Dead to the World - Sacrifice by A. K. Denic - HTML preview

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Chapter 8 - Kingdom Come

‘’Wake up, we have visitors’’ Alpha tried mentally waking Kane up as he was

still sleeping. It took him a few times as Kane was vast asleep. He resorted to

nudging him with his snout and finally got Kane up. There was a loud banging on the

door, persistent in tone. Kane’s head seemed like it would explode from all the noise.

‘’Stop the banging, i’m coming’’ Kane yelled and stood up, groggily. Janine

just woke as well and she looked at him questioningly. He just shrugged and stood

up, still naked, walked over to the door and unlocked it. Just outside stood a young

lady, scantily clad. She was just as tall as Kane was, slim and had a nice figure. Her

fiery red hair stood up in a plume and her strong make up added quite the touch.

‘’What… is… your… problem...’’ she said, prodding Kane with her finger each

time she said something. ‘’What is this i hear about you having found a wife?’’ she

yelled. Kane’s guts turned inside out at the sight of her. His previous few night

stander and she thought she had the right to berate him. Not waiting for Kane to do

anything, Janine stood up, still naked, her breasts bouncing up and down as she ran

toward the woman and got into her face.

‘’You have a problem with me being his wife?’’ she said menacingly. Kane just

stepped back, not wanting to get into the middle of it when the two women started

beating each other.

‘’The breasts. The waist. The face. The body, the poor girl started counting,

looking Janine over. She looked down and lost all her flare. ‘’Can i come in?’’ she


‘’If you had asked so, nicely from the start, we just might have’’ Janine replied,

still angry. ‘’Go home, we do not have any time for this’’ Janine added and slam the

door into the woman’s face, then stomped over to Kane who had moved a meter

away. She narrowed her eyes at him and looked him straight in the eyes. ‘’You got

anything going with someone beside me?’’ she demanded.

‘’No!’’ he blurted out, almost yelling. ‘’No’’ he said again, this time gentler. ‘’She

is just a girl i used to do it with when i was lonely, nothing else. You can hardly blame

me for that, can u?’’ Kane said. Janine just waved it off and went over to the bed,

taking her clothes off the floor, sniffing them and throwing them away again.

‘’U got any female clothing laying around?’’ she asked. He in fact had, and

was glad to give them to her.

‘’Yes i do, that closet over there’’ he said, pointing at a closet near the window.

‘’I won’t even ask why’’ she said, rolling her eyes. She walked over to the

closet and opened it. Her eyes went wide open as she saw all the beautiful dresses

hanging there. A certain dress caught her eye. A scarlet red, short sleeveless dress,

cut just above the knees, with a big cleavage, showing off her perfect breasts. As she

put the dress on, Kane was at a loss for words. It was as if the dress was made for

her personally. She looked like a flaming goddess.

‘’I like!’’ she said, excitedly. ‘’Finally a man with taste!’’

‘’Are you going to walk around like that without anything under it?’’ Kane


‘’You wish, lecher!’’ she said and stuck her tongue out. He just shook his head.

‘’I am way in over my head with this one’’ he thought.

Thanis just came over at that moment and greeted them.

‘’The women upstairs are all awake, when should i tell them to come down?’’

‘’Right now. It will be a bit cramped in here, but i have something to tell every

one of them’’ Kane said and sat down on the sofa. Janine sat next to him, her legs

wide apart, teasing him to take a look. ‘’You shouldn’t test me, or you might find

yourself in quite the predicament, young lady’’ Kane said, giving her a comical stare.

She just burst out in laughter, enjoying it.

One by one, the women and children started coming down the stairs and sit

around Kane and Janine, some on chairs, others on the floor. All of them had plain

dresses on, anything that was clothing basically. They did look a bit better after the

bathing they had last night and the food, but there was still work that needed to be

done on them before they could start living again. They might have a roof over their

head now, but the trauma’s and nightmares would stay for quite a while. When all of

them were seated and quiet Kane coughed and started talking.

