Crazy Hole Time Travelers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 8




It was back to Tuesday, August 29th, 2006.

John entered his apartment with Bart's saddlebag in hand.

He rushed over to his computer desk and laid the saddlebag on the floor. He anxiously waited for the Dell to boot up.

After his Del booted up, he quickly opened up a Word file and typed notes of his time spent with Bart and Charlie and made sure he captured all he learned about Bart's life.

When he finished, he did a search on John Mathers, alias the Kissing Bandit on Yahoo. He closed his eyes while he waited for the results to appear.

He opened them and jumped out of his seat with joy. There were many results for John Mathers. He clicked on one, and a Wikipedia story about the Kissing Bandit appeared.

John ran over to his coffee table and grabbed his Outlaws and Lawmen of Arizona book. He flipped through the pages, and his eyes lit up with joy when he saw a story about himself.

"John Mathers, alias the Kissing Bandit, was an outlaw that rode with Bart Stone and Charlie Chandler. Together they robbed banks and stagecoaches in the Phoenix area. They were never arrested for their outlaw ways," John read from the book.

He then saw the same picture of Bart, Charlie and him taken in Rattlesnake. Below the picture was the "Courtesy of Anna Tippins" caption.

John laid his book back on the coffee table. He danced around the living room in joy that he finally made the history books and the Internet.

He sniffed the air when he something stunk. He realized he had the worst case of body odor from life in the desert without a shower.

He rushed down the hallway and into his bedroom he quickly stripped naked and took a shower.

Later that day, John drove his Mustang to four different coin shops in the Phoenix area and got checks for his loot.

He drove to the bank and deposited four checks that totaled twenty-five six hundred dollars. He kept some of the bills for use when he traveled back to meet with Bart and Charlie.

John went back to his apartment and got dressed in best blue jeans and western shirt.

A little while later he left with his cowboy hat on his head.

John drove to Angie's apartment complex and parked.

He walked to her apartment with a dozen red roses.

He walked to her door and knocked on it and hid the roses behind his back. The door opened and Angie appeared.

"What do you want?" Angie said, still a little upset with John. Then she noticed his weeks worth of beard growth. "You didn't shave all week?" she said.

He whipped out the roses and handed them to Angie. She gave in and accepted the roses.

"I want to take you to dinner," John said.

Angie looked at John. "I hope it's not the Outlaw Steakhouse," she said.

"I know you hate the place, but I believe they'll have something there that will impress you," John said.

"John. Please. Can we eat somewhere else for once?" Angie pleaded.

"Just come with me back to the steakhouse. I really need to check something out there. Please! It's the last time we'll go to this place. I promise!" John pleaded while he got on one of his knees.

Angie went inside her apartment and put her roses in some water in a vase.

She got her purse off the kitchen counter and walked back to the door.

"Okay, but there better be a good reason why I should go back," Angie said while she closed and locked her apartment door.

The drive was quiet to the steakhouse, and Angie looked irritated that John wore his cowboy hat.

John insisted the hostess place them in a booth were it appeared new items were hung on the wall.

Within a few minutes, Mandy their waitress walked up to their table.

"I'm Mandy. Can I start you off with some drinks?" she asked.

"Ice tea, please," Angie said.

"Well, I'll take whiskey. Two shots in a glass," John said.

Mandy smiled then walked away.

Angie rolled her eyes with John's sudden interest in whiskey.

John still had his cowboy on his head. Angie rolled her eyes again at the sight of his hat. He looked at all the new items on the wall.

John's eyes widened at the sight of an old faded wanted poster and article behind Angie. It was a copy of the wanted poster that was in Clint's office back in 1883. It had John's face sketch on it.

"I'm finally a famous old western outlaw!" John said, incredibly proud of himself. "And I know my book will be a best-seller," he added.

Angie ignored John's comment.

Mandy returned with their drinks and placed them on the table. "I'll be back in a few to take your orders," she said, then walked away.

John scooted out of his seat and forced his way into Angie's seat. She hurried over, and he immediately leaned up and over Angie to read the article about the Kissing Bandit.

He leaned closer to the wall while she sipped on her tea. He accidentally knocked into her arm and she spiller her tea into her lap. She jumped up and slammed into his chin.

