Blessings of A Curse - 2012 Metric Edition by Wayne Edward Clarke - HTML preview

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“So Yazadril, who are all these fine people?” Mark asked.

“These fine people are some of your neighbors from here in First Valley, and a few from Kemsah Valley, the next valley over. They are here to welcome you to the neighborhood, and to see your new home made.” Yazadril explained, gesturing to the smaller group, who smiled, and some waved while some bowed.

Mark and Talia smiled and bowed in return.

Then Yazadril’s manner became stern as he indicated the larger group. “And these others are the fools who killed you during your wedding ceremony.”

“Ah. Quite an experience that, and incredibly painful.” Mark calmly revealed, nodding. “You know, I actually felt myself die there for a moment. And of course, those of this group who were there because of the invitation that Talia and I extended above the Hall of Anticipation are forsworn as well, since they would have vowed to do nothing to disrupt the ceremony. I think killing me counts as a disruption.”

His words pounded mightily at the guilt they were feeling, despite his conversational tone, and many flinched. By the last word, many were actually cringing. Many of the females and a few of the males were crying.

“What do they want?” Mark asked.

“They wish to make amends.” Yazadril told him. “They have told me what they wish to do, and I may allow it, depending on your answer to an offer I will make.”

He pointed to the nearest one. “You. Sheramiv. Explain to him what you have decided.”

That elf stepped forward, her face filled with remorse. “There is only one thing we can offer that could balance the magnitude of our mistake, and our shame.” she told him, her eyes downcast. “We wish to swear service to you. We will serve you in any way that you ask. For as long as we live.”

“I think it fair, and I’m inclined to allow it.” Yazadril told him. “Except that I can’t have over sixteen hundred elves swearing lifelong unlimited obedience to a loyal citizen of a human kingdom, especially as most of them are of other elven nations, so their leaders would have something to say of it as well. Believe me, it’s just not politically feasible.

“I was going to broach this subject later, but this is happening now, so here we are. What I propose is this; You could accept citizenship in The Nine Valleys, acknowledging the leadership, though not the lordship, of myself as your Prince and of the Council of The High People. In return, I will make you a Knight of The High People, and promise that we will never ask you to act against Finitra.

“Then, if you so choose, you can accept the service of these fools. I suggest you start by having them carry their limit in rocks around the valley for a decade or so.”

“Hmm. What’s the difference between leadership and lordship?”

“If you can name a valid objection, you have the right to refuse the instructions of a leader, but not of the orders of a lord. And you have the rights to openly criticize a leader, and to campaign for their replacement, whereas you can do neither with a lord. Your individual rights would therefore be greater as one of us than as a Finitran.”

“I see. And what are the duties of a Knight of The High People?”

“They are much the same as those of knights of other lands. You would be on call to assist the Sentry Corps in our defense if that becomes necessary, to fight in our military should we be required by circumstance to take the offensive or to support our allies, to help keep the peace and to uphold the law, and rarely, to form an honor guard for leaders and diplomats at home and abroad. The position entitles you to a generous salary, to great respect, to the services of our people for your equipage, supply and support, and to the training of our armsmasters and battle wizards. It’s also expected that when you feel it is time and you find the right student, you will take a squire and pass on your knowledge and training. You will not be required to serve as a squire, since your apprenticeship and investment as a Finitran Ranger ensures that you already have the skills to become a knight of junior rank.”

“I see. Well, I swore during my investment as a Ranger to uphold the Ranger’s code and the just laws of Finitra, but I’ve never taken service with the king, nor sworn personal loyalty to the crown. And I think that at this point, my life has far more to do with The High People than Finitra. So, I don’t see why not. I’ll agree. What do I have to do?”

“You’ve just done it. No need to be formal about it tonight, we can save that for the occasion of your knighting.

“You sixteen hundred and eighty-one idiots will now swear yourselves to the service of this man. To save time and effort when we would rather be doing more pleasant things, I will state the vow, and you will all respond by saying; ‘I do so swear’.”

