Ascension: The End Game by AP West - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve


Brutalius and Antonia stumble down the tunnel. As they walk, they can sense a low vibration. At the opening, the sound becomes more distinct and Brutalius is sure it's the engine of a motorcycle, "Let's go, now!" Brutalius doesn't even bother waiting for Antonia as he charges out. He instantly spots Furious and Grace, "It's them!" Antonia catches up just in time to see the motorcycle fade away in a dusty cloud. Brutalius breathes heavily but smiles, "It's okay, I know where they're going. Come, we don't have much time."

"We need to re-attune the lance." Antonia replies but Brutalius  just rolls his eyes, "You know, it would serve me better if you didn't constantly state the obvious. Be useful for a change and inform the guards we need a means of transportation." Antonia doesn't argue but just reaches in her pocket for her communicator, "Have a truck fueled up and ready to go immediately." A voice replies back," Copy that, it will be waiting for you out front." Antonia puts the device away and looks at Brutalius, "Is that better?" He doesn't even turn to look back, "Not quite."

They head back through the tunnel and to the laboratory that holds Nathan Lex. Brutalius stares at him lying on the table, looking weaker than ever, "I thought you said we had a means of keeping him alive?" Antonia responds in a dry tone, "He is alive, isn't he?" Brutalius shakes his head as he walks around the table examining every detail, "But in this weakened condition, will it affect the weapons power?" Antonia takes a seat at the monitor and types on a keyboard, "No not at all. He is merely the source of the signal, the amplitude is determined by the design of the nanomaterials in your bloodstream. You will be as powerful as any Nephilim."

Her words bring a chuckle out of Brutalius and she gestures at him, "Now give me the bracelet so I can tune it." Brutalius reaches for his wrist to find it missing. "It must be in the library!" He yells as Antonia jumps up, "Wait! I have something else." Brutalius stops right before the door and Antonia walks behind a table and produces a leather case endowed with several engraved daggers. "You questioned my usefulness earlier. Let me show you something that may change your mind."

She begins unsheathing the blades and concealing them in various places on Brutalius' armor, "There are nine total and all are laced with our nanotechnology. The handles are color-coded, with the red ones being for plasma-directed assaults, just like your favorite cousin. The blue ones are imbued with a hallucinogen, similar to the one you used on him before. And lastly, the green handles are lucidity inhibitors which were produced from the Nephilim. They eradicate all genetic mutations which Furious is already infected with. His death should come easily."

Brutalius acknowledges her accomplishment, but still in a way that berates her, "Very good, but next time don't hold out on me. Now let's retrieve that bracelet, something you clearly should have designed to be more durable."


Back at the library, Apollo and Luna enter the media room. Instantly, the soft metallic voice Apollo has grown so accustomed to bounces off the dark elliptical walls, greetings Nephilim, your arrival has been anticipated, initiating diagnostics. Suddenly a warm sensation runs down Apollo's spine and a myriad of images saturate his psyche. His eyes flutter from the influx as he feels it all strangely settling in, like mental stones being laid down for a cobblestone street that leads to complete understanding.

Luna stands in awe as she watches Apollo begin to levitate off the floor. ARIES speaks out again, repairs nearing completion, installing End Game countermeasures. Luna detects a pungent odor fill the room and she has to hold her hand over her face to keep from choking. She then notices Apollo's breathing is really heavy now and his eyes fluctuate even faster as he floats there motionless.

Then his voice fills in her head, Luna, I had no idea we were so much alike. She sends her thoughts back to him, I wanted to tell you, but you didn't trust me. She anticipates his reply and after what seems like forever, it finally comes through, I trust you now. But it's way more than that though, I feel like I..."

Suddenly, Luna flinches as a dagger goes whizzing by her head. She turns around and sees Brutalius and Antonia standing in the doorway. She pulls out the Tonfa from her belt just in time to block another flying blade. Immediately, Luna dives and rolls toward them, swiftly reaching her feet and slamming the nightstick-type weapon hard into Brutalius' stomach. Briefly stunned, it allows her to get behind him and pin his throat between the corner of the handle and the staff of her weapon. She leans on his back, pulling as hard as she can trying to crush his windpipe.