John fell backward out of the booth. He plopped on his butt on the floor with his cowboy hat still on his head.

She got out pissed and stood over John.

"What's your problem?"

John rubbed his chin then pointed to the wall.

"Look, there's an article about me being an old western outlaw," he told her.

Angie looked at the wall and glanced at his wanted poster. She rolled her eyes then she glared back at John, really upset.

"Will you quit making up these outlaw lies! You probably made that poster yourself and paid this dump to hang it on the wall," Angie replied.

"I'm not making this stuff up," John pleaded then thought for a second. "I'll bring back proof! Proof I can also use in my book," he added.

She swatted his cowboy hat off his head. His hat flew off and landed under a nearby table.

"When you're ready to join me in this century, give me a call!" Angie said then stormed off pissed.

The restaurant was quiet while all eyes were on John who sat on the floor.

"Angie! Can we talk about this!" John cried. "Please!" "I can prove it!" he cried out.

John shot up off the floor and ran after Angie. But he didn't see Mandy who walked with another table's food orders. They collided and both tumbled on the floor and showered everybody with steak, onion rings, mashed potatoes, corn and western rice.

John stood up and looked remorseful while he watched Angie storm out of the front doors.

Mandy was furious with John and wanted to strangle him.

A man walked over and handed John his cowboy hat.

John got up and rushed out of the steakhouse and looked for Angie. He saw her walk down the sidewalk. She waved down a taxi. She got inside and the taxi drove her home.

John moped over to his Mustang with his hung down.

On the way home to his apartment, John stopped off at Wal-Mart. He purchased a small digital camera and some batteries. He was determined to prove to Angie that he actually traveled back in time to 1883.

It was Wednesday morning, August 30th, 2006.

John showered and got dressed in his outlaw outfit. He left his cell phone on his coffee table and left his apartment.

He did the usual process and time traveled back to Monday, September 17th, 1883.

John rode his horse north of Miners Needle to Weavers Needle.

He stopped about one hundred feet from Weavers Needle. He waited on his horse and removed his digital camera from his pocket. He discreetly held it in his hand.

Twenty minutes passed and Bart and Charlie raced up to John on their horses.

When Bart and Charlie got within ten feet from John, he discreetly snapped a picture.

"Are you done seeing your girl?" Bart asked while they stopped their horses by John's horse.

"Yeah, did you kiss her like you do them, other women?" Charlie said while he smooched the air then laughed a goofy laugh.

John felt guilty for all those women he kissed.

"Let's get this over with and rob the Mountain Rock bank," John said.

"No. I changed my mind. I hear the Oak Creek bank got more loot from the train yesterday. Lots of money and Marshal Bartley's out of town," Bart said with a greedy grin. "We'll hit Mountain Rock on Wednesday," Bart added.

"We're going to be rich," Charlie sang out in an awful key and danced in his saddle.

"Sounds good to me," John said and started to think that maybe this one would be the final heist.

Bart, Charlie rode off north in the desert.

John discreetly snapped a picture of Bart and Charlie while they rode away. He shoved the camera back in his front pocket.

He rode his horse after them.

Later that day, Bart, Charlie and John sat on their horses where Oak Creek was two hundred feet away.

"Let's go," Bart said.

Bart and Charlie rode off with their horses toward Oak Creek.

John quickly removed his digital camera. He snapped a picture of Bart and Charlie with Oak Creek in the background. He shoved his camera back in his pants pocket.

John rode his horse after Bart and Charlie.

John lagged behind Bart and Charlie while they rode into Oak Creek.

Marshal Bartley was over in Stone Valley doing some business. Elmer was in the Marshal's office, but he was in his usual position; boots up on the desk, cowboy hat over his eyes fast asleep.

While they rode into town, John discreetly snapped pictures of Oak Creek. They would help smooth things with Angie and he also could use them for his book.

Bart and Charlie stopped at the Oak Creek National bank and got out of their saddles. They loosely tied their reins to the hitching post. John rode up on his horse. He got out of his saddle and loosely tied the reins of his horse to the hitching post.

"Let's get richer," Bart said while he removed his pistol from his holster. Bart opened up his saddlebag and removed a cloth bag. He handed it to John.

