Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

Norfolk. Virginia. September 2021

The country has been at war five years, the enemy

coalition had finally launched their attack and World

War III took millions of lives. The bombings were

launched from thousands of miles away, missiles

crossing the oceans trying to hit the major cities of the

world. The planet was divided into two camps: The

Western coalition formed by the United States and

most European countries, and the enemy coalition

which contained several extremist groups. Which for

so many years had tried to control the world. World

leaders never measured the consequences of a war of

this magnitude.

The enemy groups had joined military arsenals and

joining the socialist governments in Latin America,

the military bases in the region had prepared for more

than two years the deathly blow against the city of

Miami. The same day from Asia were launched long-

range missiles against major European capitals, to

start this war, the president and commander in chief

of the U.S. forces ordered to respond the attack, even

at the risk of knowing that the enemies were in

possession of nuclear weapons that could have

serious consequences for humanity.

The fate of civilization was foreseen. The third world

war could destroy the planet if unleashed an atomic

attack. Since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, such

weapons had not been created, these were two

hundred times more powerful, if one of the two sides

launched a nuclear warhead, the other group would

respond in the same way.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

The coalition of U.S. and European countries had

easily mastered the Americas. The bases in the South

American territory had not been a big problem for the

U.S. Marines, the bad news came when closely

guarded stockpiles were found in the Venezuelan

Andes. Six nuclear warheads. If there were such

weapons, it was the confirmation that the enemy had

managed to manufacture these weapons. The whole

world was on alert number 1.


The phone rang on my desk, I had been looking out

the window of my office in the commanding

headquarters in Virginia. Only days ago I had

returned from the battle. The call came directly from

the Pentagon. I had to go to the president’s as soon as


I picked up some papers on my desk, put on my vest

which displayed my medals of colonel, walked into

the courtyard of the base. There a helicopter was

waiting for me. A something in my gut told me that

something serious was about to happen. I remained

startled for the two hour journey.


The Pentagon was quiet, the wide hallways were

desolate. I was received by an infantry general named

Kennedy. Without a word and with a simple gesture

of his right hand told me to follow him, leading me to

a small elevator that would take us to the bunkers in

the basements. I arrived at the office there was the


Joseph Thomas

president himself waiting, I noticed his tired face, in

his eyes you could see the several days without sleep,

was taking a toll on him. He had a white shirt with

rolled sleeves to mid-arm, it seemed he had not

changed in days.

There were also several generals, all with the same

face of concern. I did not understand why I was cited

to this high-level meeting when I all took with me

was my vest with my medals on it. With a military

salute one of them ordered me to sit. Behind the table

a screen reflected a world map, with different colors

where I could see the territories that we had won and

small spaces that were still dominated by our

enemies. The deep voice of General Pot, military and

counterintelligence adviser to the president, began the

concerned meeting.

- Gentlemen, you have all been summoned to this

meeting to give you extremely classified information.

Our intelligence agencies have sent us a report

informing us that the commander of the enemy force

is launching the first nuclear attack on Europe and the

U.S second. We are doing everything possible to

avoid this catastrophe, but have not yet located the

exact point where these weapons are hidden. If this

attack happens life on the planet is at risk of

disappearing. Now they will be taken to a secret

facility of the department of defense, I think it is

worth mentioning that what you are about to see is of

extreme secrecy.

You could see the faces of concern and curiosity

everyone sitting at oval table. No one dared to utter a


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

word. The president was at the table with his hands

covering his face, General Pot had to let him know

twice that the meeting was over. We all left from the

opposite end to which we had entered, another

elevator, this time bigger, with access to a courtyard

of the Pentagon unknown. There, a twin-engine

Cessna-340 plane was waiting.


We flew several cities over Canada to enter the

territory of Alaska. At this time of the year, the snow

had covered part of the ground like a big white

blanket on the ground. Inside the plane were fur coats

to protect us from the cold. The pilot, a master in

admiration, managed to land on a firm frozen lake. I

was surprised when, poking my head outside, I saw

many dogs and several sleds.

The silence was still ruling the environment, in the

president's face increased signs fatigue and worry.

We spent exactly 53 minutes traveling by sleds. A

man who led the group in front, never showed his

face, one because of the heavy clothing he was

wearing and another because it was an order not to be

seen, he stopped between two hills, so high that their

tops were visible.

I had my right hand on the gun on my waist. There

was nothing there, just snow and rocks and I was

afraid it was an attack, but suddenly a big rock started

moving revealing a tunnel out of the same stone.

Nobody mentioned a word, the huge stone closed

behind us as we entered.


Joseph Thomas

I lost count of how many times we went left or right.

Obviously we were in a maze of which we had to

pass several checkpoints, General Pot showed the

identification he carried on his left hand, and the

soldiers opened the doors to clear our path.

We reached the end where a thick metal door step

stopped us. This time the General raised his hand and

placed it in a hole in the stone. Typed a secret code

and the double door opened. An elevator swallowed

us all. I felt a strange sensation as we descended, 7

minutes and 33 seconds-long journey to the depths,

which by my calculations and my military experience

told me that we were more than 500 meters below

ground level. At the end of the fall, we stopped and

the elevator opened. Another corridor between the

stone, but this time shorter, until I walked through a

door that led us to an office. As my eyes adjusted to

the light that attacked us in that room, I could see

clearly that there was only a round table with only

eleven chairs, against these, eleven refractive

monitors all identical in the air, on the wall to my

right another monitor, but of a larger dimension, on

the left a duplicate of the world map I saw at the

Pentagon, with the same colors marking territories,

the only difference about this one was ten points of

the same size were scattered throughout the map. In

front of me, a very dense brown curtain covered the

entire wall. This time it was General Smith who broke

the silence.

