Dead Watchers by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


[Anton Juttner Koppe]



A heavy crunching could be heard as two men marched over the gravel parking lot. Tightening his black leather glove Anton motioned his hand forward and his fellow members surrounded a small synagogue. A thin man with a swastika on the back of his head approached Anton who asked, “Are your Hammerskins in their places?” The man nodded “yes…but this is just a threat right? I mean your actually not planning on doing anything drastic right?” Anton pulled his leather gloves tighter onto his hands, “whatever happens in there you let me do the thinking for the Waffen-SS Werewolf. You got it?” The man straightened his black leather jacket as he replied “alright but you’re not going to do anything too crazy are you?” “My, my, my, my Mr. Hammond do I suspect a little sympathy for the Zionist pigs? You and your Hammerskins cheer loudly for a Fourth Reich and now this! You’re lucky my father and I haven’t castrated you for showing up without your uniform. You and your Hammerskins are just recruits, but the uniform is code! If you want in with this army you best remember your brown shirt…you get me?” The hooked nosed man shook his bald head, “I didn’t think you would want to draw so much attention. I hate the ZOG and all those Zionist pigs…it’s just, this is a holy spot. It’s one thing if it’s at a carnival or a school…this is God’s house.”

“Mr. Hammond if you knew anything about history you would realize that God has forsaken them for taking his only son. We are just going to help him along.” “What do you mean help along?” Anton smiled, “The Fourth Reich begins with a statement and what a better statement than one made in revenge. Strength lies not in defense Mr. Hammond but in attack. This is the Waffen-SS Werewolf’s greatest moment to show the world that all of Nazi Germany did not surrender. We must continue the f ight to achieve the ultimate victory Mr. Hammond. For in the end it is not the truth that matters but only victory.” Mr. Hammond stared stupidly at him “look, you just make sure nobody can escape alright?” He nodded “no problem there, the only exits are the front door here and the basement door.” Anton nodded, “good…very good,” he stepped forward. Anton began to climb the stairs when “yuck,” he yelled as he stepped onto a piece of chewed gum. Anton scrapped the gum off as he shined up his high military boot. Anton knew he must look weird being one of the few men in the world to sport an actual Nazi SS outf it. His outfit was worn by an actual SS of f ceri for Hitler’s most loyal and fanatical soldiers. It was only fitting that our soldiers would wear it being the few to still swear undying loyalty to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.

However things had changed over the past three years. The Fuhrer couldn’t be found and soon our numbers began to drop in every chapter that my father and I created. My father and I were desperate, Odessa was desperate. We needed men, so we turned to the only supporters we knew we could get, Skinheads and Neo-Nazis. Their beliefs were based on the advancement of the white race. The Waffen-SS Werewolf has sought out its Fuhrer to rescue us…help establish an army of his most loyal solders and create a new Reich…the Fourth Reich. An all Aryan race was on the back burner for the Waffen-SS Werewolf and Odessa. I wish I could have killed that Mr. Hammond, every member knew to wear the uniform even if they were new recruits. However our numbers were too low, Odessa and the Waffen-SS Werewolf needed every man.

“Oh and Mr. Hammond,” the short bald headed man walked up, “yes Anton…sir?” Straightening my Nazi hat I gave a soft, “follow me please and don’t talk…your stupidity will be reflected onto me and our operation.” I opened the door to a completely full synagogue. I watched as all of them were worshiping a god that had forsaken them a long time ago. I just hoped wherever the Fuhrer was, he knew that he still had loyal soldiers looking for him. An organization named Odessa in South America was keeping all of us connected. Helping our soldiers keep our oath alive. An oath we took to serve Hitler and the Reich until our death, until his death, and even beyond that. An oath to continue Germany’s war and create a better Germany under the National Socialist banner. Odessa united only those groups that wished to continue the war. The groups that wanted to continue to fight and restore the once great Third Reich under a new and greater banner. These Skinheads and Neo-Nazis were fools blinded by their hatred of color. They knew nothing of National Socialism, war, or the Third Reich. However Operation Iron Sky could only advance through numbers and in the end that was all Odessa, my father, and I had or needed.