Charlie removed his pistol, as did John.

"Yeah, let's get rich," Charlie said with a grin.

Fifteen feet away, a man and woman saw Bart, Charlie and John. They looked concerned and ran in the direction of the Marshal's office.

Bart, Charlie and John rushed to the door of the bank.

Rodney worked the teller counter and waited on George. Behind him stood Frazier, Joseph, Carrie and Wilma, both young women.

The door to the bank slammed open. Rodney, George, Frazier, Carrie and Wilma all jumped up startled.

Bart and John rushed over to the teller's counter. Bart fired a bullet into the ceiling.

"This is a hold-up," Bart yelled out and cocked his pistol.

Charlie stood by the door with his pistol aimed at everybody ready to shoot if they were a threat.

Rodney looked up from his work and saw John and Bart.

"Not again," he mumbled to himself.

Wilma and Carrie saw John and they both smiled, as all the women in town heard of the Kissing Bandit.

John held out his cloth bag. "You know what to do," he told Rodney.

Rodney grabbed John's bag. Bart and John waited by Rodney's counter while he shoved bills, gold and silver coins into the bag.

Bart turned around and aimed his pistol at everybody.

John discreetly reached in his pocket and removed his camera, and he stepped away. He discreetly snapped a picture from his camera the discreetly shoved the camera in his pocket. He moved back over to the counter.

Nancy leaned over to Wilma.

"There's the Kissing Bandit," she whispered in Wilma's ear.

Wilma looked at John and her eyes twinkled. "I bet he kisses me," she told Nancy.

"No, he'll kiss me," Nancy replied assured she'll receive his lips.

Rodney handed John the bag of loot.

Bart and John raced to the door.

Bart and Charlie watched while John stopped at Nancy and Wilma. They both closed their eyes and puckered for John's lips.

John thought for a second then looked guilty for the first time. He walked away to the door.

Charlie saw an opportunity while Nancy and Wilma still waited with eyes closed and lips puckered. He rushed over and gave Nancy a wet sloppy kiss. Then he gave Wilma a wet sloppy kiss.

Nancy and Wilma opened their eyes.

They saw Charlie with a horny grin and rotten teeth.

They both got the dry heaves.

Charlie looked insulted and stormed off to the door where Bart and John waited. Bart chuckled at Charlie while John opened the door.

Bart, Charlie and John ran out of the bank.

"Stop right there!" Elmer yelled from across the street with his pistol aimed at them. Chester White a town folk of Oak Creek stood five feet from Elmer with his pistol drawn.

All the town folk of Oak Creek ran inside nearby buildings fearful of a gun battle.

Bart and Charlie immediately took cover behind a horse trough. They whipped out their pistols and pointed them at Elmer and Chester.

"I'm not going to hang, Elmer," Bart yelled then fired a warning shot in the air. "You better let us go, or you'll be dead!" yelled out Bart and fired off another shot at Elmer's boots.

Elmer jumped and hid behind a horse trough in front of the Prickly Cactus Saloon. Chester ducked behind the same trough.

"No way, Bart!" Elmer yelled back then shot at Bart.

John stood frozen with fear as Elmer's bullet whizzed by him and hit the bank wall.

Bart saw John standing up. "Get down and start shootin!"

John ducked behind the horse trough next to Bart and Charlie. He whipped out his pistol and aimed over the trough.

It was rapid fire of bullets zinging between Bart, Charlie, Elmer and Chester.

Something struck Bart as odd with John. He looked over at John when he clicked his pistol, but no gun fire or bullets. Bart got pissed. "No bullets? You rob banks without any bullets? Are you daft?" Bart yelled at John.

John quickly dropped a couple of bullets into his revolver while the gun battle pursued. He aimed across the street and fired off a shot. He killed a glass window in the Prickly Cactus Saloon extremely close to Elmer.

While Elmer, Chester, Bart and Charlie fired bullets at each other, John discreetly removed his camera from his pocket. He discreetly snapped a picture while Bart peeked over the trough and fired shots along with Charlie.

"Aim to kill, Kissing Bandit!" Bart yelled at him.

John aimed his gun at Elmer and Chester. But he pointed over their heads hitting the roof of the restaurant.