“And while you do, I will cast Compulsion upon you!” Alilia stated. “While it will not kill you, it will insure the complete sincerity of your vow, and I think that it is fitting that it be so!

“That is, with your permission, Mark, Yazadril?”

“I agree.” Yazadril nodded.

“Thank you, Alilia.” Mark grinned, and gave a nasty chuckle. “These here will find that it’s no joy to have Compulsion cast upon you against your will, even if it forces you to do what you’d have done anyway! A pity they won’t feel how much less fun it is to have it happen by surprise, but then, we can’t have everything, can we?”

“All right.” Yazadril said as he turned to the remorseful group. “I hope you have all picked out a nice, heavy rock.

“Do you swear your service to Markhan Reginus Longstrider the Fifth, in whatever manner he should decide, for as long as you live?” he asked, as Alilia gestured forcefully.

“I do so swear.” was spoken simultaneously by many voices, and the flash in Mark’s vision left bright spots against the darkness of the night.

“Wow Alilia, you really gave it to them, didn’t you?” he chuckled as he rubbed his eyes.

Then he saw that Yazadril, Alilia, Theramin and Yalla were all staring at the smaller group of local elves, and that Talia and Nemia were struggling to keep from laughing.

“What is it?” Mark asked in puzzlement.

“Some number of these High People took the oath of service to you! They spoke the words ‘I do so swear’ in response to the question, were caught in Alilia’s spell, and are bound by both the oath and the Compulsion!” Yazadril stated in consternation. “And for no reason, since they were not among the ones who offended against you at the ceremony!”

“Oh? Who?” Mark asked.

“These!” Alilia said as she gestured, and a very startled group was Translocated to a place on the lawn to one side of the other two groups.

“Alilia!” Mark snapped. “I may be out of place for saying, but I think that was, well, it was impolite, since as far as I can see these people have done nothing wrong!”

“Perhaps so!” Alilia retorted. “But they are sworn to you, and you wished to know who had sworn, so I was merely expediting their revealing of themselves!

“And look at them! Not a one of them over thirty! They are a pack of adolescent fools, as I knew they must be, since only those would do such a thing without strong reason!”

Mark surveyed the group, and pointed to one in the front. “You, the brash fellow in the blue. Would you mind telling me why you did that?”

“Certainly, my liege.” That grinning youth said as he bowed with a grand sweep of his cloak. “I am Zayobod. My thinking was similar to that of the great drake who was hired as your bodyguard earlier tonight. My friends and I think that you will be at the center of great events, and we wish to stand beside you then. My conscience is clear in having done so, since the service of the noble dragon and his unicorn friend ensures that you will strive for justice.”

“I see.” Mark laughed. “Is that the case for all of you? Did any have another reason?”

An embarrassed black-haired boy stepped forward. “Uh, pardon me, my name is Holanam. Sir, uh, Mark, for my part, it was somewhat spontaneous. Perhaps I was simply caught up in the moment, but it certainly felt like the right thing to do when the moment came.”

“Unbelievable! You just felt like it!? Even knowing you could be affected by Alilia’s Compulsion.?”

“I knew I would be, sir.” the youth admitted.

“All right, now I’m really curious!” Mark laughed. “Would all of you who are valiant glory seekers like the first fellow please stand to that side, and those who are unthinking impulsives like this lad please stand over there?”

The group of young elves separated. Forty-seven stood to the left with the youth in blue tights, nine of them female. Another boy and three girls joined the black haired fellow. This left a group of thirty-one young and embarrassed females who hadn’t moved. One of them stood with her back to him, but he recognized her by her red hair and blue striped gown.

“Balen? Is that you?” Mark asked.

“Uh, yes Mark.” she said as she turned toward him, her eyes downcast. “But I was only allowed to come here tonight on the condition that I don’t bother you. When my parents hear about this, I’ll be scrubbing pots for a decade.”

“Oh. And you swore the oath out of remorse for your spell, earlier?”

“Uh. Not really. Mark. I, uh, I just want to be of service to you.”

At this, Nemia and Yzell burst out laughing, and were soon joined by everyone else in his party except Yazadril.

“What’s so funny?” Mark demanded.

