Artifact and the Princess by R. D. Ray - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


Princess Lunansa was holding the mace in one hand and had Davkas leaning on her on the opposite side. They were stumbling down the tunnel trying to keep to the shadows, but the shadows were quickly disappearing! Lunansa was trying to not let this bother her though, she knew she had to be strong now since Davkas was obviously poisoned and may soon die if she didn’t find any help soon! So on they went, further towards the sounds and the light at the end of the tunnel they were in. They soon came to a wide opening and the Princess was astonished by what she saw! There was a huge exposed area spread out before them and there were dozens of dwarfs running to and fro through the complex there!


Not knowing what to do Princess Lunansa went to turn away fearing that these were just more of the cruel dark dwarves who had captured and tortured them both. So she quickly turned to go back the other way they had come, but she was startled by a dwarf who was standing there behind them staring at them! She froze and Davkas looked up and just groaned!


“Greetings my name is Nelas, Nelas Thunderhammer, at your service.” The strange dwarf said to the Princess and Davkas as way of introducing himself. He didn’t appear to be like the dark dwarves at all, for his long hair was flowing free, unlike the braids the dark dwarves preferred.


Princess Lunansa paused briefly, but soon her up bringing took hold and she responded back to the dwarf with, “Greetings to you good sir, my name is Lunansa and this is my friend Davkas, he is hurt and we need assistance please.”


Nelas looked at them, shook his head and said, “Well there isn’t much I can do for you, for I am a simple blacksmith, but maybe one of our healers could take a look at him in the city?”


“Well Nelas that would be very kind of you if you could take us to these healers then. But first a question if you would, and please answer me truthfully, is this city part of the Dhag’arii Empire?” Princess Lunansa asked him with a look of concern upon her beautiful face. In the meantime, Davkas seemed to be getting worse for he began groaning softly and his legs started giving way, the Princess was having a difficult time keeping him on his feet.


Nelas looked at her in bewilderment, “The Dhag’arii? Of course not! This is Ironhold, free home to the true dwarven clans. We are not and never have been a part of that evil race of beings! They are our sworn enemy and we despise what vile name they have given the dwarves over the years.” Then he added, “Here let me help you with your friend, I sense no evil from you, and I will take you to our healers right away so that they can tend to your friend Davkas.”


With that he came forward and took Davkas away from the Princess, he began trudging towards the underground city ahead, Princess Lunansa worriedly following behind by a couple of feet. All the while she related the story to Nelas of their capture and recent escape from the evil Dhag’arii dwarves. They came within the confines of the city, drawing stares from many dwarves who had previously been running about their business, they came to a guard post and not far from where they entered, the guards there made them stop and explain themselves, Nelas quickly did so and they waved them on their way. He made some turns left, then right, then left again walking very swiftly, the Princess had to trot to keep pace, soon they came to a building and Nelas entered through the open doorway.


Inside they came to a room with an elderly dwarf who was talking with a couple of younger dwarves in the back corner of the room, he looked over when they came within his vision and raised a hand to the two dwarves in front of him to interrupt their conversation. He motioned for Nelas to put Davkas down on a cot nearby and went over to him.


“What is wrong? Who is this Nelas and what purpose do you bring them here?” the older dwarf said to Nelas.


“Elder Argha, these two are from above, they have recently escaped from the cruel Dhag’arii and have come through the tunnels to our home here. They seek assistance, for Davkas here has been bitten by a carcass beast and thus is slowly dying of the poison from the monster.” Nelas said quickly to Elder Argha as he laid Davkas upon the cot. The other two dwarves in the room rushed over to help ease him on the cot, and then quickly backed away so that the older dwarf could take a look at him. He came over and looked at him arm briefly, then he knelt down beside Davkas and holding onto him closed his eyes and concentrated. A golden aurora surrounded both Argha and Davkas, it grew in intensity and Davkas moaned softly, Lunansa just stood there speechless, with her mouth open, staring at what was happening! For Argha was a mind mage!


