Coranite Chronicles: The Judge by Egan Yip - HTML preview

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he elder returned to the control room and found Darek with his hand on the exit, looking like he was about to leave. He had returned so soon that Darek didn’t have time to escape.

Darek shrank away from the door, pretending to be stretching his arms and legs. Ignoring Darek, Liam sat down and began typing away commands on the keyboard.

“Is it all right if I leave now?” asked Darek.
Liam’s eyes were glued to the computer screen. “Sure thing.” Darek hurried to open the door. It wouldn’t open.
Liam turned in his chair to face him. “Did you really think you

could take me for a fool?”
“I had nothing to do with the package,” said Darek nervously. “If
it’s the wrong stuff, it’s not my fault.”
“The package was fine. Your presence here is not.”
“What do you mean?” Darek averted his eyes.
“Just who are you?” Liam demanded, “Where did you come
from? Speak!”
“Just transferred here,” Darek lied. “I’m Darek. I was initiated
through the ceremony.”
Liam snickered. “Oh, is that so? Even if you were new, you have
no excuse to come into this room. No one except the greatest of
scientists can enter this room without permission! And now that
you’ve outlived your usefulness—it’d be proper to dispose of the
This guy is crazy! Desperate to escape, Darek grabbed the
doorknob, shaking and jostling it, hoping that it was only a little
stuck. However, no matter how hard he pushed and pulled, it
wouldn’t budge.
“It’s no use.” The elder had a smug look on his face. “The door
is sealed.”
“That’s what you think!” Darek whipped out a dagger and
smashed it against the hinges of the door, weakening and breaking them. He then tried to kick down the door with all his might. To his
embarrassment, he didn’t even dent it.
Darek remembered Merdon saying something along the lines of
how elders were not opponents they could face. It wasn’t like he had
much of a choice. He twirled the dagger between his fingers and
moved forward to attack. He slashed fast and hard. But the elder
parried his attacks with ease. There was no way for him to win. His
only thought was to try to act aggressive and divert the elder’s
attention away from his true aim.
“Wait,” said Darek, stopping his attack, “You don’t have to kill
me. You said I outlived my usefulness, but isn’t that just a
nearsighted approach to things? Anything can be useful.” Liam scoffed, “Are you proposing that you’re willing to be my
slave—that you will aid me in any way conceivably possible?” “I don’t really like to be called a slave…but something like that,
The elder took a moment to think about it. “I do have need for a
paperweight, but you are too big for that. Either way, you’d be better
off dead. I’m not going to bother feeding a paperweight.” “I didn’t mean it that way,” said Darek. “Let’s say I am a spy. I
may have accomplices.”
“So what are you proposing?”
“I’ll help you locate them and stop them. In return, let me go and
I won’t ever return.”
“That does sound like a pretty good proposal.”
“Doesn’t it?” Darek cracked an unconvincing smile. “Not really, no. I was only kidding. You shall die now. To tell
you the truth, I hate proposals and I hate compromises—too much of
a hassle. Killing you is much, much easier.”
Darek shuddered. “You won’t know what my friends are doing! I
guarantee you they’re up to no good! Terrible things will happen if
you don’t stop them!”
Liam cackled, “A pity, but it no longer matters, for the operation
is already complete. Everything is meaningless. Now that we have
injected the final solution into the core, it’ll only be a matter of hours
before we witness an amazing event.”
Curious, Darek asked, “What amazing event?”
Ecstatic, Liam closed his eyes and raised his hands high, as
though he were reaching for something. “The destruction of the
world and the birth of a new era! Once the solution has spread itself
within the core, this planet will explode and flood nearby planets with massive amounts of the special radiation, creating a universe of
Shocked at the plan, Darek shrieked, “You want to mess up more
“No,” snapped Liam firmly. “Perhaps you misunderstood
something or did not hear me correctly. I want to perfect more
“What will happen to everyone on this planet?” Darek protested,
“Everyone will die! Are you really willing to kill your friends to
achieve this? This is wrong and you know it!”
Liam slammed his fist against the counter in fury, bending it. He
picked up a desk full of heavy equipment with one hand and tossed it
across the room. The electrical equipment heated up and exploded
all around them. His blood boiled and his eyes were full of scorn.