They all stopped and turned to stare at Mr. Hammond and me. It must have been a strange sight a 19 year old boy with brown eyes and pale skin wearing an authentic SS Nazi uniform. I straightened my leather gloves as I said with a snide, “oh I didn’t mean to interrupt you please continue with your false prayers.” I smiled laughing a little, a couple from the far end of the church rose from the pews. “YOU,” they screamed as an older, chubbier woman pointed at me. They all looked scared like pigs on their way to the slaughter house. Terror seemed to fill each tear soaked eye. It wasn’t every day that the murderer of two people showed up at their victim’s own funeral.

“How dare you show your face here…why isn’t the sheriff arresting you,” “quiet you old fool!” My demeaning voice seemed to over power the old dark skinned man. “If I wanted to speak to a spook, I’d shop at the Family Dollar!” The insult seemed to offend the entire church because nobody spoke, “I don’t take insults, speak about, or let alone speak to an old…” the intake of breath when the “n” word was dropped was astonishing. But I finished my sentence as if saying the “n” word was as natural as breathing. The congregation was silent as I walked down the middle of the pews.

The couple still stood and as I came closer to them finally able to put names to the blurry faces. “Mr. And Mrs. McLaughin,” my sneer did not have the same comedic impact that I had thought. “You’re a monster,” Mrs. McLaughin whispered, her pudgy face was red and tear soaked. Mr. McLaughin who had always reminded me of the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. He was skinny and had straw colored hair which sat like a pile of dead grass on his head. “How’s the family,” I sniggered. Mr. McLaughin’s face was filled with utmost hatred, “you have a rotten soul!” Wagging my gloved finger at him, “you would not believe how many times I have heard that…as a matter of fact the first time that I ever heard it was with your daughter.”

(March 21, 2005)

Stephanie McLaughin was the most popular and beautiful girl I had ever met. And she was all mine, she was the pick of the litter. Odessa’s money tended to do that. Her straight blonde hair hung like sheets as her rosy red cheeks matched the red glow in her skinny lips. She had green eyes and a smile that glimmered like a thousand pearls. She told me she was pure Aryan and of pure German blood, the kind I only dated. We were walking around town several miles from the synagogue. She grabbed my hand as we passed by a particular hole in the wall place with a large red swastika on it. “Oh poor Mother Agwe look at what those racists did to the front of her store.” Stephanie replied sounding upset at the sight of the Swastika. “Poor lady, she is the best and really good…they call her the Queen of the Other Side.” Stephanie pulled me closer to the door but I stopped, “it looks like a place for voodoo.” She nodded, “Mother Agwe is considered the mother of Southern Voodoo and Head Priestess of Hoodoo. We should get her to read our future!” “And you expect her to simply tell our future just like that,” she smiled “you got money right?” I frowned, “money can’t buy everything.” Ignoring my comment she gave another pull of my hand and we entered the store.

It was the darkest room that I had ever seen shelves upon shelves lined the room creating many walkways. Each shelf contained different powders, bags, dolls, trinkets, and other voodoo related merchandise. Many different herbs and objects hung from the ceiling and even a whole shelf dedicated to skulls of humans and animals. There was a faint smell in the air, vanilla mixed with another pleasant smell that I couldn’t put my fi nger on. A heavy set woman with skin as dark as the room glared at us as we entered her little shop. A purple turban sat upon her head as large hooped earrings jingled in her cauliflower ears. Her face had a melted wax look to it as her nose seemed to have been broken many times. “Get out of here you racist Aryan Guard…” I raised my hand “no we aren’t with the Aryan Guard!” Her voice was rough as she yelled, “no children allowed in this store!” “Mother Agwe we are here to talk with you,” her lips thinned as her face turned in disbelief. “Mother Agwe has nothing to talk to you about.” I grabbed Stephanie’s hand, “come on we should go.” She shook her head, “we want you to read our future like you do for all the other kids.” “Mother Agwe doesn’t do sorcery or private rituals,” Stephanie nudged me motioning towards Mother Agwe.

