The farm life
We made our way through the plains and found ourselves arriving at the farm faster than we had expected. There were acres and acres of crops. Orange trees, strawberry fields, and many others. Coast decided we should walk from there on so we wouldn’t destroy any of the crops that the farmer works so hard on.
“Transport!" Coast shouted and a flash of light came from the metal bracelet on her ankle. The small buggy began to sink into the ground and then disappeared out of sight. We walked the rest of the way. Coast’s pace began to grow sluggish.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yes.” She replied. “Just a little tired, your much stronger than you look. Plus, operator bands take a lot out of you.”
“Do you want to rest for a moment?” I asked.
“I’m fine.” She responded with a smile. “It’s not much further.”
Soon enough we could see the farmer up ahead strongly fixated on something. He was on his knees in the soil, working on some sort of greenery. There was a nice old golden retriever laying patiently by his side. The two didn’t notice as we approached.
Though she was tired, Coast mustered up enough strength to sneak up on the Farmer.
“Hello Mr. Knott!!” She blurted.
This startled the farmer unexpectedly and he jolted up from his knees and onto his feet. He looked back at us with a terrified expression on his face that quickly transitioned into a look of relief.
“Oh! hello there Coast!” The farmer shakenly replied. “You startled me there for a moment."
“Sorry." Replied Coast. “I’m just really excited to see you and the farm again."
“Well, the farm and I are excited to see you again too!” He replied.
“What are you up to?” Said Coast as she tried to peek behind Mr. Knott to see what he had been tending to.
“Would you like to see something amazing?” Mr. Knott asked.
“Sure!” She replied and at that the farmer stepped aside revealing a small vine. There were purple berries growing from the vine and he plucked two off and placed one in her hand.
“What’s this?” She asked.
“It’s a Boysenberry.” He replied.
“I thought these were all gone.”
“They were, but as luck would have it I found a small vine growing not too far from here, I’ve even gotten them blooming again.”
“That’s amazing!” Coast cheered then stuffed the decent sized berry into her mouth and began to chew.
I could tell that Coast saw this Mr. Knott as a father figure even before I had met him. During the storm she seemed so grown up and levelheaded, but here she seemed more relaxed. This farmer was older and I guess this was her only chance to show her real age.
“So what are you doing all the way out here” Asked Mr. Knott. “And who’s your friend?”
“Well...” answered Coast, her tone muffled from the sound of a mouth full of Boysenberry. She didn’t want to be rude so she took a moment to finish the berry before finishing her reply. Suddenly a gulp and she was free to speak again.
“...This is Michael.” She replied. “I’ve brought him all the way here to meet you. We even had to endure a very bad storm along the way.”
“I didn’t even know there was a storm.” He replied.
“Neither did we.” She smiled. “But we’ll talk more about that later.”
Mr. Knott greeted me hello and asked me if I’d like a Boysenberry, I politely declined.
“May I have another for Surfside?” Coast asked and Mr. Knott handed her another berry. She put it away saving it for Surfside.
“Michael and I have come because we are in need of your assistance.” Said coast. “Michael can’t remember much of anything, and he needs to get back home. I think he may be from the other world! That he somehow came here by mistake... Do you think you can help?”
“Well...” Answered Mr. Knott brushing the dirt from his pants then removing his farmers hat and wiping his forehead on his sleeve. “That sure is a lot to take in, and I’m not very familiar with travels to the other world, but nevertheless we’ll see what we can do...Why don’t you two set yourselves up at the house and I’ll be there soon for dinner.”
“Okay!” Replied Coast and we made our way to a farm house just beyond the crops. The old golden retriever following after us panting in the heat of the sun.
“Please let it be chicken, please let it be chicken.” Coast prayed. “Ms. Knott makes the best fried chicken, and the biscuits and gravy...My mouth is watering already!”
When we arrived at Mr. Knott’s farmhouse Coast knocked on a screen door at the entrance. We could hear children laughing and playing inside.
“Those are Mr. and Mrs. Knott’s kids.” Coast informed me. “They’re all really good kids.”
We waited another minute. I don’t think the children heard us the first time. They were all too busy playing. There was a delicious aroma emanating from inside the farmhouse. It smelled like fresh baked bread. Coast knocked once more and we could hear a pot move, the sound coming from another area of the farmhouse and then the sound of a wooden spoon being placed down on a counter. Soon enough we could see a figure approaching the screen door and we were almost greeted by Ms. Knott, but before she could make it to the door her children, three girls and a boy, dropped what they were doing and rushed out beating Mrs. Knott to the screen door.