“You understand nothing! It hurts to do this, but it must be done! I
cannot expect you to understand what it truly means to be immortal
in a mortal universe. You are only a baby; you have only been
birthed recently. Even most of the other immortals, aside from the
elders, cannot understand the way we lived before this perfect world
came to fruition.
“As you live for eternity, your family and friends grow old and
pass away, while you still remain the same. Everyone you know will
die, yet you still live and meaninglessly so! In the distant past, when
humans found out about the powers I possessed, people labeled me a
filthy monster and hunted me down. They destroyed my homes and
creations! They came after me with pitchforks and torches, calling
out for my death to come quickly!
“Why do you think it was so hard to see an immortal in those
days? It’s because we had to live in fear and in the shadows. We
were killed without mercy from people who called themselves
saviors of the world. We six elders were the only ones to survive. “But though we have an immortal body, we are still human at
heart. We are hated, therefore we hate! This curse—the pain, the
sadness, the loneliness—all of it is just too much to bear and it eats
away at your soul. Hundreds of years we have lived in secrecy,
preparing for the day of glory when we could be considered the
dominant race! And it came! No longer were we discriminated
against; no longer were we hiding in fear. We were the heroes, not
the villains. We were the people to help, lead and judge the
society—we were the ones to bring happiness.
“If you understand what I speak of, then and only then, you
would realize the small price to pay for what we will accomplish!
Our perfect eternal universe will finally be born. We will no longer
be alone. We will live together for eternity, in peace and harmony.
There will be no mourning and no death. Can you still not
understand how wonderful this concept is?”
“Wow, you sure had a lot to say,” said Darek. “But you know
what I think? I think you paid the price for your own mistake. And
now you want everyone to suffer as you did. What’s the logic in
hurting everyone because you’ve been hurt? Shouldn’t you want to
help them so that they’ll never experience your pain?”
“As I expected,” replied Liam, “you cannot possibly
While Liam had been talking for so long, Darek moved into
position for his escape. He slammed the button behind him and it
opened the doors that led outside. Darek snapped on his goggles and
jumped into the shaft. Then it whisked him to the outside, onto the
outer platform. He tried to lock the exit of the shaft to keep the elder
from following him but it was useless. The window above, where the
control room overlooked the platform, shattered. The elder jumped
out of the tower and landed on the platform.
Liam said, “Let me see the extent of your abilities, child. I’ll
apologize first. I have not used my powers in such long a time. I may
be rusty.”
Darek wasn’t sure why, but now that he was finally face to face
with this powerful elder, he didn’t feel as scared as he thought he
would be. Facing Sorren in his dreams was much more terrifying,
even if it wasn’t real. Perhaps it was because he had accepted the
fact that he would stand no chance against this elder.
With daggers in hand, Darek confronted the elder with all of his
courage. Darek lunged into Liam and pierced his side. A look of
horror was etched upon Liam’s face as he staggered back, bleeding. Clutching his wound, Liam gasped, “You wounded me…?” “I didn’t expect it,” said Darek, shaken. “I’ve never actually
landed a clean hit before.”
“Just kidding,” chuckled Liam, straightening. “You can’t hurt me
like that.”
Liam drilled his fist into Darek’s chest. From that one punch
Darek could feel his entire body being launched off the ground.
Darek tumbled into several crates, but rebounded. Crouching on one knee to rest, Darek thought his body would waste away into nothing.
He dropped his daggers and coughed up blood.
“What’s this?” said Liam. “I barely touched you. Are you really
an immortal?”
Gulping air, Darek said, “Can’t we talk this over? If it wasn’t for
me, you wouldn’t have gotten the package!”
Liam grinned. “Did you think you were the only one?” Darek cocked his head. “What do you mean by that?” Liam replied, “There are many packages. In order to ensure that
we will eventually receive the package, you were not the only one.
There were others sent before you, and others would have been sent
after you if you had failed.”
