Dead to the World - Sacrifice by A. K. Denic - HTML preview

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Chapter 13 - Plans

Time couldn’t pass fast enough for them to get to the district building to rest

and wash themselves. They had to set up things at the alley and then could they go

home, rest for the next ten days and see what has been done by then. As soon as

they had set out they already arrived at the alley manor. Gabriel was patiently waiting

outside, and two rows of ten soldiers each were waiting behind him, in formation, in

battle gear. A smile appeared on Kane’s face and he felt proud and happy at the

same time.

‘’At ease’’ Kane said loudly. The group’s tension faded slightly and they started


‘’My lord, what happened?’’ Gabriel said as he saw both Kane and Alpha,

clotted in blood from head to toe and the fair maiden he was dragging behind him.

Gabriel’s eyes narrowed on Kane, as if demanding an explanation. Kane had felt it

and stared the man down, which wasn’t as hard to do. Gabriel dropped his gaze to

the ground and awaited for a response.

‘’Men, i am glad that you chose to come here. Stand at ease. You will be

brought something to drink and eat as soon as possible. Gabriel, follow me inside’’

Kane said and walked towards the door, dragging Rasiela behind him.

‘’What is with the lady, sir?’’ he asked.

‘’Long story. We will talk about it later. All you need to know is, she is

dangerous, so keep your distance’’ Kane said and walked into the manor. From the

outside it was just a large brick building, no decoration whatsoever. But from the

inside, it was another story. Golden chandeliers, golden picture frames, golden pots

and what not were all over the main room. A large table with a lot of seats around it,

on the other side a big fireplace and chimney, made out of marble. The room was

separated with half a wall and at the other side there was some kind of kitchen. Kane

walked over and saw food being prepared, probably for them. What the hell was it

with these royals and showing off wealth. Kane got sick to his stomach. All of this had

to go, the gold and the luxuries will be distributed to the poor people.

‘’Is the woman there already?’’ Kane asked Gabriel, who was standing behind


‘’Yes sir, she is. Please just go through that door’’ he said pointing to the far

end of the room. Above the room was a head of a monster, a small greptodont. How

ugly, Kane thought as he proceeded into the room. The room was lavishly furnished.

A big, oval polished cherry table was in the middle of the room, ending in a square at

the far end where an expensive looking chair was standing. Around the round part

there were six other chairs, similarly in design. Large gold framed paintings adorned

the walls and expensive looking curtains the far window. This had to go, as soon as

possible as well, except the big table, which would be useful. The other things he

noticed beside all of the riches, was a young woman, sitting near the far end of the

table. She stood up hurriedly and walked towards them.

‘’Sir, this is Kayla’’ Gabriel said as he introduced her to Kane. ‘’Kayla, this is sir

Kane. The man i told you about’’ She held her hand out which Kane took and kissed

it, getting a groan from Rasiela and a chuckle from Alpha. Kayla bowed deep,

showing off her immense cleavage.

‘’Nice to meet you, Kayla’’ It must have startled her as her mouth was open

for a few moments, no a sound coming out of it.

‘’Why yes, sir Kane. The pleasure is all mine’’ she said with a pleasant smile.

The young woman was absolutely stunning. Kane had a hard time focusing on her

eyes, or generally the last days. Janine at home, his sister behind him or this dark

skinned beauty. She had dark, long and curly hair, just beneath her shoulders. Heavy

mascara traces were all over her face, intricate patterns on her right cheek. The

oriental look she gave off was just loveable. The necklace she wore had a large gem

in its middle, which ended just above her breasts. She noticed he was looking at

them so she squeezed them a little with her arms, making them bounce slightly. It

was all Kane could do to hold himself together. If he did something to this poor

woman, Janine would fry him and then feed him to a monster. She had a long dark

red dress on, which hid more than it revealed so he took comfort in the fact that all he

could see was just a small part of her, telling himself it wasn’t enough to get him

aroused. Somehow he managed himself to look at her face again, and at her dark

brown eyes. It was as if they were soaking him in, a pure gaze of lust.

‘’Sir?’’ Gabriel said as he broke the silence and the awkward moment.

‘’Gabriel, please take a seat next to miss Kayla. Rasiela, you come sit with me,

please’’ Kane said as he turned around and walked towards the other side of the

table. They all sat down and just at that moment the servants came in, bringing food

and drinks. The group waited until the servants were outside to continue the


‘’So, Kayla, i will cut right to the point. I am rich, i am strong beyond measure

and i just saved the king’s life half an hour ago. My plan is to take over the kingdom,

peacefully, as to opposed to other factions’’ at which moment Kane’s eyes traced

over Rasiela. She flinched at his gaze and dropped her gaze to the table. Gabriel and

Kayla didn’t seem to notice, which was just fine as well. ‘’What i want to do, firstly, is

restore the alley to a resemblance of a healthy environment. I want to see to it that

the people can earn for a living, that they have enough food, shelter, health care,

clothes on their back. All i have seen so far in here is death, corruption and poverty. It

has to change, and it has to change rapidly’’ Kane said firmly. ‘’I am willing to invest

my personal gold, as well as whatever the district manor has available to get the

district up on its feet in the fastest way possible’’

Kane waited for a response, and he had to wait quite a while. She was staring

at him, mouth wide open, looking confused.