I walked closer to the wooden counter seeing candles lit in a room directly behind her. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a twenty. I slid it over the counter towards her. I felt disgusted giving my money to her, but love always required a price. “Mother Agwe can’t be bought with your blood stained money.” I dug into my pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. My father and I had received it from Odessa and placed what looked to be a hundred dollars onto the counter. She stared down at the money and then back up at me, “future huh?” Stephanie came forward, “yeah just our future like you did for Ryan Thompson and Jackie Witherspoon.” She shook her head “I don’t know what you children are talking about! However, if you’re willing to make a donation to my shop that is something I’m willing to accept.” I looked at Stephanie who nodded, “alright it’s a donation.” Mother Agwe took the money showing disgust as she did. She motioned towards the room fi lled with all the candles, “in here.”

The room stunk of cheap incense and the only light being cast was by the hundreds of candles surrounding a lone round desk. A purple tablecloth with strange symbols covered the table, “maybe this isn’t such a good idea?” Stephanie smiled at me, “don’t you want to know the future…our future?” I smiled, “I know my future, there’s nothing that I need to know.” “Well,” she said thinking slightly to herself, “what about your past?” “My past,” I repeated “I know my past…I mean, it’s MY past after all I lived it you know?” She laughed a little, “I mean your past life.” I laughed, “Who cares about that shit,” looking a little hurt she shrugged it off with an “I want to know you…your soul.” Her hand rested upon my heart and I smiled, “alright Steph I’ll do it for you.”

She smiled when a booming voice yelled “alright, alright gather around the table you two!” Her water colored moo-moo swished as she moved her large belly around the table. She straightened her turban as she waved them into the seats, “what were you all looking for again?” “I want to know our future,” Mother Agwe turned to me. I could almost taste the dislike. “I…well…my past,” I could feel my brain shutting down under the woman’s stare, “past lives, mhm?” Her cold eyes were filled with a dislike that I had seen many times on another person. “Spoiled little rich boy wants to know if he was rich in his past life huh?” I felt Stephanie grip my hand, “no I want my girlfriend to see who I really am…” I pointed to Stephanie and then back at me “we’re engaged.”

Mother Agwe nodded, “so if you are getting married you must know everything about each other already.” Stephanie gave a nervous laugh, “no my friends came here and had their fortunes read so we decided to come in and have…you know a little fun.” The very room seemed to grow icy as the candles fluttered like a giant wind had passed through. “Fun,” Stephanie looked to me and I looked just as dumbfounded as she did. “Fun,” repeated Mother Agwe, Stephanie had clearly said the wrong word. “You think my rituals are mere parlor tricks like some common magician?” I smiled “well you honestly don’t really believe in this mumbo jumbo right? You give false hope with false merchandise.” Her fi st landed on the table as it shook violently, “I do not practice mumbo jumbo!” She stood “I am the Queen of the Other Side!” She marched to a wooden box in the far corner of the room and opened it with a wave of her hand.

Stephanie looked scared but I gave a disbelieving smirk. Mother Agwe brought forth a small black bottle. “Do you have any idea what this is?” Stephanie and I stared at a dropper filled with a black liquid. Strange writing appeared on the bottle very similar to the writing on the purple tablecloth. “Could you even wrap your tiny suburban minds around this?” Stephanie gripped my hand as I said, “look first off you know nothing about me because I am not a rich spoiled American snob! I’m German born and raised in Russia. I have been nothing but polite to you spook and all you do is treat us like dumb crackers…you’re disgusted with the fact that we’re white!” “Color does not matter to Mother Agwe but it matters to people like you…fools like you with limited minds, so consumed with your hatred and embrace of Nazi ideology…” She froze as she leaned in closer to me. “What does color matter in the afterlife? I have been to places that are deeper than the shallow existence you live.” “Shallow…me…” she snarled at Anton “Shallow like your Aryan Guard friends!”