Sent from where? Sent by whom? Darek couldn’t help but think
that what was going on here was only a small fraction of a bigger
picture. But that was not his main concern. He could speculate, but
unless he escaped from this elder, he may very well be dead within
Darek stood but soon lost his balance and stumbled back. Losing
his orientation and sense of control, he slipped on the cold metal
floor. Before he knew it, Darek was already hanging on the edge of
the platform. Darek clung on desperately with both hands. The grasp
of his fingers was weakening. He looked up, only to see the
condescending creep stare back down at him.
“So you intended to kill yourself?” said Liam. “I congratulate
you on your wise decision. As pity, I’ll give you a few minutes to
live. Enjoy it.” Liam took a seat on a crate, waiting for Darek to fall. This is the end, Darek thought. It was at this point he wanted to
cry, but the tears would not flow. I guess that’s all there is to it.
Though the government pardoned me, there is nothing more I can
do. I’m sorry, Jenson. To everyone who wanted to see me again, I’m
Boy, do I feel stupid.
Darek laughed, almost hysterical. I went
through all this trouble just to die by falling off a tower. I came to
this perilous planet, tread across the suffocating desert, stood face to
face with terrifying monsters, and even trained day and night with
Sorren until my hands bled and my body was torn apart. But in the
end…the result is the same. Death.

Darek’s fingers lost their grip. His descent had begun. To him,
time had slowed down. Second by second, he could see his fingers
get farther away from the platform. There was nothing below that
could save him. The ground was inconceivably far away. This was it. In a few moments, he would make contact with the ground and it
would not be pretty.
Just when he thought it was all over for him, he stopped falling.
Looking up, he saw he was only a few inches below the platform.
Yet there was nothing to hold onto. His right hand was being held up
by something. He wasn’t sure what was going on…until he heard a
“Darek, put some effort into it!” shouted Ios. She firmly held
onto Darek’s fingers; fluttering her wings frantically, she fought hard
against the gravity to keep them both aloft.
“Ios…” Darek had forgotten all about her.
Being so close to the energy of the core had rejuvenated her and
now she was able to fly again. She tried so hard to pull Darek up that
her face became as red as a cherry.
“There’s no way you can lift me,” said Darek. “Just let me fall!” Ios cried, “No! I didn’t bring you here to die! I brought you here
to help me! So help me by showing some effort!”
“But what can I do?”
“Excuse me?” said Darek, puzzled by the advice.
“Flap your hands as if they were wings!”
Darek looked at his free hand and shrugged. What did he have to
lose? Then he beat his hand against the air. Ios’s power flowed into
his fingers and across his body, making him almost as light as a
feather. His continually beating of the air slowly gave him lift and he
managed to hover his way back up a few inches, just close enough
for him to reach the platform. He grabbed onto the platform with
every last bit of strength he had.
Ios was tired and started plummeting. Darek stretched out his
hand to grab her, but missed. When she had fallen too far out of
view, he gaped in sadness and horror. Staring down the side of the
tower, he grimaced. She had sacrificed herself for him because she
believed in him. How could he betray her by letting her down? Darek would not let her sacrifice go in vain. Seeing her try so
hard had inspired him to try hard as well. It was then that he
remembered how Officer Bellum had risked his life for him; he
remembered how Rodney had lost his store because of him; he
remembered how Jenson had risked everything to rescue him. And
ever since he had walked on this planet, Azura, Sorren and Rathos
helped him and saved him from danger. If everyone else risked their
lives for him, the least he can do is risk his life with them! Darek wanted to change for the better—that’s what he really
wanted. But he never truly did and this angered him greatly. He was
not angry with Liam. The one Darek was most angry with was
himself! Darek used all of his might to crawl back onto the platform. Liam was still on the crate, scratching his nose. When he found
Darek standing before him, he was struck with astonishment…but
also a hint of delight.
Darek began, “Now listen here—”
A harsh scream wailed and reverberated within and throughout
the planet. It was so deafeningly loud that Darek immediately
covered his ears and fell to the ground. It seemed to him as though
everything was shaking, or at least his head was.
When the screaming finally stopped, Darek looked up. “W-what
was that?”
“Once again, I do not find your antics amusing.” Liam had not
heard anything at all.
The scream began again and Darek felt that the limits of his
sanity were being stretched and strained to the point of snapping.
Darek turned to face the core.
