Dead to the World - Sacrifice by A. K. Denic - HTML preview

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Chapter 15 - The banquet

As the group entered the outer walls, they saw people roaming the streets,

which were more or less decorated and tidied. Not too much but it was way more

pleasant than the corpses at the alley their first time around. The people even looked

happy, as much as one can be in their situation. After a good few minutes inside of

the alley, a small group of soldiers walked over to them. There Kane recognized

Walfrid who stood at attention after approaching him.

‘’Sir Kane, it is good to see you. I shall keep the pleasantries for later, please

follow us towards the palace’’ he said and turned around, to escort them towards the

palace. The alley looked far better than it had. There was colour on the houses,

works in progress, carpenters on the roofs, masons, architects, normal labour force.

The works were proceeding nicely. Soon they passed next to one of the doctors

clinics, and it was painted in a clean white, a big cross nailed at the outside saying

‘’free for all’’. Next to it was a big public kitchen. Last time it was closed, and now it

was painted a nice green colour, benches outside, people eating and chatting. ‘’She

did a wonderful job’’ Kane thought to himself.

‘’Not just yourself, but for us both, darling’’ Janine said, bending over outside

of the carriage.

‘’Right, darling. For us both, i forgot you can read my thoughts now’’ Kane

answered. She tapped him on his shoulder and sat next to him. The people all

around them were starting to notice their approach and the noise dropped to low

murmurs and bewildered glances and shouts.

‘’Long live sir Kane!’’ one lone man shouted, standing in front of the public

kitchen, holding two babies in two of his arms. It brought a smile on his face, knowing

he was responsible for this man’s happiness, even though it was just recent. More

and more people started shouting compliments and soon a crowd appeared around

their small carriage, a score of residents of the alley. Walfrid was just about to try and

disperse the crowd, but luckily for him he looked at Kane first before doing anything.

He just motioned for him to be silent and wait, then stood up and addressed the

growing crowd.

‘’Citizens of Kravnja, citizens of the Alley, i greet you. My name is Kane, and i

am the one who you think i am. I am the one who killed the snake and took over this

district, called ‘the alley’.’’

‘’No you are not, i am the one who killed him’’ Alpha barked and got up beside

him, growing almost to his full size, but went on two feet and towered over Kane,

menacingly. The crowd got nervous, but didn’t move.

‘’Right, my companion here is the one who ate him, to be specific, but lets not

dwell over details. The thing is, from that day onwards, your lives were destined to

become better than they were. The alley will become a place where all of you will

enjoy to live, work and die when you get old. Me, my wife and my companions will

make sure of that.. Also, i came bearing gifts. Every person who has less than a gold

piece to his name, come to the manor within a five days of time. Miss kayla will be

giving you something to get you started. Also, within the same five days of time, an

office will be set up where you can register any profession you may have, and we will

try and get you a job. For now, this is it. I have a meeting with the king, so me and my

companions have to leave you for now. Until we meet again’’ Kane said and waved,

then sat down and started the carriage again.

‘’Oh my, you could pass for a snake, or a lesser politician, my love’’ Janine

teased. ‘’But beside the point, you really did sound… convincing. I would almost

believe you myself if i was one of them’’ she said and chuckled. The sound of her

chuckle was mesmerizing. Kane turned around and hit her butt with his palm for her

comment, then kissed her.

‘’Don’t make me get back inside again, woman, or i will eat you’’ he dared her.

‘’What if i want to be eaten?’’ she replied, lustfully.

‘’O stop it already, you make me sick, the both of you!’’ Rasiela barked from

behind them. Can you think of anything else than making out, doing something nasty

or whatever for a damn second?’’

‘’Not really. You should try it more yourself, you might change opinions very

easily’’ Kane threw back.

Her face went beet red and she looked away, Gabriel did the same. Were they

a nice couple, Kane thought to himself. Half an hour later they arrived at the king’s

palace. There were colourful decorations displayed everywhere and there was loud

music playing from the courtyard. They stopped and got out of the carriage and were

taken away by a group of attendants to get freshened up and changed into clothing

arranged by the king. Everyone bathed in separate baths, male and female. Alpha

was bathing with Kane and Gabriel, in a big pool. He was in his puppy form and was

enjoying the bathing more than anyone.

‘’What kind of person is the king?’’ Gabe asked.

‘’Hmm, i wouldn’t really know. I’ve talked to him only for a few moments. All i

could think about back then was how to get Rasiela out of the situation alive. Lucky

for me i am pretty strong, so i can intimidate people easily, beside my other half here

soaking his fur in the pool’’ kane said and pointed towards Alpha who just shrugged.

‘’Do you think we will be given a private audience?’’

