Dawn, The Planet by Sam Goldenberg - HTML preview

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A week later, Monty and Alicia were lolling about on the grassy bank of the river, enjoying a long breakfast on their monthly rotation rest period. Alicia looked at him, frowning. “There’s a question that needs answering. What are you going to do?”

Monty was lying on his back, his head propped on his hands, staring at the azure sky framed by the white-peaked mountains. “Me? I’m no longer under punishment. I’m a sluice box operator once again, stationed here.” He was teasing her now, prolonging the answer she really wanted.

He chuckled as he saw her roll her eyes. She pulled his head up towards her and bit his ear so that he winced. “You’re an excellent digger of gold, Monty Dore, but there are other places to dig for gold besides river banks. In case you missed it, that’s sexual innuendo.”

He laughed. “Alicia, I love you very much, and I’m asking you to couple with me.” Her face lit with a huge smile, and she was about to throw her arms about his neck. “No, wait. For the sake of the others who believe they’re mourning Syd, let’s hold off a few days. Otherwise, they’ll think we lack class. Besides, Robert deserves some grieving. He’d probably be alive today if he hadn’t rescued Syd.”

Alicia nodded and sighed. “I can just see what life with you will be like. Two steps forward, one step back. At least there’s progress — you’ve proposed.”

“Right, and I still don’t have an answer.”

“I gave you my answer two years ago. You’ve only just now caught up with the question.” He reached for her hand, raised it to his lips and kissed it.

They waited another seven shifts Petition to couple could not be made directly to the camp commander but needed to go through the human supervisor. Since Joshua was not scheduled to visit, they met with Noah and stated their intention to couple. Ernie and Thelma accompanied them and made the same request.

Teen-aged Noah tried his best to look severe as he contemplated the two couples and cautioned them: “If you couple, you can’t couple with no one else. My pappy don’t want trouble. You will live in the couples cave. If you have children, they will be slaves. Are you sure you want to couple?”

“Oh, for God’s sake, Noah,” snapped Thelma. “I’m old enough to be your mother.”

Noah, clearly ill at ease, blushed.

“Never mind her,” Alicia said. “Some of us younger ones need good advice. Who knows what these men are up to.”

Noah made the request to the camp commander who insisted on a meeting.

“Do the human females understand that they are coupling with two human males who were accused of aiding and abetting the escape of a slave, were punished, and now have been restored to the regular work force?”

The two women nodded. “We do, your honour.”

“Do the human females realize that if the human males misbehave again, you will be implicated as well?”

“We understand that very well, your honour.”

“Then you may couple. Noah will direct you where to live. The cave for couples has been completed.”

They returned to join the group where they were feted with extra beer and toasts for a long and happy life together. They danced to Jeff’s harmonica music, and for awhile, forgot about their situation and the recent death of one of them. The yellow sun was well up when they finally decided to turn in. The singles were still living in tents, but the two couples moved to their cave. At this time, they were the only couples.

The cave was very large and divided into compartments separated from each other by heavy curtains which masked most sound and gave a sense of privacy. Each compartment contained a double cot and a shelving unit with towels and blankets. A single lamp hanging from the low ceiling lit up the space. The only other furniture in the cave was a row of tables and chairs down the centre between the curtained enclosures.

Noah showed the two couples several compartments and then let them select. They chose compartments on opposite sides of the cave and at the front, where some natural light seeped in over the leading edge of the curtain.

Monty and Alicia stood facing each other, holding hands. Each had imagined a slow, sensual build-up and foreplay leading to the actual act of love, but as they embraced and felt each other’s body, the accumulation of longing, desire and lust flooded through them. They tore off their clothing and, their bodies intertwined, collapsed, moaning and writhing on the cot. Afterwards, Monty lay on his back, Alicia climbed onto him, chucking her head under his chin. “That was wonderful,” she sighed, “but too fast.”

Desire soon aroused them again. This time, tenderly and slowly, they fondled each other, long, tonguing kisses building up the lust for each other until the cataclysmic climax of release. They slept then for a few hours and made love again when they awoke.

“Alicia, what if you get pregnant?”

She laced her fingers into his beard and pulled it gently. “Typical man. You’ve had your fun, now you’re worried about the consequences.”

“I’m not worried about fathering a child again. I’m worried about you and the future for a child on this planet.”

“Well, stop worrying. I figure I’m only fertile just before and during the rotation.”

In their enclosure, Ernie and Thelma quickly removed their clothing, and then stood a long time in a tight embrace until they too tumbled onto the cot and consummated their love and longing for each other.