Trembling, Darek muttered, “What is that?”
The core had a face of a man. The face was contorted in agony
and cried out in pain, “It hurts! It hurts! It hurts so much I could just
Darek looked back at Liam and then to the core. He hoped the
face was just a product of his imagination. Yet there it was again,
and this time, it was staring back at him. If it was his imagination, it
was frighteningly real and disturbingly persistent.
“You…” said the core, his tongue still dipped in the fires of
agony. “You can see me.”
“Wh-who? Me?” Darek spun around, wondering if the core was
talking to someone else.
“Yes, you.”
“No, no.” Shaking his head, Darek said, “It couldn’t be me.” “You, the young man in uniform, standing upon the platform,
and looking straight back at me through those silly-looking goggles,”
the face of the core said. “Yes, I’m talking to you.”
“Oh,” said Darek. “He pointed me out pretty clearly there...” “You’re special,” said the core. “I can see it. You desire great
power, do you not? The power to save and destroy! I can give you this power if only you’d help me. I know that you have the power to
free me, for you are the key to destruction!”
Darek’s hand started to glow brilliantly, and when Liam saw this
phenomenon he could not help but stare at it. The light that
enveloped Darek’s hand materialized into a thick red glove. “This
feeling…I remember this feeling. But why?”
Darek picked up his daggers and as he held onto the handles, the
blades were forged anew in searing flames. The blades took on a
new form with a symbol of fire embedded on a new red surface. “So you do have some power after all,” said Liam.
“Sorry.” Darek flung his dagger at Liam and it fizzed through the
air. The blade sunk into Liam’s chest. “Flames of Judgment...” As
Darek said those words, Liam could feel an intense burning in his
chest. His body burst into flames, charring his skin and bones in a
raging inferno. The flames changed from orange to white and rose
higher and higher. Liam yelled out as the fire continued blazing.
Then in an instant it all disappeared in a wisp of smoke. Liam,
having lost all strength in his body, collapsed backwards gracefully. “Now this wasn’t in my calculations,” Liam chuckled softly with
his wavering breath, “That last attack was splendid, well beyond my
Darek drew near to Liam’s weak and dying body. The pained
expression on Darek’s face was not from his past injury but from a
fresh feeling of regret.
“Why the frown?” asked Liam. “You have survived. Enjoy
whatever time you have before the end of the world. Every second is
“Why’d you allow me to attack you?” Darek looked at him with
sorrowful eyes. “I wouldn’t have been able to kill you, otherwise. If
you’d tried, you would have killed me first.”
“As I said before, you cannot fully comprehend what it means to
be immortal in a mortal world. Our desires never cease even when
we realize they were futile in the first place. The ideals we had have
long grown cold.” He paused. “Tell me, do you know of entropy?” “I think I have heard someone speak of it before. It’s like from
order to chaos, right? Like if you build a new house it will break
down over time.”
Liam stifled a painful laugh. “Not the best of analogies, but yes,
that is what I’m talking about. My mind was the same. As the flow
of time continued, so my mind became more and more twisted.
Things that I never would have considered doing years before, I ended up doing later. Immortality is something long sought after, but such immortality is of no use in a mortal universe. Everything will change and there’s nothing you can do but watch it as if from a distance.” Liam gasped. His final moments seemed near. “But now that my mind is clear, I can see that everything I have done was a
mistake. I have nothing but regret.”
Darek knelt down, concerned. “Then is there a way to stop the
core from exploding?”
Liam shook his head. “We only researched how to stimulate the
core to produce this reaction. Get out of here. There’s a spaceship in
the castle basement. It belongs to me.”
“But how do I get out? You sealed the exit of the control room.” Liam wheezed, “You have to enter a code into the panel...” Darek scratched the back of his neck and waited a few seconds.
Then he impatiently blurted out, “Hey, don’t leave me in suspense!
What’s the code?” But there was no response.
“Such a shame.” Darek lowered his head. “Rest in peace.” “I’ll try,” said Liam.
Darek blinked. “You’re not dead?”
Liam remained very still and quiet, but his breathing and pulse
started up again.
Darek gazed upon Liam’s face and saw a glow running across
his flesh.
CHAPTER 24 Countdown