‘’Sure, why not. I saved his life and his kingdom. More or less anything i say

would probably be accepted, or anything i asked for. We will see later, when the

banquet and formalities are over with’’

Afterwards Kane and Gabe got dressed in fine clothes. There was something

prepared for Alpha as well. Gabriel and Kane were dressed in black linen pants and

a loose black shirt adorned with white embroidery of a phoenix and black leather

shoes and a red hat. They were given decorative weapons to accent the look they

were adorned with. Alpha had some kind of battle armour made out of a strange

alloy of metal, which was too light to have any practical use. It was purely decorative,

and he looked like a knight on four legs. He kept nagging how he was uncomfortable

with it on his back.

Over at the women’s bathroom, Janine and Rasiela were fooling around and

talking for a while longer than the men. Finally, when they had finished, they got their

dresses. Janine had a red silken gown on, almost glued to her body, which fell down

to the ground, flowing behind her and a white laced scarf. Rasiela had the same

combination but the dress was blue and the scarf black. They were absolutely

stunning. Their bodies seemed to be born to fit into the dresses and it showed just

enough to entice anyone, but not to reveal too much. After getting clothed they were

escorted towards the courtyard where the music stopped upon their arrival. Everyone

present stood up, and that was quite the number of people. The courtyard was

square and large. Everywhere around the walls were tables, shaped in a letter U

adorned with food, drinks and decorations. Men and women clothed in expensive

clothing were standing from both sides, awaiting the king’s speech upon the guest’s

arrival. In the middle of the large area was a group of musicians, now resting and a

second group of women scantily clad, probably dancers. At the end where the U had

no wall, there was a big table where the king and queen were seated, along with

Kayla on the opposite far side of the table. Four seats were empty just across the

king and queen, where their group was escorted to and left standing. King Crimson

raised a glass filled with a dark red liquid, probably wine and addressed the crowd.

‘’Ten days ago, this man singlehandedly rescued me from a group of

assassins brought here to end my life, and that of many people here present today.

What all of you do not know, is that there was a group working behind the curtains to

control this kingdom.

After hearing his words, there was a large number of gasps and murmurs. The

crowd present must have been deaf and blind not to notice it sooner.

‘’I, being old and foolish, let them to close, i let them control me to easily and

too late was it that i found out what was going on. Once i did, it was already far too

late to do anything about it. The only reason why we are holding this dinner of

celebration today is to celebrate this kingdom anew and this young man and his

companions’’. His gaze was intent and he stared at Rasiela for some time before

moving on.

‘’Therefore, i have decided to make this man a Duke, here, today, in front of

everyone present. From this day onward, sir Kane will be known as Duke Kane of

house Crimson’’

The crowd burst out as an angry mob and started yelling all kinds of things

ranging from how can a kid be named your successor to treachery. Alpha sensed

what Kane wanted and walked towards the middle of the area summoning his soul

forge and an instant later, there was a five meter tall wolf looming above everyone

present. The crowd got silent instantly, as if someone had muted them all.

‘’Please, my dear friends, let me finish. I do not wish for anyone to get hurt

here today. Let me finish to the end and you will understand why i am doing this’’

The old king took a sip of of his dark red liquid, his throat dry of the shouting

and went on.

‘’This young man is our only hope. The only hope to save this kingdom. Two

days ago, we got a message from our scouts that castle Krafne had fallen. An army

of combined Kefir and Verba soldiers has taken the castle after a week of siege.

They are reinforcing it as we speak. Our army of roughly thirty thousand soldiers can

not withstand theirs. The first scout reports say that the combined troop amount that

had besieged them was near to fifty thousand each. That number doesn’t include the

reinforcements that is coming in every day, and has every day since then. One of the

scouts even swears he has seen a row of monsters walking next to the soldiers. We

would be swept away within a day by this army’’

The king stopped for effect, letting the news sink in. The crowd started talking

amongst themselves, but not too loudly as to not to miss a single word the king had

to say.

‘’Now, one of the requirements i am putting upon the new Duke of house

Crimson is this. Save the kingdom. Defeat the enemy army or route them and retake

castle Krafne. If you succeed, the naming will be put in paper and no one will be able

to argue that the kingdom owes its existence to you, my dear boy’’ he said and

finished, finally drinking the wine from the cup in one gulp. The crowd roared in

approval and cheers were reverberating all around the courtyard. Long live the king,

long live the duke. A sly smile appeared on Kane’s face and he raised his glass and

drank it as well. The music started up again and the pretty ladies started dancing.

King Crimson sat down and motioned for the rest to join him, so they did.

‘’Quite the task you have put on me, King Crimson’’ Kane said laughing. The

king just nodded and raised his glass again. Kane just smiled and shook his head.

