Burning Blue: Boy Meets Honoi by Joel S. Williams - HTML preview

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The Beginning: The written records, which told of Sangetsu’s history, began 7500 years ago. The first historical records were that of the Calquax Civilization, which lasted around four centuries, before it was conquered by neighboring countries which would then become part of the great Barsoon Nation in the millennia to come.

Historians have been arguing whether Calquax was the very first civilization or not. Famous historian Reboboth Dinkly—born 262 S.S.F., said in an interview with the popular cultural magazine “Where the Roots Come From” in 290 that “I am a Uola man from Atileten who loves his culture and history more than anyone else’s, but it would be downright unprofessional of me not to acknowledge that other civilizations had running water centuries ago while my people were still figuring out how to wipe their bottoms”.

And such was true. Archeologists excavating what was once the kingdom of Calquax; which is now a state of Barsoon, found that the people had irrigation systems just a little behind what is used today, which seemed to have been built around 7180 B.S.F.,. Archeologists also discovered the remnants of old steam engines, and they had found in the Asiseros Mountains in the same state a vehicle of some sorts. The purpose of travel it was used for is still unknown, the people living around the mountains refuse to let the archeologists move it from its resting place, for the people here, they see it as the vessel that had brought the first men and women from the heavens to the world. And have even given it the name “The Vessel of the First Ones”.

This discovery also led to speculate that if they had reached such a technological peak during that time over seven thousand years ago, then probably the history of the people of Calquax was even much older.

Historian Reboboth Dinkly said in his same interview with the historical magazine, “The Calquaxans already had vehicles and engines thousands of years before the rest of the world—which meant they also had electricity! But, as we wonder upon what other marvels this great civilization had conjured up, we have also have to ask how did a civilization like this collapsed in the first place?

“I shall breakdown what we know of the history of Calquax as it involved Barsoon. During the time of Calquax it had seven neighbors, seven countries almost equal in size with Calquax; Widdion, Parslo, Leoj, Vin’lauc’shao, Harpoem, Regilis and Nordham. Based on record found in both Widdion and Leoj were learnt that both countries sacked Calquax. In their records we found that they had heard tales of a great power possessed by the Calquaxans that was bestowed upon them by the gods. We even had records of the Calquaxans using firearms to kill soldiers of both armies.

As news spread about the god-like weapons possessed by the Calquaxans across the continent, each country began to march their soldiers into Calquax to retrieve their power.

“Now, this is where it really gets weird,” Dinkly had said, “once the other nations started molesting Calquax, there was this sudden gap in the history of those confrontations. The last piece of information about the war for Calquax dated around 6980 B.S.F. It did not give us any clear information about the demise of Calquax, only that the ‘The people who wielded the might of the gods somehow took pity on us, for they had ceased wilding their otherworldly might upon us, and we could enter the country at last’, as from a commander in the Widdion army wrote. Then we heard from the king of Leoj, who had visited the Calquax, ‘My wife and I, escorted to the Land of the Gods by our thousands of knights, on behalf of the invitation we received from the god of the land, came upon a race of people as weak as ourselves in tools. There, we also had the pleasure of meeting our rival, the king of Widdion, Cesp. The god of the land, the Emperor Sinith, told us we were spared punishment by our parents, and so we must learn from our mistakes and correct what we did wrong’.

“That only proves that that meeting was the beginning of the first union of countries to form the states of Barsoon in 6900 B.S.F. From there Barsoon went on the conquer the rest of the continent, finally gaining all power over it in 6400 B.S.F., yet there was no more mention of what happened to the awesome weaponry that was mentioned before. It was as if those things just simple up and vanished out of history!”

But another historian that was interviewed by the magazine in the same year, by the name of Zelin Recoda, said that people were trying to look for answers in physical remains of the architecture and not the voices of the people.

She said, “What we are not looking at is the fact that the technology of the Calquaxans might not have even been theirs. The truth is most people do not like to read long things unless it is about what their friends texted them about doing last night, or other people’s personal business.

“If we look at the written records left behind by not just the Widdionians and Leojins, but by the rest of the countries, we will find similarities in their religious beliefs that have a connection to the myths held about Calquax. An example of which is from the Vin'lauc'shaonese people. During the time of the Calquax empire the people of Vin'lauc'shao worshipped deities they said came from thin air with faces of the stars. We know that this is one of the early recorded sightings of reapers, who we have seen sometime throughout history for thousands of years. And reapers only come to our world when they need to rid something from the planet that is not native to it. So it is possible that the Calquaxans were not the ones who developed this technology, but another race, which by some means had lost their technological equipment through the rift and it ended up here. Possibly when they reapers came to retrieve it, as godly figures they ordered the Calquaxans never to speak of it.”