Bart fired his pistol the second Elmer stood up to relocate to another trough.

Elmer clutched his chest in extreme pain. He dropped dead into the trough and his head hit the water with a splash. Chester looked at Elmer in shock then looked at John.

A proud smirk grew on Bart's face, as he knew he shot Elmer.

John got terrified when he saw Elmer dead in the trough, as he thought he killed him. But he saw Bart's smirk and the shattered second-floor window of the saloon.

He shoved his camera in his left front pocket of his pants. He suddenly got scared to death and got up with the bag.

He ran over to the hitching post. He quickly untied the reins at the same moment Chester fired a shot at John. The bullet hit John in his left front pocket of his pants.

John limped in pain and jumped on his horse with the bag of loot. He galloped his horse down the street.

Bart watched John while he raced his horse out of town and got furious.

"He's stealing our loot!" Bart yelled.

Chester reached over and pulled Elmer's head out of the water. He saw Bart and Charlie stand up, and he aimed and fired at them.

Bart and Charlie dropped behind the trough. Bart fired off another bullet at Chester.

Chester dropped Elmer's head, and it splashed back in the trough's water. Chester fell to the ground in pain with a bloody shoulder.

The town got quiet while gun smoke lingered.

Bart and Charlie stood up and glanced around town. It was safe, so they rushed over and quickly untied their reins from the hitching post.

The jumped on their horses and raced down the street after John.

Town folk cautiously peeked out of doors.

They saw Elmer in the horse trough and Chester on the ground.

Zeke Cooper, Ricky Adams, Winston Wallace, and Bucky Younger ran out of the nearby buildings and over to Elmer and Chester.

John galloped his horse towards Miners Needle. He was scared, as he didn't want someone killed. He looked down at his left front pocket and expected to see blood. Instead, he only saw a hole in his pants pocket without blood. John galloped his horse through a small creek.

He then galloped towards Miners Needle.

Five hundred feet behind John, Bart and Charlie galloped their horses after him.

Back in Oak Creek, the town folk pulled Elmer out of the horse trough and placed his dead body on the ground.

They moved Chester, who passed out, next to Elmer.

"Go get Doc Bartholomew," Zeke called out.

Rodney ran off down the street to the doctor's office.

John galloped to Crazy Hole and pulled back on the reins when the horse was fifteen feet from the cave. He jumped off with the cloth bag. He ripped off his shirt and quickly tied it around the horse's eyes.

He rushed his horse to Crazy Hole and went inside.

Bart and Charlie galloped their horses toward Miners Needle.

"Where did he go?" Charlie asked while they galloped.

"I have an idea, and I'm not liking it," Bart said while he looked at Miners Needle.

John used a small flashlight he had in his other pocket. It was enough to light his way down the cave. He reached the end of the cave by the Priest carving. He walked his horse into the tunnel. Blue plasma light filled the tunnel while John time traveled back home.

Bart and Charlie galloped their horse's closer to Crazy Hole. Then Bart stopped his horse and jumped off. He looked in the dirt and saw horse tracks that lead to Crazy Hole.

"Bastard. I bet he's stealing our money," Bart said furiously.

Charlie jumped off his horse. "Let's get him," Charlie said.

Bart grabbed the reins of his horse and walked it to Crazy Hole. Charlie grabbed his reins and walked his horse.

They got five feet from Crazy Hole when both of their horse's freaked out and jumped up on their hind legs. Bart and Charlie let go of the reins and ran away from their horses.

Their horses ran off scared. "Stupid animals," Bart said while they watched as their horses stopped one hundred feet away.

They walked to Crazy Hole and stood by the entrance.

"Come on out Mathers!" Bart yelled into the cave and it echoed then there silence.

"Let's go," Bart told Charlie.

They walked inside Crazy Hole, and it was dark, as they didn't have any torches.

"This place gives me the creeps," Charlie said.

"Quiet," Bart said then cocked his pistol.

They inched their way down the dark and spooky cave of Crazy Hole.

Bart fired two bullets into the hole and hoped he shot John.

"Give me the loot Mathers, I know you don't have bullets you stupid fool. But now I'm glad you don't," Bart yelled in the cave, and it echoed.