At the sight of Coast, the girls joyfully screamed pushing the door wide open which swung outward. Coast had to take a step back as to not get knocked over. The girls proceeded to surround Coast, tugging and hugging at her asking her different questions unanimously.
The boy came straight to me; he wasn’t very shy.
“Hey you’re not Surfside!" He moaned disappointedly, but then he saw the glove on my hand and his eyes grew wide because it interested him. He asked me if it was an Operators glove. I told him I didn’t know. He liked the Boomerang shaped emblem on it. He then proceeded to tell me about all the different operators items. That there were certain rare items like gloves and shoes but mostly bands that held powerful abilities that only operators could use.
Eventually the young boy introduced himself.
“I’m Russell." He said wildly shaking my hand. I let him play with the glove outside where he put it on waving at the sky yelling out “Boomerang!” He even pointed his hand at the dog.
“Boomerang! Go!”
Russel was a nice boy, he had a very vivid imagination.
“Oh well, guess it’s not an Operators item.” He said.
Coast greeted Mrs. Knott and so did I. The girls tugged at Coast leading her and Mrs. Knott inside.
Mrs. Knott saw Russell and I together. “You two come inside soon.” She said. “Dinner will be ready shortly.”
“Aww Ma!” Shouted Russell.
“You heard me.” Replied Mrs. Knott.
“Fine!” He reluctantly answered then tossed me my glove.
“It’s no fun in there.” Russell informed me. “Nothing but girls inside.”
Back inside the house we found Coast. She was brushing one of the girl’s hair while she told stories about the beach and her adventures with Surfside. The oldest girl came up to me.
“You’re on a quest to find your wife?” She asked.
I replied with a simple nod.
“That’s so romantic!” She cheered.
Russell rolled his eyes and took me to the dining table before rushing off and bringing some drawings that he had made.
“These are Operators!” He declared. “The ones I’ve heard about so far.”
Russell had a good hand and his drawings were very detailed.
“You made these?” I asked.
“Sure did.” He replied.
“Wow you can really paint a picture.” I said sifting through the different drawings. There were all sorts. One of them was a picture of Surfside on his glider, another of Surfside on a pier as a massive hammerhead shark rose out of the ocean. There was another drawing of Coast leaning against her transport buggy... she had some kind of spear in her hands. I could tell that Russell looked up to Surfside and Coast, they were like role models to him.
The last drawing was of a man dressed in a Mariachi outfit.
“That man came here once!” Said Russell. “He’s an operator too!”
“You know what.” I said handing the drawings back to Russell. “I think you’re going to be a great artist someday.”
“That’s what my father says too.” Russell shrugged. “But I don’t want to be an artist... I want to be an Operator! I want to go on adventures, and travel the world!”
“Well maybe you can do that too?” I added.
“Not likely.” He replied. “Operators aren’t made... they’re born.”
Russell took the drawings and sulked as he left to put them away.
I have to admit I felt somewhat bad for Russell, but soon enough he was back again and talked my ear off about how us men need to stick together, no time for all these girls ruining all things that men do.
Mr. Knott finally entered the farmhouse no more than an hour after we had arrived. The children that flocked around Coast and I now hurriedly flocked around him. There was so much love in that home.
Mrs. Knott was a sweet lady and did all that she could to make us feel welcome. Offering us tea and whatnot.
At dinner Coast was excited because Mrs. Knott was in fact serving the fried Chicken that she had been talking about earlier. Along with it were biscuits, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy.
Now I understood what all the fuss was about. The food was so good! The chicken was juicy and delicious! The corn was the sweetest and the gravy.... oh the gravy, it was so good I ended up smothering my entire meal in it! I remember rubbing my belly afterward wanting more, unfortunately I was already stuffed.
After dinner the children were sent to bed. Me, Coast and Mr. and Mrs. Knott sat in their den talking. Coast handed over the letter she had gotten from the pony express. Mr. Knott read it.
“This is really bad.” Said Mr. Knott. “Is this the storm that you two saw earlier?”
“Maybe.” Coast replied. “We don’t know for sure, but it was making Michael do strange things.”
“Hmmmm.” Mr. Knott replied. “Montezuma needs to find that final seal before Nefarious wakes. He even asks for all of Boysenvale to lend a hand in the search. I don’t think he’ll get much help at all.”
“Why is that?” I asked.
“Most people, except on rare occasion, refuse to venture out from their lands. The people from the boardwalk never cross into Calico. People from Calico never cross into the Boardwalk and so on.”
