Dead to the World - Sacrifice by A. K. Denic - HTML preview

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Chapter 10 - The Summons

‘’Say’’ Janine said curiously, ‘’I haven’t seen this scar here before’’ she said

as she traced her finger over the scar Kane had gotten stabbing himself. He was

silent, not wanting to worry her about that days happenings.

‘’Nothing for you to worry about, baby’’ He said, assuring her as much as he

could. Ever since that day, he could sense people’s moods and thoughts. Not read

them, but sense in the way of feelings, and hers were distrustful at the moment.

A week had passed since then, but the pain was still there, just that little scar,

it hurt like the moment the blade stabbed his stomach. She saw his uneasiness so

she withdrew her hand and turned her head slightly.

‘’I don’t know what happened, but, i want you to know, that you can talk to me.

You know that right?’’ she said and smiled gently, cupping Kane’s face with her

hands. ‘’You know that i love you over everything else, right? Please give me the

trust i deserve. Until you can talk about it, i will be waiting for you to tell me’’ she said

and kissed Kane on his lips and leaned on him.

‘’How are the restaurations going?’’ he asked to change the topic. She sat up

next to him and the covers fell off her breasts, revealing something he worshipped as

much as her character. He grinned and she punched him in his chest.

‘’Not now, u maniac’’ she said and then uncovered everything. He started

feeling uneasy for some reason. Well, the reason probably being because Arlana

was laying next to them in bed, naked as well.

‘’How the hell did it come to be like this’’ he muttered to himself. She just

looked up at him and then dismissed his ramblings.

‘’Thanis went to the castle with Anya and found some carpenters. They have

been working almost around the clock. The upper floor will be done within a day at

most, our haven. Thanis any Anya have claimed the mobile home for themselves

until their new wing has been done. They each didn’t want much, just half a floor for

themselves, so we are expanding towards the stables. The ground floor will be done

tomorrow, then we move there and into the third floor once that is done, so they can

redo the middle floor. Tomorrow they will finish the stairway and the corridor. Then

they will have to start doing the exterior we talked about, from start to finish. And yes,

it will be as we discussed, regarding the ground floor. A corridor that leads to a big

dayroom, a massive table on the middle, benches around three sides and the

fireplace opposite the table. That room will lead to the kitchen which will be as

massive, with a higher table and a u-turn bench around it etc etc etc yes, yes, i

remember. Do not worry so much. I want it to be as good as possible as well, you

know’’ she said and smiled that gentle smile at Kane. It made him smelt every time

he looked at her. Somehow, he couldn’t get enough of her. No matter how many

times he took her, no matter how many times he saw her, he just kept wanting her

more and more. Maybe it was because she’s a witch, and she had something natural

about her appeal, but still, it felt somehow unnatural to him. The power that kept

drawing him in bit by bit, until all he could do was worship her. He snapped out of it

momentarily and went back to the topic.

‘’Right, of course you do. Anyway, how did Anya take everything?’’ Kane


‘’Hmm, well, she is fine now i guess. All she does is spend time with Thanis,

mostly behind closed doors.’’

‘’Doing what you and me do every night’’ Kane added and laughed.

‘’Hush. I dont think so, well, not all time time, at least. Anyway, when you and

Alpha came back, and told her the guys were dead, and went out with a lot of pain,

she first cried for a while, then she laughed and said that was the best thing that

happened to her in her whole life. I guess she’s getting over it. She’s probably one of

those types that keeps everything inside, and then bursts when it’s too much to


‘’All right, i’m glad to hear. Say, would you like to go out tomorrow with me?’’

Kane said. She blushed and looked away shyly.

‘’Are you serious?’’ she asked, still looking away.

‘’Of course i am baby. All that has been going on the last weeks is death and

escaping death and what not. We haven’t really taken any time for ourselves. Go out,

have food at a local tavern, see the castle. Maybe see what kind of job i could take

on. See if we could find any more old tomes?’’ Kane said intriguingly. ‘’Speaking of

which, how are your studies going?’’

