since

yesterday- replied the doctor – we should have all we

need in three days.

- So we just need to choose the man who will go on

this mission? - Pot General asked the question and

looked at me - Colonel, choose one of your best pilots

and Proposed the mission to him.

- I will not risk the lives of any of my men

commander. – I did not think very much before

responding - I will go.

- That's crazy, Colonel, you are needed in this ship.

The Commander said.

- I can leave someone in charge. They will do a good

job, I'll go to the planet.

- Are you sure, Colonel? The tone of the voice of

General Pot was to try to convince to desist on the



Joseph Thomas

- I will or else you order another man to do it, but I

will not ask any of my soldiers to risk their lives. - I

said quite categorical in my overall response and he

nodded. Everyone at the table gave me a grateful

look. Dr. McCarty said the final words.

- You must be present today at 22:00 hours in the

hospital. You will have a thorough health check-up. If

all tests are positive, you will start at 6:00 pm

tomorrow. The ship that will make this trip with you

shall be everything you need. Do not worry, Colonel,

all is well.


At the appointed time I went to the hospital of Apollo

918. A group of doctors were waiting for me. I felt

like a guinea pig for a few hours, they stripped me of

my uniform, they did everything possible and

impossible, had spent nearly four hours when they

finally let me rest.

I was alone in a quiet room, thinking about the

decision I had made. In bringing myself so much risk,

was madness. Then she came in, closed the door

behind her. That night she was more beautiful than

ever. Or at least I that she was. I noticed in her eyes

that she knew of my mission. She did not mention a

single word, there in front of the bed where I was,

slowly unbuttoned her doctor coat, dropped it to the

floor. My muscles all tensed, then came her boots and


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

pants. A black silk lace panty adorned her beautiful

skin. Her hair loose, slid down her back like a spring

of fresh clean water. She still did not say a word. She

stopped in front of my bed, stripped what was left

covering her purest parts. Then crawled under my

sheets. She herself took off my patients robe. I got

lost in her flesh, caressed every inch of her skin. I

heard thousands of moans in those hours that was

beside me. I do not know how many kisses I left on

her lips. I cannot say she was mine. Because I was

hers. Because I was hers from the day she sutured my

wound, the one I blessed for giving me the chance to

meet her. She said goodbye when we finished, she

said whispering in my ear, I will wait for you and you

wait for me.


An hour later I was ready at the starting hangar. The

ship that I would make this crazy trip with expected

me with the hatch opened. Waiting for me

commander Pot, Dr. McCarty and several engineers.

They welcomed me with affection and nostalgia. It

was the scientist who gave me this mission


- Colonel, you will start at 6:00 am as we agreed. This

journey will take 32 hours exact. When you have

browsed for 13 hours, you will have to inject the drug

in the blue syringe on the right of your seat, do not

panic, it's just a sedative to pass through the black

hole asleep, atomic teleportation is something

uncomfortable and you are not going to like what you


Joseph Thomas

feel. The second part of the trip you will be asleep.

From here we will be monitoring you and checking

your vital signs and wake you up if necessary.

Your ship is scheduled to get at coordinates 15 ° 37

'54'' north latitude and 71 ° 23' 58'' south latitude. You

will like the landscape there. You will arrive come

just dawn on the west side of planet Taurus III. When

you have gone outside of the ship, apply to your

throat the orange syringe, a vaccine left in your seat.

Only after that should take deep breaths and enjoy the

atmosphere of this new planet. Did you understand?

- Understood. - It was all I said so they would not

notice the fear that came over me. I did not take more

time. Goodbyes have never been to my liking, shook

some hands and went to the hatch of my ship. Almost

activating and closing the hatch when Commander

Pot stopped me and entered, and spoke a few words

to me.

-Son, God bless you. – He brought his hand to his

forehead to say goodbye with a military salute.


The ship went out the gate two minutes behind. Time

was moving on the stopwatch in front and Apollo 918

was lost from sight. All around me was silence and

eternity, I saw how tiny we are in relation to infinity.

I was there alone, between stars and planets

uninhabited. Navigating to an uncertain fate. If every

human being would have the chance to be like me


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

now, maybe they would have avoided many

unnecessary wars. Now I realize how stupid we were.

We had been so uncivilized, so stupid how we

behaved. Much time lost in measuring the

development of nations compared with the capacity to

destroy our planet. We are millions, and yet today I

realize that we were nothing. A species that self-

destructed motivated by selfishness. Wanting to have

more than others, to say that we were stronger and

powerful. When we were just really weak. But it's too

late, only a few of us now, and we are afraid. We seek

a new destination to start over. Just wondering have

we learned the lesson? Would we destroy this new

planet? Are the few who remain behind will be

moved by greed, hatred, pain? Will God be moving

with us to this new planet with us? How to find the

answers, I think so, we'll start again and try to be

better, and that this new planet not plunder, or

perforate, not destroy its oceans, I think that we will

take care of this new beginning.

Finally I spotted the black hole that I was had to

cross. I looked to my right for the blue syringe. I

broke the plastic seal uncovered a long, thin needle. I

applied the relaxant on my arm. My head spun a few

minutes to make me sleep.


Joseph Thomas