‘’Anyway, my king, please let me introduce my companions. To my right is my unwed

wife to be Janine. She is a sorcerer and is almost on par with me. To my left are my

Sister Rasiela, which you already know and Gabriel, my most trusted friend. As for

behind me, you already had the pleasure of meeting my other half’’

‘’Quite the rowdy bunch it seems. I trust there will be no more attempts on my

life, from anyone present at least, Kane?’’ the king asked seriously.

‘’Of course not, my king. What has happened can not be changed, but what

will happen can. She will lay down her life if need be for this kingdom, and so will any

of us present here’’ Kane added. ‘’But let’s be honest. We are not doing it for you or

for the leeches you have invited today to this banquet’’ Kane said. The king didn’t

seem taken aback by the words, as if expecting them.

‘’I know, and i do not care honestly. My life was over the moment the

assassins tried to kill me. Everything since then is a gift, and will be until i die. I can

never repay you for what you have done, but for what you will do, you will be

rewarded a kingdom you are defending. If you succeed, everything is yours, and i

think that is motivation enough’’ the king replied.

‘’Neither am i doing it for the reward. All i care about is doing good, i think. I

need to keep my humanity, good king. If i lose, not only will this kingdom fall, but the

whole world. I am trying to keep the power i possess in check, but if i were to die or

to lose the little of goodness i have in me, my second wouldn’t mind unleashing it

onto this world’’ Kane replied.

‘’I know all about it, Kane. Remember when i called you my grandson?’’

‘’Yes i do’’ Kane replied. ‘’What of it?’’

‘’You really are my grandson. Your mother was my daughter, but she ran away

when she was a teen. She was obsessed with the occult and death. I tried to force

her to stop practicing, but when she met your father, everything took a turn for the

worse. I tried to have him thrown out of Kravnje, but he waited for her outside, in

hiding. They took off and were lost until a few years back, when your sister arrived at

the castle, playing me like the old fool i was. Within a month of her arrival she bent

everyone to her will. I tried to do something about it, but she showed me what she

would do to me and everyone else if i tried something again by killing the previous

guard captain. I lost faith until i heard of a rumour. A young man had taken over an

inn just outside of Kravnje and was renovating it. I sent Walfrid to check it out and it

really turned out to be you. You have your mother’s face, and i knew the moment you

had stepped in that it was you. It was a gamble but i was willing to go for it. I thank

the Gods every night that they sent you back to your roots’’ the old king said and

burst out into tears, taking Kane’s hands and kissing them. Kane was taken aback

and didn’t move, not wanting to ruin the moment.

‘’Let us retreat to the strategy room, my King’’ Kane said softly. ‘’We can talk

more there’’

‘’We will, my grandson, but first, you need to meet some people’’ he said and

stood up, motioning Kane to stand as well. They walked over to a table where a

group of men were seating. Three places were emptied as the king, Kane and

Gabriel walked over.

‘’From left to right are Kralbi, Kreiger, Lefnar, Heklin and Ralfon. Kralbi is the

magistrate to Districts one through five, Kreiger six through eight, Lefnar nine and

ten, Heklin eleven and Ralfon for twelve. You are the magistrate of thirteen, but, if

you manage to do what you have been tasked with, you will be their lord’’ the king

said as he introduced the men to him. Kane nodded at all the men and greeted them.

‘’Nice to meet you all. This here is Gabriel, my trusted friend and ally. He will

be going with me to subdue the attackers and is my brother in law as well’’ Kane

said, introducing Gabriel to the group. They sat and drank some wine that was

already put in front of them.

‘’I have one thing to say to all of you, before you speak up. As i have heard,

the alley is a byproduct of nobody caring about the people there. That will change, in

fact, it already has. I have personally invested a fortune to bring the alley up to a

decent standard. I expect every single one of you, from tomorrow morning dawn, to

send food, medicine, building supplies, clothing and so on to the alley. Miss Kayla

will be the person you will address it to, she will be staying at the district manor’’

Kane said in one fluent motion. The group of men looked at each other and started


‘’We will what?’’ Kreiger asked. ‘’Surely, you must be joking. We are the

wealthiest and most influential men in the kingdom. You think we will bow to you just

because you are a Crimson now?’’ the man said. Kane just laughed hard, drawing


‘’Eclipse’’ he yelled, putting one hand up, palm extended towards the sky. A

countless number of small assassin's blades appeared above him, infinitely

multiplying themselves above his hand. Within mere moments, the sky grew dark and

they were dining in shade. The whole courtyard grew silent, people frightened and


‘’I… Am… God!’’ Kane yelled, his voice amplified multifold. The five men

shivered and stuttered. Kreiger was trying to speak, but it was as if he had lost the

ability to. Kane withdrew his fingers into a fist, only one finger out which he pointed at

Kreiger. Momentarily thousands of blades stabbed into the poor man, shredding him

into thousands of little pieces. Luckily for him, his agony was short lived.