Reboboth Dinkly argued that, “It is too completely farfetched to believe that an entire civilization, not to mention people from other countries, knew about the technology of the Calquaxans and would just keep a tight lip about it for so many years. Then what of the people of the Asiseros Mountains that still have a vehicle of some sort embedded in the mountain side? Why did the reapers not take something that is so obvious?”

But Zelin Recoda said, “If not the reapers, then probably gods did actually descended upon Sangetsu by then—and by gods I mean other alien species. As I said, the reapers themselves are other worldly beings, and it is known that they have been in existence long before nycarman history. The possibility exists that an alien species could have actually come here and helped to build the society of the Calquaxans. Then when the conquest of the continent started, they could have left with their technology so they would not be held accountable for helping to aid a certain people in killing another.

“In regards to the vehicle left in the mountains, obviously if the native people came in contact with the aliens and their machinery, they could have taken some of it to try and learn its secrets, but were not smart enough to decipher it.

“One thing is certain, though; the Calquaxans did not develop their technology all by themselves. They had help from someone not of our world, and I strongly doubt it was the reapers!”

But even without the use of godly tools anymore, the newly formed nation of Barsoon, of Calquax, Widdion and Leoj, launched the conquest of the continent. First they took over Parslo, a nation noted for its export of cold resistant metals and ores. In 6890 B.S.F. Barsoon conquered Parslo, with Queen Ophitil finally submitting to the power of Barsoon, and becoming the bride of one of the emperors, Sinith.

Emperor Sinith and Empress Ophitil had a son and a daughter; their daughter, Princess Opheiry was married off to the eldest son of King of Widdion Cesp, Prince Cesp the 2nd. The king of Leoj and his wife had two daughters, one of which, the youngest at twenty years old named Wo-pon, was engaged to the new born son of Opheiry and Cesp the 2nd, Prince Cesp the 3rd.

This arranged marriage was done so that all of the bloodline of the four states of Barsoon were blended into a single generation.

By the time twenty year old Wo-pon was married off to Prince Cesp the 3rd, the year was 6860, and Emperor Sinith had died of age, as had the king of Leoj. Ophitil and the king of Leoj’s wife, Kirthene, had become brides to King Cesp, who was still in rule.

In 6850 King Cesp of Barsoon was assassinated by his daughter, the sister of Prince Cesp the 2nd, so her brother could be put in power along with his wife Opheiry and their son and daughter in law Cesp the 3rd and Wo-pon. During that time Barsoon’s path of conquest was being hindered by Vin’lauc’shao, Harpoem, Regilis and Nordham. And in 6870 Barsoon put its conquest on hold.

As the centuries flew by and each country struggled with their own affairs, conquerors from the countries of Zaphix, Imia, Toduml, Dragheim and Rudos were setting sail across the seas to explore Barsoon. There was trade, and of course, there was conflict.

In 6600 B.S.F. the Bubbunis Port was establish in the country of Nordham, just off the southern coast. Actually the Nordhamhish were not the ones to establish the port, but the people of Dragheim, who were known at that time as the Rulers of the Seas because of their skill in sailing, fighting on water and mental navigation.

Nordham rose to power in 6570 B.S.F., because of the Bubbunis Port’s inflow of new merchandise and people. It was even powerful enough to launch raids on Barsoon, but never came close to conquering it.

When the pirate wars began in 6520 B.S.F. the Bubbunis Port was destroyed by pirates from Rudos and Toduml, and the Dragheimese retreated from the continent and Nordham’s power fell. For the next twenty years Nordham was at the mercy of its neighbors Vin’lauc’shao, Regilis and Harpoem, who picked what was left of Nordham, until finally the country was split up to be shared by rulers from those three nations.

The ruler of Nordhamat that time, King Jixwoquan and his wife and four daughters and five sons, were banished from Nordham, and their country was basically a piece of meat to be cut up for others.

With the resources taken from Nordham, Regilis, Harpoem and Vin'lauc'shao had themselves a splendid time pillaging the country side of Barsoon. During then Queen Shiledi, a descended of one King Cesp the 3rd and Queen Wo-pon, took it upon herself to try and reason with the ruler of Harpoem. The ruler of Harpoem, Greatchief Canvassa, was said to have fallen in love with Shiledi, and offered her peace if she would marry him and become his queen, while offering Barsoon to him.

