Artifact and the Princess by R. D. Ray - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


The ship, the Blue Moon, wasn’t much but it was all that Taithmar could find and afford at such short notice. The ship’s captain was named Delashyer and was the typical sea captain, big and burley with a full beard. He walked his deck with ease, he commanded respect from his crew and his passengers both, and usually got it. Today started out well and he was happy, giving Taithmar, Lizzy and even Vekao a pleasant nod and smile as he paced back and forth, the weather was holding nicely!


Soon both Lizzy and Taithmar were both feeling the ill effects of their first day at sea, since neither one was a seasoned sailor of any sort. They spent the majority of their time down in the hold on a makeshift cot trying to get some sleep, and trying to stay off the deck! Vekao on the other hand was feeling great, he had spent many years on sailing ships in his youth and was surprised at how comfortable he felt.


Vekao spent some time giving the crew a hand on deck, amazing Captain Delashyer’s crew with his strength, but it really felt good to be out on the open sea with the salt spray in his face. Soon though the wind shifted and the weather started to change. The captain seemed a little concerned and spent much of his own time handling the ships rudder and peering out over the waves. Vekao came up to him and asked, “What is concerning you captain, you look worried?”


Captain Delashyer looked over at the big minotaur and said in response, “Well I’m just concerned because with the shift in the wind it appears now that there are storm clouds massing on the horizon out there.” With that he points out towards the bow of the ship. Vekao looks to where he is pointing and nods his head in understanding.


“Yes I see it now, looks like it might be pretty nasty indeed. What do you plan to do?” Vekao said to the captain.


“Well I plan on getting us as far down the coast as possible before it gets nasty, then if the storm I feel is coming does materialize, I intend to steer us into a cove somewhere along the way to ride it out.” Captain Delashyer responded to the minotaur. “No go away and let me take care of the ship, you need to take care of the two women in your group, this won’t be easy for them you know?”


Vekao nodded his agreement with the captain and made his way down the stairs to the hold area where he soon found Lizzy and Taithmar passed out on their cots. He could tell that they were in no shape to ride out a storm so he decided it was best to stay with them here. The rocking and rhythm of the ship soon had his eyes drooping, and he found himself dozing. He awoke with a start though when the storm hit the boat a short time later!


Lizzy and Taithmar were also awake and they both looked over to Vekao with questioning looks on their faces. Vekao looked at them with sympathy and said, “It is best you both stay down here for now, we’ve run into a bad storm and the captain will be looking for a sheltering cove soon to ride it out. So don’t worry, it will be alright.” With that he rose and went back up the stairs to the deck and to see if there was anything he could do to help. He found himself staring into the face of a terrible looking storm, and the chaos it was causing on the ship! The captain was yelling orders out to the crew and they were scrambling around trying to fulfill them. Vekao made his way gingerly up to the captain who was still at the wheel, fighting the storm. He was straining hard against the wheel of the ship, despite his size and strength, when he saw Vekao coming he motioned quickly to him to come closer.


“You seem to know your way around a ship minotaur. Do you think you could help out by steering us into the cove up ahead there? I’m just not strong enough to fight these waves, but I think you could.” Delashyer said to him as he got close enough to hear over the storm.


“I would be happy too.” Vekao cried out to the captain over the crashing of the waves, he then moved into position by the wheel and took over from the exhausted Captain Delashyer. Vekao soon had the ship under control, straining his huge muscular arms in the process, but he was slowly bringing the ship in line with their destination. He soon caught a glimpse of the cove up ahead and was making good progress towards it now, despite the heavy waves. The crew of the ship looked at him in awe, some even coming up to him to clap him on the back, Vekao just smiled.


After making there way into the sheltering cove, Vekao turned the helm over to the senior shipmate who was standing by. Meanwhile, he went back down to the hold to check on his friends, and hopefully to talk awhile. He found them both very much awake, but still not feeling too well. So he sat down beside them and started the conversation with a smile, “Well it looks like you both survived the storm!”


“Ha, ha, very funny Vekao!” Was all Lizzy could manage to say at the moment, she looked worse off than Taithmar, but both looked like they could use a day on the shore. But that would have to wait, for now they would have to settle for being anchored in the cove for the rest of the day while the storm passed by.


“Yes well I just meant that it looks like now we will be here for awhile so maybe you will start feeling better? Would you like me to find you something to eat?” Vekao asked them both.


Lizzy looked like she was going to get sick all over him, so Vekao started backing up, Taithmar just looked up and shook her head.


“Ok well then we’ll skip the food part.” He said to them and then decided it was time to take a nap. So he laid some blankets out on the floor and made himself comfortable. He was soon fast asleep, snoring loudly as only a minotaur could.

Both Lizzy and Taithmar could not believe that the minotaur had fallen asleep so quickly. They both glanced at each other rand shrugged. Soon the storm had died down a little outside and both women began to feel a little sleepy themselves due to the gentle rocking of the ship which was now safely anchored in the cove. So before too long they too were fast asleep, but at least not snoring like Vekao!