“Oh, I’m not going to tell you!” Nemia laughed. “I’ve already offended your tender sensibilities enough for one night!”

“Balen is being evasive!” Yzell laughed. “She and the rest of these silly does have had their little libidos piqued by the thought of being, shall we say, romantically coerced, by such a huge and handsome fellow as yourself! They not only wish to be of service to you, they hope to be serviced by you! And if you command it by their vow, why, they cannot be blamed for getting what they want, can they, though it would be considered more than mildly scandalous for girls of such tender years to initiate such a liaison with a big human like you!”

“You must be joking!” Mark exclaimed, and turned to the group of blushing girls. “That can’t be what you were thinking, is it?!”

“We love you!” One of the closer girls told him tearfully. “You’re like a beautiful dream, and we know we can’t have your love or your vow of marriage, because you’ve already given them to Talia. So this seemed like the next best thing.”

“Ah, admit it!” Nemia laughed. “Along with such romantic notions, every one of you has pictured yourselves squirming in rapturous obedience beneath his great and noble muscles! Any who have not may step forward and naysay me right now!”

None stepped forward. A few began to cry.

“Oh I’m sorry, that was uncalled for.” Nemia smiled apologetically, as she wiped tears of laughter out of her eyes. “It just struck me funny, so I was unthinking, and I apologize.”

“Look, this is getting too bizarre.” Mark said as he shook his head. “All of you, I have no service for you. Stay and watch the house-building, and then go home. I’m flattered, very much so, but I don’t require anyone’s service. However, if any of you are too young to be legally responsible for yourselves as adults, you will inform your parents of what you’ve done.”

“And what of these who transgressed against you?” Yazadril asked.

“Them too. I think they were irresponsible and negligent, but I doubt any of them meant me harm, though that was the result because there were so many of them. Our displeasure has raked at their remorse, and they’ve suffered it for a while, and taken the oath, and I don’t see that they really deserve any more punishment than that. I don’t want there to be any more unpleasantness tonight. Let them be.”

“So let it be, and may they be thankful for your mercy.” Yazadril nodded. “Now, Nemia my love, Alilia, Theramin? Shall we proceed with the business at hand?”

“We shall indeed!” Theramin laughed.

As those four started forward, Alilia gestured, and white outlines appeared on the grass. “All of you, be certain to remain outside this line until we emerge.”

The four moved to the center of the clearing, joined hands, closed their eyes, and tilted their heads back as they began singing together in Elvish.

As they began to glow brighter in Mark’s eyes, and the field of Power swirled in the vision of the other elves, those observing stepped back to be well clear of the lines. Most of the elves cast a bright Light now, so they could see the entire clearing.

“This will be interesting.” Talia quietly commented. “The construction strictures of The Nine Valleys state that all above-ground constructions must be grown in the trees, yet this outline on the ground suggests a great building within a walled courtyard, both of them square.

“You’re right.” Mark nodded. “This is like the floor plan of a typical castle in the northern kingdoms. See, those bulges around the corners would be turreted towers.”

Trees began to grow along the line. At first they were just sprouts, but in seconds they were saplings. As they reached Mark’s height they began to merge together in a strangely flattened way, their branches mingling with each other and their trunks growing together, and then the four casters at their center were lost from view.

“This is so wondrous.” Mark chuckled. “Three days ago I’d have run away in terror at such a sight.” He chuckled again and gave Talia an extra cuddle.

She cocked her head at him and smiled, then looked back at the walls rapidly growing together from living trees. She spoke without looking away as their new home took form. “You know, until you said that, I was only wondering what it would look like when it’s finished. Now I look at it and imagine it through your eyes, the eyes of one who has lived without magic, and I see that it is wondrous. That the process of making it is as beautiful as the finished product could ever be.

“I have lived surrounded by magic my whole life, even moreso than most elves because both of my parents are great wizards. And now a part of me wishes that I had not. I feel that my sense of wonder is jaded, and I envy you the discoveries you have ahead of you, as Jmia said. I tell you my husband, I have many wonders to show you! I will regain my sense of wonder, as you share yours with me!”