Shiledi refused, saying Barsoon would bow to them, and that she was offering a deal so she would not have to kill his people. Angered, Greatchief Canvassa was said to have cast a spell on Shiledi that turned her into his slave, and the Greatchief had made her sire his daughters and sons.

Outraged by this, the queen of Barsoon’s son, Prince Onnox (now king), was said to have sought out the powers of the supernatural that could lift the spell Canvassa casted on anyone who came near to him.

In 6470, King Onnox followed rumors of a sorceress living in the old city of Grethondor in the Leoj state. Who he found was Da’coo Riza-bow, one of the members of Vu Ra'honoi’s covenant that had traveled to the continent.

King Onnox offered Da'coo a place at his side as his queen, so he could gain her power and knowledge to kill the magician Canvassa. Da'coo refused, and said that Onnox would be breaking his vow to his wife if she were to marry him.

But Onnox, desperate to get revenge for his mother, did the unthinkable by going back to his kingdom, slitting the throat of his wife and son and pushing off a cliff, saying that they had committed suicide. He returned to Da'coo with this news of the death of his wife and son. Da'coo, still suspicious of the king, decided to help him.

In 6465 B.S.F., Da'coo became the queen of Barsoon alongside King Onnox. Da'coo thought his soldiers how to use honoi, and not only did she teach them, but she led them in battle to fight the army of Harpoem. She had killed the Greatchief of Harpoem after crushing his soldiers, and freed Shiledi and her new sons and daughters.

After conquering Harpoem, Da'coo returned to King Onnox with his mother and brothers and sisters. His mother died shortly after returning, of old age and grieve that her daughter-in-law and grandson had committed suicide.

Onnox then fell in love with one of his younger sisters, and desired to marry her. But he was still married to Da'coo, and so had to get rid of her. One night Onnox tried to kill Da'coo with a knife, after poisoning her and leaving her weak and unable to use honoi. Coincidentally it was the same knife he had used to kill his wife and son, and before he could use it to kill Da'coo the knife had took on a life of its own, and plunged itself into the chest of Onnox, killing him instantly.

The next day Da'coo revealed to the country that king Onnox had killed his own wife and son just to marry her and get her power, and so, that no one could use her again for such deeds, Da'coo handed over leadership of Barsoon to Onnox’s younger brother, fathered by Canvassa, Prince Niro Canvassa. Da'coo fled the country with some of her close followers, and an ambitious Niro took the hand of a woman from Harpoem to be his wife, and together they ruled over Barsoon with Niro’s brothers and sisters close by his side.

With the new family of Canvassa in rule of Barsoon in 6455 B.S.F., Niro began the conquest of the continent once more. His campaign was a brutal one that saw his slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people, with his brothers Nedo and Neken leading his army. His sisters were married off to the small tribes scattered throughout the country, adding more people to his kingdom.

In 6400 B.S.F., King Niro succeeded in conquering all the countries in Barsoon, and became the first king of the continent.During that time, Niro considered himself supreme god, and ordered massive monuments to be built in his name. He was notorious for embalming the bodies of his enemies and housing them in a shrine named “The Hall of Viigral”, who Niro said were his enemies that he had forgiven and offered them fame as his prized possessions. Here in this hall, Niro would have grandiose parties, where he, his brothers and fellow nobles would eat, drink, and have sex with the youngest girls in the country that would be offered to him. It was also in this that conquered rulers would be brought before Niro, and their throats slit and their bodies added to the pillars and walls of corpses.

It didn’t take long for the people to realize that Niro was actually playing god, as he had soon renamed the shrine into “The Nest of Niro”, where he would conduct ritualistic sacrifices of babies; drinking their blood in order to becoming an immortal being.

Eventually, Niro had succeeded in becoming something not nycarman, and his followers revered him as the link between life and death, heaven and hell, the ethereal and the living world.

For four centuries, The Beast Niro ruled the center of Barsoon this way, while around the country side the states tried to gain independence from Barsoon and destroy the Beast. In 6000 B.S.F. the madness of Niro that was spreading through Barsoon resulted in bitter power struggles in the states throughout, with Nordham being liberated.

During that time in Nordham, the new ruler of the small country, Lord Sjan, led his warriors to the underground world known across the continent as Uxing, where the vradruuks had their empire.