The storm had passed and all was now very peaceful on the Blue Moon as it sat anchored in the cove. Captain Delashyer and his crew all where worn out from their fight through the storm on open water, so he left a skeleton watch just for safety sake, soon the captain and the rest of the crew were asleep, while two members of the crew took up the watch. Time passed and everyone continued to sleep peacefully. The two crew members on watch grew bored and soon they were huddled together playing at tossing the bones, neither one noticed the small row boats coming along side the ship.


As each boat came up to the ship it would pause long enough to discharge 5 to 6 figures, who would then creep up the side of the ship and wait up on the deck. Two of the figures broke off from the main group and crept forward, it was their job to subdue the two watchmen, who at this time were not very watchful! They soon came back to the others waiting in the shadows and motioned that all was clear. So they spread out and began to make their way down into the ship’s hold, and into the cabins of the crew on the deck.


Vekao’s dreams where filled with strange beasts and screams, he wasn’t having a very restful night at all, yet he was exhausted and slept on into the night. Lizzy and Taithmar slept on too not sensing the danger creeping down the stairs at that moment! Soon the intruders had surrounded the companions and the signal was given, they quickly took out large bags and swift as can be placed them over the heads of the unsuspecting party members! Not giving anyone a chance to resist, the intruders also just as quickly clubbed each prisoner over the head so that they wouldn’t awaken and fight.


It seemed like he had slept for a long time, yet it was still dark and his head hurt like crazy! Vekao started to try to rub his head and found that he couldn’t move his hands! They were tied to his waist and he was not on the ship any longer! “What is going on, what happened!” he thought to himself.


Taithmar too awoke with a start! “What had happened? Why did my head hurt so?” she thought, then it dawned on her as she realized with a shudder that her hands were tied, and to her dismay her mouth was gagged, the merchant must have traced them to the ship and sent more thugs to retrieve the artifact!


The third member of the little group, Lizzy, soon woke up herself. She immediately felt that her hands were tied and feared the worse! Zhuerelm! “He had found them again! “, she thought and groaned out loud. Of course that is when both Vekao and Taithmar could hear her.


“Lizzy is that you?” Vekao said instantly.


Lizzy perked up when she heard her friend nearby, she responded to his voice quickly, but quietly, “Yes it’s me. Where are we? What happened? I have a bag or cloth over my head so I can’t see a thing!”


“I don’t know Lizzy, I’m in the same dilemma as you, and I can’t see either! Do you think it’s Zhuerelm? ” Vekao responded to Lizzy. Taithmar could not speak but she did manage to make a noise with her throat which both Vekao and Lizzy heard from where they were tied up.


“Sounds like that might be Taithmar?” Vekao said cautiously. Taithmar responded by making the sound again.

“I’m not sure what is going on. I hope we find out soon though, my nose itches!” Lizzy said back to the minotaur.


Just then they heard the sound of a door being opened, then the soft steps of someone entering the area they were being held in, Lizzy soon found her hood being pulled off and then she was yanked to her feet.


“Hey!” Lizzy cried out, “Watch it!” She glared up into the eyes of the man who held her, but he just frowned at her and pulled her towards the open doorway. Both Taithmar and Vekao could do nothing but wonder what was happening to their friend, and wait. Soon Lizzy was out the door and being lead down a long dark passageway. To her it seemed like they were underground somewhere, but she wasn’t sure about that. Soon she came to a large open area and was paraded up to a man sitting at a table, he appeared to be a middle aged man, well built, and who seemed to be examining some of their belongings.


“Ah welcome to my home. My name is Perskel, I am the Lord of this place I like to call home and you are?” the man sitting at the table said when looking up at Lizzy.


Lizzy hesitated for a moment then responded saying, “My name is Lizzy sir. I want to know what you have done with the crew of the Blue Moon and what you are doing with my things, and with my friends!” She then clammed up and stared at him with fire in her eyes!


Perskel just laughed at her. Then he said, “You are in no position to demand anything, Miss Lizzy! I am in charge here and what I say goes. As to the whereabouts of the crew of the ship, they are here, as my ‘guests’, as are you and your friends.”


“Guests!” Lizzy sneered at the man, “Interesting choice of words especially since you have us tied up and blind folded!”


“Well that will be enough from you! I hope to get a few silver pieces or two from the lot of you. I’m intending to sell you all on the open market as soon as I can! But if you cause any trouble I can just as easily slit your throat. Take her back to the holding room!” the bandit lord exclaimed to the man who brought Lizzy in.


He grabbed her by the collar and dragged her back towards the doorway, Lizzy started to struggle, but soon gave up realizing that it was futile at this point. So she let the man take her back to the room where she originally was at and he opened the door, and shoved her inside. She stumbled across the room and ended up slipping and falling to the ground, she lay there glaring back at the man, who simply shrugged and turned away, and shutting the door abruptly.


Vekao listening the whole time called out softly to Lizzy to see if she was alright, but Lizzy ignored him for the moment, concentrating instead on trying to free her hands, which were still bound behind her back. The room was quiet, and the only sounds they could hear now were the rats scurrying around the walls of the room.