‘’Are you serious?’’ she blurted out. ‘’Why in the seven hells would you do

that? The people of the alley are nothing more than mere ants compared to you. You

stand to gain nothing by helping us?’’ she said bewildered. ‘’Please, tell me why?

What motives have you, for helping us?’’

‘’What motives you say?’’ Kane asked earnestly. ‘’None other then the

following. It is all i can do but to fall into despair and darkness. I have lost a part of

my soul, to probably never get it back. The bad part was left inside of me, whilst the

good was torn out of me. I need this, if for nothing else, then for myself. Redemption

often comes at a high price, and i think this is mine. At least for now, as for later, who

knows what the future will bring’’

‘’Death and nothing else’’ Rasiela murmured.

‘’Hush, sister dear. Dont scare the pretty lady by saying unwanted things’’

Again, if looks could kill. Women sure knew how to stare men to submission. Luckily

for Kane, he was beyond normal, so he withstood it to a certain degree. Kayla just

gave her a strange, wondering look.

‘’Anyway, Kayla. First organize yourself. Get a group of trusted people to work

with you, but not too many. Move into the manor. The left wing will be used to house

your guards, the men outside. They are under my payroll, so do not get any strange

ideas. If everything goes well, within a few weeks this should be thriving. Sell all the

expensive things from the manor to help fund our project. Donate to the public

kitchens, to doctors to take care of patients for free who can’t pay and so on. I do not

have to explain everything, as i heard you were doing a lot of these things by

yourself. But now, you have someone standing behind your actions. I will be back

within ten days to check on the progress. I will take Gabriel with me and the rest of

the guards will protect you and the manor’’ Suddenly Alpha yawned and groaned,

drawing everyone’s attention.

‘’What?’’ he said with a i don’t give a damn attitude. It provoked a chuckle in

Kane and he had to laugh, the rest of the group laughing with him.

‘’Nothing my brother, nothing at all. You hungry? Here, dig in’’ Kane said as he

took the largest steak from the big plate in front of them and threw it his way. He

caught it in mid air, chewing it violently. ‘’You want more?’’

‘’No thanks. I don’t need much food, this was enough for now’’ he said and laid

down on the floor, dozing off.

‘’What is up with that dog of yours?’’ Rasiela asked. Kane gave her an angry


‘’Thad dog, as you phrased, is my brother. You should do well not to insult

him. And drop that attitude of yours Rasiela, or i will send your head back to our

parents!’’ Kane yelled. Her mouth dropped wide open, her expression that of real


‘’Nice move loverboy’’ Egeryon said. ‘’You put the fear of God into Uheryon. Of

course, my mental image i projected into their mind helped a bit, as well’’ he said and


‘’Sometimes you are actually useful’’ Kane said and winked at him, leaving his

presence behind.

‘’Now, go outside with Gabriel and stay there until i am outside as well’’ Kane

said. They both stood up and left the room. Alpha got the meaning as well and joined

them. Kayla didnt seem to understand and she shot him questioning look.

‘’Something the matter, Kayla?’’ Kane asked and smiled very eerily.

‘’Why are we alone if the meeting has finished, my lord?’’ she asked, almost

afraid, as if knowing what is coming. Kane looked her over slowly until she figured

out what he wanted. Slowly she took the top of her dress and pulled it up to her neck,

as if hiding herself.

‘’Please do not do this. You just said yourself that you seek redemption,

please do not cause me pain’’ she said almost crying. Kane was in turmoil. He

wanted her so badly but he did not know how to proceed. If Janine found out, she

would kick his ass, but, if he didn’t have this woman, he would cut himself until he

died, or something like that.

‘’Would you give yourself to me willingly?’’ Kane asked calmly, even though he

was in a turmoil. He didn’t know what was happening inside of him. Something was

jerking and twisting and rending at his gut, as if needing her touch to heal him. He

looked into her eyes, they were trembling. It looked more like anticipation than fear to

him, but what did he know.

‘’If… i have to. If not… please spare me. I am barely twenty two. And still a

virgin!’’ she yelled out suddenly.

‘’What would you do for the alley to become a nice place to live again?’’ She

looked up at Kane, angrily, but with a fierce determination in her eyes. She stood up

and walked towards him, taking her dress off as she walked, slowly. The dress fell

down her ankles and she got out of it, with intent. At that moment, Kane knew he

would regret this day. Unless Janine forgave him, if she found out, which seemed

highly unlikely. Kane tried shaking her out of his thoughts at that moment and

succeeded, somehow. The last bit of undergarments were dropping to the floor as

Kayla reached him and went through her knees.