“We’re living in a shitty situation,” Thelma muttered happily, cuddling alongside him “But at least we can make love without feeling guilt or remorse.”

“Where shall we go for our honeymoon?”

Thelma laughed. “And they say you have no humour. I’m thinking of a resort on a river where we can spend a lot of time outdoors. Where the meals are served and the drinks are free. And where we have our own private quarters.”

Ernie raised himself on one elbow. “These private quarters remind me of an Asian brothel.”

“Ernie, how would you know what an Asian brothel looks like?”

“I saw it in a documentary.”

She climbed onto him. “Well, I will be your exclusive harlot, and we can talk about compensation some other time.”

At the pre-shift meal on the river bank, they had to undergo the usual jokes about how both women looked tired, and the men worn out. Some in the group announced they were thinking of following suit and coupling.

“We’ve decided to watch for awhile how you make out before going ahead,” said a young woman.

“I refuse to be a role model,” Alicia countered. “It’s too much responsibility. Besides, Monty’s a poor choice of example. He drinks beer morning and night and has put me out to work instead of lapping me with the luxury for which I was intended.”

Thelma chuckled. “Poor choice of words, Alicia. I’m sure Monty enjoys lapping you.”

The arrival of a rocket ship interrupted them. Even in the twilight, they could make out the huge figure of Joshua leading about a dozen slaves towards the camp.

“These are couples from the old camp,” Joshua announced as they passed the group. “We’re starting to move here.”

He led them downriver to the couples quarters.

Alicia noted with disgust: “Joe and Hilda are with us again.”

Joe did not look at them, but Hilda smiled pleasantly. Some of the couples had children in tow; one woman carried a baby on her back.

“Looks like we’ll have company tonight,” observed Ernie.

“Be on your guard, you guys,” warned Deng Lee. “Those two are trouble. I’ve heard stories.”

“What kind of stories?” asked Alicia.

“They like to swing, and Joe can be pretty pushy.”

“Well, we don’t,” Monty said. “End of story.”

“I know you don’t. For chrissake, all I’m saying is watch out for those two. If you need help, just shout.”

Joshua returned at that moment and beckoned Rebecca to join him. The two sat down on the river bank away from Monty and his group.

Alicia watched them and then said quietly, “There’s something happening. That is not a pleasant conversation.”

Rebecca was crying. Joshua put a reassuring arm around her. Noah sat down beside them and listened intently. He too seemed upset by what Joshua was telling him. Rebecca pointed towards the group and said something to her father. He shook his head at first, and finally nodded. Rebecca came over and motioned Monty to come with her. They walked out of earshot.

“The Doctor believes Syd may still be alive, and the dead body is his brother, Robert. The Doctor says that his oath as a doctor requires him to report this to the authorities. That would mean they would continue to hunt for Syd, and my pappy punished.” A sob caught her voice and she stopped to get control of herself.

“I bet,” Monty said, “that the Doctor’s conscience would be helped if you were his mate, because his responsibility as your husband would be superior to his oath as a doctor.”

She looked at him in astonishment. “That’s almost exactly what he told my father.”

My God, thought Monty, how low can you get — blackmailing an innocent, vulnerable girl.

Rebecca turned to face him. “You found the body in the cave. I confess I knew it wasn’t Syd’s, but I pretended so the authorities would not hunt for him. Do you know whether Syd is alive?”

“Yes, he’s alive. I saw him in the cave when I found Robert’s body. A few days later, he contacted me at the birthing cavern.”

A radiant smile washed across her face and, for a brief moment, banished all the problems that were creasing her forehead.

“When does the Doctor expect an answer?” Monty asked.

“The Doctor will be along in a few days to inspect the clinic, and to make sure it is set up to administer to all the slaves when they move here. He will want an answer then. I don’t know what to do.”

She began to sob as she wrestled with the impossible choices before her.

Monty sought to reassure her. “Rebecca, there’s no doubt that the Doctor has presented us with a difficult problem. But we have some time. Let me discuss the problem with some of my friends who know Syd is alive. We’re a very brainy bunch, and I’m certain we can come up with ideas. In the meantime, your father should tell the Doctor you are thinking it over.”

Monty pulled Alicia, Ernie, Thelma and Jeff aside. Monty related his conversation with Rebecca which sparked a heated discussion. At first, anger and invective were levelled at the Doctor, and then, slowly, a plan emerged, debated and agreed upon. The two couples went off to their quarters.

Jeff returned to the tent area. He said quietly to Rebecca as he passed her, “We have an idea that might help. When the Doctor arrives, and if he presses you for a decision, tell him you need a few more hours.”

“Hi, newlyweds!”

