Be sure to check out the full-color video of the globe of Kellaran rotating in space on my Facebook Author’s page, and soon at my website. These greyscale maps are not all to the same scale.
Kellaran Maps Key
Towns and Cities
1 - Shinosa Valley
2 - Gimoosh
3 - Latrel
4 - Bojoston
5 - Coradok
6 - Copper Strike
7 - Axis
8 - White Sands
9 - Verzaclon City
10 - Focus Mountain
11 - Xerv-Upon-Loch-Crotia
12 - Kejaz
13 - City of The Lair of The Dragon Lord
14 - Zarkog’s observatory
15 - Bejiur
16 - Kraka
Small Nations, Islands, Archipelagos
A - The People Of Life
B - The High People
C - The People Of Clouds
D - The Fisher Folk
E - Hilia
F - Hiliani
G - The Lava Shapers
H - Enj
J - The Thundering Escarpment
K - The Dakrin Cliffs
L - The Stone Islands
M - Nipukbu
N - Simifilibufitu
SP - Enclaves of The Sea People with Embassy status