A good hour later they were laying on the table, naked, exhausted, sweaty.

She layed on her side, her head on his chest, breathing heavily. She aroused him as

much as Janine did, and he was afraid how this was going to work out. She must

have felt his thoughts, or his emotions, somehow and turned away from him.

Suddenly the door burst open and Gabriel came barging in.

‘’Sir, the wolf and the lady are going at it. I am afraid something will happen

unless you do something quick!’’ he almost yelled out. Kane just gave in at that

moment, lost his patience and ran out naked, without even putting anything on. he

ran up to them and stopped a meter in front of them.

‘’This better had have a good reason, as i was having the time of my life in

there’’ he barked, angrily. ‘’Who started this and why!’’

‘’I can clearly see you were enjoying yourself, idiot. Janine will gut you when

she finds out’’ Alpha said.

‘’Al, i am not in the mood. Why are you two going at it’’ Kane said with

clenched teeth. Al looked at him and sighed.

‘’This woman said that she will grill me like a pig and make you watch as she

violates Anya and Janine, sitting on Thanis’s gutted corpse’’ he said, angrily. Kane

didn’t even bother asking if it was true, as he knew she was perfectly capable of

doing it, given the chance. He just glared at her furiously, summoning a storm of

blades, even bigger as usual. There were thousands, floating all around them, every

one glowing with a violent red colour. Her eyes went big and her mouth dropped

open, fear apparent in her face. Kane made the blades float even closer to her,

spinning. The thousands of blades almost drew her in like a vacuum, but not quite,

just grazing her skin, drawing blood. He could feel Uheryon trying to neutralize the

force the blades exerted over her, but it seemed he was a lot weaker and she had far

less control over his power.

Kane just smirked and dispelled the blades. She fell through her knees to the

ground and a small puddle formed under her. She just looked away, hiding her face

in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. At that moment Kayla came running out, barely

clothed. She clung to Kane’s arm and looked at him, afraid and confused at the same


‘’What… happened?’’ she asked softly.

‘’I taught my sister a lesson she won’t forget so easily. Please, do me a favour

and take her inside. You can wash up with her together and give her some clothes,

please. I will pay for the expenses’’

She looked at him as if he just insulted her, glared at him and turned around

towards Rasiela, walked over, helped her stand up and escorted her inside. Kane

walked over to Alpha and patted him on his back, getting a growl back.

‘’Men’’ Kane yelled, turning towards the two dozen me. ‘’Showing mercy to one

weaker than yourself is a noble gesture. Showing mercy to someone stronger than

yourself is a stupid gesture. They will return the favour by gutting you like a pig, or

sometimes, eating you. Do not show mercy to a monster, it will show you none. Show

mercy to those who you are to protect. All of you here, excluding Gabriel, will be

guarding the alley manor and miss Kayla, with your lifes of course. You will train

every day to exhaustion, you will build strength, stamina, endurance. In ten days we

will be back and i will test you as a group. Learn to work together, and be disciplined.

Choose someone amongst yourself who you respect the most, and who ever it turns

out to be, they will be leading you from then on. You will be sleeping in the west wing.

Kayla will organise some carpenters to rearrange the west wing to a living space

suited for you’’ Kane said and turned around, walking towards the manor entrance.

He stopped, turning around again.

‘’Any questions?’’

‘’Sir, no sir!’’ the group said in unison. Kane smiled inwardly. Somehow he

knew this bunch would turn out alright. He turned towards the door again and went

in, asked a maid where the bathing room was and let her lead him inside. Unknown

to her, to their surprise, both Kayla and Rasiela were inside, naked, their front turned

towards Kane as he had entered. They both turned red within a mere second, Kayla

probably of embarrassment and Rasiela out of anger. Kane acted like it was the most

normal thing to do and just entered, naked as well. The room was well lit and

spacious, giving enough room for half a dozen of people to clean themselves at

once. It was all done in marble slabs with a drain at the middle of the room, which

was only available to the richest of people. Six big basins were arrayed at the sides

of the walls, full of steaming water and a bigger pool in the middle, enough for

multiple people to sit in. Kane walked over to a basin and sat in it, imagining all kinds

of scenes in his head after seeing the two of them just now. He sensed them turning

around and going back to their business, as if nothing happened. The only difference

was, the chatter died out.

‘’We leave in twenty minutes, be sure to finish by then and get dressed’’ Kane

said to no one in particular, whilst pouring hot water over his body. He sighed deeply,

he just couldn’t help it.