“Why wouldn’t they want to travel?” I asked.
“People fear what they don’t know.” Mr. Knott replied.
“Except for the Pony express!” Coast added. “They travel to all parts of Boysenvale!”
“That’s true.” Replied Mrs. Knott.
“I love the pony express!” Coast added again. “If it wasn’t for them, we’d have no form of communication.”
I asked Mr. and Mrs. Knott all about Montezuma and Nefarious. They told me that Montezuma was the last of the Zumas. That there was only one other...The grey witch Edena, but that she was no longer recognized as a Zuma because of her obsession with dark magic. That she awakens once a year for one-month wreaking havoc on the people of Boysenvale. That she is in love with Nefarious and every year she is determined to awaken him. They also said that Montezuma and other brave Operators of Boysenvale fight her and her minions until she sleeps once again. That years ago Nefarious was sealed away by Montezuma. Nefarious was power hungry and wanted to rule over Boysenvale consuming everyone in it. That he is immortal and cannot be killed. Only locked away in a cold slumber.
Then I asked them how I could get home.
“I don’t think people from the other world have the ability to cross over to our world, I don’t think it’s possible.” Said Mr. Knott. “Only Zumas can cross over. Or so I thought. Maybe A Zuma brought you here?”
“Maybe.” Replied Coast. “Maybe the grey witch has indeed come back? But why would she bring you here?
“Maybe Montezuma brought you here?” Said Mrs. Knott
“All that we know is that a Zuma can cross over to the other side.” added Mr. Knott. “Your best bet is to find Montezuma. Maybe then he can send you back home.”
“But where is he?” I asked.
“Last we heard he was headed into the forest to see the old Chief.” Replied Mrs. Knott.
“That’s right.” Replied Mr. Knott. “There’s a mysterious lodge hidden in the forest where a tribe lives not too far from here. I can take you as far as the river, and I’ll draw you a map with instructions so you won’t get lost in that forest along the way.”
I agreed and we decided to stay the night and travel the next morning.
That night I dreamt about my wife. She was making dinner as I walked through the front door, she smiled at me then I woke up in the middle of the night feeling relieved, thinking I was home, but then I realized I wasn’t and that she was still so far away. After that I couldn’t sleep, plus Coast was snoring. But at least I remembered a little bit more about her. In fact, some things were just out of my mental reach, I thought maybe with time I’d be able to remember everything about my wife and home.
Russell, Mr. Knott’s son tried to wake me, but I was already awake. “Let’s go outside.” He whispered. “Bring the glove.”
“Why not?” I figured... Couldn’t sleep anyway.
It was really early in the morning, the sun hadn’t come up yet, but there was some light on the horizon. It was cold outside, cold enough that we could see our breath in the air. I warned Russel if we saw a storm we’d have to go back inside. He agreed to my terms.
“You’re from the other world right?” Russell asked.
“Maybe.” I replied.
“I’ve never met anyone from the other world. Maybe that makes you special like Coast and Surfside.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
He insisted that I put the glove on, so I did. He made me hold my hand up high in the air telling me to yell out Boomerang.
“People are sleeping.” I told him. “We’ll wake them.”
“Just do it.” He replied.
“Fine.” I held out my hand and yelled out “Boomerang!” I could hear my voice slightly echo in the distance.
Russell waited for a moment, he seemed very excited. I waited for someone to wake up, but nothing happened.
“Aww man!" Russell Whined. “I was really hoping that you could operate that glove.”
“Sorry.” I replied. “Maybe I’m just not that special, and maybe it’s just a regular old glove.”
“Yeah.” He said motioning us to head back inside, but then something happened. Far off in the distance where the light on the horizon was, we could hear it. a whooshing sound.
“Do you hear that?” Russell asked.
“Yeah I do, what is that?” I replied, but then I saw it! A huge object flying straight towards us, aiming for us!
“Go inside!” I shouted at Russell and he did rushing his way to the farmhouse. I ran as far from the house as I could, running directly into the strawberry fields. Whatever it was I could hear it catching up to me! following me! Suddenly and forcefully it landed directly in front of me crashing into the ground! The mysterious object made me stop in my tracks, it destroyed a large patch of strawberry. Strawberry plants and soil erupted from the ground in all different directions, some of it grazing me.
Russell came back rushing out of the house. I could hear him yelling really loud, but I couldn’t make much sense of what he was saying, I think he was so excited that whatever he was saying wouldn’t have made much sense anyway. He stopped abruptly beside me, both of us staring at it. It was, in fact, a large blue boomerang! Had to be at least twenty feet tall!