‘’Sure thing love’’ she said and pushed him down on the bed, laying atop of

him. ‘’Regarding the studies, i am making a lot of progress. I can even summon

fireballs now, add some interesting things on top of Beta and Gamma, summon them

some armour and stuff. It is really interesting. Arlana is taking most of the chores on

her so i can do what i am doing’’ she said.

‘’Speaking of which, when will i be able to do some nasty things to her’’ he

asked, in a whisper.

‘’I heard that’’ she said, sitting up straight next to Janine, Caressing her neck

and long arms with the tip of her fingers. Kane stirred a little and tried to look away.

The girls burst out in laughter, enjoying the teasing act they pulled on him constantly.

‘’One of these days i will just take you both by force if i snap. Don’t say i didn’t

warn you’’ he said and went to sleep.

They woke up the next morning pretty early, a beautiful dawn. The sound of

birds chirping was filling Kane’s ears, horses nickering and a dog barking. The sound

of home, the sound of family, the sound of a place where you belong. Janine was

laying next to him, her head on his arm, snoring softly, barely noticeable. He

caressed her from her neck down, slowly tracing her curves. She started moving

around in reflex and opened her eyes when he got to the goal. She smiled at Kane

and jumped right on top of him, just for a tease.

Suddenly the door crashed open revealing an Anya and Thanis who were out

of breath. As they rushed into the room, seeing their bare bodies, Janine moving on

top of Kane, Thanis closed his eyes and turned around, Anya staring at them, mouth

wide open. Then she turned around as well and ran out of the room.

‘’There are some knights downstairs waiting on you, Kane. Also, please, the

next time when you are doing things with my sister, please have a cover,

somewhere, so i don’t have to carve out my own eyes when i see her still moving on

top of you, in front of us. Damn it, you two are disgusting, how can you still go at it

every damn moment of the day!’’ he yelled out in one breath and rushed down as


‘’Wonder why knights would be visiting here. We did nothing to attract

attention, did we?’’ Kane asked, pushed janine off and planted her on the bed, next

to him. ‘’We will go at it again after i’m done down stairs, all right?’’

‘’You going downstairs facing a group of knights with your thing pointing up at

the sky? What, you plan to sword fight them with it?’’ she laughed and stroked

herself, whilst laying on the bed.

‘’No, i plan to take you with me, so theres two naked people down stairs, not

just one’’ Kane said and turned towards her again, moving to her and picking her up,

still naked, in his arms and running towards the door again before she could protest.

They were down in a few quick strides, passing a heavy breathing Anya and a

comforting Thanis. Seeing them run around naked, Anya finally fainted and Thanis

yelled something after then, not bothering to listen at it. A few more strides and they

were at the ground floor, still holding Janine in his arms. Kane put her down next to

him and walked towards the door and opened it. There was a group of approximately

two dozen knights on horseback, armed to the teeth and a heavily decorated one in

front of them, standing beside his own horse.

‘’Turn around!’’ the big male next to the horse barked at the group. As in

unison, the group turned their horses around and so their gaze, taking it away from a

naked Kane and Janine, standing next to each other at the doorway. The man was

very tall, about seven feet, almost a giant, in comparison to Kane. Wide shouldered

and bulky, two big swords connected to his black gleaming armor on either side of

him. The helmets visor was up, revealing two big eyes, staring directly at Kane, a big

nose and a coal black mustache. A crimson red cape was adorning his back and a

big red plume of feathers on top of his helmet. He sure looked important compared to

the others, who had just jet black armors on, no capes and no plumes. Long spears

in their hands and a sword each on their backs. Their horses were a bit smaller and

brown, compared to the big black mare of the leader, probably a captain. Kane

walked out of the house with Janine just behind him, she stopped behind Kane’s

back putting her arms around his chest, her head only visible to one side.

