Knott’s Berry Farm, America’s First Theme Park
It all started in the year 1921.
There once was a farmer named Walter Knott, he had little luck on his small farm as he cared for his crops. One day he came upon a strange vine, left behind by a mysterious creator. Though the vine had begun to wither, upon it grew a purple berry. A berry the world had never seen before. The farmer cared for the vine and after much trial and error the vine began to prosper and more berries began to sprout. Many people flocked from all over to see the new wonderful berries he had found.
The farmer wanted to pay tribute to the man whom originally invented them, but had no idea who exactly put them there. After much research the farmer finally found the name of one man. A man by the name of Rudolf Boysen. He talked with Mr. Boysen one time.
Mr. Boysen told the farmer that he had crossbred the berry from the blackberry, loganberry and raspberry, and that they were truly a wonder of their own.
The farmer wanted to know more, but for some reason Mr. Boysen wanted nothing to do with the berry, saying that he didn’t want to be part of that world anymore.
He did, However, allow the farmer to take the berry as his own. So he did, but still the farmer wasn’t the type of person to take something for nothing. Instead he paid tribute to Mr. Boysen naming them after him. From that moment on the purple berries were known as Boysenberries.
With these Boysenberries came good fortune. The farmers’ prosperity and farm grew, starting from nothing more than a small berry stand alongside the road. Over time his wife began to sell pies made from the berry. Many people flocked and soon enough the farmer’s wife decided to serve tea and delicious chicken dinners, the first guests being served on the only dishes they had... their wedding china. Even more people flocked so they created the “Chicken Dinner Restaurant”. People would wait in line for a meal by the thousands for many hours.
The farmer felt bad that his customers had to wait for such a long time, so he decided to entertain the guests while they waited. He created many ways to do this, the most elaborate was a replica ghost town of the old west, people loved it. He hired people to play cowboys and Indians. There were wagons and horses, and all the people were now entertained. This went on for a very long time.
Over the years and as more people flocked to Mr. Knott’s farm; He added to his land, creating other themed areas and rides for his customers to enjoy. Themed lands like Fiesta village, the boardwalk, and wild water wilderness. Each alongside the Ghost town and each of them with wonderful rides and attractions of their own… And so came the beginning of Americas first theme park, Knott’s berry farm.
Many, many years later something strange began to happen... the Boysenberries began to wither away. The farmer assembled a team to find a solution, but all their efforts were in vain and no matter what they tried all the Boysenberries would wither and die. Since then no boysenberry had grown upon that land which was once a farm and now turned theme park...
“Those who were cowards never started, and those who were weak were lost along the way, but the brave find a home in every land.” -Walter Knott.