“He isn’t part of any hate group,” Stephanie shouted at her and continued, “Everybody harbors some racism it’s a proven fact!” Anton stood up as Mother Agwe flashed the dropper “I asked you a question boy!” Anton shrugged trying not to kill her where she stood. Stephanie was the only thing that mattered to him. He had given up everything to keep her happy, even his belief in the Fourth Reich. However, those feelings that he tried to repress were now at the boiling point. Anton swallowed as he replied, “I don’t know but by the color I would say I’ll be pissing blood for a week!” Stephanie gave a nervous giggle, but Mother Agwe heaved in pure rage holding the tiny bottle. “This is called Devil’s Juice…one drop dulls the pain…two drops kills the pain…three drops and you go insane.” “Insanity from three drops of some strange liquid,” Anton smirked. Mother Agwe growled even louder “three drops from this liquid and you will become my soldier…my slave…just like those fools that follow you like sheep!” She began to laugh wildly. Her laugh was high and cold as her eyes seemed to bulge out of her head. Anton took Stephanie’s hand as I began to pull her away, “look you can just keep the money alright we are going to go.” But Mother Agwe did not even seem to notice, her laugh was wild and insane, “and you wouldn’t even know it!”

“Ok crazy lady, I am just going to leave with my fiancée,” Mother Agwe gripped her heaving breast as she gave a wave, “just as well, you both are so shallow I was able to read you the moment you walked in.” “Read us the moment we walked in…really,” Anton said letting the anger rise inside him, “shallow” scoffed Stephanie. “You know people told me you were mean, but they didn’t say that you were a bitch!” Stephanie’s comment did not even seem to resonate with her, “I have seen into both your souls…” “Come on let’s go,” Anton growled motioning Stephanie out the door. “Wait,” yelled Mother Agwe, which made us both stop in our tracks. “The afterlife requires that all debts be paid,” shaking his head, “consider it a real donation.” “NO,” yelled Mother Agwe “I can’t allow that!” Before he could respond Mother Agwe turned to Stephanie, “I wouldn’t marry him if I were you.” Anton felt his heart drop, “excuse me,” he said not able to hide his shock. “He is a hiding a deep secret from you. He has a rotten soul,” “a rotten…” but his voice fell silent when his fiancée released his hand. “What is the secret? What did you see,” Mother Agwe seemed to have caught her attention. “The secret lies in his heart and his entire life before you. His line is fi lled with rotten and horrible people.”

Mother Agwe had a big mouth, so Anton began to laugh, “from a thirty second observation…this is a joke right?” “Who did you see,” Mother Agwe waved her hand airily “many unknown people, old Nazi soldiers…for some reason a werewolf…and his father.” She said raising a finger continuing, “I did see somebody in particular.” “Stephanie,” Anton yelled watching Mother Agwe entrance her “who did you see?” Her voice lowered, “Hitler,” his laugh was so loud that it seemed to jolt Stephanie back to her senses. “You can’t believe this,” she just stared at Anton and then back at Mother Agwe “are you sure of this?” “He’s not related to Hitler by any means, its just his life revolves around him and his regime.” “I don’t worship Hitler,” Anton had to steady his voice to bury the lie. “Believe me child, Mother Agwe is never wrong.” She stared at me and repeated “his soul is rotten...right to the core.” Stephanie shook her head, “but he is the nicest, sweetest man I have ever met.” “You must look under the apple my child, look deeper into his eyes, his life…into his past. In them I guarantee you will find the answers. In them you will see his true self...the one he keeps hidden from you.” “Alright that’s enough!” Anton grabbed Stephanie’s hand, “I don’t know who you are but you don’t know me or anything about me! My father and I escaped Russia and found refuge in America and this is how I am treated! We’re leaving!” Stephanie followed me out the door with Mother Agwe saying, “Heed my words child, he is a rotten child with a rotten soul!”