Sjan had offered the queen of the vradruuks the riches of Niro if they could help dig a tunnel for him into the heart of Barsoon, Calquax. The vradruuk queen, Boirach, agreed and ordered her people to create the tunnel. It took nearly two years to be dug, but by that time, Lord Sjan had been struck with an illness that prevented him from fighting. But he had bred Boirach, who sired his daughter Sjeen, a giant woman Muo, who led the new troops of nycarmans and vradruuks alike into Calquax.

When they faced Niro, it was Lady Sjeen who slayed the Beast, leaving his corpse in the castle and burning it down to the ground. With Barsoon’s capital taken Sjeen seated herself as the new queen of Barsoon, allowing her vradruuk and nycarman brothers and sisters to take up seats of power throughout the country.

In 5970 B.S.F., Sjeen got married to a fishmonger who had sail all the way from Rudos. Their children grew up to be huge people, and Sjeen and her family went back to Nordham where they lived out the rest of their lives, creating a new race of people, the Muo.

Barsoon was left in the care of the vradruuk queen Boirach, who had a monarchy of vradruuk rulers for hundreds of years. These vradruuks emphasized tilling their own land to farm and grow goods, and with people doing this Barsoon became a quiet nation for some time.

In 5200 B.S.F., the madness of the Beast Niro had left Barsoon broken up for a while, turning cities around Barsoon into their own domains that sought power and independence. They tried to distance themselves from Barsoon but often had to resort to pillaging the countryside to survive or piracy. Nordham was still standing on its own feet, unlike the domains that were being pillaged themselves by Dragheimian pirates and adventurers from other lands.

As the Muoes from Nordham grew in power, they conquered the quarreling tribes around Barsoon, capturing the people to breed with them; skyrocketing the numbers of the Muo race. Nordham came to be known as the Land of Giants, and as proof to the eyes as heard by the ears, the people of Nordham had arms almost as thick as a man’s trunk, chests as wide as a gronk’s, and stood five meters tall at the shoulders with heads scraping the sky. Truly they were an awesome sight, as they were even larger than their vradruuk for parents.

The Muoes revered the vradruuks and nycarmans of Barsoon as their living ancestors, and offered their services to Barsoon as protectors of the land in exchange for resources for their home country of Nordham.

In 5050 the Nordhamish created the massive wall of Nonshon, in the name of the Nordhamish god of war Shall’shon; during that time they had also resurrected the Bubbunis Port. For nearly two thousand years the wall protected Barsoon from invaders, until an earthquake in 3150 B.S.F., reduced over a hundred square miles of the wall of the east coast to rubble, and allowed the people of what is now called Akirmon to slip their way into Barsoon.

Shortly after Akirmon began to invade Barsoon, other nations; the Ugatinese and Palagagians came to reap the rumored riches of Barsoon, that were believed to have lying in the streets of cities because there was too much to keep in the houses.

The Muo warriors all fled to the east coast, where they stood their ground fighting off all invaders to Barsoon. As their numbers declined, they realized that Barsoon would not send help to them, even though the Muo had promised to be the fighters for Barsoon.

In 3000 B.S.F., the king of Nordham, Apaltouf, ordered his people around Barsoon to withdraw back to Nordham and save themselves. He said that thousands of years of service would mean the death of his people, and he preferred to be enemies with Barsoon than their forever servants.

When Apaltouf left with his fellow Muo, it caused fraction between the vradruuks and nycarmans, the result of which was the nycarmans driving the vradruuks underground in 2977 B.S.F. Since then, the vradruuks swore revenge on the nycarman race, and became a race of people pillaging from the nycarmans from Barsoon to other nations when the news spread.

After Apaltouf withdrew his people back into the now powerful Nordham, Barsoon’s new ruler, Great King Mixdrule, led a crusade against the Muo, cursing them for abandoning their people and retreating to mingle with the foreigners at their seaport.

In 2970 B.S.F. Mixdrule led twenty thousand soldiers across Barsoon to Nordham. At this point, king Apaltouf had allied with the Dragheimians, Akirmonians and Palagagians to stand up against Mixdrule. Mixdrule’s army was easily crushed, as the might of the honoi-wielding Palagagians, the numbers of the Akirmonians and the sea might of the Dragheimians were too overwhelming for even Barsoon.

