Book One of the Heroes of Legend: The Archer, The Princess, and The Dragon King by L. A. Hammer - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

The Elf King

The Elven Kingdom was in mourning this evening, on the third day of the Festival of the Tree King, El’Tihir. The Festival was more commonly celebrated amongst the humankind, Elves revered the legends of El’Tihir, but their faith still too often held to the gods of old.

Lendok DeVannen-Luren, High Steward of the Elven Kingdom, sat at his writing desk preparing the letter for the son of the King of the Elves. Lendok brushed a sliver of silver hair aside with his left hand as the other held quill above thick dry paper.

The reason that the Elf-Kin were in mourning was that their King had taken a near fatal wound in battle this day. An Elder God, Balin, had stormed the Elven Palace, over some dispute regarding his honour, and Balin brandished the Spear of Destiny, with which he had wounded King Brethalladir Even-Star, King over all of the Elves.

Brethalladir was in bedrest now, after Balin was chased from the Kingdom by legions of Elf-Kin wielding blades, spears, and arrows of blazing light. The Elder God had declared the offense to his name and kin was now paid for in full, before he returned to the heavens in a bolt of lightning as the atmosphere rumbled.

Lendok considered the other signs that had already recently occurred, the rebirth of the Snow Wolf, the Red Phoenix, and the Dragon King. Rumours that the King of the Ana’nitia had Arisen. Now this.

The threat upon their beloved King’s life was merely a small part in this matter. For it was part of the old prophecies, that when the Elf King was wounded in this manner, by the god Balin as the legends told, the world would soon after hang in the balance of the Scales of Fate. For the Wounded King was forever linked to the Wounded Land that was to follow after, when a Great Shadow covered the skies for all the stretches of the Earth. This Darkness signalled the End of Days, when the High-Jinn Returns to claim the world for his own. On the other side of fate was the belief that there was some hope, that things could be turned in favour of the High Arts, and mankind would be spared.

The Elf-Kin mourned because the next sequential part of the prophecies had turned from legend to fact on this day and marked the Beginning of the End.