The scene exited my mind as I stared at the silent crowd. “I’m sorry I must have dazed off there for a second.” I began to walk towards the two coffins which sat at the front of the synagogue. “GET AWAY FROM THEM,” screamed Mrs. McLaughin. She began to tug on her husband’s arm, “Oh why isn’t the sheriff and his men doing anything?” I walked closer to the coffins taking in Stephanie’s final appearance. “Don’t worry Mrs. McLaughin we won’t be expecting any intruders. My storm troopers have seen to that.” “How dare you even show your face here…dressed like that!” Anton began to laugh as another “darkie” rose from his pew. “How dare you show dishonor to their memories!” “Shut up,” I yelled staring at him, “I admire bravery, but I despise foolishness.” The man pointed a finger, “dressed in an outfit like that who is the foolish one?” Another “darkie” stood up “who is this little prick anyway?” She was dressed in a hot pink suit that looked like it was from the fifties. The man yelled “this is the man that killed Derek and Stephanie!” “YOU ARE THE ONE THAT KILLED MY SON,” she yelled as the other man yelled, “He has been all over the news!” The woman began to march towards Anton, “I’m going to kill him myself!”

The woman’s heels clicked on the synagogue’s hard wood floor. The rabbi seemed to stand in his spot behind his pulpit never moving or saying a word. I withdrew my pistol and pointed it to the advancing woman. “I would sit down if I was you,” the woman stopped in her tracks. “The next move you make better be to your seat,” her face was contorted with such rage “I hope you lower your pistol. The moment you do I’m coming for you.” “Please do, I would love to put down another Ni…” the congregation gasped when I dropped the “n” word again. “I have already put down one with it so far. I think your son can vouch for that?” “You racist monster,” “MONSTER,” I yelled. “ can I be racist? She was the one that lied to me and told me she was pure German. She was really half German and half Jewish! Now you tell me who really is a monster, hmm?” Your spook son was poisoning an innocent white girl…the mixing of races! I believe Kipling said it best ‘let the corn be all one sheaf and the grapes be all one vine’.” I turned to Stephanie’s parents. “You should be ashamed, letting your daughter intermingle with a darkie…betraying her race. You should be lying in coffins too.” Stephanie’s father clenched his sobbing wife, “your racism blinds you! What happened to you…you used to be so polite and kind.” The gun trembled in my hand, “I have never been kind! It was an act, an act for Stephanie! I tried to be a better person for her! I tried to put it all behind me and live a normal life, but now this newfound racism has freed me! My oath to the Fuhrer fuels me, and now I see clearly again! I see a bunch of traitors before me! Half German or not you have betrayed your people and country! You should have buried your polluted Zionist blood!”

Lowering the pistol I walked forward several inches. “Half breeds or not you are traitors to the Reich and to the Fuhrer. You should have continued the fight until your very deaths! We are much larger than this and only the Waffen-SS Werewolf continues the war! My newfound racism blinds me…HA! T his all coming from a man that the Fuhrer would have ordered me to hang for treason and having polluted blood! You should have been fighting with Odessa instead of living with these spooks and pathetic Americans.”

“Waffen-SS Werewolf…Odessa…continuing the war…what war… do you mean World War Two? We’re not a hundred percent German...” “You’re a bunch of mutts Mr. McLaughin…breeding like dogs in an alley.” I laughed as Mrs. McLaughin continued, “Just because she fell in love with another boy doesn’t give you any right! Why did you take my baby away from me?” The “darkie” woman made a couple of steps towards me. I saw my mistake and raised the gun again. POP! The gun went off like a fire cracker as the woman took it right in her left breast. Her eyes bulged as she fell to the ground. The congregation roared as a man began to run towards the fallen woman. “Everybody shut up and stay where you are!” My voice rang like a church bell as everybody froze in their spots. “I can’t believe your doing this Anton! All this, all of it, because my daughter had fallen in love with somebody else, you’re insane!” Mrs. McLaughin’s question did not seem to register with me.