Antonia charges at her, but Luna swings around kicking the woman directly in the face. She falls flat on her back as Brutalius thrusts his elbow into Luna's side, breaking her grip. The girl slithers down his back and he pulls out the two remaining crimson daggers from his sleeves. He takes several fiery swipes at Luna with her eluding each one. Luna spins her Tonfa in her hand, ducking and dodging, giving the handle a twist, activating its blade. The razor-sharp edge fires out and she wields it now like a sword, matching Brutalius blow for blow in a clamoring barrage. But he is too strong for her and soon Luna finds her back against the wall.

"Apollo!" she cries out as she continues to fight. And suddenly, Brutalius is knocked to the floor by a frozen blast, erupting behind him with icy pieces exploding across his side. Brutalius growls of pain and stumbles as Luna spots Apollo standing over him with another frigid mast in his hand. The mace-type weapon crackles and pops with electric current as it highlights the sharpened expression dominating the boy's face.

A voice thunders through the room, but strangely, Apollo's lips remain still, "Brutalius!" Brutalius throws a blade at the boy in desperation, but is shocked to see it suddenly stop halfway and hang in mid-air. Brutalius watches in silence as the blade's metal liquefies and coalesces into a perfect shiny sphere, dropping to the ground.

It clangs out, rolling to Apollo's feet. Apollo holds out his hand, palm down as the orb surges from the floor and into his grasp. Then in an instant it surges from the boy's hand and slams into Brutalius' chest, dead-center. It penetrates the armor, sending Brutalius flying back and violently smashing against the wall.

Midst of all the action, Luna doesn't notice Antonia creeping behind her with one of the discarded green daggers. The woman lets out a hellish war-cry that roars in Luna's eardrums as she lashes out. Luna barely manages to dodge the strike but the greenish blade still manages to slash the girl's shoulder. She shrieks in agony and instinctively she sends her bladed Tonfa forcefully behind her, completely running through Antonia abdomen.

Luna pulls the bloody blade back and the wounded woman falls to her knees. A shocked expression freezes on her face as her body slumps over, lifeless. "Nooo!" Brutalius screams and charges but Apollo chases after him, hurling another icy club at his head. Brutalius ducks at the last moment as it collides with the wall, shattering into a thousand electrified frozen pieces. But Apollo instantly forms another frozen weapon in his left hand and hurls it while conjuring yet another one in his right. Brutalius doesn't even get a chance get near Luna, barely managing to elude Apollo's rhythmic attacks with each one bursting in a electrical explosion when they make contact.

Eventually, Brutalius sees an opportunity and runs through a doorway to escape. Apollo doesn't even bother to chase him. Let him run, he thinks to himself as he turns in search of Luna. He notices her crouched down on the floor beside Antonia.  He's relieved to see her alive, even though he cringes when he senses her pain.

He feels nothing coming from Antonia.

As he helps Luna to her feet, Apollo sends out the thought, are you okay? He waits for her response and when nothing comes, he tries again, Luna, can you hear me? Are you okay? She continues to just stare at him, "Why are you looking at me like that? Shouldn't we go after him?" Apollo runs his fingers over the gash on her shoulder, "You didn't hear me, did you?"

 "Hear what?" She replies as Apollo studies the greenish color of her wound. He soon realizes what is wrong. Apollo bends down and pries the emerald-laden weapon out of Antonia's hand, "Nothing, and don't worry about Brutalius, I know exactly where he is going." Apollo holds out the blade, examining it, as he confers with the computer, ARIES provide me with the necessary details in order to reverse the effects of this Corsair weapon.

Instantly, waves of information flow into him, illustrating the science behind the Corsair technology. It only takes mere minutes to fully understand the logic and he easily taps into the actual nanobots transmitting from Luna. With a mere thought, Apollo alters the mechanics of the tiny devices just as ARIES did in him. So now, rather than hindering Luna's telepathy with him, the nanomaterial enhances it.

 Then something happens that Apollo doesn't expect. Images from Luna's childhood flood his memories. Things like her desires, disappointments and regrets accompany her vivid scenes. It's almost like the girl's thoughts and emotions occupy the same space as his now and they share everything. He looks over and notices her smile, it's the same one he fell in love with. He knows now what she meant by all the things she said leading up to this moment.