In 2960, however, there was a falling out over the control of the port between the Nordhamish, Akirmonians, Palagagians and Dragheimese. The Dragheimese were for allowing the Muos to govern the port, but the Akirmonians and Palagagians were against it. It led to a war between the Dragheimese and Nordhamish against the Akirmonians and Palagagians.

It was then that King Mixdrule took the opportunity to launch an attack against Nordham, finally succeeding in overthrowing the rule of the Muos.

It was said that all the living Muoes, after their country was sacked, retreated across the Northern Artic Sea, to the Machada Islands, Kafinifa, Dragheim and some other small islands. Skeletal records of giant nycarmans have been found in Dragheim and Kafinifa to support these claims in 1700 B.S.F. None have been found on the Machada Islands, but then again, the Machada Islands to the south of the map were never fully explored.

After the conquest of Nordham, the entire continent was under the reign of Barsoon once more. For centuries to come, however, Barsoon would plunge itself into war amongst its states for which should be recognized as the capital. These were the people descended from those who lived in the states when they were once independent countries.

As rulers came and go, only to exploit these conflicts to gain wealth, there was group of mages from a covenant known as the Ashmirmok, who wielded the power of sealing and soul spells against all who opposed them. The Ashmirmok covenant eradicated the people of the states who were the descendants of the native people, viewing it as the only way to end the conflict in the country. This covenant had over 500,000 people, and, apart from the Bakaan Covenant in Tiuma, was considered the second most powerful covenant in the world.

In 2500 B.S.F., the Mages of Ashmirmok began what was known as the Forefather’s Crusade, wiping all groups with ties to the old nations. Eventually they were the ones who came into power in the year 2460 B.S.F., creating a government of purely members of the covenant. In their rule, they acted as the living gods of the country, where the state ministers would all ultimately answer to them. The leader at the time was Mage Iumik.

In 2403 B.S.F., many warriors, soldiers and knights from around Barsoon brought it upon themselves to overthrow the Ashmirmok government. Over a million people went to the capital; which was Harpoem back then. Their attempts were greatly resisted by the Ashmirmok mages for many years, but in 2337 B.S.F., however, a new element in the resistance came from a group of people from the small island of Ishtyr to the south of Barsoon.

These were mages from the covenant of Riza-bow, believed to be the descendants of the sorceress Da'coo Riza-bow thousands of years ago. They wielded honoi so unique it was considered magic, and with aiding the resistance, they managed to overthrow the Ashmirmok covenant in 2335 B.S.F., after many repeated attacks.

However, after the fall of Ashmirmok, it was revealed that the Covenant of Riza-bow wanted the seat of power for themselves, and the people, fearing another reign like that of the Ashmirmok covenant, quickly turned on the Riza-bow covenant, driving them back to the island of Ishtyr. But again the war for supremacy of Barsoon amongst the states continued, and finally the state of Regilis gained total rule over Barsoon in 2200 B.S.F.; the ruler Empress Sensideir Witicka the 3rd .

She was unique in being the first woman to total reign over the continent until her death in 2056 B.S.F., at age 201, for she had usually powers like that of a witch which enable her to have a long lifespan than the usual nycarman.

She was believed to be a descent of the people of the Riza-bow covenant, but never did she oppose a tyrannical system upon her people. It was during this time period the nations across the continents of Twengz; where Faleetia, Rudos, Tiuma and Atileten lie, and Prubu; Toduml, Imia, Shross, Tehnri and the continent-country of Akirmon, were making advances in technology from coal powered machinery to steam engines. Empress Sensideir wanted to put her country at the top of the technological revolution, and so sought out to find the ancient technology buried beneath the layers of Calquax’s.

She launched an exploration in 2169 B.S.F. in the relic cities of Erutobu and Dobikaco, where after weeks of negotiating with the local people, who were surviving descendants of the Calquaxans, they were allowed to mine the plains and mountain sides for these ancient technologies. In 2163 the Empress tasted success, finding a powerful type of engine, different from steam and coal that ran on not these worldly elements, but that of the sun. It was something very extraordinary to find on a continent so close to the North Artic Pole.

These engines ranged from the size of a toaster, to small vehicles, to giant tapering pillars three stories high. There were several dozen of them found, with the maximum of solar pillars numbering six, two of which were kept by the native people. Sensideir used them to establish a city in the state of Regilis known as Nuuktu City (Nuuktu is the old nycarman word for the “sun”, and Zo is prefix meaning “of the” or just “of”; literally meaning “City of the Sun”) with three of the sun-pillars centered around her castle on the tops of high cathedrals.

