Ascension: The End Game by AP West - HTML preview

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Chapter Six


Julia's Story

I have came to the conclusion that being a lab experiment is a lot better than being on patrol in the hot sun. Even though everyone said it, I have yet to regret signing up for this, and having a baby was something I always wanted. So what if there are some strings attached.

I was chosen for this program because I had a rare active gene in my DNA that the government hoped could be useful in specific research. The Army had always been good to me so I decided to sign up. My pay was tripled and they made the laboratory complex seem so wonderful. It was off-base and right on the beach and I would have full access to it and the town. All I had to do was go through a daily training regimen and a series of weekly tests, be inseminated, and give birth to a child.

The accommodations at the complex are rather plain but my living quarters are huge. There's a living room, bedroom, kitchen and full bathroom. There's even a balcony overlooking the ocean. Besides the daily round of exercises and occasional test, I'm free to do whatever I want which is pretty awesome.

I've even managed to make a friend, another recruit down the hall named Myra. She joined up just a few days before I did and we have become pretty close over the last few months. I haven't seen her in the last couple of days, so I decide to go visit.

It takes a few minutes for her to answer her door. I greet her as soon as it cracks open, "Hey you! I haven't seen you in a while." Myra looks like death warmed over, dark circles under her eyes and a pale sickly color to her skin. I can't help but ask, "Are you sick or something?" And she just turns back, letting the door swing open, "What does it look like?"

I follow her in even though she just snapped my head off, which she quickly apologizes for, "Hey, I'm sorry Julia. I didn't mean to be rude. It's just ever since I became pregnant I've been sick like this every morning. It's so awful."

She looks at me with her dreadful appearance but I can see a smile start to emerge. I can tell Myra is happy about the baby even though right now she's miserable. "Come on in, I'll make some coffee, decaf of course." I put my hand on her shoulder, "No you sit, and I'll make the coffee."

We talk for a while at the kitchen table, sipping on the brew and she starts to complain about the name given to her for the baby, "They said I had to name him Orion. What kind of name is that?" I try not to laugh but it isn't easy when Myra herself is snickering. "We're already making fun of the little guy and he's not even here yet, Myra!" We both laugh out loud this time, "They said I could change it a little but it has to be approved. Whoever is running this thing is pretty anal about it huh?" I shake my head, "Yeah, just a little." I get up to walk out to the balcony. "Let's go sit outside; the fresh air will do you some good."

The breeze coming off the water is warm and inviting, but still, it doesn't take long for Myra to bring up her son's name again, "I've come up with a better version of it. Do you want to hear it?" I look at her with curiosity, "Yeah, what is it?" Myra looks out at the water, "I've been doing a lot of reading lately and there's a correlation in the list of names for the children in this program and I think I've figured out what they are trying to do." I go from curiosity to confusion, "What are you talking about Myra?"

"Oh, never mind, I didn't mean to ramble on,  anyway, it's Oriah. That's what I'm going to name him, Oriah Lex." Instantly, I answer Myra with my honest reaction, "I like it." And I do like it, it has a nice ring to it, "So do you think they'll approve it?" Myra then turns and smiles at me, "They already have."

I go back to my own room exhausted, but sleep eludes me as thoughts of my own inevitable pregnancy circle around my head. I get up and walk over to the computer monitor, "Computer, list the names of children in Project Nephilim." The screen flashes with a long list and I spend an hour scouring over them until I decide on two I like, Leo if it's a boy and Cassiopeia if it's a girl. My plan is to request those names and just maybe they will let me have my choice.

It takes months but I'm finally pregnant. I'm thrilled when the news comes in that it's a girl and the name request has been approved. Little Cassi rules my thoughts, my dreams, and I spend every waking hour either talking to her or longing for the day when we can finally meet. Myra comes by and checks in on me every day. I didn't get as sick as she did and she always likes to poke fun at me for it, calling me lucky or comment on how easy I'm having it.

Oriah is so cute. He's almost four months old now but he's so shy. "I'm thinking of having another one, Julia." Myra says and I admit the idea never occurred to me. I was shocked she even said it, "They'll let you do that?" She chuckles, "Strange but yes, apparently we are a rare breed, you and I." And I just try to shake off the thought, "Yeah, I guess."

When the day finally comes for Cassi to arrive, I am rushed straight into the delivery room and put under anesthesia. So the next thing I remember is waking up to her beside me in the incubator. She was so tiny and precious. I'll never forget the moment the nurse first handed her to me. Her little head was full of jet black hair and with chubby cheeks, she was the most beautiful thing ever. She even had Oriah beat in cuteness and I didn't think that was possible. My heart was overwhelmed with a new love that day.

And that love was broken the day we buried her. The dreary weather that morning seemed to mimic my anguish, heartache and loneliness. It mocked me. Her death came during the rebellion and after I fell in love with Felix. We had all swore an oath to the newly formed Corsair together and now with both of them gone, I feel hopelessly trapped. They both died fighting for what they believed in, but it left me alone to raise my granddaughter.

It rained steadily in the region back then. I knew it had to be from Oriah's broken heart. I can't recall him ever being this sad. Myra's death consumed him and given his special talents, I'm sure his grief had manifested into this never-ending gloom for everyone.

He came to see me once, years later, telling a story about how peace will never last between the two Cities and one day fighting will start again. "More of our children will suffer, Julia. And so my son will come here and it will be up to you to guide him home. This will be years from now, but I must be able to count on you to do as I ask?" Oriah had always been like a son so for me, it was an easy promise to make, "I will do as you ask Oriah, in honor of your mother."

He kissed my forehead as spoke again, "Don't hide anything from the girl, tell her the whole story. Her talents are strong. I know she can handle it. These two will need that knowledge just as much as each other when the time comes." I reassure him, "I'll raise her strong and proud Oriah." Then I step to him, holding his face in his hands, "But you stay strong for me too, okay? It's what your mother would want." Oriah smiles, and when his eyes crinkle, they glisten with tears, "I can't let her go, Julia."

"Then don't," I say as I place my hand over his heart, "She is always right here, you know." Oriah hugs me and his sobs don't last as he gains his composure quickly. He steps back, giving a more convincing smile, "I'll be fine, and don't worry about anything. It's all a part of the plan."


Luna finishes her grandmother's story explaining how she and Apollo were named after ancient gods because they were meant to rule, bred to rule. She also explains how ARIES is also like one of them, a child of the program. And about how she's waiting for them to return to unlock protocol set up by Oriah that will finally liberate Alcazar from the threat of the Corsair once and for all. "There's a tunnel outside the city walls. It's supposed to lead to the Acropolis." Apollo finally breaks his silence, "I know where that is." Then the smile he fell in love with permeates across the girl's porcelain face, "Okay then, let's go and get your home back.”