I stared down at the dying woman. I felt no pity, no remorse, I just raised my head smiling to the congregation. “This is war Mrs. McLaughin…war. In peace sons bury their fathers in war fathers bury their sons. Now, I don’t have time for all this! I have come here to let you know that you’re all traitors to your race…” I turned to the other side of the congregation. “Yes even darkies can be traitors to their race, because you won’t stay in your place.” I began to move down the middle of the pews “You’re all a crime against humanity and must pay for your treachery.” They all looked confused and terrified. Mr. McLaughin yelled “you can’t shoot all of us!” I smiled, “no you’re right even with all my soldiers outside. However, I promise for all the pain you have inflicted on me and on my people…you will all burn for it.” I made it to the door and Mr. Hammond retreated out the doors without a backwards glance.

“Mr. Hammond…make sure you lock the doors,” the stupid looking man gave a whimpered, “the…the doors?” Disgust in my face I yelled, “DO IT!” Mr. Hammond nodded his head and placed a large stick through the handles. “We…are just scaring them right? I mean, you’re not going to kill them for what Stephanie did?” Returning the pistol to its holster, I gave a soft, “I meant every word I said Mr. Hammond. You see war is a bloody thing and until my father and I find the Fuhrer or fi nd his heir you’re stuck taking orders from us. We must rebuild our Reich to its former glory and to do that people need to die. Who better then a bunch of half breed traitors and spooks?” Gazing stupidly up at me Mr. Hammond gave a weak, “but you got your revenge with Derek and Stephanie’s lives.” “Both their families must pay for this heinous act, that gold digging bitch getting pregnant by a darkie.” Mouth open Mr. Hammond added “but weren’t they engaged…I mean, they loved each other right?” I shook my head, “she didn’t love him. They were getting married because he knocked her up.” “Um…well how do you know that, maybe they were in love…maybe her parents were right?” I rested my hand on my pistol and felt a rage that I had not felt in a long time, “I’m sick of your love for the Zionist pigs and your spineless convictions! I thought the Hammerskins were for a Fourth Reich not a bunch of mutinous cowards! If you wanna take the side of a bunch of spooks and traitors be my guest! The Waffen-SS Werewolf takes only the strongest and I’m afraid I see weakness in you!”

Mr. Hammond shook his head, “no of course not but there are white people in there…” I glared at him and reluctantly Mr. Hammond nodded in agreement. I moved closer to him. “Good…then you be the one to burn it.” Mr. Hammond’s mouth seemed to have dropped a little more, “burn it…you mean the synagogue?” I straightened my gloves, “did I stutter Mr. Hammond? You do this and I can see if my dad can talk to Odessa to get you a silver ranked Infantry Assault Badge.” I retreated silently to the sheriff ’s car which sat in the middle of the field. Twelve officers were kneeling on the ground hands behind their backs as my storm troopers pointed their weapons at them. One yelled, “What took you so long son?” I marched up to the hostages, “Mr. Hammond is having second thoughts. He might need to be taken care of.” My father resembled me in many ways, except he was taller and older looking. His once youthful blonde hair now looked tired as his horse like face seemed to sag in sadness. He had been weathered and broken down from his years of war and prison.