The old dwarf stood up and looked back at the Princess, “He’ll be alright now Miss. He will just need some rest, so you both can stay here in the temple until you feel up to leaving.” He then looked at the two younger dwarves, whom he had been talking with earlier, nodded at them and they all left the room, exiting by a doorway in the back of the room. Nelas looked over at the Princess and said, “If you’d like Lunansa we could leave your friend resting here and I could take you to get freshened up a bit, plus probably find you something to eat.”


Princess Lunansa looked at the dwarf and smiled, she shook her head and smiled and said, “That is a kind and generous offer, and one I am very tempted to indulge in, but I would like to remain here with Davkas, in case he wakes up. Then I can explain to him where we are and what happened since he became unconscious.” With that she pulled a chair close and sat down next to the sleeping Davkas, the dwarven smith smiled back at her and shrugged his shoulders, he quietly walked back out the front of the building and left them both to rest. Soon Lunansa was slipping into a peaceful sleep herself.


The next morning came and Lunansa awoke abruptly, she sat up and looked at Davkas, he was still very much asleep, with a peaceful smile on his face. She sighed and got up to stretch, turning this way and that. She glanced around her and found that there was now a table next to the cot, with a bowl of water on it, so she went over to it and splashed some water on her face. Feeling a little better today, she noticed that her stomach was grumbling. The thought of food was strong on her mind. Davkas began to stir, and soon his eyes popped open and fixed on her.


“What happened? Where are we?” he said to her, then glanced down at his arm and sat up quickly! “My arm! It’s healed!” he shouted out and looked back at Lunansa for answers!


“Davkas, you’re awake! Slow down, slow down, we are safe here. We are in the dwarven city of Ironhold! They helped me after you passed out back in the tunnels yesterday. A dwarf named Nelas helped to bring you here to their healers, who are the ones responsible for healing your arm.” Lunansa told Davkas then sat down on the cot next to him.


“Amazing, that’s all I can say amazing! Ironhold huh? Well I’ve heard of it, just didn’t realize we where that close to it, and I can’t get used to how good my arm feels now.” Davkas replied to the Princess, flexing and moving his arm around.


“Greetings friends!” Argha the mind mage said as he walked into the room. “I hope you have rested well?”


“Yes thank you.” The Princess replied to the dwarf.


“Good, good. Well if you’d like to join us for a quick meal we were just going to fix something to eat. I hope you like what we have to offer?” the old mind mage said to his guests with a big smile. So he motioned for them to follow him and lead them from the room, down a hallway, and into a great room where before them was a massive stone table. On the table where various dishes that smelled delicious to Lunansa and Davkas, for they were very hungry. Around the table there were two other dwarves already seated, one was Nelas and the other was unknown to the two weary elves. Both dwarves stood up when they entered the room.


“May I introduce to you both King Undor ruler of our fair city, and the other dwarf you know is Nelas, the very same who found you and brought you both here yesterday.” Argha said to the two elves as an introduction.


Lunansa and Davkas both bowed to their new friends. Then Lunansa spoke for them both, “I am Princess Lunansa Brightwater of the Kingdom of Lijissa and this is my friend Davkas Moonglade who served my father as an aide and a soldier.” Lunansa replied to Argha.


All the dwarves looked at each other stunned! Princess they thought. This is the Princess? What is she doing here? And why was she being held captive by the Dhag’arii? King Undor spoke first, “I am surprised Princess Lunansa, we didn’t know or else I would have come sooner to see to your welfare! Please accept my apologies and please accept our humble hospitality, our home is your home. May I ask what the reason was for the dark dwarves to hold you captive?”


“I am sorry King Undor, please accept my humble apologies for withholding this information from you. I was just concerned that we had fallen back into the hands of the Dhag’arii, so I was being cautious. Now that I know who we are among I felt it wise to reveal the truth to you and your people. I implore your help good King and I wish to ask for some assistance in returning to my home in Castitrona, where my Father’s castle is located.” Lunansa responded to the King.


“Of course we will help Princess however I can, first let us eat and then we can discuss what help we can provide to you so that you can make it back to your Father’s castle.” King Undor said to the Princess and Davkas, and with that they all sat down at the table to eat their meal and to discuss what avenue they could take in taking the Princess home.