- We're here because it's time to reveal our plan

against possible attacks from enemy forces. If that



Apol o 918 The trip of no return

to happen in the next 72 hours, if our enemies were to

activate all they’re nuclear warheads, which at least

we think they have about ten, the planet would not

survive, the air would be unbreathable, all our species

would disappear. The destruction would be complete.

Our allies also have similar facilities like this one and

also share our plan. Gentlemen, it's time to introduce

to you Apollo 918, our newest Noah’s Ark.

The brown curtain opened. Behind this, a glass let our

eyes look into at a huge hangar the size of the

spacecraft for which it was designed, it was a floating

city. Our view was lost, we could not figure out

where it began or ended, it was a masterpiece of

science and technology, we were in it, around the, a

gate on the side of the ship swallowed trucks, with

what I assumed was necessary supplies. Finally, after

so many hours I heard the voice of the President.

- We have gathered together the efforts of all the

scientists in our Allied countries, including this one,

now we have 3 ships, ready to take off into space. We

conducted a selection process, as we cannot save all

our citizens. We cannot, do not have time. We have

chosen mainly young ones. I want to make it clear

that the economic status for this selection was not a

factor, our lists are of the best students of each

university, divided into specialties. Also as many

children as possible, prominent figures of art and

literature, scientists, doctors, all have been medically

checked in depth. We want you on this ship, out of

this catastrophe, we need to save the best of our

society and nation, let this group of American men

and women rebuild the nation or otherwise, start at


Joseph Thomas

another destination.

We also have a section of the ship where we will save

at least a couple of copies of each plant and animal

species, genetic laboratories, are cloning the process

and will be determining the power of each to

regenerate, depending on the time delay. We also

have workshops with the latest technology, the

highest level hospitals, technical and scientific

personnel. In other words, this ship, has everything

you need.

I realized the seriousness of the matter. What I did not

fully understand was why they had chosen me, what

role was I to play in all of this, I am a young man, I’m

43 years old, although I had reached several colonel

status, 14 search and rescue missions even in the most

difficult terrain, the military were my endorsement,

but I knew nothing of outer space, although I am a

pilot, I knew nothing about the spacecraft.

An elderly man in a white coat, entered the room

where we were. He only greeted the president and he

introduced him as Dr. Hans, the most experienced of

all the scientists who worked on this project. The man

took a remote control from the table and all monitors

were lit, images began to appear in front of us, while

the scientist spoke.

- The risk of those ten warheads exploding are of

incalculable damage to our planet and that would be

irreversible, all our species would disappear, and life

as we know it, the decomposition of the atom as a

weapon of war reduces everything on its path in a


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

field of thousands of miles around, any point on the

planet would not be safe, oceans would reach

unimaginable temperatures, it would destroy the

ozone layer, the sun’s ultraviolet rays would not have

anything in their path to stop them, in realistic terms,

it would cook the surface. If this happens, and this is

the best of forecast, we could not make it back to

Earth until at least 15 years have passed, this hoping

that the impact would not move the planet out of it’s

orbit. If this were to happen, the option of returning

would be out of the question. Right now our elite

group of astronomers are looking into the nearest

galaxies, a planet where we can start life over and

settle our culture. But so far, we have not found


On the monitors, while this man talked, we saw

three-dimensional images of what could happen. In

front of my eyes I saw the whole planet blow off and

the blue areas were disappearing.

The man was about to leave, justifying that he should

continue to work, he walked to the door, one of the

generals who was at the table, asked a question that

stopped the scientist on his course.

- Why did we allow our enemies to build these


The white-coated man took a 180 degree turn, staring

at the general and answered.

- The permit was given to them the day the first bomb

was built - He turned around and left.


Joseph Thomas

The monitors remained with the frozen images of the

earth completely destroyed, we only listen to the

commotion of trucks entering the ship when the

rubber of their wheels touched the entrance of the

vast spaceship, a sound I will never forget.

General Pot, chief operating officer of Apollo 918’s

secret plan stood up, walked over to the glass window

standing with his back of the window, stared at me,

and began to give me orders which explained why I

was there.

- Colonel Paul, you have 20 hours to choose among

your troops 100 of your best top qualified marines,

preferably the ones that are not married, or do not

have children, it's hard to say but we cannot afford

more people on the ship. I understand this serious and

painful situation that I'm putting you it, but you must

understand that it is necessary. You were chosen to

command the Apollo 918’s security. In your







responsibility of caring for the stability and

tranquility of civilians chosen to board the ship. We

are all here. We are supplying you with the floor

plans of all levels of Apollo 918, we rely on your sole

discretion. You need to come back tomorrow at

14:00. The routine is the same. Outside is a plane that

will take you back to your headquarters, make sure

upon your return you bring with you your men.

I stood up, and with a military salute, walked up to

the door opposite where the scientist had left minutes

earlier. I felt behind me the voice of the president

when he called my name, with just a twist of my


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

shoulders to face the table. I saw in the eyes of the

man in the corner of the table, not the president of the

nation, this time, I managed to see the human being.

His voice was strong yet painful.

- May GOD bless you.

My answer was simple. It's almost with my back to

everyone, with the metal door opened hoping and

about to leave with concerns of my own, I replied.

- May GOD bless America.


Joseph Thomas