‘’Is there anyone else present today, here, at this banquet, that puts

themselves above the needs of the kingdom, above the people who are suffering,

above the people who are hungry, sick, homeless!’’ Kane yelled, angrily.

The faces of everyone present were a grimase of disgust and displeasure.

They had forgotten already what happened a moment before the proclamation. When

their wealth and wellbeing was on the line, rich people can get over anything.

‘’If anyone here doesn’t agree with me, you have until i return to pack your

belongings and leave. After i return, if anyone here present has a wealth larger than

fifty gold pieces, they will lose their heads. I am of house Crimson, and i lay down the

law. If you don’t like it, get the hell out of my kingdom’’ Kane yelled as he stood up,

knocking his chair over. The thud of the chair hitting the floor brought everyone back

to the present, it seemed. ‘’Gentlemen, we will be expecting those supplies by

tomorrow noon. You can share mister Kreiger’s districts amongst yourselves. I do not

care how you split them up, just do so and follow my advice. Can i count on you?’’

Kane asked, with a hint of sarcasm. The four men nodded their heads over and over


‘’Very well, i would hate to kill more people tonight’’ Kane said as he sat down

again. ‘’King, i think we are done here. Should we retreat to the strategy room to

discuss the issues at hand?’’

Walfrid helped the king get up and escorted him into the palace. Kane and his

group followed them inside and a while later everyone was seated in the strategy

room. A number of attendants followed in hurriedly, bringing drinks and food, even a

roast pig for Alpha. Upon seeing it, he licked his face in a strange motion, getting a

chuckle from the whole group in return.

‘’What? I’m allowed to enjoy a meal, am i not?’’ he said and dug right in with

his fangs and went to the corner of the room, sitting behind Kane. The room was

square but large. A big round table was in the middle of the room with twelve chairs

all around it. Two sides of the table had indents and Kane and the King were sitting

on the opposite sides, facing each other. Walfrid sat to the king’s left and queen

Crimson sat to his right, more a moral support than anything else. To Kane’s right sat

Janine and to his left Rasiela and Gabriel.

‘’My Duke, how are we going to save our kingdom?’’ Walfrid asked Kane.

‘’It’s quite easy. Us five will march to castle Krafne and retake it, one way or

the other. I would prefer to just ask someone to duel me for the castle, but i doubt

they have anyone that dumb. But we will see’’ Kane replied and went silent, as if

waiting for someone to ask another question.

‘’Do you need our soldiers to march with you, my duke?’’ Walfrid asked again.

‘’Not really. I myself am more than enough. With Janine, Gabriel and Rasiela

with me, i can’t imagine of someone being able to stand up to us. What i do want

from you, get your soldiers drilling. I want a disciplined force, not a ragtag group of

ruffians. Get them to practice strategy and teamwork. When i am back, a lot of things

are going to change, my friend’’

‘’Can i at least come with you, my lord’’ walfrid asked again, almost pleadingly

this time.

‘’If you insist. Hmm, i got an idea just now. You will handpick a score of your

most trusted and best trained soldiers. They will accompany us and see what we are

capable of. After we retake the castle, twenty five thousand soldiers will march to

castle Krafne and set up camp. They will start building a miniature city just for

soldiers on our side of castle Krafne. They will be trained by someone i will

designate. Only adept soldiers will be kept in the army, the rest will be sent home or

wherever they want to go. I hope the army will be brought down to five thousand or

so, the rest can go be farmers or whatever. I guess too much money goes to army

expenses anyway’’

Everyone in the room nodded and the king had a satisfying smile on his face.

The meeting lasted for a little while longer and then the group separated into three

little groups, chatting. Janine was talking to queen Crimson, Kane with king Crimson,

while Rasiela and Gabriel were talking with Walfrid.

‘’Madam queen, please tell me more about Kane’s parents’’ Janine asked the


‘’My dear, what a fine little lady his mother used to be. She was loving, caring

and gentle, until one day when one of her pets died, a wolf, very similar to the one

traveling with you. She started practicing the occult without our knowledge until she

met a young man, Kane’s father who taught her how to resurrect the dead or at least,

their souls. Afterwards everything started going downhill. She became bitter, angry,

spiteful. Then one day, she ran away while we were visiting family. Ever since i have

known one day she would come to take our lives. She tried through our

granddaughter, and i have no idea how Kane managed to change her so rapidly.

That young woman is the spitting image of her mother. Manipulative, egocentric and

what not. I only hope she doesn’t do anything to harm Kane or yourself. You two

seem like a wonderful couple and wonderful rulers, one day of course’’ the old queen

said and smiled warmly.