‘’I won’t give you a long boring talk. Just the basics. Janine and myself have

made arrangements for you to stay here. I have given a large sum of money to the

guild master who will take care of you for now. This house will be expanded

manyfold, but it will take some time, so bare with it for now. You will have food

brought to you and some new clothing, furniture and so on. We are giving our house

to you to live in, not to demolish it or to try and usurp it. In the end, everything is ours,

so keep it in mind. But, as far as we care, you can use it until you get remarried,

move out to a boyfriend, die here. Anything. No one will force you out, nor will be

able to take this away from you as long as you live. After a while, you will have to

start working and provide for yourself, our budget is limited, but we have made sure

that you will have a comfortable life for the next year at least’’ he said and waited for

a response. One of the women stood up and came over to him, took his hands in

hers and kissed them.

‘’God bless you, mister Kane. None of us here will ever forget you nor your

loved ones who took good care of us. Most of us know Janine ever since she was

born, so we know that you have chosen yourself a fiery angel. She will take good

care of you, have no doubt. As for us, you gave us more than anyone by saving our

lives, now even this. We have no idea how to ever repay you. Also, we have been

talking last night, and decided that, if you would like, choose one of us present to be

your wife’s servant and one for yourself. No matter who you chose, they will obey as

we agreed on it, all of us’’ the woman said in a long breath. Kane and Janine just

looked at her, not knowing what to reply.

‘’Your offer is very generous, but, we do not want any servants. Feel free to

live your lives as you see fit’’ Kane said. The woman shook her head.

‘’That won’t do. Please make your choice, mister Kane. If there is a need, we

can undress ourselves so you can choose by the body, if you would like’’ she said,

lowering her gaze to the floor.

‘’This is getting out of hand, kind of’’ Kane said. ‘’No taking off clothes or my

darling would probably carve my eyes out. As for the serving, if Janine wants one of

you as a servant, maid or something, i will let her choose. But i do not need one, i

have her’’ he said and kissed his woman. She looked back at Kane, not sure how

she should take his words.

‘’Arlana’’ Janine said, as she looked at one of the girls just under her age,

sitting behind the woman in front of Kane. ‘’Would you like to come with me?’’ Janine

said and smiled, as gentle as she could. The girl, younger by maybe two years, stood

up and walked over to Janine, taking her hands and kissing them.

‘’God bless you, sister. I thought you would chose someone else, but didn’t

dare raise a protest’’ the girl said as she sat down in front of Janine.

‘’Alright, ladies’’ Kane said as he stood up. ‘’We will be off by day’s end. You

should all be more comfortable then. I am off to the guild house to see the progress

of our new mobile home’’ Kane added and walked out the door, Alpha on his trail.

‘’We really didn’t need another someone to protect during our travels’’ Alpha


‘’I know, but, it was hard to say no. They seemed to have thought about it all

night so, who was i to say no’’ Kane replied. ‘’Anyway, lets run over to the guild. I am

curious as to what they came up with’’ Kane said, getting into a run.

Kane and Alpha entered the guilds massive workshop to the right of the guild

house and stopped dead in their tracks. Seven people were adding what looked like

some finishing touches to a cart. It looked more like a mobile house than a cart. It

was five meters in height, six in length. The cart was being kept up by no less than

twelve dual wheels made from a metal alloy and rubber sewn around them. The cart

itself looked exquisite, carvings around small windows on both floors and even a

small balcony for some flower pots? Janine was going to die when she saw this.

‘’Kane, come ere’’ a voice yelled. When Kane turned around to see who it was,

he spotted Guido, the man from last night. Kane walked over to him and shook his


‘’A fine job you did, Guido. Maybe your finest yet’’ Kane said. Guildo nodded in


‘’When you have an unlimited budget, you can basically make anything.

Though, you will need a lot of horsepower to pull this’’ he added.

‘’No worries there, Guido’’ Kane replied. Even without saying it, Alpha knew

what Kane wanted and Alpha grew in size and strength, manyfold. Guido’s eyes

seemed like they were about to pop out of his eye sockets. ‘’Make a harness

according to his size and specifications. Make sure it is strong enough to pull the

mobile home. He has enough power to, so do not worry about that. Guido just shook

his head and threw his arms up.

‘’All right, i think i have seen it all now. Wolves, giant wolves, wolves that grow

to a whim, change shape, obey people. Blergh. Whatever, come back in an hour and

you can take this thing with you’’ Guido said.