Joe and Hilda sat at the table beside Monty and Alicia’s sleeping enclosure. Joe stood up and held out a hand. When no one reached for it, he said, “Ah, come on. Let’s let bygones be bygones. Surely we can agree to disagree.”

“The news of our nuptials gets around quickly,” Monty commented. “It hasn’t even appeared in the local newspaper yet.”

“It’s the look on your faces,” said Hilda, her voice soft and sultry.

“You two guys seem to have done very well,” Joe said with an appreciative smirk.

Monty ignored the remark. “Why were you moved here?”

“There was very little gold left. The singles are cleaning it up. They’ll be along soon. Being a big producer didn’t help you very much, and it sure didn’t help the guy who escaped. Maybe you’ll listen to me now.”

“And if we don’t,” Ernie said, “which one of us will get beaten up next?”

Joe turned angrily to him. “Hey, that wasn’t my doing. Thanks to you, I took the fall. But I’m willing to forgive and to forget. I’m trying to be neighbourly.”

“We’re all living together now. Let’s not fight,” Hilda said.

“Yeah,” agreed Joe. “Let’s call it a truce.”

They talked for awhile longer, the conversation fitful and flagging. Finally, they said goodnight and retreated to their enclosures.

“Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon but remember, you have to work tomorrow,” was Joe’s parting remark.

Monty tied the ribbon that secured their enclosure. Alicia sat down on a corner of the cot, her back to him. She would not simply succumb to the desire and passion demands of her body; she wanted to be seduced. Monty placed a hand on her shoulder, under the overall strap, and then slid it down, fondling a breast, and then lower still. She fell back into his arms and they kissed, a long lingering kiss, their tongues embracing. After they made love, Monty lay on his back, Alicia beside him. For a brief moment, he remembered his other wife and family, and a wave of guilt and remorse swept over him. Then he reminded himself that he hadn’t chosen this situation, that the other family was gone, along with memories of another planet, another life. He did not doubt his love for Alicia. That’s what he had to concentrate on.

“Monty, these are not nice people.” Shattered out of his thoughts, for a moment he believed Alicia was referring to the family in his memory. “Deng Lee is right. I don’t like the way Hilda looks at you, and I certainly don’t like the way Joe looks at me. No matter how friendly they’re pretending to be, they’re going to be trouble.”

“Alicia, how can they cause us trouble? Joshua will make sure Joe behaves. The only time we’re alone with them, if at all, is when we return here. We’ll just avoid them.”


He wasn’t sure what she meant by that. He pulled her onto his body, and she tucked her head under his chin. He ran his hand up and down her back, relishing its smoothness and the dip at her waist rising to the round firm buttocks. She felt his desire returning and, although she tried to prolong its consummation, she soon gave way to her own passion.

The next night, Hilda and Joe were again at the table near their enclosure. They talked for a few minutes, and then Monty insisted they needed their sleep and said good night. Thelma and Ernie had earlier disappeared into their compartment.

The next few shifts were almost joyful for Monty and Alicia. They had each other to look forward to after the day was over. Their happiness and that of Thelma and Ernie permeated the post-shift meal and affected their little group. The only black cloud on their horizon was the upcoming confrontation with the Doctor, but even Rebecca seemed to forget about it and joined in the gaiety.

The men’s and women’s quarters were completed and the tents were taken down. The single slaves moved into the prepared caves. A week later, several aircraft arrived and more slaves from the old camp joined them.

Warriors and slaves cleared a level area in the trees that nestled against the first slopes leading to the mountain. They also took down the camp commander’s tent. Later on that day, two rocket ships arrived. One dangled Joshua’s house in a wire sling. Hovering, and slowly descending, the ship lowered the house onto the flat area, then moved off to its usual landing site. The other ship carried the camp commander’s office and set it where the tent had been.

More slaves debarked from the rocket ships and joined the encampment. Joshua assigned each a place in the cave and a shift. Then he and Emily, Rebecca and Noah entered their house. From the entrance, they had a superb view of the camp. The clinic lay in a straight line before them. Between them and the clinic, they could see the food wagon and lines of slaves. To the right of the clinic, the grassy bank of the river led to the camp commander’s office. Further on were the staked areas.

The Doctor had also arrived and had taken up residence in a tent beside the clinic. The presence of the Doctor intimidated Rebecca, and she was sullen and morose during the post-shift meal which she ate with the group. Her dread mounted as she saw the Doctor leave the clinic and walk towards her. Alicia and Monty exchanged glances, and Monty nodded.

As the Doctor reached the group, there was a general exchange of greetings and pleasantries. He congratulated Alicia and Monty, Thelma and Ernie. Finally, the Doctor looked at Rebecca and said, “I wonder if you can join me in the clinic. I would like us both to understand what is available and what we still require.”