‘’It doesn’t have to be this way, sister. I can really protect you. There is no

equal to me in this whole kingdom. Not that it is big in particular, but, you know what i

mean. I have managed to master my demons powers, to a certain degree, and there

is no one who can even come close to me. With you by my side, sister, we could

move mountains. I will help you get control over Uheryon and teach you how to draw

on his power. We will own the whole world one day together. Not like our parents

wanted, through fear and death, but through respect and love’’.

‘’That is the problem. I do not wish to rule anything. I just want to be left in

peace and live my own life!’’ she yelled and turned to Kane, storming over. ‘’Look me

in the eyes, brother, and tell me you can give me that!’’ she yelled again. The pain in

her voice obvious. Maybe he had misinterpreted her.

‘’I can’’ he said calmly. ‘’If you let me and you stay by my side, i will give you

what you desire. I have longed for nothing more in this wretched existence, than for

family. I found a woman who loves me and now i have a sister i didn’t know existed.

Let me make it work, please’’ Kane said, looking her into her eyes. She just burst out

in tears, embracing Kane and putting her head in his neck, sobbing.

‘’And what about me?’’ Kayla asked, standing with her arms crossed, facing

us. ‘’Am i just an in between your wife?’’ she asked angrily.

‘’Umm, can we talk about that another time? Pretty please?’’ Kane begged


‘’So you are going to leave me like this, do me and drop me until i am

needed?’’ she asked viciously. A few long moments passed and then she burst out

laughing. ‘’Just kidding, loverboy. I will be here when you return. You will take me as

your second wife and we all will be happy, right?’’ she said staring holes in Kane’s

eyes. Women, they are worse than any demon or monster. They can kill with words.

‘’Umm, if Janine doesn’t kill me, i will see what we can do, all right?’’ he said

sheepishly. ‘’Now let us finish and get dressed. We are needed elsewhere’’ Rasiela

moved off him and walked over to Kayla, sitting down where she had been sitting

earlier. Kayla walked over to her and helped her finish so Kane did the same.

Half an hour later they were on the road again, this time riding two fine horses

from the manor stables and Alpha running beside them. Not much was said, except

some light talk. Rasiela was still afraid of Kane he guessed and he didn’t want to

push it, not yet at least. They rode slower than he did whilst alone on Alpha, but it

was more pleasant. The landscape was magnificent. Grassland all around them,

trees planted along the chiseled road, plants and flowers growing all around them.

Birds chirping, wild animals roaming around, even monster herds. Well, herds of non

dangerous monsters. They were more aching to cattle, hunted for meat and their

hides which made good winter clothing.

‘’So pretty’’ she said. ‘’I have never seen such beauty and had the time to

appreciate. Kane just looked at her, amazed how calm she seemed to be. The

scenes that played out earlier must have helped. The red dress that Kayla had

picked out for her was gracing her in particular and he saw her in a whole new light.

What bathing and new clothes can do for a woman.

‘’Yes it is, and i have found countless opportunities to appreciate it. The good

and the bad. I prefer the bad but, the good is also nice’’ Kane said and laughed out.

A smile appeared on her face, a small one, but bigger than anything until now. The

rest of the trip proceeded with light chatter and groans and moans from Alpha, who

was annoyed with the slow pace, so he kept running in circles around them. In about

two hours ride, they arrived at the inn only to be shocked. As they pulled up closer,

they could make out that Janine was facing off a monster, with the help of…

something. A pitch black golem was fighting a regnolak, and Janine was hurling

fireballs from her palms. Too stunned Kane could just stare and do nothing. The

regnolak was just a few meters in height, standing on four feet. It had a long spiked

tail and a head near its back. The frontal legs were covered in what it looked like

armour and stumps at the end, used to crush opponents. The back part was just

covered in dense fur, and was aflame after all of the fireballs.

Alpha didn’t find it as amusing and rushed into the fray to help Janine out. In

mid air he summoned his soul forge which crashed down on the regnolak, sending it

sprawling to the ground. He ripped at the meaty parts, neglecting the flames and the

stench. At that moment Beta and Gamma came rushing in, but the regnolak was like

a mountain, and it was hard to do anything to it, beside hit it and be damaged in

return. Janine yelled for them to let her be and do it her own way, so the trio backed


The black golem propelled itself off the ground, jumping up a few meters into

the air, but just enough to land on the regnolak, bringing it down with its massive

weight. The golem kept punching the regnolak into the soil, with every hit of its

massive, black stone fists, the regnolak’s body was bashed in, organs crushed inside

of him and as the golem had landed on top of it, it got off and sat on it, grabbing its

head with its massive hands. Three times twisting and prodding and he ripped off the

regnolak’s head, throwing it towards where Kane was standing.

On mere instinct, Kane’s thousand blades summoned around him, flew into

the head, shredding it to pieces. Every single drop was absorbed by egeryon, not

even a drop spilling. Gabriel’s and Rasiela’s mouths were open wide, eyes big.