I gazed around at our soldiers feeling a surge of pride. I saw fifteen of our most loyal members dressed in traditional black SS uniforms, four dressed in SS Brown Shirts. Brown Shirts were new recruits, “Which one of you brought the Molotov Cocktails I asked for?” Removing his pistol from the direction of a deputy my father moved towards me. “Are you doing what I think you’re doing Anton?” I glared up at him, there was a fire in my eyes and he retreated slightly. “For Operation Iron Sky dad,” I watched him shake his head, “no son, we can’t! We haven’t gotten our monthly payment from Odessa! All the rest of our soldiers are back at the compound and our numbers are still low. We can’t handle the retaliation! Besides we are so close to finding the heir, we can’t afford it yet!” A particularly fat soldier lowered his rifle, and moved to his old pick up truck that they had ridden here in. He pulled out a box and flipped open the top to expose three glass bottles filled with lighter fluid. “Good, I’m glad somebody in this group follows orders,” taking the glass bottles I strolled over to the church with Mr. Hammond at my heels. “Anton, I’m proud of you,” my father’s words made the night grow even colder.

“Mr. Hammond where are the rags that I gave you at the compound? Did you keep them like I asked?” Mr. Hammond gave a weak nod as he withdrew four handkerchiefs, “you’re…you’re not seriously going too…” “To do what,” I snarled snatching the handkerchiefs out of his hand. “I…I don’t want any part of this,” I pulled off the cork and stuck the handkerchiefs in each bottle. “MUTINY is it,” I shouted snatching his lighter from his right breast pocket. The front doors of the synagogue seemed to bulge as the trapped people were trying to break down the door.

Grabbing a bottle I lit the handkerchief, “I can’t let you do this Anton this is not what the Hammerskin Nation’s mission is…” “You aren’t a Hammerskin anymore you pledged your allegiance to the Waffen-SS Werewolf! So remain silent you sniveling little weasel! I will not tolerate betrayal! Our mission is to unite the German people, unite our allies and bring back the Third Reich, or become reborn in the Fourth Reich. This is a historical moment, a moment that the war begins! The time when we declare the Nazi surrender void. That true German patriots will never surrender their ideology. We’ll fight to take back what we believe, and the land that was stolen from us! The war was never over...AND YOU, you sniveling coward will learn the punishment for traitors!” Mr. Hammond grabbed my arm, “but these people are innocent, you got your revenge… Stephanie and Derek are dead!” “But Mr. Hammond they supported it, betrayed our race…what would happen if I hadn’t put a stop to it?”

Mr. Hammond actually looked fearful at me. I continued to growl “Interbreeding…letting that abomination live is not a crime against Germans or white’s, it’s a crime against humanity!” I recoiled my hand and threw the bottle as high as I could. It smashed onto the roof and set a portion to blaze wildly. Mr. Hammond stared in horror, “Now take care of those officers while I finish this.” Mr. Hammond took several steps back, “you want…to kill…police officers?” “YES, you blithering idiot tell my father to do it or I’ll shoot you for insubordination!” As the synagogue began to burn I realized that revenge was a dish best served in flames. The next bottle I threw I yelled “war is a bloody and violent act! We must purify the race and eliminate the traitors! We must wipe out their bloodlines completely and totally!” Before we left the rural synagogue we made sure Mr. Hammond would pay for his disloyalty and weakness. That night he paid with his life.


I heard the metal door slam as I raised my eyes from the newspaper that I was reading. I saw to my great pleasure that my visitor was somebody that I did want to see. I shook my head as I thought about the last visitors I had. The craziest women trying to contact me, some trying to fi nd the goodness in me, and some even desiring to marry me. I smiled when I remembered a dark skinned woman requesting time alone with me. I denied the visit of course. The man made his way towards me, and I could see that his smile did not match my own. He sat down opposite me and picked up the phone. An older man with snow white hair and a large bald spot in the middle. He straightened his red rimmed glasses and muttered, “Hello Anton my friend, how are you?”

“You’re my lawyer Jack you tell me how I am...been stuck in this can for far too long.” Placing his hands out in front of him, he seemed unable to speak. “Jack how long have I known you?” Straightening