Buddy and Buffy by Robert H. Cherny - HTML preview

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Code Name: Buffy and Buddy


Chapter Eleven


I could not honestly say how long I slept when I awoke. I took another shower, not as long as the one I took before I went to bed and dressed. Not only did I throw out my underwear, but I also threw out everything I had been wearing when I came home last night including my sneakers. After my shower, I went downstairs in search of breakfast. The sight that greeted me almost sent me back upstairs. The sharpshooters were standing guard at the base of the stairs. I sighed. “That’s right, you don’t get paid until the rocket launches safely.”

They smiled. “And then we get to kick your ass.”

“I get it.”

Chief Johnson, Angel, Willow, Cordelia and Xander, Mrs. Carson, looking somewhat better than when I had left her, and her companion from that first meeting were in my living room drinking coffee and eating pastries purchased from a local bakery. They greeted me warmly and directed me toward the kitchen. Beth Anne, my parents, Buffy and Beth Anne’s mother were in the kitchen. The ones that were seated rose as I entered. Beth Anne grabbed me and wrapped her arms around me. “They told us everything you did to save us. I am so proud of you.”

“They told you everything? I mean some of it was horrible. I did things I am ashamed of.”

“But you did them for me. I had no idea you loved me so much.”

Buffy smiled and nodded. “He loves you very much, and you should be glad to have someone like him.”

“I am.”

Buffy said, “You know you’re a good guy. I don’t care what you did or threatened to do. That doesn’t change who you are.”

“Thanks, except right now, what I am is hungry.”

That brought a laugh.

My mother said, “Bacon and eggs for my baby.”


* * * * *


After I had eaten, Chief Johnson came into the kitchen. “Bus is here.”

“What bus?” I asked.

“There are some people who would like to meet you.”

“What bus?” I asked.

“The bus to take all of us to see them.”

“Them who?”

“The people that own the rocket you saved.”

“Do I have to?”


We piled on the bus even though I knew half of the people in the entourage would rather fly. I knew I sure would. We pulled up to a big corporate-looking building in the industrial park near the Titusville airport. Chief Johnson led the procession into the building. A distinguished looking woman stood to greet us. “Hello, Tommy. We are all thrilled to meet you. Please allow me to escort you.”

I followed her to a large meeting room deep within the building. When I entered, everyone in the room stood and applauded. I don’t remember blushing, but my mother told me later that I did. The woman seated at the head of the table made a speech about how thankful they were that I had saved their rocket and they owed me an enormous debt of gratitude. Was there anything they could do for me? If I were thinking of engineering for college, they would be willing to help and give me a job afterward. I thanked them and said that really all I wanted was to watch the launch from Pad 34 with my friends. The woman looked stunned and said she did not know if she could do that, but if she could, she would. They marched us around the building, and people stood and applauded everywhere we went.

From there we went to the offices of the company that made the satellite. The same sort of thing happened there.

We got an exclusive tour of the Space Center and met some lovely NASA folks who also were thankful that we had saved the launch and the city for that matter.

When we came home, Mom took me to a shrink who said that the feelings I was having were entirely reasonable and that he would worry about me if I felt otherwise. He recommended that I write everything down because it would be an excellent way to deal with my feelings. So I spent the next few days writing instead of going to school. Apparently, everyone at school had some sort of idea what had happened, and it was just as well that I not be there.


* * * * *


Dad woke me up in the middle of the night. “Hey, it’s show time.”

“Say what?”

“We have a launch to go to. Get dressed. The bus will be here soon.”

The bus was more like a giant van since it was just me, Beth Anne and our parents.

We rode to the Space Center with Beth Anne snuggled against me in the back seat. You know I’ve wanted to get it on with her for a long time, but with our parents in the van in front of us, this seemed like the wrong time. Still, she did feel good, and she smelled great.

We arrived at Pad 34, and there were over fifty people there. The entire Slayers gang was there with dates, spouses and some even had kids. I met Cordelia’s husband and kids and told them that without her support I would have died and even if I hadn’t died, I would not have had the strength to keep on.

We had director chairs arranged on the ground in front of the monument. The chairs were embroidered with our names. There was a buffet table with soft drinks and pastries. The countdown reached T minus ten minutes, and we took our seats. Buffy sat on one side of me, and Beth Anne sat on the other. An Air Force General stooped down behind me between Buffy and me. “So, Tommy have you decided what you’re doing after high school?”

“Not really, sir.”

“Could I interest you in a free ride to the Air Force Academy? The president has a few openings he can fill at his discretion, and he wanted to know if you were interested.”

“Would it help me get into the astronaut corps?”

“Certainly couldn’t hurt. I think they would be happy to have you on board.”

“Thank you, sir.”

He turned to Buffy. “And you young lady, can I interest you in the Air Force Academy?”

“Sir, with all due respect, I would prefer to fly Navy. My dad is retired Navy. He spent most of his time on carriers. I think I would like that.”

“Consider it done. What does your dad do now?”

“He teaches high school English. The local Navy recruiters love him.”

The general leaned over to Beth Anne. “And what can I do for you, young lady?”

Beth Anne took my hand and squeezed it. “I want to be the woman he wants to come home to.”

“My best wishes to you. I am sure you will be happy together.”

My dad had heard the conversation with the Air Force general. “The Academy. That’s awesome.”

“Dad, they just want us somewhere they can keep an eye on us and figure out how to take advantage of us.”

“Are you good with that?”

“Yeah, it will be fine.”

We turned to face the launch pad as the countdown entered its last few seconds. The launch was flawless. As soon as the second stage had separated, the sharpshooters picked me up and threw me in the water in the nearest drainage ditch. “Consider your ass as having been kicked.”