Crazy Hole Time Travelers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 15




It was later that Monday.

Alicia and Clint walked out of the police station and headed to the parking lot. Clint's clothes were clean, his face shaved and hair washed, and he looked like a new man.

"The District Attorney's not going to charge you, but I would like you to stay with me until we catch these two shooters. Plus, since you're from the past, I can't leave you running around in the future. You'll get hurt, and I don't want that to happen," Alicia told him.

Clint tipped his cowboy hat at Alicia. "Ma'am, it would be my pleasure to ride with you. After all, I was hunting bad guys before your great-grandma was born," Clint said.

Alicia smiled as she was actually looking forward to spending time with Clint. She started to like him, as he was different from all the other men she dated.

A police officer ran out of the Police station. "Detective Hernandez!" he called out.

She turned around and stopped when she saw him.

"We got a report of two cowboys and bikers were shooting and chasing after a young man down by the Paradise Valley Mall. Then before that, there was a shooting at the Sandy Mountain apartment complex. The suspects in both shootings had the same descriptions. Plus, there's a Corolla left in traffic by the mall that belongs to a John Mathers," the officer told her.

"Do you know anything about these bikers?" Alicia asked.

"The Devil's Cowboys," the officer responded.

"Send a unit over to the hangout of the Devil's Cowboys and see if a Bart Stone or Charlie Chandler are hanging out with them. If they are, detain them for questioning," she told the officer.

"In work," the officer replied.

"Thanks," Alicia told the officer who turned around and rushed back to the station.

"Let's go and catch us some outlaws!" Clint said to Angie and looked determined.

Alicia and Clint walked up to her unmarked police car.

Alicia got inside behind the wheel.

Clint stood by the passenger door, confused at this piece of modern technology. He looked confused about how to open the door.

Alicia got out and walked around the car to Clint.

"I forgot you've never been inside a car," she said.

"This thing is called a car?" Clint asked.

"Car or automobile," she said, then opened his door. Clint looked amazed as he got inside. She closed his door and walked back around and got inside behind the wheel.

Clint watched in amazement while Angie started the car and drove off.

He couldn't believe his eyes while he watched Angie drive down the street.

Meanwhile, John sat on the city bus while he drove through the streets of Phoenix. He didn't know where he was going to get off, so he decided to stay seated until something safe came to mind.

Back around the Paradise Valley Mall, the Devil's Cowboys drove down the numerous streets. They all scanned the area for any sightings of John.

Charlie spotted a sexy young woman, twenty-five-years old that wore a sundress that revealed her 38D breasts, while she walked down the sidewalk up ahead. Charlie looked horny while he watched this sexy woman. He leaned closer to Jesse for a closer look at this hot chick.

Jesse's eyes saddened widen in fear when he felt something poking against his back. Jesse screeched his Harley to a stop, and he jumped off. The Harley leaned over, and Charlie fell off and hit the street.

Bear sensed something was wrong, so he stopped his Harley as did the other Devil's Cowboys. He turned around and looked at Jesse.

"What's wrong?" Bear yelled at Jesse.

"Charlie here has a pump tent in his britches!" Jesse yelled back and pointed at Charlie's crotch.

"Sorry. The ladies back home don't walk around half nakie," Charlie said, then blushed.

All of the Devil's Cowboys chuckled at Charlie and Jesse.

"Enough! We got work to do," Bart yelled at everybody.

Jesse got his Harley upright and removed his jean jacket. He rolled it up and placed it at his backside while Charlie got on in back of him. The rolled jacket was for Jesse's backside protection.

"Keep your eyes shut, Charlie!" Jesse ordered.

The Devil's Cowboys rode their Harleys down the street.

Alicia drove her unmarked car down one of the Phoenix streets. Clint looked at the dashboard and was fascinated by all the knobs and gadgets. Alicia reached over and turned on the radio. A Toby Keith song I Love This Bar played on the radio.