“Come now, my sweet and pretty little wife!” Mark laughed. “Even your jaded sense of wonder must have been well stimulated by what we’ve seen and done today! As I remember it, you were no more unimpressed than I was when the white and pink fellow appeared, or his red friend either!”

“Yes, you’re right.” she giggled. “I’ve been as boggled as you tonight, from beginning to end. Tonight could not have been a typical night for anyone. I’d wager that even my father, with his millennia of experience, felt amazement a few times today!”

They laughed together as the walls reached full height and crenellations formed, and Mark knew without a doubt that he had correctly identified the design when the top of the keep rose above the walls.

“As I thought.” Mark nodded happily. “Even with the leaves and twigs sticking out everywhere, the pattern of a northern castle is apparent. I really like it. The design is just graceful enough to be pretty, but it still has a bit of a military, businesslike appearance. It looks strong, defensible, keeping it’s occupants safe within. They say a man’s home is his castle, and this castle is obviously the home of a man.”

“You’re right, it has both masculine and feminine aspects.” Talia murmured. “Pretty, yet strong. A human design, yet completely elven in it’s style of construction. I didn’t think anything could be more beautiful than our palace in Thon or The Queen of Waves, but I think this will be, for it will have the glowing beauty of a living being.”

“Of many living beings, you mean!” Mark laughed. “There must have been over two thousand trees, when they were still separate enough to count them!”

“Oh no!” she giggled. “That’s not Theramin’s style at all, and the horticulture of it is his. Besides, I feel the continuity of it. It is one tree with many trunks growing from the same roots. I would guess that they started with a seed, and the first thing they grew from it was a great root that grew horizontally, under the lines that marked the walls until it’s ends had joined, then it branched out in all directions for stability, and the trunks grew straight up from the main root. That sounds like Theramin’s style.

“My father would have contributed the fine detail of the architecture and design, my mother the colors of the wood, the bark, the leaves, and the flowers, for I can guarantee that every part of our home will bloom at least once every year. She would also have chosen the species, therefore determining the shape of the leaves, and the shape of the flowers. Alilia would have supplied much of the raw power to grow it in a few minutes, rather than over decades, and I think the original concept was hers. That is, to grow a home of human design from a tree. A very People of Life kind of idea.”

“We are very fortunate in our family and friends.” Mark grinned. “It’s almost finished. About twelve meters to the top of the walls, I think. Look! It’s blooming!”

The living castle was finished, and it’s deep brown bark and dark green leaves were gradually obscured by flowers of every color of the rainbow, each five centimeters wide with five petals.

“Now that is indeed wondrous!” he chuckled.

“And so very pretty!” laughed Talia.

A pathway was quickly marked out on the grass by two parallel bands of white flowers. They grew from the slate path that wound through the neighborhood to the middle of the south wall of the keep, where two huge flowered gates swung apart in an arched opening. The hauntingly beautiful four-part harmony of the song of the crafting spell gradually faded, and a few moments later the four constructors stepped forth smiling, and Mark and Talia went forward to meet them with the rest of their party.

“Goodnight everyone!” Dilimon called to the crowd. “I’ll send a Reading while we tour the interior, and we’ll see you all another time.”

“Well, what do you think? It is The Living Palace! “ Yazadril asked with a grin as he turned and surveyed their creation.

“It’s only fair that you gave this now.” Mark chuckled. “For I think even Mileemi of Thon would agree that the finest gift was given last! Surely, it will be a legendary home!”

“It’s absolutely beautiful!” Talia agreed.

“Come inside! You must see the inside too!” Alilia giggled, as excited as a schoolgirl as she gestured them through the gates and cast a bright light that lit up the courtyard beyond.

The wood of the wall was four meters thick, as they saw when they passed through the arched opening that led under it. The inside of the arch was smooth heartwood of a rich, reddish brown hue, for no bark grew there. As they emerged in the courtyard they saw that the same was true of the inside of the wall. Fancifully railed stairways grown into the smooth red wood at intervals led to the wide walkway atop the wall, and to the spacious decks atop the turreted corners. The courtyard was wonderfully landscaped and gardened, symmetrical to the left and right of the main path, with smaller paths, benches, flower beds, hedges, and ponds, though different species had been used on either side.

