Book One of the Heroes of Legend: The Archer, The Princess, and The Dragon King by L. A. Hammer - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

A Holy Relic

On the third day of the Tree-King Festival, Tristan woke early once again. Today was the day they celebrated the Rising of the Tree of El’Tihir. Gifts were given within family groups, that mainly consisted of tree cuttings that were planted in family gardens or on the edges of the forest, coloured dyed eggs for the children, and in some cases holy relics were shared from father to son, mother to daughter.

Tristan receiving the Replenishing Quiver, and Elysia receiving the Maiden’s Ward, were a part of this ceremony, although they were given their gifts a few days early. Just as well, he thought. As if they had not, things might have turned out very differently that night when the demon attacked.

He washed and dressed and made his way to the kitchens to grab something to eat. Corn beef toasted sandwiches were the order of the day, with a thick white mustard sauce. He was famished, so he ate every last crumb.

Neverend stayed close by his side, as his mother was still recovering from the attack. Her wounds were not too serious, but it was considered necessary that she be allowed plenty of bedrest over the next few weeks while her burns and scrapes began to heal. That was another matter of good fortune, the fact that Frostgale and her pups had entered the church just at that point in time. If not, the demon might have been able to kidnap the Snow Wolf without resistance. Perhaps the God of Luck, Cerridwen, was working in their favour that night. Or Fortuna if you believed in the old gods of the Eromuleans. But Feligrihir would likely give him a rap across the knuckles if he started believing in their old gods!

He wandered the grounds after breakfast, gaining much praise from all he passed through the hallways and gardens of the keep. Some would cheer, ‘Lord Tristan the Archer!’ or ‘Tristan the Brave!’ It was enough to make his head spin. He didn’t mind being appreciated for his role that night; he just didn’t want them putting too much faith in him either. It was pure luck, after all, he thought to himself. Luck was on my side.

‘What’s going on inside that head of yours?’ Feligrihir asked, after sneaking up on him again! He’d been seated on the side of the fish pond, when the old wizard had appeared behind him with a handful of hurtswane pods in his grasp. He gazed down at Tristan with those owl-like spectacles, his beard snow white with speckles of grey.

‘I’m just thinking about the other night,’ he said.

‘Well, it’s the talk of the town,’ Feli said as he pulled up a seat beside him. ‘Don’t know that I’ve ever heard a tale quite like it before. Oh, I mean sure, boy hero rescues young maiden from some nasty demon. That’s as old as they get! But there are certain nuances about that event, it strikes me as a formula for a new hero’s ballad.’ He stared with an amused grin.

‘Yeah, well,’ Tristan said with a chuckle, ‘Elysia beat you to the punch with that one.’

‘She did indeed, young Archer,’ Feli said with an even broader grin. ‘Not one of the greatest of works I’ve ever heard, but that girl’s got talent. I hope you appreciate the work she put into it for you. She feels she is forever in your debt. I think she is just trying to figure out ways to repay you.’

‘There’s no need,’ Tristan said with a wave. ‘The real concern is whether the demon will return.’

‘My guess is he will be back,’ Feli said with a serious frown. ‘Or if not him, then another in his place. You may not have noticed, but the guard is on high alert.’

‘I’ve seen a few extra patrols here and there,’ Tristan said with a raised brow.

‘Then you need to get your eyes checked,’ Feli said with a chuckle. ‘The Captain of the Guard has dozens of soldiers and their wolves watching your every move. And that of Elysia and Neverend. The Snow Wolf’s safety is an extremely high priority, but all your father’s men dread to think of what would become of them, should harm come to either Elysia or to you.’

‘I understand,’ Tristan said, casting his gaze left and right to try to catch a glimpse of these elusive guards on patrol. ‘How many men you say are watching me?’

‘The Wolf Guard are highly trained in the art of remaining hidden from sight when they need to be.’ Feli said it with that grin returning. ‘I myself have learnt a thing or two about it.’

‘Yeah, like you’re always sneaking up on me,’ Tristan said with a sigh.

‘I’m trying to train your senses, young Archer,’ Feli replied. ‘The gods gave us at least five senses, sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. There are those who believe we are gifted more than these five senses alone, however. Such as the sense of good and evil forces. What do you think of that?’

‘I think that demon fellow gave me an awful case of the heebie-jeebies. That’s what.’

‘Yes, well, that does not surprise me at all. Do you think you could perceive true evil in its presence however?’

‘It all happened so fast,’ Tristan said as his mind went back to the events that night. ‘Maybe … maybe I did sense something unnatural.’

‘The legends say once upon a time we could all sense those forces,’ Feli said with a distant gaze. ‘During the days when men and elves fought against demons, toe to toe. You must hone this ability of yours, Tristan. It may be of vital use if we are attacked by such enemies again.’

‘When shall my father return?’ he asked to change the subject.

‘I have not heard any news of it,’ Feli said with a concerned expression.

‘Is everything alright?’

‘No news, as I said already.’

‘No news is good news, as they say,’ Tristan said with a smile.

‘Sometimes,’ Feli said with that same concerned expression.

They sat in silence for a while, Tristan brooding on the matter, before he asked, ‘You know any stories about this demon? Pastor Rook said he thought he might be the Jinn-Magician. You know about him?’

‘I know a few tales about the Jinn-Magician, in fact.’ Feli said nothing further.

‘Well, tell me something that could help me out next time,’ Tristan said.

‘If I think of anything that should be of use, I’ll save it for your next story time. I regret to tell you that all of the tales about the Jinn-Magician do not end well for the heroes.’

‘I thought you might say something like that,’ Tristan said. ‘He was tough.’

‘And cunning, wicked, and deadly,’ Feli said with that distant gaze. ‘Now, why don’t you run along and get something for lunch. Then maybe spend some time in your room reading up on old demons. Rolimbark’s The Tomes of Calliach the Frost-Bearer might give a few hints of what you’re after. And Grollevar’s Creatures of the Void. But be sure to be on time to the feast this evening.’

‘Will there be another song about me?’

‘Perhaps, but don’t worry. I’m sure they’ll make Elysia the hero of that one.’

‘She is the hero,’ Tristan said. ‘She’s the one who saved Neverend.’

‘Too true,’ Feli said. Then as Tristan began to walk away Feli called, ‘Lord Tristan?’

When he turned to face the man, Feli was now standing, and he reached into his cloak pocket to draw forth a single speckled blue egg. On its surface was an embossed insignia of a wolf’s head. When he touched it, and gave it a squeeze, he found it was solid as stone.

‘What is it?’ he asked.

‘I’m not exactly sure,’ Feli said, lowering his spectacles to look over the stone surface. ‘It’s old magic, that much I know. A Holy Relic gifted to a worthy hero.’

‘But I have nothing to give you,’ Tristan said in embarrassment.

‘Saving the Lady Elysia was a gift for which we are all in your debt, young Archer. We will do our best to remind you of it, every chance we get.’