‘’Alright, thanks. Also, make sure it is stocked with guild paper and utensils. I

have a feeling there will be a lot of writing done during our trip’’ Kane replied and

walked back out. Him and Alpha went on a stroll to greet some old acquaintances

and get groceries and some other stuff prepared. An hour later, a big cart pulled

items they bought up to the guild workshop and unloaded them next to the mobile

home. Kane loaded them along with the cart boy’s help into the unit and gave him a

gold coin as a tip, which the boy hid away in his trousers, immediately, bowing deeply

in thanks to Kane. The workers harnessed Alpha up and they slowly left the

workshop to pick up the rest of their party.

‘’What… is… that!?’ Janine asked, exhilarated as she was looking at the

mobile home. She was at a loss for words. So were Thanis and Arlana. As Kane

helped them load over their little things they had in the house, which they were

bringing with them, he noticed Gamma sitting atop the unit. He climbed up and saw

that there was a watch post, spacious enough for one person to sit for a while in

comfort. Atop of the watch post there was another watchpost, but this one for a bird.

Hawk had gone down a bit on his size and fit in, perfectly. He was trampling around

on the beams that were connecting the parts of the cage, excitedly. Kane shook his

head and smiled. Guido really thought of everything. That man deserves even more

than Kane payed him.

‘’Arlana, go say goodbye to your friends. Janine, you as well. We are leaving

immediately’’ Kane said as he had climbed back down. Alpha was annoyed and

growled constantly, being strapped up in the harness. ‘’Easy there brother’’ Kane

said as he tapped the now giant wolf on his back. Alpha just snorted and kept on

growling. Just in time Thanis, Janine and Arlana had come out, the whole group

spilling out of the house behind them. They in turn came up to Kane, bowed and

thanked him. It was a nice gesture of them and Kane smiled, genuinely, wishing them

luck in their new life.

Within a few more minutes the group had finally started moving, Beta keeping

Alpha company, while Gamma was snoring loudly inside of his little home. Kane was

sitting up front, on the makeshift balcony, Janine beside her, and Arlana just inside of

the doorway, keeping them company, getting acquainted with them for a while.

Thanis was enjoying himself in the outpost. It was done out of wood, the flooring,

beams, the walls, window frames. Only the windows, which made out about fifty

percent of the walls were made out of a composite glass mixture, imported from a far

away kingdom. It was very resilient and didn’t shatter easily. Thanis was at a height

of about six meter and had a great view. He had a little book in his hand, a pen in the

other, scribbling some kind of notes, or drawing. Kane couldn’t distinguish what, but

he seemed to enjoy himself.

The road out of Homitage was again the same as they had taken the last few

times in and out. The same guard captain, seeing Alpha and Beta, didn’t even bother

coming out of the guards house, just waved them good luck and farewell. Kane

laughed and shook his head. The foolish guard captain. He would be the first to die if

someone attacked the city. It barely had any soldiers, maybe some hundred

maximum, the guards making up sixty of them, forty patrolling the streets of

Homitage. Now, a good hour out, instead of going on west from Homitage, they had

to take the road leading south, which they did. Their destination was Kravnja. They

didn’t plan to set themselves up inside of the castle, but somewhere just outside of it,

at the outskirts, an hour ride to be close enough, but far enough to spot danger.

A few days passed and nothing noteworthy happened, to their luck. They

weren’t feeling up for any fighting at the moment, just relaxation and traveling. Arlana

and Janine were laying up on the roof sunbathing. Janine was stark naked, as usual,

but Arlana had on some makeshift panties, but was topless. Kane hadn’t seen her

naked, and Janine felt like keeping it, but from what Kane had seen, she was as

endowed as Janine, maybe even more. Some naughty thoughts went through his

mind when Alpha yelled

‘’Janine, Kane is having naughty thoughts!’’ and snorted, which was an

equivalent to laughing for him.

‘’What?!’’ Kane yelled back. ‘’I am not! Liar!’’

‘’Sure is!’’ Alpha yelled again.

‘’Alpha! Stop saying such things!’’ Kane added. The two women on top of the

roof were chuckling.