Clint looked all around the car and couldn't figure out where country music was coming from. "Where's the band?" he asked her while he continued to look around the car.

Alicia chuckled and pointed to the radio.

"It's called a radio. It plays music," she said.

Clint looked amazed at the radio. "Well, I'll be," he said while he touched the radio, surprised at it.

At the Sandy Mountain apartment complex, Angie finished packing her suitcase, in her bedroom, to visit her parents in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She undressed and walked naked to her bathroom at the other end of her bedroom.

The Devil's Cowboys drove their Harleys with Bart and Charlie to the parking lot of the Sandy Mountain apartment complex. They parked in the lot and turned off their engines.

Bart and Charlie got off the Harleys. "We'll be right back," Bart told Bear, who nodded he understood.

Bart and Charlie rushed to the complex buildings.

Angie finished her shower and stepped out, then she grabbed a towel and dried off.

She left the bathroom and walked to her dresser. She opened up a drawer and removed some panties and a bra. She slipped on the panties, then wore her bra.

Bart and Charlie stood at Angie's apartment door. A woman, fifty-five-years old, just stepped out of her apartment next to Angie's. She glanced over and saw Bart and Charlie. Then she saw Bart kick Angie's door. She got scared and rushed back inside her apartment.

Angie heard her front door being kicked, and it scared the crap of her, and she jumped a mile.

Bart and Charlie entered her living room with their pistols drawn.

"Where are you, Mathers? We want our money!" Angie heard Bart yell out from her living room. She got scared and hid under her bed and prayed she wouldn't be killed.

Off in another area of Phoenix, the bus stopped at a stop near a QuikTrip convenience store. John got off the bus with his duffel bag and backpack and walked over to the pay phone on the wall of the store.

In Angie's apartment, Bart walked over and ransacked a bookcase. He dumped all the contents of the bookcase on the floor.

Charlie opened a closet door. He looked inside and removed a golf club bag full of clubs, and he admired it. He smirked with an idea while he grabbed a nine-iron. He held it in his hands then smashed the club into the drywall.

"Yahooo!" Charlie yelled out while he repeatedly smashed the nine-iron into the drywall.

Angie's cell phone rang on her coffee table.

Bart and Charlie looked around curious for the source of that ringing.

They walked around the room while her cell phone rang and searched for the source of that odd sound.

Bart walked by the coffee table and saw the cell phone. Bart picked it up. He figured out how to open it up then he placed her cell phone to his ear.

"Angie?" John called out from her cell phone. "Angie? Are you there? It's me, John. Get out of your apartment now!" John added from her cell phone.

"Where are you, mister Bandit?" Bart yelled into the phone.

At the payphone at the QuikTrip convenience store, John looked scared when he realized Bart was on Angie's cell phone.

"Bart?" John asked to make sure.

"You need to come to your girlfriends home with our loot. Because when we find her, we'll kill her if you don't," Bart threatened from the phone.

"I'm on my way," John said then hung up the phone.

John looked around the parking lot of the convenience for a ride to Angie's apartment. He saw a woman, about twenty-five years old, at the gas pump, and he rushed over to her.

"Excuse me, I'm desperate for a ride to my girlfriend's house. Can you give me a lift?" he asked.

She looked at his duffel bag and backpack and immediately thought he was a homeless bum and a possible serial killer. "I can't do that," she replied, then stopped pumping gas and placed her nozzle back.

She rushed away from John and headed to the store.

John walked away, disappointed, and headed to the sidewalk.

In Angie's apartment, Bart dropped Angie's cell phone to the floor. He smashed it with his cowboy boot.

Charlie continued to smash everything in sight with the nine-iron club with a cowboy yell.

Bart smiled at the sight of Charlie while he had fun with the golf club. "Let's check the other rooms," Bart told him.

Outside in the parking lot, the Devil's Cowboys waited on their Harleys. Then something felt wrong, and Bear looked at the street. He saw a police car turn into the parking lot.