“We let twigs and branches grow up to a meter long on the outside of the outer wall, to help it blend into the neighborhood a bit.” Theramin revealed. “But we thought that the outside of the house should have a more finished look.”

The bark on the outside of the house grew almost perfectly flat, and the stems of closely spaced rows of identical leaves grew directly from the bark at matching angles. From any distance, it gave the illusion of perfectly flat, dark green walls that rippled deep brown in the breeze. The many doors, windows, and balconies, the tops of the walls, and the round towers at each of the keep’s four corners were all outlined in cream-colored flowers.

“It’s just outstanding!” Mark enthused. “Tell me, how did you manage glass in the windows?”

“It’s not glass, but plant matter! It’s only transparent because it’s no thicker than heavy paper. On the one hand, it’s no stronger than heavy paper either, but on the other, it will grow back together if it’s torn or punctured, sealing itself in about an hour, and regaining even transparency in a few days.”

“Miraculous! Thank you so much, all four of you!”

“Yes, thank you!” Talia said as her eyes leaked happy tears.

Mark sensed that she wished to be set down. When he had done so, she joined the four gifters in a big hug.

“Come on, don’t you want a hug?” she asked Mark with a giggle as she waved him down.

He went to one knee and crouched as low as he could to hug them. He found it awkward, so he gave a laugh and picked up all five of them, effortlessly but carefully.

“Ooh, he’s a strong one, isn’t he?” Alilia laughed.

“He is!” Nemia agreed.

“Obviously, but I have my dignity as a great leader to think of!” Yazadril laughingly protested. “So I will thank you to set me down, you great impetuous youth!”

“And I as well!” Theramin laughed.

“Well I will gladly take Theramin’s place!” Yzell giggled.

“And I will take Yazadril’s!” Yalla interjected with a grin.

Soon Mark stood with five giggling females in his arms.

“Doesn’t he make you feel like a young girl again?” Talia dreamily asked.

“He certainly makes you act like a gaggle of young girls again!” Theramin teased. “Come. Let’s look at the inside of the castle!”

The inside of the building, like the inside of the surrounding wall, was smooth, reddish brown wood. Another way it differed from the human buildings that had inspired it, was that none of the inside surfaces quite met as corners, instead two walls met in a curved radius, as did the base of walls where they joined the floor, and the interior walls themselves were all almost unnoticeably curved. Some of them bore fantastic murals composed of millions of tiny flowers that grew directly from the wood of the wall. The exceptions were the occasional rectangular or oval areas of wall that were perfectly flat, and were obviously provided for the hanging of pictures or tapestries.

The front doors of the castle led into the entrance hall, which had doorways to the rest of the ground floor, graceful curved stairways on either side that led to balconies on the floors above, and in each rear corner was a railed lifting platform. A huge round skylight was centered in the ceiling, four stories above.

After a minute or so spent appreciating the entrance hall, they passed through doors in the center of the rear wall that led into a grand ballroom.

“In a normal northern castle, this would be the throne room.” Mark observed, almost reverently. “And it would have two rows of columns instead of this great open space. I imagine there’s an anteroom behind this, with doors leading to yards in the rear of the house.”

“You are correct.” Yazadril nodded. “The back yard has a great flat lawn, large enough to practice archery or to exercise horses upon it, with a workshop and a small smithy to one side and a stable to the other.”

“You can see that later!” Talia giggled to Mark. “Let’s see the kitchens! Then the bedrooms!”

“I think there is a thing to do before that.” Yazadril smiled. “Let’s move back to the doorway.”

As they did so, he cast a Speaking. “Is everything ready, Mileemi?” he asked, then waited for the answer, and nodded. They were in the doorway now. “Go ahead, Alilia.”

Alilia gestured, and their wedding presents appeared, along with Mileemi of Thon. The gifts filled the huge room and were stacked three meters deep in places.