From these her people created solar powered machinery. Sensideir changed her name to Empress Zo'Nuuktu; the Empress of the Sun. With the solar energy from the pillars centered on Zo'Nuuktu, she became a living deity in the eyes of her nation.

One of the pillars, along with most of the solar-powered engines, were sent to the northern states of Parslo and Leoj, were the cold that wrecked the land was nullified by the heat absorbed by the pillars in the summer, and spread throughout the lands in massive channels dug across the states, increasing crop production.

As news spread of Zo'Nuuktu’s amazing technology, it sparked the curiosity of the ruler of Akirmon of that time, King Zo’Zaphix, who was also launching armies across Prubu and Jonui to pillage small nations.

In 2122 Zo'Zaphix’s military invaded Barsoon (by this time they were using rifles and steam-powered vehicles) with 70,000 troops. Due to Barsoon’s advantage of being on their own territory they were able to defeat Zo'Zaphix’s army. But Zo'Zaphix had realized he made the mistake of attacking Barsoon from its strongest points, and corrected that by attacking off the west coast, with the aid of a few hired pirates and mercenaries from Rudos and Ugatin.

This tactic proved a success only for a limited time and they had to retreat because of Barsoon’s overwhelming retaliation, but Zo'Zaphix had succeeded—he had stolen the sun-pillars from Calquax. However upon returning it to Akirmon the pirates were attacked by marines from Atileten, and then by pirates from the south (to this day the location of that pillar is still unknown. But in later history during the first Solar War, the other pillar would be stolen from Akirmon by the largaph and carried to their homeworld).

Infuriated by this thievery Empress Zo'Nuuktu waged war with Akirmon for decades to come; even when Zo'Zaphix passed away and a new ruler came into power over Akirmon.

Finally this ended when the Queen of Akirmon, Zo'Zaphix the 2nd, offered her life to Barsoon in exchange that their two nations ended their conflict. Queen Zaphix went to Zo'Nuuktu’s domain in Regilis, knelt before her throne, and slit her own throat with Zo'Nuuktu’s knife.

It was the most memorable peace offering in Sangetsu’s history, so much that Empress Zo'Nuuktu had no choice but to accept the offer. Since then Barsoon and Akirmon found peace, and were partners with each other for centuries to come.

Until in the 645 B.S.F., when Emperor Riza-bow Dranaki, a wonderer from Ishtyr who had snuck into Barsoon and gain the seat of power through unknown means, launched his crusade against the world to convert it all under the power of him and Barsoon.

He met his demise in the year 630 B.S.F., at the hands of the united forces of Atileten, Tiuma, Toduml and Faleetia, and their leaders the Dielenganns.

The next centuries were ones of relative peace across the world’s nations give or take a few government disagreements here and there, and a country’s own perils with crime, violence, and corruption.

In 200 the U.N. of Sangetsu was formed, and spaceflight began in the year 7501, or 1 S.S.F.

Offinerdon: He is the god of law and order, and viewed in many nations of the god of the world. He is usually depicted as a handsome Outo nycarman with curly golden hair, wearing a crown of bones from the slain criminals of the court of god, and carries the “Book of Justice” from which he speaks out the crimes they have committed and their punishment.

The Lustelle sisters; Moteti and Kemeti: It is not sure if they were actual women who lived or just a well-known fairytale—but a well-known fairytale it is.

It is said that these two young women were very beautiful, so beautiful that even their father tried to rape them. They kill him by slitting his throat in his sleep, and they fled the house and village together. But soon they were captured by bandits, raped and killed.

Because their souls couldn’t find peace, they wondered the land as spirits of vengeance. Moteti would carry around a vase that she said held all the wildest desires of men. When any man looked inside it, he would be sucked into it, where Kemeti would castrate them and leave their souls inside the vase for all eternity.

Phalance the Glorious: Phalance is one of the most famous heroes in nycarman history, born in 4230 B.S.F. in the country of Tiuma. He was the embodiment of male swagger, charm, success, the idol of women, and the envy of other men.

He was a hero hired by great kings and queens all across the planet to carryout great tasks such as slaying beasts, fighting in armies, and defending towns. He was awarded with gold, silver, women, land, and privileges that rivaled that of rulers.

He had a term which he always said “Jinta”, which meant “I am Great!”

But the Gods above saw the narcissism in Phalance, and how he was sliding down the path of committing blasphemy against the common people. So one day the devi

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