"Jesse, go get Bart and Charlie. The cops are here. We better git," Bear said.

Jesse acknowledged and got off his Harley. He ran to the apartment buildings.

Bart and Charlie walked down the hallway of Angie's apartment.

Alicia parked her unmarked car near the roped off area in the Phoenix street by the Paradise Valley Mall. She and Clint got out of the car and walked over to where two police officers stood guard over John's Corolla in the street. One of them had some papers on the trunk of the Corolla.

The one officer glanced at Alicia while she walked up to him. "We traced this Corolla to a John Mathers," he said, then picked up the papers and handed them to Alicia.

"Also found these receipts in the glove box," he added then handed her the papers.

Alicia read the first receipt and looked surprised. She read the second receipt, then quickly read the third receipt.

"This is strange, he traded a new Mustang in for this old Corolla and bought a bunch of old gold and silver coins. Why would he do that?" she asked a little baffled.

"Doesn't make sense to me," Clint said.

Alicia and Clint walked back to her unmarked car. Her cell phone rang, and she answered it. Clint curiously watched.


"We got a call that someone broke into an apartment at the Sandy Mountain apartment complex. The apartment belongs to Angie Dawson, and the witness said the Devil's Cowboys were the ones that kicked in the apartment door," Hector said over the phone.

"Could be our guys and maybe she's connected with Mathers," Alicia said.

"I checked where John works, and he had a girlfriend named Angie Dawson according to the employees there," Hector replied over her cell phone.

"I'll check it out," Alicia said then disconnected her call.

Clint looked amazed at the cell phone.

"We believe your two outlaws busted in a girl's apartment, and she might be connected to Mathers," Alicia told Clint.

"Did you get that information from that little contraption?" he asked.

"It's called a cell phone," she said while she showed it to Clint. "You have a lot to learn about the future," she chuckled.

Clint looked in awe at the cell phone. "People of the future sure have fancy gadgets," he said impressed.

Alicia chuckled while they got inside her car.

Back in Angie's apartment, Bart and Charlie opened up Angie's dresser drawers. He dumped out all the contents of the drawers on the floor.

Charlie saw Angie's panties on the floor. He picked up a black pair and looked them over. "Bart, look at these fancy bloomers," he said with a horny grin.

Bart smacked the panties out of his hand. "We don't have time for that. We need to find our loot," he told Charlie.

Under her bed, Angie only saw their cowboy boots. Her eyes welled up, scared to death; they might rape then kill her.

Bart walked to her bed, and she could sense he removed her covers and bed sheet.

"Bart, Bear said the cops might be on their way here. We better leave or risk being arrested," Jesse told Bart and Charlie from the bedroom doorway.

Bart and Charlie ran out of Angie's bedroom.

They ran out of Angie's apartment with Jesse.

Bart, Charlie, and Jesse ran through the apartment complex and got to the Devil's Cowboys.

They quickly got on the Harleys.

The Devil's Cowboys started up their Harleys, and they raced out of the parking lot and to the street.

They raced off down the street.

John saw a man pump gas into his Chevy Silverado pickup truck, and he approached him.

"Excuse me, sir, but I really need to get to my girlfriend's apartment. Can you give me a ride?" he asked the man.

The man looked at John and felt leery of him.

John showed the man an 1882 silver dollar in mint condition. "I can pay for the ride," John said.

The man saw the silver dollar and knew it was worth lots of money. "Sure, why not," the man said, then snatched the silver dollar out of John's hands and placed it in his pocket.

Angie's unmarked car pulled into the parking lot of the Sandy Mountain apartment complex. A police car followed her car for backup. They both parked, and Alicia, Clint, and two police officers rushed to the apartment buildings.

They walked to Angie's apartment and saw the front door was kicked down. Alicia and the other two police officers removed their pistols.