“You ARE an operator!!!” Russell Shouted. “I knew it!!”
“Quiet, keep it down." I Replied. The kid was going to wake everyone. “What does that even mean??”
“It means you can use the operator’s items!” He joyously whispered hopping up and down.
“Well what do I do now??”
“I don’t know... grab it I guess.”
Reluctantly I crept up to the massive boomerang intending to touch it, but before I could it immediately shrank in size flying to me, then disappearing into the palm of my glove. We both found it amazing, and I tried my best to hush Russell as we stared at the aftermath.
“Wow! look what it did to the strawberries!” He cheered.
“Shhhh… You’ll wake everyone.” I hushed.
Russell and I both knew that we’d be in big trouble for destroying those strawberry plants. I wanted to tell Mr. Knott what had happened but Russell made me promise not to tell anyone, saying that he would fix it in the morning. The two of us went back to the farmhouse to get some sleep. I couldn’t sleep after that, I bet neither of us could.
In the morning Coast woke up and said she was going back to the beach today. That she was now starting to worry about Surfside. I didn’t mind that she was leaving, she had done what she said she would by taking me to the Knott farm and I thanked her for that.
I missed my wife very much so I knew what it was like to be away from the ones that you love, and I could tell by the way she spoke about Surf that she cared for him deeply.
Ms. Knott packed me and Coast some chicken to go. So that we “wouldn’t starve to death” she said. Mr. Knott gave me a leather backpack saying, you’re going to need this for all that food.
Mrs. Knott handed me a blanket and I stuffed it into the backpack. I liked the backpack, it had writing on it. Just inside the inner lip it said (If lost please return to Knott’s berry farm.)
Mr. Knott and I climbed aboard his wagon which was attached to a large bull.
Coast said her goodbye as she hopped inside her buggy.
“Don’t give up Michael.” Said Coast as she waved goodbye. “I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for. But if not, you’ll always have a place with me and Surfside on the boardwalk.”
“Thank you for everything.” I replied.
“No problem!” She smiled.
Coast rode off in her small buggy and the large bull pulled Mr. Knott’s wagon off in another direction, I watched as Coast disappeared in the distance. I was going to miss her and Surfside, they were the first people I had met here in Boysenvale. I could only pray that the next person I would come in contact with would be as welcoming as they were.
Mr. Knott and I traveled across more plains. Soon I could see the forest far off in the distance.
“There it is” Announced Mr. Knott pointing at the forest. “Not long before we get there.”
As Mr. Knott and I made our way towards the forest I knew I felt bad about what had happened the night before with the boomerang and Mr. Knott’s strawberries. So I decided to confess…
“I have to apologize to you Mr. Knott... Last night...”
“Don’t worry about it.” Said Mr. Knott with a smile. “I already know.”
“You do? You know that I...”
“Ruined some of my strawberries?”
“I know. Russell is so loud that I woke up and saw what happened. I do, however, appreciate the fact that you told me, besides it’s not your fault, you didn’t know that was going to happen.”
“I really am sorry. You must have put a lot of work into those.”
“I did, and I’ll do it again.” He said patting me on the back. “I’m a farmer, that’s what I do. Sometimes crops go bad and you have to start all over again, a good farmer never gives up.”
“If it makes you feel any better, Russell said that he’d be fixing them this morning.”
“I can’t wait to see that!” Mr. Knott Laughed. “It’s always fun watching him try to get out of trouble.”
“Please don’t be too hard on him. He didn’t know that was going to happen. I’m more to blame if anything.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t... I just want to see how long it takes him to fess up.”
“Thanks for being so nice about it and thanks for helping me.”
“My pleasure.” He replied.
When we got to the forest the river came into view. It was blocking the way to the forest. Mr. Knott pulled the wagon up to a raft that was resting beside the river.
“Here you go.” Said Mr. Knott. Handing me a small map he had drawn out on a piece of paper. “Don’t lose it, or you’ll get lost in that forest.”
“Thank you.” I replied. folding the map putting it in the front pocket of my overalls.
“There’s something special about you.” Said Mr. Knott. “Something grand. You’re able to operate the blue boomerang. That item is ancient and not many can. I don’t even think Coast or Surfside can operate it. I believe you came here for a reason. That you being here has purpose. I don’t know if you’ll find your way home Michael, but I believe you will find what you’re looking for.”
“Thank you.” I replied and gave him a hug.
“If you get lost I want you to remember my farm okay Michael? Remember my farm and find your way back there.”
