Bryxx (Crimson Forest, #1) by Tarisa Marie - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Getting back to Canada is a relief, getting back to our home, an even bigger relief. When we’re greeted by Daniel and Kai, in the front yard, I burst out crying again.

“May, we have something to show you or rather someone to show you,” Daniel tells me as I wrap him in a tight hug.

“Who’s here?” Kade asks, disgruntled. He scans the house intently.

“May, don’t freak out, but he kind of just showed up here a couple hours ago,” Daniel pleads before muttering, “Come out now.”

The front door opens behind Daniel and a man in his forties comes out wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I recognize him immediately and nearly faint in Daniels arms. “Dad?!” I ask in complete disbelief. I must be dreaming.

My dad smiles warmly. “May? My god you’ve changed, darling.”

“The contract between him and the demons was burnt when they thought you died and he was released. You are no longer under their protection and we’ve convinced dad not to make another deal. We have to stop this cycle. We’re all going to protect you. We left the Bryxx. We’re going to make a permanent home here and dad knows how to ward against demons so they won’t be able to enter the area.”

“But Kade-” I argue.

Dad cuts me off. “Will be trapped inside the wards, not outside, as will I.”

That’s when it dawns on me. My dad’s human body died. We buried it years ago. How did the demons settle their break of the deal?

“He’s a demon,” Daniel answers my unspoken question.

“I won’t hurt you,” my dad promises and I believe him after all he’s done for my life.

I glance at Kade who doesn’t look too sure of this. “What kind of demon?” he asks my father.

My dad glances to me and Daniel who are still embracing. “A Scaraut, so I will be no harm to any of you.”

Daniel hastily translates for me. “A very weak type of demon, about as weak as a human, no powers except immortality, usually used as slaves in the demon world. They live off of suffering but don’t need much, watching the news or Kade’s thirst will be more than enough.”

I’m not sure what to think of all this.

“We have everything packed up and ready to go,” Kai tells me. “We have to get out of here and go somewhere new. The demons found you here, they could come back here.”

I nod, not wanting to risk it. If I can help it, I will never be taken again. I’m hell bent in ensuring as much no matter what it takes. I think about Cerisse and her family, their fates. I think about the way I was treated at Madeya’s. I think about Madeya, her stringy, messy hair and her scarred face, her shrill voice. I recall the intense darkness of her home. I recall the sickening feeling in my gut the entire time I was there. Lastly, I recall my fear. I won’t ever go back there. I will fight even if I am weak and brittle.

My life is my own. The whole ordeal feels like a dream, a nightmare, but deep down I know just how real it was and just how close I was to meeting my demise. I will learn how to fight back. That is a promise.