Convergence: Genesis (First Four Chapters) by Heiner Flores Bermúdez - HTML preview

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‘They’re going to attack us!’ he maintained, trying to attract the attention of those in high command. His efforts were futile. In the process, he lost his status, some even called him mad. “He lost his sanity!” they said. But that was not true, he was always right. It was useless; he had only managed to delay the inevitable.

This moment was revelatory. The forgotten rebels that everyone had given up for lost were not; they had only been preparing themselves for the moment of their revenge.

The man walked through the beautiful boulevard, trying to find some way of stopping what he had foreseen, but it was already too late. The penetrating sound of the alarms was almost as terrifying as the image itself. The sky darkened in the middle of the day, like when a moon interposes itself between a star and a planet. However, it was not a celestial body that was the cause. ‘What is that?’ asked one person. ‘What’s happening?’ said another. ‘They’re attacking us!’ cried the people who were running in terror. The sky was riddled with ships. Enemy ships. It was not the only place; the entire planet was under siege. It was not the only planet. It was not the only system.

The shots fell down upon the defenceless city like a hailstorm, snatching the lives of the innocent civilians who never suspected anything. The predictions had become reality; the attack had begun.

The planet’s authorities sent their entire arsenal in a desperate attempt to stop their destruction. Soldiers, ships, and the most lethal variety of weapons. Nothing worked.

Those who were running in the cities were unaware of the multiple battles that were unfolding simultaneously on other fronts. Space, Tau Ceti, the Solar System, and so many more.

When it seemed as if the battles could not be any more terrifying, the rebel ships opened their hatches, dropping their passengers over the cities.

The rebels, those who once served the humans, were coming to call in an old debt.

The infamous Colonizer robots, who centuries earlier had escaped into space, were returning home. Refusing any request for a truce, they destroyed everything in their path. The man’s visions had become reality, and nobody had listened to him in spite of his pleas. 

One by one, all the planets of the primary systems fell before the powerful army of the malicious robot leader. The planet Earth, The Union’s capital, had not escaped the attack. Millions upon millions died, but that was only the beginning. The robot leader had one desire: to completely annihilate the human race. There were still many more systems left to attack. A dark age had begun.

Those who had survived were hunted down by the Colonisers. The Resistance fought to avoid extinction, whilst the power of the robots spread through the galaxy. One by one the systems fell, and the hope began to die.

All of that happened. All in a parallel universe.