The officers stepped inside while Alicia waited with Clint outside.

A few minutes later, the officers walked back outside. "It's clear," one of the officers told Alicia.

Alicia placed her pistol back in her holster. She entered Angie's apartment, and Clint followed.

Angie's apartment looked like a tornado came through, and the walls are full of holes.

"Let's pray they don't have her," she told Clint while they walked through her living room. They saw the contents of her bookcase on the floor.

She walked over and saw Angie's smashed cell phone on the floor.

Alicia and Clint walked down the hallway.

They entered her bedroom and saw her clothes from her dresser scattered on the floor.

Angie sobbed from under the bed, and Alicia and Clint heard her.

Alicia quickly removed her pistol and aimed it at the bed.

"I'm Detective Alicia Hernandez from the Phoenix Police department. Come out from under the bed."

Angie crawled out, in panties and a bra, from under the bed. Her eyes were red and watery, and she was shaken and scared.

Clint saw Angie, and his eyes widened. He quickly turned away, embarrassed.

"Are you Angie Dawson?" Alicia asked her.

Angie nodded in agreement.

"Do you know a John Mathers?" Alicia asked her.

"He was my boyfriend," Angie responded.

Clint looked around the floor. He saw a tee shirt and jean shorts.

He picked them up, closed his eyes, and handed them to her. "Ma'am."

Angie grabbed the tee shirt and pants and quickly got dressed.

"Do you know where your boyfriend might be at this moment?" Alicia asked.

"I don't know. He became so infatuated with old western outlaws, I broke up with him," Angie said. She looked at Alicia. "I think the guys that broke into my apartment are the same guys that came looking for John at work," Angie said.

"They would be Bart Stone and Charlie Chandler," Clint said.

"Who are you?" Angie asked.

Clint removed his cowboy hat and opened up one eye to make sure Angie was decent. She was decent, so he opened up his other eye. "Ma'am. I'm Clint Bartley, the Marshal of Oak Creek," he said.

"I've never heard of Oak Creek," Angie said.

"It's a long story, and you might not believe it," Alicia said while she patted Clint on his shoulder.

"One yelled out about where's his money. I don't have their money," Angie said.

"Angie, the money has something to do with your boyfriend," Alicia said.

"They robbed the Oak Creek bank before my deputy was shot and killed. John ran off with the loot from what I hear," Clint said.

"Robbed a bank? Killed a deputy?" What the hell is going on?" Angie said, totally confused.

"I'll tell you as soon as we get you to a safe place," Alicia said then thought for a second. "You can stay at my place."

Angie nodded in agreement.

They left her bedroom.

They exited her apartment, and the police officer finished writing on a pad of paper, then he looked at Alicia.

"I have a witness who claims that the two men who broke into Miss Dawson's apartment were bald and wore jean jackets with Devil's Cowboys on the back with a devil in a cowboy hat cartoon," the officer told her while they walked away.

"Devil's Cowboys," she said while they walked to the parking lot.

The man in the Chevy Silverado dropped John off in the parking lot of the Stone Mountain apartment complex.

Alicia made a call on her cell phone while she walked through the parking lot with Clint and Angie.

"Hector, the Devil's Cowboys motorcycle gang broke into Angie Dawson's place. Did you see any movement at their hangouts?" she said into the cell phone.

"It's quiet here," Hector replied from her cell.

"Okay. Let me know when you see them," she said.

"Will do," Hector replied.

She disconnected her call and shoved it in her pants pocket.

John walked through the lot then saw the police car. He got suspicious then ducked behind a parked car.

He peeked over the hood of the car. He saw Angie with Clint, Alicia, and the two police officers while they walked to the police cars. She's safe. He thought to himself, then sat down by the car's wheel.

He peeked above the hood of the car and watched while Alicia's unmarked car drove out of the parking lot with Clint and Angie. The other police car followed Alicia's car.

John sat back down and waited by the wheel of that parked car.