Dead Watchers by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 25


(Bonus Chapter)


A double door slammed open as a man ran inside, “Dr. Kempiak?” He seemed panicked making his glasses falling askew. A beefy man sat staring into a microscope as he muttered, “yes Dr. Long?” The man was sweating profusely as he ran his hand through his black hair. “They, I mean, well, you know he’s here!” Removing his gaze from the microscope, “did you let him in?” Dr. Long nodded, “yeah I buzzed him up.” “Very good Dr. Long,” standing up slowly from his bar stool, Dr. Kempiak straightened his lab coat.

It only took mere moments before the double doors to the laboratory opened. In walked a man dressed in a suit that seemed woven from the finest material on Earth. T he man was much older with silver hair and wrinkled skin. His eyes were puff y and seemed tired, but he entered with a smile. “Dr. Kempiak,” he shook his hand and then shook Dr. Long’s hand, “you honor us with your presence Mr. Kasdan. What reason brings you out here so late?” “Well, Dr. Kempiak Dead Watcher funding keeps your laboratory running. I shouldn’t have to have a reason to stop by now, should I?” Shaking his head so that his blonde ponytail hit both shoulders, “no of course sir, I meant no disrespect. How was the hunt this year? When can I expect Creature X back in…” Holding up his hand Mr. Kasdan silenced Dr. Kempiak quickly, “that is the reason that I have come out here. This hunt actually proved to be the best we have had in over a decade.”

Mr. Kasdan paused for a moment leaving Dr. Kempiak and Dr. Long to glance at each other before he continued. “It seems that Creature X will not be returning to your holding facility.” “Oh,” said Dr. Kempiak with a little pause, “yes it seems that this group of candidates were able to kill Creature X.” Dr. Kempiak shook his head, “impossible Creature X always returns back to the regeneration station in the Chernobyl plant.” Mr. Kasdan gave a fi rm, “I assure you Creature X is finished…torn apart by those…things!” He sneered the last words as if they were disgusting to him. Dr. Kempiak and Dr. Long stared at each other again and then returned to Mr. Kasdan. “No, no, no, no that’s impossible the creature would fight them off. The sheer size of it alone would never allow them to overpower…” Shouting loudly at Dr. Long, “NOT WHEN THE CREATURE IS FLATTENED BY A ROOF CAVING IN,” both doctors grew silent.

The minutes dragged by as Mr. Kasdan’s red face seemed to slowly return back to its normal color. “So gentlemen obviously we need something new for the next hunt…that’s what brings me here.” Both doctors looked at each other again and then Dr. Kempiak shrugged, “I guess we might have something that could interest you.” Waving his hand at Mr. Kasdan, “come, come this way. This might help settle your concerns and make your club very happy.” Dr. Long grabbed Dr. Kempiak and whispered, “the creature is not ready yet…it’s unstable!” Gazing at Mr. Kasdan and then back at Dr. Long, “no more than Creature X…right this way Mr. Kasdan.” They walked down a hallway and then down a flight of stairs. “What is it you are showing me Dr. Kempiak,” stopping before a large red door reading, CAUTION. He turned to Mr. Kasdan, “I think it is better if I just show you.” He gave a reassuring smile and opened the door to a large room. Lights immediately sprung to life and a large glass enclosure stood before them.

Mr. Kasdan moved past the doctors as he stared at the enclosure in utter awe. “What...the…hell…is…that?” He turned to the left and noticed a row of cages. However he didn’t look twice at the animals locked in them. He gazed back at the glass enclosure. The creature raised its head and claws screeching loudly. It stretched its fingers revealing a thick mucus between them. Mr. Kasdan turned back to both the doctors, “what is it?” “It’s called a Werehyena. I think it is just the type of creature you need for your next hunt.”

The End?