‘’Good day to you sir’’ the man said. ‘’I am captain Walfrid of the kingsguard’’

he said and bowed his head slightly, the plume dangling from his helmet. ‘’The king

personally ordered me here to give you this invitation’’ he said and walked over

towards Kane, an envelope in his hand. He stopped right in front of him, his eyes

never leaving Kane. He gave him the envelope and took two steps back. Janine

looked at him and said loudly ‘boo’ taking the man aback, he looked at her. ‘’Why in

God’s name, what kind of infidels are you lot? You are naked, have no courtesy

towards the position i occupy, and then even fool around!’’ he yelled, going towards

his sword.

Instantly, a thousand small blades appeared all around him and in front of the

two naked people, positioning a wall of swirling blades between the captain and

them. He stepped back immediately, drawing his swords. The other soldiers

immediately dropped to the ground coming to their captains aid.

‘’I wouldn’t recommend you do anything you will regret later on. Especially try

something stupid as attacking me, or my beloved here’’ Kane said as he looked up

after reading the letter. Walfrid was furious, his face red.

‘’No one told me you were a forger!’’ he snapped at Kane under his breath.

‘’O, does that frighten you?’’ Kane said and smiled. To demonstrate his power,

he put out his hand, palm facing walfrid, closing my hand into a fist, slowly. The

blades were moving ever closer towards him, until he was cocooned into an

impenetrable wall of blades. One of the soldiers was foolish enough to think he could

do something and tried to rush Kane. He just snapped his hand towards him and half

of the cocoon enveloped him, shredding his armor into tiny pieces, many of the

blades drawing blood. The wounds were just superficial though, nothing life

threatening. Walfrid just put up his hand and the soldiers lowered their weapons and

moved back two paces. Walfrid did the same, so Kane unsummoned the blades.

They disappeared as fast as they had appeared.

‘’You should think twice before you insult my man here’’ Janine said loudly and

winked at Walfrid.

‘’Hush woman. Let us see what is written on the paper‘’ Kane said as he was

taking out the piece of paper from the envelope.

‘’Sir Kane,

Hereby you are invited to a royal audience with his Majesty at your earliest



Sir August’’

‘’This is it? An invitation to see his royal majesty? Why the hell would i even

bother going?’’ The whole group was dumbfounded, mouths wide open, staring at

Kane in disbelief. ‘’Captain walfrid? Are you al right?’’

‘’Yes sir, i am. Thank you for asking’’ he said hurriedly, gathering his


‘’Tell your king i will be there once i fuck my woman until she is unconscious’’

Kane said and laughed as hard as he could, earning himself a slap from behind.

‘’Just joking, we will be there sometimes during the day. My woman and i already

planned to visit the castle sometimes today. How long do we need on horseback?’’

Kane asked, feigning ignorance.

‘’You will need about thirty minutes by horse via the main road. Just cross that

bridge’’ he said pointing towards a bridge we passed earlier that week,’’and keep

following the main road. We will take our leave now, sir Kane’’ he said, bowed and

turned around. His men followed his action and did the same. Janine and Kane

turned around towards the inn and started walking, when a strange sound could be

heard. It sounded like the flapping of wings, huge wings.

‘’You have got to be shitting me’’ Kane said and dropped his head in disbelief,

knowing what had just arrived. A huge, no, a humongous Avirus had found them. He

looked up slowly towards the sky and it was there, staring down at him with its

hundreds of eyes. ‘’Janine, run towards the inn!’’ Kane said as he ran towards the

clearing opposite their new home. He did not want it to get ruined by a damn Avirus.

Luckily for him, he was fast, especially in the nude. Nothing to hinder his movements.

The soldiers just stood there, looking up at the monster, not knowing what to do, so

Kane decided for them.

‘’Protect my woman at all cost! Even if it costs you your life! If she dies, and

you survive, i will kill you personally!’’ he yelled at them as he was running away from

them, drawing the Avirus away towards the clearing up ahead. ‘’Al, where are you?’’