“I will.” I replied then hopped aboard the raft finding an oar and cast myself off.
“A word of advice.” Mr. Knott shouted as my raft began floating down the river. “Those who are cowards never start, and those who are weak are lost along the way, but the brave find a home in every land.”
As my raft continued to flow down the river I could see Mr. Knott turn his wagon around and begin to head back home to his farm. Mr. Knott said there was something special about me, but I really didn’t believe that. In fact, I believed that there was something special about him. Everyone I had met in Boysenvale seemed to be more interesting than I. “Maybe they see something more than I can.” I thought. “Maybe I’m as interesting to them as they are to me.”
“Oh well.” I said continuing on.
As I made my way down the river on that raft I pulled the map out of my pocket for a moment, there was a giant bolder scribbled next to a drawing of a river with words that read exit here. I put the map back in my pocket again continuing down the river patently waiting to see the boulder from which I needed to exit the river. For a moment I could see some species of bird flying out of the forest, a whole flock flying out and headed to the east as if they were being hunted by something. It may have just been my imagination but I got a slight glimpse of something in the forest... Something big, like a bear, but what I saw happened so fast that I couldn’t quite believe my eyes. Plus, I didn’t get much sleep the night before so I figured my eyes were now playing tricks on me. I rubbed my eyes and shrugged it off as the raft continued down the river.
Suddenly something strange began to happen. I noticed that everything around me began to grow darker, like night had come upon me in almost an instant. I looked up and saw that a thunderstorm had begun to form above the river.
With the storm came wind and lightning. It was extremely eerie and I felt like the storm was watching me. I just hoped it wasn’t the storm that me and Coast had seen earlier in the plains, the storm that we had read about in that letter. Yet something inside me told me that it was.
Without warning I could feel myself going again like before! This storm wanted to control me!
“Remember what Coast told you!” I thought, that my body and mind belong to me and no one else.
I repeated those words in my mind… but still It was so strong. Without my approval my body took a step towards the end of the raft.
“No!” I shouted trying to overcome it. “My body belongs to me!”
I shouted at the storm as loud as I could. “You don’t control me! I control me!”
The shouting helped and I was able to drop to my knees. I continued to shout as the thunder grew louder, angrier.
With every shout I became more in control, to the point that I no longer needed to shout it. I knew that I was totally in control. The storm began to calm again; it was still there but it was not nearly as chaotic as before. I had won against this dark storm… or so I thought.
Suddenly from the calm of the storm a black raven came flying out from its center. It slowly circled around my raft a few times. I could see it looking directly at me as it circled. It seemed as though this raven was sizing me up. The raven landed on one end of my raft and continued to stare at me for a moment, I looking directly back at it. Finally, it looked away from me and hopped its way to the edge of the raft and began to peer into the water.
The raven stayed there for a while as I stood there watching it not knowing what to do.
“What’s it looking at?” I thought to myself. I wanted to know. Needed to know. I put my belongings down and crawled to the edge of the raft. I was now right next to the raven and I too began to peer into the water. There was nothing there. Just my reflection, muddled in the ripples of the water.
But then something changed and I saw it. My reflection didn’t quite look like me. It looked darker, more like a shadow. Quickly the raven hopped into the water disappearing then reappearing on the shoulder of my shadow like reflection. White eyes formed on my reflection followed by a carnivorous smile.
The reflections arms shot out of the water grabbing me by my head! In an instant it pulled me into the river. It was strong, overpowering. I tried my best to get away, to get a breath of air, but it wouldn’t let me!
This thing, whatever it was had wrapped itself around me pinning my arms to my side! It continued to drag me down towards the bottom of the river. It was trying to drown me! I knew I had to fight back. I squirmed, I kicked, but that didn’t work.
Finally, I was able to get an arm loose and tried to pull it off with my hand. Once my boomerang glove touched this darkness, it let out a deathly scream muddled by the water then finally let go. Quickly I swam back to the top of the river and managed to get a breath of air. I found and held onto the side of the raft. The water had become rough! I was now in rapids and I couldn’t gather the strength to climb up onto the raft. Instead I tried my best just to hold on. Soon enough I noticed the large boulder from where I was supposed to exit the river. I had already floated far past it on the river and I was continuing to move much further and further away from it.
That raven shot out of the water and back into the center of the storm. The clouds quickly dissipated and the blue sky returned in its place. I felt so weak, like that dark shadow had drained the life out of me. I couldn’t help it, my eyes became heavy and everything grew dark as my body slipped back into the water.