‘’Honey?’’ Janine yelled then. Kane looked up instinctively and both Janine

and Arlana appeared, bending over the railing. Kane coughed and almost choked,

dropping his face as to not see any more of what was up.

‘’Babe? Are you and Arlana trying to kill me?’’ he said, still coughing.

‘’No. Come on, look up. I am alright with it’’ she said. Kane hesitated and as

she yelled again he looked up.

‘’Are you into kinky stuff, babe?’’ Kane asked.

‘’You wish, lecher’’ Arlana yelled. ‘’No touch, only watch’’ she said and laughed

together with Janine.

‘’Anyway, honey, what do you think who has the better breasts of us two?’’

Janine asked. Alpha fell to his knees and was laughing hard, Beta doing the same.

They basically knew what he had to respond, but also knew as they had looked up,

who the bigger breasts had, and all knew Kane loved size more than anything.

‘’Babe, can i kill myself instead of answering?’’ Kane asked, looking up again,

seeing past Arlana’s cloth wrapped over her womanhood. Blood dripped out of his

nose and suddenly it was as if a dam had burst open and he fainted. Some minutes

later, and some laughter later Kane came to himself, lying in a puddle of his own

blood, Janine sitting atop of him, still naked, her breasts an inch away from Kane’s

face. ‘’You trying to kill me?’’ he said, narrowing his eyes on her breasts, instead of

her eyes.

‘’Sorry honey’’ Janine said. ‘’I was trying out a spell. If you thought anything

more of her breasts than mine, or if you watched at her you know what, you would

have a nosebleed. I think i overdid it a bit, you losing this much wasn’t planned’’ she

said and laughed. At that moment, Arlana walked up to them, also still naked, but for

her cloth, which at this angle didn’t hide much, or, rather nothing at all. ‘’It’s fine,

honey. You can watch as much as you want, as she said, but u just can’t touch. She

and me, ever since we were teenagers, liked to bathe together, walk around naked,

shared some intimate moments. If you don’t mind her walking around like i am, i

would be thankful. She would as well. Thanis, well, he would have to get used to it’’

she said and laughed again.

‘’Can i touch? Maybe later?’’ Kane asked, a wide smile on his face.

‘’I wouldn’t mind, Arlana said’’ looking over at Janine.

‘’Hoe!’’ Janine said, in a sarcastic way. ‘’You think i would share this with

you?’’ she asked and replied ‘’Maybe, one day if i have enough of him’’ she added

and laughed again.

‘’Food is ready!’’ Thanis yelled and came out of the kitchen onto the balcony,

gasped and turned around. ‘’Will you two put on some clothes, please!’’ he added.

‘’Have you no respect for the young?!’’. They all laughed and helped Kane up and

walked into the kitchen, still naked.

Two more days went by without before the first issues rose up. Kane and

Janine were sitting in the observatory, a bit cramped up, reading from the guild

masters grimoire. One a page were written some warnings that a witch had to bond

to someone before she became twenty five of age or she would lose all her powers.

Janine was luckily a few years off, but the bonding ceremony was a bit hardcore.

Bleed in a cup, mix it with blood of your loved one and drink half, each. Afterwards a

life must be taken, the same night as the ceremony, in a ritual. Both would have to

have a part in the killing, and the sacrifice must be a virgin, boy or girl, between

eighteen and twenty years of age. The were disgusted and stopped reading for a

while, not wanting to do it, but subconsciously knowing they had to. That night ended

with the reading session and the next morning already, the castle of Kravnja was in

sight, or rather, city of Kravnja, depending on how you called it.

Some kilometre ahead, Gamma saw an inn at a crossroad, south leading

towards the castle, maybe an hour ride on horse, a few minutes ride to the west the


‘’Seems we found our perfect spot’’ Janine said, as she heard Gamma’s


‘’Huh?’’ Kane asked. ‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’Up ahead is what looks like an abandoned inn, next to a crossroad that leads

to castle Kravnja, which is about an hour ride on horseback, Gamma just reported’’

Janine replied. Kane nodded his head and jumped out of the cart, ordering Alpha to

stop just ahead the bend, a hundred meters away from the inn.