Kane called for him telepathically.

‘’Coming back from lunch with Gamma and Beta. Why, do you need

something?’’ he said calmly.

‘’Yes no shit big guy. Theres a huge avirus flying above my head!’’ Kane


‘’On our way, we will be there in a few minutes’’.

‘’Alright, i will make do’’ Kane replied as he arrived at the small clearing. The

avirus just kept hovering above them, following him with its gaze. Kane didn’t really

know how to fight one, as it was a flying type, which were pretty rare, and

exceptionally deadly.

‘’Egeryon? Are you here?’’.

‘’Of course i am. What do you want?’’ he said angrily, as if being interrupted.

‘’I don’t know if you have noticed, but, there is a huge avirus floating above our

head’’Kane said sarcastically..

‘’Oh, that. Yes i did. Why?’’ he said casually, as if it were the most normal

thing in the world, to have a huge avirus floating above you. ‘’It was for me. I was a

God among monsters. Until those wicked beings called your parents did this to me’’

Egeryon added, reading Kane’s thought

‘’To us. I don’t really like you that much either. Anyway, do you have any


‘’Hmm. Not really. I just used to bite them in half’’ he said and stopped, as if

thinking. ‘’Well, there is something though. That is if you do not mind some risky

maneuvers’’ he said and laughed.

‘’Whatever. Just tell me what as it is getting ready to attack!’’

It unfurled its wings, getting ready to dive. ‘’Any time now, E!’’ Kane yelled

angrily. Suddenly a huge blade appeared in front of him, at least three meter long.

One of its edges was blunt as pavement, but the other one was as sharp as a razor.

It was love on first sight, as he lifted the sword in his hands. It was as light as paper,

to his relief. He tensed his muscles, planted feet firmly to the grovel and jumped off

as hard as he could, launching himself through the air like an arrow, an arrow with a

pretty big blade. Only a short second later and they clashed already, Kane slashed at

its head while he was passing, the avirus deflecting his blows with its sharp metal tail,

which consisted of three separate long blades. The moment of their clash lasted very

short and Kane shot past him, the avirus stopping just a few meters under him and

spun around in the air, lifting up towards him again. Unfortunately for Kane, he had

pushed off to hard, he flew up into the air higher than he had wanted. Still, this was

the first time he used the new trick which Egeryon had provided him, so he was

satisfied. He began slowing down and at the upper highest spot he turned around

towards the ground, just as the avirus was coming up for him, he summoned his tiny

blades, a few hundred of them, instantly and separating them into groups of ten, he

made a wall out of the tiny blades in front of him.. The few moments of preparations

passed and he started dropping again to clash with the avirus an instant later.

It’s tail blades kept deflecting Kane’s blade, trying to pry past his defenses for

a piercing blow, but the small blades were wreaking havoc all around the avirus,

rending at its flesh, pieces of skin, meat and blood pouring everywhere. The blades

were too weak to do any major damage, but it gave Kane the opening he needed. He

slashed down as the avirus had withdrawn its tail and hit it square on its beak,

cleaving part of its head right off. His preservation instinct and the will to survive was

even stronger than Kane’s it seemed, as at the moment of cleaving, it whirled around

and went past Kane. As he was falling, he saw a familiar battlegroup waiting for him.

At the last moment Alpha caught Kane on his back and threw him off immediately.

He felt like a nuisance at that moment, but it didn’t matter as much as killing the

avirus. He would have to talk to Alpha about it later, when they were alone.