Rebecca didn’t move. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to finish my meal first.”

The Doctor frowned. “We don’t have much time. We must make sure the clinic is complete before we have casualties. I don’t know how forthcoming our new masters will be, but we have to be prepared.”

Alicia stood up. “Doctor McCullough, while Rebecca is finishing her meal, I would like to ask you something.”

Reluctantly, the Doctor nodded. “Certainly. Go ahead.”

“It’s not something I want to discuss publicly. It’s kind of personal.”

The Doctor stepped back from the group and Alicia joined him. She whispered, “Look, it has to do with our coupling. I know it’s just a short time. but I missed my period two days ago. If I’m pregnant, I want you to do something about it. Can we talk in your tent or the clinic? I’d like Monty to join us but not Rebecca. She’s too young.”

The Doctor paused, wrestling with his eagerness for Rebecca and his duty as a doctor. “Ok. Come on over. Rebecca, I’ll be back shortly. Monty, Alicia wants you along.”

Monty looked embarrassed and followed them. They entered the clinic. The Doctor sat on the one chair and motioned them to sit on a cot.

“So, you think you’re pregnant. There could be many reasons why your period missed apart from pregnancy. It could be simply delayed. Maybe you should just wait a few days.”

“Doctor,” said Monty quietly, “that’s not what we want to talk about. We want to discuss your belief that your duty requires you to reveal that the body was not Syd’s. We feel you are putting yourself in mortal danger, and we have decided to warn you. After all, we slaves have to stick together, and protect each other.”

The Doctor jumped up. “It’s none of your goddamn business. My duty was discussed with Joshua and nobody else.”

“Well, Joshua felt you were about to imperil yourself and asked our advice. We agreed to warn you.”

The Doctor strode up and down the clinic. “It’s his daughter you’re all concerned about. Whether Syd is alive or dead makes no difference. He’s dead to her. So why can’t I have her. I can give her a better life than any of you.”

“That’s fine with us if she reaches that conclusion herself and does so voluntarily. But if she says no, and you reveal the true identity of the body, you’re the one they will kill. Everyone else involved will simply claim ignorance. Sure, Joshua may lose his position, but you’ll be dead.”

“What are you talking about? Why would they kill me?”

“How long have you known the body was not Syd’s? About a month? Why didn’t you tell them immediately? You’ve held critical information back a month? You might get away with withholding information from the previous camp commander, but not this guy. Our new masters are the Gestapo, the SS.”

Alicia added, “You knew Robert was alive when you saw the arrow. Joshua is in the clear. He told everyone there was a second person. They didn’t believe him because he said it was a spirit. But you knew and you didn’t tell the authorities.”

The reference to his brother re-awoke the Doctor’s grief. Unashamedly, he allowed the tears to wend their way down his shaven cheeks.

“Twice I’ve mourned my brother. Twice I’ve gone through the trauma of his death. He was my twin, my soul mate. We were so very close. We knew what the other was thinking. I could finish his sentences, and he mine. The first time I thought him dead, it was at least an accident —tragic — but an accident. But his real death was not an accident. There’s no doubt in my mind that saving Syd killed Robert.

“You might be right,” Monty said. “We don’t know the whole story. But consider why Syd rebelled. You owe him something.”

“ I owe Syd nothing. If our captors knew he was alive, they’d hunt him down and kill him.”

“You’d never know,” said Monty. “You’d be dead, killed the moment you revealed the body was not Syd’s. We don’t want to see you dead. We need a Doctor. We owe nothing to our masters. We’re all slaves here — our duty is to each other.”

“Doctor McCullough,” Alicia said, “if it’s difficult for you to work closely with Rebecca, leave her out of the clinic. She’s quite happy gold panning. Perhaps, in time, she’ll get over her infatuation with Syd and respond to you. She’s always talked about her admiration and affection for you. Maybe a cooling off period will do you both good.”

The Doctor heaved a long sigh. His threat had all been a bluff anyway in the hope of forcing Rebecca to mate with him. He loved her very much — too much, he decided — it had affected him ethically, caused him to engage in behaviour that he would have condemned in a previous life. At a profound level, he felt responsible for killing his brother, and these feelings of guilt and remorse mixed with his grief.

The Doctor sighed again, looked at the two, his hatred of them barely contained.

“Tell Rebecca I will call her in only when absolutely necessary. If she prefersgold panning, so be it. In time, I may select someone else. As for you two, there’s not much I can do if Alicia becomes pregnant. Now, I have work to do.”