Mileemi approached with a smile, and handed a very large book bound in red leather up to Talia.

“What is it?” Talia asked as she reached down to take it.

“It’s your wedding album. The ruby on the front cover contains the Reading of the event taken by Kenesir of Sming, the famed recordist, and some excerpts from others’ Readings as well. Inside are selected still images of the event, listings of the principals and of the attendees, and an inventory of your gifts. Except for the ruby, which was given by Kenesir, the album is my gift to you.”

“It’s beautiful! Thank you!” Talia said as she opened it to the title page, which was lettered with flowing script.

“Yes, thank you very much!” Mark agreed as he and the other four elfesses he carried read over Talia’s shoulder. “That makes two wonderful gifts you’ve given, along with your work on the wonderful gift presentation!”

“Ha! It’s not as if I did that by myself!” Mileemi protested. “Hundreds contributed effort to that presentation! In fact, there is a separate listing for them, as well as a listing of those who helped with the decorations and the feasts, and one for those who volunteered with each of the pavilions outside the chapel!”

“Wow! That’s thorough!” Mark told her. “What’s this list here? ‘Those who were Marked’?”

“What’s that?” she asked, and Mark crouched down for a moment so Talia could show it to her. “Oh I’m sorry! To save time, I used a compiling spell to list those who took part in each activity! I didn’t realize that such a list would be included! Those are the ones who were Marked by Yazadril after they cast Compulsions on you!”

“Now we could change it to; ‘Those who are Mark’s’!” Talia laughed.

“Don’t remind me!” Mark laughed. “I only hope they won’t all hang around, hoping for a chance to be helpful!

“And speaking of helpful, I wonder where our new pets are?”

“I don’t know, but if you check the inventory, it will tell you.” Mileemi said. “Your gifts are all listed in the order they were presented, along with their present locations.”

“And if they are moved?” Mark asked as Talia found the place.

“Then the listing updates their location.” Mileemi nodded.

“Stripe is listed as ‘prowling the walkway atop the encircling wall of The Living Palace’!” Talia revealed. “And Scout as ‘perched on the top edge of the northwest tower of The Living Palace’!”

“It appears they are already on guard!” Mark laughed, then stifled a yawn.

Talia noticed, and gave him a smile. “I already know which ensembles I want in the master suite here, and it’s getting very late. Let’s get those in place, then we’ll sit and chat with you all for a while before we retire, and we’ll leave the rest of the house to explore and furnish tomorrow. “

“A wonderful idea, beloved.” Mark smiled.

“And that concludes our tour for tonight. Goodnight everyone.” Dilimon said, and ended the broadcast of his Reading.

“Let me see… These for the bedroom.” Talia said as she scanned the lists, flipping pages. “These, and… these for the living room. And these for the privacy.”

“If you’ll point them out to me, I’ll be glad to bring them up to the suite once we’re there.” Alilia offered.

“Thank you Alilia.” Talia smiled. “Have I told you lately how handy you are to have around?”

“Thank you.” Alilia shrugged. “I’m not really so generous as I seem, however. I have to release a lot of the power everyday, one way or another, or it builds up in me until I develop a fever after about a week. So it’s either use it doing something useful, or spend ten minutes a day repeatedly lifting a sixty-ton weight by Movement. I haven’t found a faster way to release it without disturbing someone. That’s why your father asks me to help out so often when I’m here, instead of having Nemia assist him with such things, as he normally does.”

“Oh.” Talia said in surprise, then returned to what she was doing. “All right, everything I want for the bedroom should be blinking red, everything for the living room blinking yellow, and for the privacy blinking green. If the suite has more rooms than that, they can wait till tomorrow as well.

“Set us down please, love? And you may as well look around at gifts for a few minutes while we pick out the things for the suite. We’ll call you when we’re ready to go upstairs.”

“I know what I’d like to look at first!” Mark chuckled as he set the girls down. “That great black sword, from the Magic Items of Special Significance!”

“I admit to an interest in that myself!” Yazadril chuckled. “And I won’t need the inventory to show me where those nine items are! I can feel them from here!”

He led the way down