‘’Stay back’’ Alpha barked. ‘’This one is ours’’ he said. Kane could hear the lust

in his voice, the lust for battle, the lust to prove himself. Alpha soul forged

immediately, so Kane withdrew towards the inn to get some clothes on. Beta and

Gamma immediately went into battle form as well as Kane passed them and they ran

towards the avirus. Beta had become like a warbeast, after transformation he had

metal armor on, spikes at the shoulders and a long horn atop of his head, metal

claws a meter in diameter with thick, sharp edges. Gamma had also drastically

changed, his whole body turning to metal, razorsharp wings and big talons, only

smaller by twenty centimeters than Beta’s. His head was protected by armour what

looked like a war helmet. It was rather funny to see them, so sharply changed in

comparison to Alpha, who had just become bigger and stronger, though his soulforge

looked similar to Beta. He looked like a war-wolf, which the northern tribes used a

long time ago. Metal armor on his back, stomach and shoulders, neck and head. His

paws were exactly the same like Beta’s, just a magnitude bigger. He looked like a

wolf from hell, and he seemed to enjoy every bit of it. His soulforge towered over the

inn and tensed, bracing for the avirus impact, which was just a few meters away from

him. The avirus crashed into alpha within a second, which alpha used to drag the

avirus to the ground, taking away its advantage in the air. He jumped on top of the

avirus and pressed him down with his weight.

Beta just jumped on top of the avirus’s head, biting and clawing at it, trying to

decapitate the monster, when a second one appeared out of nowhere, same size as

the first one. Gamma crashed into the second avirus, bringing it to the ground as

well. Beta jumped over, deciding Alpha had everything under control with his avirus.

Beta’s much smaller body than Alphas soulforge had a hard time trying to keep the

monster down, so it shook Beta off, who had been ripping into his neck and clinging

onto him. Gamma had finished his circle around them after hitting the avirus out of

the sky and came swooping down on it again, crashing into its back, almost piercing

it. Gamma’s head looked like an arrow, and he embedded himself inside of the

monster, spreading his wings under pressure, ripping the meat apart. Gamma took

the opportunity and again jumped on top of the neck, biting into it. Chunks of meat

were flying again and an unsuspecting Beta got slammed by the other avirus’s tail,

cutting deep into his skin. A slightly different angle and he might have been cut in

two, leaving Gamma to fend for himself alone.

Alpha, seeing his avirus hit Beta, pushed himself off the avirus with his front

legs, slamming into it a moment later, his front claws extended. He dug deep into the

monster, going straight through it and getting stuck inside of the dirt below. As he

was trying to rip out his claws from within the monster, its tail, with a much weaker

force, slammed home into his soulforge, digging in deep. Alpha howled and

shuddered, falling on top of the monster. Alphas corporeal body started bleeding, not

as heavily as the soulforge, but something was obviously different than last time. He

had taken physical damage as well as mental. He pushed himself up again and

roared into the sky, a deafening thunder in everyone’s ears. His teeth sank into the

avirus’s neck and a few movements later, he ripped off its head, throwing it aside,

The other avirus, seeing its mate lying dead at Alpha’s feet, screeched a high

pitched voice, announcing its rage. It managed to shrug off Beta and Gamma from its

body, by turning around on the ground and it jumped into the air, flying away quickly.

Suddenly, it turned around to attack and it dropped towards Alpha, full speed. Alpha

jumped upwards, grabbing the avirus with his two massive paws, ripping at the

avirus’s wings, tearing away feathers, meat and bone. The avirus beak, snapped at

Alpha’s head, missing the head but connecting to the neck, biting a chunk out of it.

Alpha howled and headbutted the avirus as they were descending rapidly towards

the ground, crashing momentarily to the ground. Alpha luckily managed to get on top

of the avirus a split second before connecting to the ground, the avirus taking on the

brunt of the crash. Bones could be heard breaking throughout its body, as alpha was

massive and heavy, this time in an even more physical state than not. Alpha

relentlessly renewed his attack and cut away at the avirus body with his massive

claws, chunks of meat and skin flying everywhere, one almost hitting the group of

soldiers as it landed a meter beside them.

‘’Watch where you throw chunks to, u idiot! You could have hit Janine!’’ Kane

yelled angr